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2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习课件:选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ③He got well­prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk ________ (lose) the good opportunity. 他对面试作了充分的准备,因为他不想冒失去这一次好机会的危险。 答案:①take more risks ②at the risk of ③losing

  5.ban vt. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令;谴责 归纳拓展 a ban on sth.关于某事的禁令 ban(doing)sth.禁止/取消(做)某事 ban sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事

  ③Our headmaster ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, which made us delighted.

  我们的校长宣布了禁止在学校吸烟的禁令,这让我们很高兴。 ④The students want to know ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 学生想知道他们是否被禁止在河里游泳。

  答案:①to ban the illegal organizations ②has decided to ban smoking in public places across the country ③declared a ban on smoking in our school ④whether they are banned from swimming in the river 1.due to由于;归功于 归纳拓展 due adj. 预期的;预定的;(欠款等)到期的 be due to do sth.定于某时做某事 ②The old man said the accident was due to careless driving, so a lot of money was due to ________ ________ (pay) by the driver. 老人说事故是由于粗心驾驶引起的,因此司机应支付很多钱给他。 ③Any money that ________ ________ ________ you will be paid before the end of the month. 欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。 答案:①due to safety ②be paid ③is due to

  2.in spite of不管;不顾 归纳拓展 despite不管;不顾 regardless of不管;不顾 although/though 虽然;尽管 答案:①In spite of the heavy rain ②in spite of her glasses ③In spite of all her efforts

  3.get into陷入;染上;进入;从事 归纳拓展 get into the habit of ... 养成……习惯 get into trouble惹上麻烦;陷入困境 get into one's head 有某种想法 get into debt负债累累 答案:①gets into the habit of ②get into trouble ③got into debt ④gets into his head 1.... and now you are finding it difficult to give it up. 现在你发现很难把它戒掉。 该句中的it为形式宾语,代替to give it up。 归纳拓展 it作形式宾语常用于下列句型中: find/think/make/feel/consider it +adj./n.(for sb.)to do sth./doing sth./that ...  第一部分 选修六  路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 人教版 · 高考总复习 Unit 3 A healthy life

  选修六 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.__________ n.& vt.滥用;虐待 2.__________ adj.到期的;欠款的 3.__________ adj.困难的;坚硬的 4.__________ vt.使习惯于 →____________ adj.习惯了的 5.__________ n.效果 →____________ adj.有效的;起作用的

  abuse due tough accustom accustomed effect effective 6.__________ adj.笨拙的;局促不安的 →____________ adv.笨拙地 7.__________ vt.禁止;取缔 n.禁令 →(同义词)__________ vt.禁止 8.__________ adj.畸形的;异常的 →(反义词)__________ adj.正常的 9.__________ adj.不合法的;违法的 →(反义词)__________ adj.合法的 10.__________ n.流产;中途失败 →____________ vt.使流产;使终止 vi.流产;夭折 awkward awkwardly ban

  prohibit abnormal

  normal illegal

  legal abortion abort 11.__________ adj.感到羞愧或耻辱的 →____________ vt.使丢脸;使羞愧 n.羞耻;羞愧 12.__________ n.幸存;生存 →____________ vt.& vi.幸存;生还 →____________ n.幸存者;生还者 13.__________ adj.绝望的;拼命的 →____________ adv.拼命地;绝望地 →____________ n.绝望 14.__________ adj.自动的;无意识的 →____________ adv.自动地;无意识地 →____________n.自动化 ashamed shame survival survive survivor desperate desperately despair automatic automatically automation 15.__________ adj.失望的;沮丧的 →____________ vt.使失望 →______________ adj.令人失望的 →______________ n.失望 16.__________ adj.上了瘾的;入了迷的 →____________ vt.使上瘾;使沉溺 n.瘾君子 →____________ n.上瘾;癖好 17.__________ vt.加强;巩固 vi.变强 →____________ n.力量;力气;长处 →____________ adj.强壮的;坚强的 disappointed disappoint disappointing disappointment addicted addict addiction

  strengthen strength strong 18.__________ adj.精神的;智力的 →____________ adv.精神上;智力上 →____________ n.心智;心态;精神 19.__________ n.压力;重音 vt.加压力于;使紧张 →____________ adj.有压力的;令人紧张的 →____________ adj.紧张的;感到有压力的 20.__________ adj.尴尬的;难堪的 →______________ vt.使尴尬;使难堪 →______________ adj.令人尴尬的;令人窘迫的 →_______________ n.难堪;窘迫 mental mentally mentality stress stressful stressed embarrassed embarrass embarrassing embarrassment B.归类巧记 1.“禁止与允许”家族 ①禁止:ban, forbid, prohibit ②允许:allow, permit 2.各年龄段的人 ①婴儿:baby/infant ②小孩:kid/child ③青少年:youth/teenager/adolescent/youngster/juvenile ④成人:adult ⑤中年人:a middle­aged person ⑥老年人:senior citizen/the elderly/the aged Ⅱ.高频短语 1.由于…… ________________________ 2.对……上瘾 ________________________ 3.习惯于…… ________________________ 4.对……做出决定 ________________________ 5.想要(做)…… ________________________ 6.不顾;不管 ________________________ 7.冒险 ________________________ 8.陷入;染上(坏习惯) ________________________ 9.处境危险;遭受危险 ________________________ due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on feel like doing in spite of take risks (a risk) get into at risk 10.为……感到羞耻 ________________________ 11.紧张;饱受压力的 ________________________ 12.禁止某人做某事 ________________________ 13.采取有效措施 ________________________ 14.喘不过气来;上气不接下气______________________ 15.对……感到失望 ________________________ 16.反对…… ________________________ 17.盼望;期待 ________________________ 18.把……奉献给/用于…… ________________________ 19.伤害;损伤 ________________________ 20.提醒某人某事 ________________________ be ashamed of be stressed out ban sb.from doing sth. take effective measures

