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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Last night's meteor(流星)shower left many people in the community dissatisfied and demanding answers.According to Gabe Rothschild, Emerald Valley's mayor, people gathered in the suburbs of the city, carrying heavy telescopes, expecting to watch the brightly burning meteors passing through the sky.What they found instead was a sky so brightened by the city's lights that it darkened the light of the meteors passing overhead.

  “My family was so frustrated,” admitted town resident Duane Cosby.“We wanted to make this an unforgettable family outing, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment.”y in the past.They call on people and the government to take measures to fight against it.

  There is yet a population besides professional and amateur star observers that suffers even more from light pollution. This population consists of birds, bats, frogs,snakes,etc.For example, outdoor lighting severely affects migrating (迁徙的)birds.According to the International Dark­Sky Association,“100 million birds a year throughout North America die in crashes with lighted buildings and towers.”mal casualties(伤亡) result from the use of artificial lighting.Clearly,people enjoy the benefits of lighting their evenings, but some scientists think it can be harmful for humans,too.They worry that exposure to light while sleeping can increase a person's chances of getting cancer.

  Emerald Valley is only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of light pollution.For years, Flagstaff, Arizona, has enforced lighting regulations in its city in order to assist astronomers at the Lowell Observatory.Similar efforts have been made worldwide, and a movement is underway to remind us to turn off lights when we are not using them, so that other creatures can share the night.

  1.It happened last night that

  ________. the city's lights affected the meteor watching

  B.the meteors flew past before being noticed

  C.the city light show attracted many people

  D.the meteor watching ended up a social outing

  2.What do the astronomers complain about?

  A.Meteor showers occur less often than before.

  B.Their observation equipment is in poor repair.

  C.Light pollution has remained unsolved for years.

  D.Their eyesight is failing due to artificial lighting.

  3.What is the author concerned about according to Paragraph 4?

  A. Birds may take other migration paths.

  B.Animals' living habits may change suddenly.

  C.Varieties of animals will become sharply reduced.

  D.Animals' survival is threatened by outdoor lighting.

  4.Lighting regulations in Flagstaff, Arizona are put into effect to________.lessen the chance of getting cancer

  B.create an ideal observation condition

  C.ensure citizens a good sleep at night

  D.enable all creatures to live in harmony

  5.What message does the author most want to give us?

  A.Saving wildlife is saving ourselves.

  B.Great efforts should be made to save energy.

  C.Human activities should be environmentally friendly.

  D.New equipment should be introduced for space study.


  Studying volcanoes is a demanding profession. Hazel Rymer frequently has to struggle through rainforests, climb to the top of mountains, then climb 200 metres into the crater of active volcanoes. But the 38­year­old volcanologist does her best to make it sound less alarming than it is. “Driving to work is more risky,” she insists. “And the deepest I go into the crater of a volcano is about 300 metres,” she adds, trying to make it all sound as ordinary as taking the dog for a walk. ing volcanoes for a long time, so it's not surprising she is used to the danger. Her interest in volcanoes began at school. A teacher gave her a book about Pompeii. “I remember reading about the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of the city,” she explains. “The thought of all those people just frozen in time had quite an effect on me and I am still excited by their dangerous beauty today.”

  Nowadays, volcanoes are getting more and more unpredictable. There have been many changes in sea level caused by global warming and melting ice caps. These have resulted in some dormant volcanoes erupting, so studying them is more dangerous than ever before. Hazel says that although she doesn't take any unnecessary risk, she has had some frightening moments. Her worst experience was on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily, when she was slowly surrounded by lava. “I had a choice of walking ten hours to get around the lava flow or just walking across it,” she explains. She chose to pick a path across the cooler rocks in the lava stream. “I guess it was five metres. The flow was 1,000°C, so if you hesitated, your boots would begin to melt. It was scary, but it really was a practical decision—there wasn't time to do anything else.”

  And what about the future? “I haven't been to the volcanoes in Indonesia yet. And I would love to spend some time working in the Antarctic,” she says. “I would also like to know why quiet lava flows erupt from some volcanoes and why other volcanoes go bang.” In other words, Hazel Rymer won't be exchanging her volcanoes for the relative safety of driving to work just yet.

  1. Hazel's claim that “driving to work is more risky” than exploring volcanoes shows that ________.A.people have exaggerated the dangers of volcanoes in the past

  B.Hazel does not really understand the dangerous situations she puts herself in

  C.there are many bad drivers in the place where Hazel lives

  D.Hazel is being modest and understating the dangers she faces

  2. When did Hazel first become interested in volcanoes?

  A.When she was visiting Italy.

  B.When she was at school.

  C.When she was twenty.

  D.When she saw Vesuvius.

  3. The underlined word “These” (in Paragraph 3) refers to “________”.melting ice caps

  B.volcanic eruptions

  C.changes in sea level

  D.higher temperatures

  4. When Hazel was on Mount Etna, she had to ________.take a dangerous route

  B.take an unnecessary risk

  C.leave her boots behind

  D.walk for ten hours around the mountain

  5. In the future, Hazel wants to ________.revisit volcanoes she knows

  B.go on holiday to the Antarctic

  C.find a less dangerous job

  D.discover new things about volcanoes


  Online clothes shoppers will be told exactly what size is best, for them using new software which combines with their webcam or smart phone to form a “3D tape measure”.

  Scientists from Surrey University and design experts from the London College of Fashion are developing a programme which can take precise waist, hip, chest and other measurements from camera images.

  Using the person's height as a starting point, the software will be able to build up and estimate their size at various different points on the body, based on their overall proportions.

