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2016届高考英语命题猜想与仿真押题:专题13 完形填空(仿真押题)(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Middle school students today may behave surprisingly.Are you often__1__of them?

  My daughter (12 years old,7th grade) is on the cross­country team at her middle school.As with any__2__,the cross­country team has its “stars” as well as its less__3__athletes.Ethan,Michael (8th grade) and Kenji (7th grade) are the__4__runners for the boys.Yesterday was the first track meet of the season,and when she got home,my daughter told me a story that made me__5__.__6__” and has never played any__7__races before.The 6th graders ran last,three laps (圈) around the school.__8__in the race__9__the race when he was just at the end of his second lap.Albert thought he was__10__near the end.But quickly the poor kid realized that he had another whole lap left to run.He broke down and started__11__.__12__mood in the middle of the field,they didn’t even__13__.All three of them immediately went out on the field to run Albert’s last lap__14__him.Everyone knew that was__15__the rules in cross country,yet they all remained__16__.Both other teams hung around and waited for Albert to finish.When he managed to__17__the finish line__18__the team after this.” She replied,“No!He’ll get better__19__.” why I__20__middle school children.

  【解题导语】 这是篇情感故事阅读。作者的女儿参加了学校的体育队在一次比赛中该队队员就是违纪也要帮助Albert战胜自己这是人类爱的体现。 B.proud解析:选B。根据前文的surprisingly判断是骄傲的 proud of以……为骄傲。故选B。解析:选C。根据下文的athletes判断是sport故选C。解析:选A。根据前文的stars判断选A。A.energetic

  B.clumsy解析:选C。根据前文的stars和cross­country和下文的8th grade以及7th grade说明这个队伍集合了部分顶尖运动员。故选C解析:选A。根据下文判断是让我感动的故事。故选A。解析:选D。根据前文的short应该是“肥胖的”。故选D。解析:选B。以前从没有参加过有组织的比赛。故选B。xactly






  解析:选B。根据下文的near the end判断选B。解析:选D。根据上文had another whole lap left to run说明这个孩子感到很失望于是哭起来。故选D。ful

  解析:选A。根据前文的crying判断应该是沮丧的心情。故选A。解析:B。根据前文的didn’t even判断没有暂停、休息。故选B。解析:选C。根据下文应该是他们和Albert一起跑完剩下的比赛。故选C。





  解析:选C。面对他们自己的“违纪”大家都是沉默的故选C。解析:选D。cross the finish line穿过终点线。故选D。解析:选C。根据下文女儿的回答“No”判断是不会放弃这个队伍。故选C。rength



  解析:选A。根据前文的get better判断他只是需要帮助。故选A。解析:选B。根据前文作者女儿叙述的感人故事作者发出自己的感慨那就是我为什么爱中学孩子的原因”。故选B。B

  At just 18 years old,Canberra student Lochie Ferrier has already conducted research in a frontier field—aerospace engineering.Aerospace engineering is the primary__1__of engineering concerned with the science and technology of aircraft and spacecraft.

  In 2017,he was one of 80 high school students worldwide who__2__a six­week science and engineering program at MIT.During the program,he was__3__by the institute’s scientists,and developed a method to identify inactive satellites.This method,called OASIS,is designed__4__a way to help manage space debris(碎片)__5__operating satellites.

  “One solution to this problem is a__6__robot that can gather pieces of space debris and store them in orbit,” he says.“These pieces could be__7__to new satellites later,thus__8__the costs and launch weights of new satellites.” However,__9__satellite identification technology would be needed for this solution,and that’s what Lochie is working on.“I hope this method would be put into practice in the near future,__10__in the next 10 years,” he says.

  Lochie has made the__11__of the Young Innovators category of the Australian Innovation Challenge Awards with his OASIS.This category is open to students aged 21 years or __12__and carries a $ 5,000 prize.If he won,he would use the money to help fund__13__research into OASIS.“My plan for using the money would be to try to use materials which could stand up to the__14__environment of space,” he says.

  He is also considering how to__15__the technology to organizations such as NASA and satellite manufacturers.

