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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 话题 36 话题词汇狂背 相关单词

  1. immigrant n.移民

  2. approximately

  adv.大约地 3. nationality

  n.国籍 4. race n.种族 5. absorb v.吸收 6. cooperation

  n.合作 7. maintain

  v.维持 8. reform n.& v.改革 9. mix v.混合 10. significant

  adj.意义深远的 11. expand

  v.扩展 12. policy n.政策 13. immigration n.移居入境 14. applicant

  n.申请人 15. culture

  n.文化 16. custom

  n.习俗 17. multicultural

  adj.多元文化的 18. religion

  n.宗教 19. multiculturalism n.多元文化 20. enhance

  v.巩固 相关短 语 1. crowd into 涌入 2. achieve the highest growth 达到最顶峰 3. take place 发生 4. as a matter of fact 事实上 5. in search of 寻找 6. make a fortune 发财 7. dream of 梦想 8. up to now 直到现在 9. add...to 把……添加到…… 10. in use 被运用 11. the majority of 大多数 12. take in 包含,吸收 13. play a part in 在……中发挥作用 14. in the process of 在……进程中 15. have an effect on 对……有影响 16. cooperate with 与……合作 17. make a contribution to 对……有贡献 18. a wide range of 大范围的…… 19. the trend of globalization 全球化趋势 20. mix...with 与……混合 相关句子 1. Fortune 500 crowd into China Market by all possible means. 世界五百强想尽各种办法疯狂涌入中国市场。

  2. We desire to cooperate with American companies that want to expand abroad. 我们渴望与想拓展国外市场的美国公司合作。 3. Our Students’ Union took in a new member yesterday.昨天, 学生会吸纳了一名新成员。

  4. Nowadays multiculturalism plays a more significant part in

  the development of society under the influence of the trend of globalization. 目前, 在全球化的趋势的影响下, 多元文化在社会发展方面起着更加重要的作用。 5. When it comes to the flourishing industry of film in USA, the majority of people consider multiculturalism as the most important factor当谈到美国繁荣昌盛的电影行业, 大多数人会认为多元文化是其最重要的原因。 6. Many races are mixed with one another in China.在中国, 多民族杂居在一起。

  7. Many settlers, dreaming of making a fortune, moved to American last year.去年许多移民者怀着发财梦前往美国。 语篇模块

  In the 19th century, The Gold Rush took place

  in several countries such as the US,

  Australia, Canada, South Africa and so on, and the one in California may be the most notable. The Gold Rush began on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James Marshall at Sutter’s Mill, California.

  After news of the discovery soon spread, many people dreaming of making a fortune quickly crowded into the newly found place from the rest of the United States and abroad in search of gold. Up to now, it is widely accepted that The Gold Rush(1848-1855)was one of the most significant events in California’s history.

  Interestingly, it also had a considerable effect on the English language by adding a list of new words and expressions to it. As a matter of fact, not until the California gold rush was over was

  the phrase gold rush itself generally in use.

  汉语大意:在19世纪,美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和南非都发生过大淘金热,其中最著名的要数发生在California的淘金热。1848年J.马歇尔于1月24日在加利福尼亚萨特的磨坊发现了黄金。消息立即传了出去,一群梦想发财致富者迅速涌往新发现的金矿区去淘金。时至今天,淘金热是California 历史上意义深远、影响力最深的事件之一。有趣的是,它给英语带来了新的单词和表达,对英语也有着巨大的影响。 事实上,“淘金” 这一词组本身直到California 淘金热结束才大量地被人们使用。


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