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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 话题 15 话题词汇狂背 相关单词 1. Canadian n.加拿大人 2. continent n.洲 3. baggage n.行李 4. scenery n.风景 5. kilometer n.千米 6. surround vt.包围 7. harbour n.海港 8. souvenir n.纪念品 9. border n.边界 10. mountainous adj.多山的 11. acre n.英亩 12. neighbor vt.与……为邻 13. bush n.灌木 14. maple n.枫树 15. frost n.霜 16. wealthy adj.富有的 17. misty adj.有雾的 18. pillar n.支柱 19. downtown adj.市区的 20. resource n.资源 相关短语 1. tourist attractions 旅游景点 2. be on a trip to 去……的一次旅行 3. on the Atlantic coast 在大西洋海岸 4. fascinating scenery 迷人的景色 5. cross the whole continent 横跨整个大洲 6. a wealth of history relics 大量的历史遗迹 7. go eastward 往东走 8. at Toronto Airport 在多伦多机场 9. aboard the train 上火车 10. settle down 定居 11. vacation spots 度假胜地 12. spend one’s time in sightseeing 游览观光 13. be famous for 因……而出名 14. with an area of...有着……的面积 15. the USA border 美国边界 16. an urban area 市区 17. take off at 3:00 p.m.下午三点起飞 18. leave for 动身去…… 19. go on a tour 做一次旅行 20. at dawn 在黎明 相关句子 1.You can have a view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower.从埃菲尔铁塔上你可以看到巴黎全景。

  2. Covering a total area of 7, 434 square kilometers this city has a population of about ten million.这座城市占地面积达7,

  434平方公里, 人口大约是1千万。 3.This country where we live has more fresh water than any other country in the world.我们居住的这个国家比其他国家拥有更多的淡水(资源)。

  4.My hometown, neighboring on Hong Kong, is located in Guangdong Province.我的家乡 毗邻香港, 位于广东省。 5.I would like to introduce my hometown to you.我向你介绍一下我的家乡。

  6.Canada is a multicultural country, which is the second largest country in the world.加拿大是一个多元化的国家, 是世界第二大国。

  7. The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million.加拿大的人口仅三千万多一点。

  8. Guangzhou, a city with a population of about thirteen million, has a history of more than 2, 200 years. 广州,拥有一千三百万人口的一座城市, 有2, 200多年的历史了。 语篇模块

  Located in Qiangang Village of Conghua City in Guangdong Province, Guangyu Temple, which covers an area of 900 square meters, is said to be built between 1426 and 1435. After it was first built,

  major repairs were constantly done in different dynasties, seven of which were recorded. It is the first discovery of ancient buildings with exact building time in our province.

  The local villagers and government treasure the grand relic and protect it with great care and repair it when necessary. Because of their great efforts, in 2003,

  Guangyu Temple won the first prize of the UN Award of the Cultural Relics Conservation. I feel proud to introduce Guangyu Temple to you. I hope you can come here to have a look yourself. 汉语大意:广裕祠位于广东省从化市钱岗村,占地面积900平方米,据说建于14261435年间。在最初修成后,历经数次修葺,7次有文字记载。它是广东第一次发现有确切建筑年代的古建筑。当地村民和政府珍爱文化遗产,对它进行精心保护与修复。在他们的巨大努力下,2003年获联合国文化遗产保护大奖一等奖。很荣幸向你介绍广裕祠。我希望你能亲自来此地参观。


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