  Lochie’s__16__in aerospace engineering was aroused by the big dish antenna(碟形天线)at NASA’s tracking station near Canberra__17__him,too.“He taught me valuable project management and skills which I applied to OASIS.”

  Lochie has been attending Canberra Grammar School and will soon__18__exams for admission to universities.He__19__his time between schoolwork,his personal__20__projects such as OASIS and the development of apps,rock climbing,and playing classical violin.The teenager is well on his way to realizing his sky­high ambition.

  【解题导语】 本文是教育类小故事阅读。作者叙述了一个喜欢研究太空的小男孩的故事这孩子在一步一步地实现他的太空梦。criterion

  解析:选C。根据空后的engineering判断aerospace engineering是其分支。故选C。


  B.criticized解析:选A。根据前文他还是学生空后是by the institute’s scientists根A。解析:选D。be designed as...被设计为……。故选D。s


  D.returned解析:选C。根据上下文含义故选C。解析:选B。根据前文机器人收集碎片应用在新卫星上就会减少花费。故选B。解析:选C。这种可信赖的卫星辨别技术将会被需要。故选C。解选B。这是在说未来的事情应是估计。故选B。解析:选B。make the finals of做出……最后的决定。故选B。解析:选A。or under或在21岁以下的。故选A。解析:选B。句意:如果他赢了他可将这笔钱用于更进一步的研究。故选B。A.extreme







  D.interest解析:选D。Lochie关于太空的兴趣被碟形天线所激起。故选D。解析:选A。学校的老师对他的激励。故选A。解析:选B。join加入;sit坐;hold容纳;prepare准备。sit exams参加考试。故选B。解析:选D。根据空后between的宾语判断得出答案。故选D。


  True leadership is not just the ability to identify the talent and skill of the polished individuals around you.It involves being able to dig beneath the surface and discover__1__.__2__in group activities.Most teachers would__3__think of him as a problem student.

  However,Anna was different.She believed the student was above__4__in other areas so she created a strategy to find out.

  Anna didn’t__5__the parents.Instead she organized a handful of activities in the class to get more information.In place of calling out for volunteers in class she created a__6__for each Friday:Girls vs.Boys.__7__.Everyone wanted to win.Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn.__8____9__teacher paired the boy with the most__10__girl student in class.

  Now the two teams had a__11__score,all the students sat back eager to see the result.As the teacher placed the question on the board,most of the students began to__12__their heads:this was a question they had never__13__in class.__14__!” the teacher yelled.Both students started doing it__15__ thinking of how to solve the complex question.Their classmates__16__,exclaimed,“Hurry,hurry,hurry!” The boy finished it just seconds before the girl and spun around with his__17__raised!” Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed until Anna__18__the result.ied to get.It turned out that the student wasn’t bad,he was__19__.So we can see that__20__hidden abilities is not always easy but the end results can be magical.Try your hand at this quality of leadership now and report your results.【解题导语】 本文讲述了一个小男孩上数学课总是讲话别的老师可能认为他是一个有问题的学生但是Anna不这样认为她组织了竞赛证明了自己的想法挖掘了小男孩在数学上的潜能。


  B.cautious解析:选D。根据前面“who constantly sat and talked in his math class”可知这个小男孩在数学课上不断的说话可知好像这个小男孩与集体活动没有联系。故选D。解析:选A。根据前面“there was a boy who constantly sat and talked in his math class______in group activities”可知好多老师直接就认为他是一个有问题的学生。故选immediately。解析:选B。根据下文“she created a strategy to find out”故推知Anna认为这个学生在其他地方应该不错的在平均水平之上的。above average在平均水平之上。符合题意。解析:选A。根据后面“Instead she organized a handful of activities in the class to get more information.”故前面讲的是Anna没有联系家长而是组织了一系列的活动。故选contact 意思为“联系”符合题意。解析:选D。根据后面“Girls vs.Boys”可知Anna每个星期五都组织了竞赛。故选competition 意思为“竞赛”。iastic