  The result will be a more accurate sizing guide than previous systems based on the waist size or a “small/medium/large” scale, which rely on limited measurements and the buyer's perception of their own body size.

  Shoppers and retailers(零售商) who choose to sign up for the project could save millions of pounds a year in postage costs by removing the need to order multiple sizes of the same garment(服装) and send back ill­fitting clothes, researchers claimed. sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC), is expected to be brought to market within two years.

  After choosing an item, the shopper will activate the software, enter their height, stand in front of their webcam or smart phone in their underwear and take a photograph.

  The software will not store or transmit the image to the Internet, but will use it to judge the person's dimensions at various points on their body.

  Philip Delamore of the London College of Fashion said, “The potential benefits for the fashion industry and for shoppers are huge. Currently, it's common for online shoppers to order two or three different sizes of the same item of clothing at the same time, as they're unsure which one will fit best.”

  1. What is the essential part of a “3D tape measure”?A software.

  B.A webcam.

  C.A microphone.

  D.A smart phone.

  2. What can we learn about the “3D tape measure”?It will store or transmit the image to the Internet.

  B.It is based on the buyer's perception of their size.

  C.It will be a co­working production.

  D.It uses a person's weight as a starting point.

  3. Compared with the traditional sizing system, a “3D tape measure” is________.quicker

  B.more precise. How can the “3D tape measure” benefit online shoppers?

  A.Online shoppers will get their ordered garment in time.

  B.Online shoppers will get their ordered garment more quickly.

  C.Online shoppers will get an ordered garment of high quality.

  D.Online shoppers will get an ordered garment to their measure.

  5. What is the right order for a shopper to form a “3D tape measure”?he software

  ③to enter his/her height

  ④to judge his or her size by analysing his or her image



  专题限时训练(二十三)【要点综述】 本文是一篇科普文,主要介绍了城市的光污染对日常生活、天文学家的工作以及动物的生活都产生了消极的影响。在Flagstaff,Arizona已经采取了灯光管理措施。   细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“…so brightened by the city's lights that it darkened the light of the meteors passing overhead.”可知,昨天晚上由于城市的灯光太亮,影响了人们观看流星。故选A。 细节理解题。根据第三段“…have been complaining about this problem for decades. They say that light pollution prevents them from…”可知,天文学家多年来一直在抱怨光污染问题未解决。故选C。 推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句“…that suffers even more from light pollution. This population consists of birds, bats, frogs, snakes, etc.”以及本段最后一句“…‘100 million birds a year throughout…die in crashes with lighted buildings and towers.’”可知,作者第四段主要叙述的是动物也受到了光污染的影响,甚至它们的生存也受到了影响。故选D。 推理判断题。根据第六段第二句“…has enforced lighting regulations in its city in order to assist astronomers at…”可知,这条规定是为了给天文学家的工作创造理想的观察条件。故选B。 主旨大意题。根据整篇文章的叙述,作者主要描述了城市的光污染对人们生活、工作以及动物的生存造成的影响,因此作者在文中呼吁我们人类的活动应该对环境有利。故选C。【要点综述】 本文主要介绍了火山学家Hazel Rymer的一些关于火山的研究活动。 由此句话的But the 38­year­old volcanologist does her best to make it sound less alarming than it is.”以及此句话可知,Hazel Rymer说开车上班比对火山进行研究更危险可推断出,她是以一种谦虚的说法淡化其面临的危险。 由第二段第二句“Her interest in volcanoes began at school.”可知她在读书时就对火山感兴趣。 由画线词的前一句话“There have been many changes in sea level caused by global warming and melting ice caps.”可知画线词应该指的是海平线的变化。 由第三段最后几句“‘I had a choice of walking ten hours to get around the lava flow or just walking across it,' she explains.She chose to pick a path across the cooler rocks in the lava stream.‘I guess it was five metres.The flow was 1,000°C, so if you hesitated, your boots would begin to melt.It was scary, but it really was a practical decision —there wasn't time to do anything else.'”可知她选择了从熔岩流中走过,而这是一条危险的路。 由最后一段的内容“…I would also like to know why quiet lava flows erupt from some volcanoes and why other volcanoes go bang…”可知,Hazel将继续对火山进行研究,并发现一些新的东西。【要点综述】 英国萨里大学科学家和伦敦时装学院设计专家共同开发的一款3D软件可以根据用户上传的照片精确测量出用户的腰围、臀围、胸围等关键尺寸,以帮助用户选定最适合的服装尺寸。A 通读全文以及第一段“…for them using new software which combines with their webcam or smart phone to form a ‘3D tape measure’.”可知3D量体的软件,因此选A项。 根据第二段“Scientists from Surrey University and design experts from the London College of Fashion are developing a programme…”可知,这款软件是科学家和设计专家共同研发的,因此选C项。 根据第四段“The result will be a more accurate sizing guide than previous systems based on the waist size or a ‘small/medium /large’ scale…”可知,此3D测量软件比传统软件更精确,因此选B项。 通读全文可知,网购者使用文章中介绍的a “3D tape measure”来测量衣服的尺寸,能够买到更符合自己型号的衣服,因此选D项。 根据倒数第三段“After choosing an item, the shopper will activate the software, enter their height, stand in front of their webcam or smart phone in their underwear and take a photograph.”以及倒数第二段“The software will not store or transmit the image to the Internet, but will use it to judge the person's dimensions at various points on their body.”可知这个项目首先激活软件,然后测量其身高,再用网络摄像机摄像,最后通过分析其影像来判断其身材,故答案为C项。


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