  out of breath be disappointed with/about object to look forward to devote...to... do damage to remind sb.of sth.

  Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.Neither ________ I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non­smokers. 我更不知道我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟的人的健康。 2.I also noticed that I became ________(breath)quickly and ________ I wasn't enjoying sport as much. 我还注意到我很快就跑得上气不接下气,也不如以前那样喜爱运动了。

  3.Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago ________ now you are finding ________ difficult to give it up. 你妈妈告诉我,你不久前开始吸烟了,而且现在很难把它戒掉。 4.Every time you feel like smoking ________ cigarette, remind ________ that... 每当你想要吸烟时,你就要提醒自己……

  5.It is only when the disease ________(progress)to AIDS ________ a person begins to look sick. 只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。 答案:1.did 2.breathless; that 3.and; it 4.a; yourself 5. has progressed; that Ⅳ.语法过关 it的用法(1) 用it的不同句法功能完成下列句子,体会it的用法。 1.________________to advertise cigarettes in this country. 在这个国家做烟草广告是违法的。 2.________________crying over spilt milk. 牛奶已泼,哭也无用。 3.________________some young people think they look attractive when they smoke. 一些青年人似乎认为他们抽烟时看上去吸引人。

  4.________________for you to take pills to control your blood pressure. 医生认为你吃些药来控制你的血压是必要的。 5.______________ charming day today.Let's go fishing;______________a short distance,after all. 今天天气很好,让我们去钓鱼吧,毕竟,距离很近。 答案:1.It is illegal 2.It is no use 3.It seems that 4.The doctor thinks it necessary 5.It is a;it is Ⅴ.语篇填空 By the way, did you know that this is because you become ①________(addict) in three different ways? First, you can become physically addicted ②________ nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes ③________(accustom) to having nicotine in it. So ④________ the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember feeling bad­tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit.

  As you know, ⑤________ you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do ⑥________ automatically. Lastly, you can become ⑦________ (mental) addicted. I believed I was ⑧________(happy) and more relaxed after having ⑨________ cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. But I ⑩________ finally manage.

  答案:①addicted ②to ③accustomed ④when ⑤if ⑥it ⑦mentally ⑧happier ⑨a ⑩did 考点探究演练 1.quit vt. 停止或放弃做某事;离开 归纳拓展 quit doing sth.停止/放弃做某事 quit school退学 quit office离职

  辨析 abandon/desert/leave/quit 词汇 用法 abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,如遗弃家人,放弃一个项目或计划 desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守) leave 普通用词,指舍弃某事或某一职业或终止同某人的关系,但不涉及动机与结果 quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃 答案:①abandoned ②desert ③leave ④quitted/quit

  2.effect n. 结果,效果;影响;作用 归纳拓展 have an effect on ...对……有影响 come into effect开始实施;开始生效 in effect事实上,实际上 take effect生效;奏效 ③It won't be easy to __________________________, so we must spare every effort to do it. 把这些变化落到实处不是件容易的事,因此我们必须尽一切努力做这件事。 (2)用effect的相关词语完成小片段。 这种杀死害虫的有效方式对环境产生了灾难性的后果,影响了生态平衡。 The ①________ way to kill the pest ②________ disastrous ________ the environment, ③________ the balance of nature. 答案:(1)①on ②into ③put/bring/carry the changes into effect (2)①effective ②has; effects on ③effecting

  3.ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 归纳拓展 be ashamed of sb./sth.对……感到惭愧(羞耻) be ashamed that ...对……感到惭愧(羞耻) be ashamed to do sth.(因为惭愧或羞耻)而不愿做某事;不好意思做某事 答案:①of ②that ③to ④be ashamed ⑤shameful 4.risk n. 危险;风险;冒险 vt. 冒……的危险 归纳拓展 risk one's fortune/health/life 冒着财产/健康/生命风险 risk doing sth.冒险做某事 at risk在危险中 at the risk of冒……之险;不顾……之风险 run/take a risk(risks)冒险 run/take the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事 reduce/increase the risk of减少/增加……风险 It's(not)worth the risk (不)值得冒这个险  第一部分 选修六 


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