  D.curious解析:选C。根据后面“Everyone wanted to win.Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn.”可知刚开始的时候每个人都非常有激情。故选enthusiastic 意思为“有激情的”。解析:选A。根据“Anna waited可知前后是转折关系。然而Anna一直等。故选A项。解析:选B。根据下文“This was what Anna tried to get.It turned out that the student wasn’t bad可知这个老师是个伯乐是个非常有智慧的老师故选B项。解析:选C。根据后面的“Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed”可知这个女生是学习非常勤奋的受其他学生钦佩的。故选hardworking意思为“学习勤奋的”。e

  B.close解析:选B。根据后面的语境和all the students sat back eager to see the result可知两个队的比分是非常接近的。故选B项。解析:选C。根据后面“this was a question they had never______in class”写在黑板上的题目是非常难的故很多学生都摇头故选C项。





  解析:选A。根据常识老师说的是比赛开始。故选A项。解析:选B。根据“thinking of how to solve the complex question”和“Hurry可知都在慢慢地做题目。故选B项。解析:选D。根据后面exclaimed!”可知所有的学生都非常的激动。故选D项。解析:选A。根据后面的“spun around with his______raised可知这个小男孩举起他的胳膊。故选A项。lyzed



  解析:选C。根据前面“Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed”可知直到Anna证实这个结果时所有的学生才相信。故选C项。

  20.A foreseeing




  解析:选D。根据后面“hidden abilities is not always ”我们要识别孩子们的潜能这些潜能可能不那么容易找到但是结果可能是神奇的。故选D项。夹叙夹议文


  In a airing of Unsolved Mysteries,there was a young boy who was the victim of the holocaust(大屠杀).He’d been__1____2__of his imprisonment.

  The story was of a boy—now in his sixties—and his quest to find an American soldier who had__3__a kindness to him by__4__some food.It might seem__5__,but to this child,who had seen nothing but__6__and inhumanity for__7__he could remember,it was a__8__that marked a turning point in his life,for he had lost hope.When he was liberated by the American forces,he was dying.He,__9__needed food.As he was staggering along the road ,a young soldier__10__down from his tank and gave him some of his supplies.__11__this one act of generosity,a kind American had aroused the__12__again that there really was some good in the world.And the boy never__13__it.The boy later went to America,raised a family,became successful and worked hard to repay the__14__he had received with his own.

  Actually there were so many similar acts of generosity that it would be almost impossible to know__15__who the soldier was.

  We all have a choice:to create more light in the world.As Confucius__16__over 2,500 years ago__17__the darkness.”

  As the story above so nicely__18__,small gestures can often generate huge__19__.If we’re constantly__20__and doing kind actsll no doubt bring more joy into the world around us as well as into our own world!

  【解题导语】 本文讲的是集中营里的一个小男孩因为受到美国士兵的帮助而得以幸存并且因此来到美国通过自己的努力最终获得成功并且寻求报恩的故事。 B.placed解析:选B。 在播出的一次《神秘未解之谜》中有一位大屠杀的年轻受害者他被安置在囚犯劳动营里待了几年。place有“安置”的意思。

  3.A.held on

  B.agreed on

  C.focused on

  D.passed on

  解析:选D。pass on传递。那位美国士兵曾经非常善良地给他食物。pass on a kindness 传递善良。解析:选B。offer 主动提供这里指的是美国士兵主动给他食物。significant






  解析:选C。gesture 姿势手势这里是“标志”这标志着他生命的一个转折点。解析:选D。badly非常。当最后美国士兵把他解救的时候他就快死了这时他非常需要食物。解析:选B。一位美国士兵从坦克车上跳下来把自己的食物分给了他一点。 B.Besides解析:选C。with由于。就是由于这一慷慨帮助的行为解析:选D。参照上题解析。解析:选A。男孩永远不会忘记这件事。解析:选C。男孩来到美国后努力工作去回报自己所受到的善良帮助。解析:选D。这样的帮助行为太多了以至于不能确切知道是哪位士兵帮助了他。for sure 确切地。





  解析:选A。It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗不如点起一根蜡烛。curse 诅咒。s



  解析:选C。illustrate阐明。上面这个故事很好的阐明了小行为可以激发大感恩。也就是所谓的“受人点水之恩当以涌泉相报”。解析:选B。blessing 祝福感恩。ing for

  B.adapting to解析:选A。look for 寻找发现善良的行为。B

  I love roller coasters.If I could ride roller coasters every day for the rest of my life I would die a really__1__man.I will stand in line for 40 minutes just to get on a ride that lasts 30 seconds.Each step that I take brings me closer and closer to my__2__of going on a ride of a lifetime.The__3__has me skipping around like a 4 year old.

  But during my first ride there,that kind of thrill turned to absolute__4__when I made it to the front.__5__waiting in line,I was now having a second thought.Quietly,I negotiated within myself about my courage to go through with this__6__.__7__but when I was about to get in the driver’s seat I__8__I forgot my license.After some self motivation I finally made the move to__9__my seat.

  On my way up I could clearly see the ups and downs__10__me.To me they were not only the route but also__11__challenges.Soon the track was full of such__12__tunnels that I could see only what was behind me but not in front.

  __13__there were people around me with both of their hands in the__14__while I,knowing that things were going to get__15__grasped the handle on my seat.I wouldn’t dare celebrate something that__16__me.

  Just like roller coasters,__17__is full of ups and downs,darkness and light,and is unpredictable when we go through various__18__situations.The best thing to do when we meet anything__19__is to lift our hands and__20__whatever we do.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过叙述自己坐过山车的经历说明人生也具有同样的道理。艰难、困惑、挑战等都在人生路上学会享受这些挑战与刺激。解析:选B。根据前文的love和这里的虚拟语气假定实现愿望那么将会幸福地死去。故选B。解析:选D。我经历的每一次进步都会让我越来越接近终身骑行的机遇。故选D。解析:选A。根据前文的each step接近自己的梦想此处应是兴奋。故选A。

  5. A.Unless









  解析:选C。根据下forgot my license判断应是假装。故选C。take

  B.quit解析:选A。这时作者在进行一番自我激励后坐到了自己的座位上。take one’s seat坐下。故选A。解析:选D。坐过山车经历的是起伏不断的D。 B.intellectual解析:选A。根据下文的challenges判断应是心理的挑战。故选A。解析:选B。根据下文的看不到前面只看到后面应是漆B。Nervously


  解析:选D。此时作者知道会更残酷故紧紧抓住扶手。get tough变得困难、艰苦。故选D。解析:选D。与前文的dare对应。故选D。





  解析:选B。与前文的darkness and light对应应是不可预料的。故选B。ing


  It’s been so long that I can’t remember the crime,but I’ll never forget the punishment:Dig up the fig tree (无花果) in the backyard and plant it at Mumsy’s place in the country.As I often did when__1__to hard labor in the garden__2__me to do their dirty work.

  It was a Sunday morning.With some tools,I went at the tree,dismantling (拆卸) it branch by branch and limb by limb__3__all that remained of the once­proud specimen was a sorry­looking stump of a thing.

  “What did that__4__ever do to you?”my father said(主根)__5__to Mumsy’s,we would have pleasantly__6__school as usual,but I fenced myself off that time.

  Then,at Mumsy’s,instead of sitting back to watch me work,he__7__me.As my father and I took turns to work,I could feel my anger__8__,making room for the simple satisfaction of working at my father’s side__9__a common goal.

  “Well,” my father said when we__10__,“ we’ve done what we can do.” “Do you think there’s any__11__that it can grow up?” I asked.“It’s rich dirt.They say you can__12__ the toenail trick,but I did__13__as it settled in,took root,and began to prosper.I was amazed and__14__when bowls of figs began to fill the fridge.

  In a__15__fair world,I don’t deserve the reward.I had__16__the tree for my own complaints.What right did I have to the fruit? Years later,I put this__17__to my father.Watching him slide a bowl of figs from the fridge one morning,I felt a sudden stab of shame for my boyhood__18__.My father took a fig from the__19__and let me think of the fruit as forgiveness.“You,” he said,“__20__some of that.”

  【解题导语】 这是篇哲理散文。作者因为父母让自己移栽无花果而产生怨恨伤害了无花果树却享受了果树的果实作者因为果树对自己的宽恕而感解析:选A。根据前文的crime和punishment判断是被判辛苦劳作。故选A。解析:选C。根据前文的my parents’判断get sb.to do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事。故选C。





  解析:选C。与前文的tree相对应选C。解析:选D。根据前文的Mumsy’s place in the country判断是骑车或坐车故选D。解析:选B。根据空后的school判断应是谈论。故选B。

  8. A.disappeared




  解析:选A。根据前文的took turns to work应是anger消失了也可根据下文的satisfaction判断。故选A。 D.off 解析:选C。根据下文的goal判断应是“朝着”。故选C。解析:选D。根据下文的we’ve done what we can do判断应是“完成”。故选D。解析:选D。根据下文的叙述应是“机会”。故选D。解析:选B。根据下文的grow判断选B。解析:选C。根据前文的I never tried the toenail trick和but判断是“我的确看到它就在指甲里”。故选C。解析:选B。与前文的amazed和作者前面干的活可知应是“如释重负”。故选B。解析:选A。根据空后的fair判断故选A。解析:选B。根据前文作者对无花果树的发泄应是“伤害”了树。故选B。








  解析:选A。根据前文的think of the fruit as forgiveness判断是树饶恕了作者作者应该得到那种结果。故选A。说明文和议论文


  Why do young adult children become independent so much later than they did in 1970,when the average age of independent living was 21? Why have reduced class sizes and increased per­pupil expenditures (花销)not__1__higher academic achievement levels? Why is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when__2__with that of children in the 1960s and before? Why do today’s__3__become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

  The answer in two words:parental__4__.Those two words best summarize the__5__between “old” child raising and new__6__involved with their kids.They were available__7__crisis,but they stood a(n)__8__distance from their kids and allowed them to experience the benefits of the trial­and­error process.It was the child’s__9__,back then,to keep his or her parents from getting involved.That was__10__children learned to be responsible and determined.

  Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything.These are parents who are__11__when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kids’ lives.Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids;__12__ness are__13__.__14__what I’ve been saying since the 1980s:parental help with homework__15__a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.__16__of good social skills.Parents who manage a child’s after­school activities grow kids who don’t know how to__17__their own free time.Parents who get involved in their kids’__18__with peers grow kids who don’t know how to avoid much less trouble.

  These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their__19__.And their parents__20__being parents.You can imagine what will become of their future.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇关于家庭教育的文章。作者主要论证了当今一些父母B.resulted inon

  D.taken in解析:选B。根据句意判断为什么班级规模的缩减和每个学生个人消费的增加没有导致更高的学业成功水平”。故选B。故选C。s

  B.adolescents解析:选A。根据空后的their children可知应是父母亲。故选A。解析:选C。与下文的involved对应。故选C。 B.similarities解析:选A。“这两个单词最好的总结了旧的孩子抚养和新的、60后的父母赡养之间的不同。”故选A。解析:选C。be highly involved with高度参与。故选C。 B.in spite of





  解析:选B。a safe distance安全的距离。故选B。解析:选C。“让父母们别卷进来是孩子的工作(职责)”。故选C。解析:选B。空后的表语从句中缺少方式状语故选B。解析:选A。“这些就是那些当谈及他们在孩子生活中的目的时迷惑不解的父母们。”故选A。解析:选D。空后的defensiveness就是解释前文的 personalize everything that happens to their kids。故D。解析:选C。与该句的状语部分given...相对应应是“可理解的”。故选C。解析:选A。此处作者用这个大学的研究分析来支持自己A。解析:选B。根据前文作者反对父母对孩子照顾过多父母对孩子的照顾降低了孩子学业上的成就。故选B。






  William Wordsworth wrote that “the human mind is capable of excitement without the application of violent stimulants(刺激)”.And it appears that simply reading those words proves his__1__.eare and Wordsworth and__2__had a beneficial effect on the mind.It can__3__the reader’s attention and trigger moments of self­reflection.

  Using scanners,they__4__the brain activity of volunteers as they read pieces of classical English literature both in their__5__form and in a modern translation.

  And,according to the Sunday Telegraph,the experiment showed the more__6__prose and poetry__7__far more electrical activity in the brain than the easier versions.

  The research also found poetry,__8__,increased activity in the right part of the brain,an area__9__with “autobiographical(自传式的) memory”__10__on their own experiences.The academics said this meant the__11__were more useful than self­help books.

  The brain__12__of 30 volunteers were watched in the first part of the research as they read Shakespeare in different__13__.father and a gracious aged man:him have you madded”__14__:“A father and a gracious aged man:him you have enraged”.Shakespeare’s use of “mad” as a(n)__15__caused a higher level of brain activity than the straightforward prose.__16__to which poetry could affect__17__and provide therapeutic(治疗的)benefit.Volunteers’ brains were scanned while reading four lines by Wordsworthalso provided.

  The first version caused more brain activity,__18__not only the left part of the brain connected with language,but also the right part that relates to autobiographical memory and emotion.

  “Poetry is not just a__19__of style.It is also about deep versions of experience that__20__the emotional to the cognitive(认知的)【解题导语】 文章主要介绍了戴维斯教授的新发现:阅读经典能锻炼大脑。解析:选B。“要说明这一点看上去似乎单是读一下这句话就够了”。故选B。解析:选A。“莎士比亚和华兹华斯以及其他类似作家的作品对思维具有裨益能够吸引读者的注意力”。根据前文的Shakespeare and Wordsworth应推断是类似的人。故选A。解析:选C。catch one’s attention吸引住C。解析:选B。“研究员们使用扫描仪监测志愿者们阅读经典英国文学作品时的大脑活动”。故选B。





  解析:选C。“根据《星期日电讯报》的报道这个实验还表明:比起那些平淡的版本更具有挑战性的散文和诗作能使脑电活动活跃得多。”故选C。解析:选A。根据空后的more electrical activity判断应填“引发”。故选A。asion

  C.in particular

  D.in contrast

  解析:选C。“研究也发现诗作尤其能够增加人右脑的活动故选C。解析:选A。“……而右脑和‘自传式记忆’有关能够让读者根据读到的内容回想到他们自己的经历”。be concerned with与……相关。故选A。解析:选A。“……而右脑和‘自传式记忆’有关能够让读者根据读到的内容回想到他们自己的经历”。reflect on回想。故选A。解析:选D。“学者说这就意味着经典作品比励志图书更有用。”故选D。12.A.records





  D.deeper解析:选B。根据前后两句话的比较应是“更简单的”。故选B。解析:选D。根madded应是将mad用成了动词。故选D。解析:选B。根据前文的stage判断应是“程度”。“第二个阶段是研究诗作可以影响心理状态到什么程度给健康带来多少益处。”故选B。解析:选C。“第二个阶段是研究诗作可以影响心理状态到什么程度给健康带来多少益处。”故选C。 D.making up解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。A.waking up醒来; B.raising up升起;C.taking up拿起;开始; D.making up编造。






  Most shoplifters (商店扒手) agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard­working thief.__1__the shops so crowded and the staff so busy__2__.It is known game is not__3__it used to be.Even at the height of the sales,shoplifters today never know__4__they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.

  As if that was not trouble enough for them,they can now be filmed__5__and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.

  Selfridges was the first big London store to install closed­circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors.In October last year the store won its first court__6__for shoplifting using an evidence of a videotape clearly showing a couple__7__dresses.It was an important test case which__8__other stores to install similar equipment.

  When the balls,called sputniks,first make a(n)__9__in shops,it was widely believed that their only function was to__10__shoplifters.Their__11__ridiculous appearances,the curious holes and red lights going on and off,certainly make the theory believable.

  It did not take long,__12__,for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable__13__.Soon after the equipment was__14__at Selfridges woman__15__putting bottles of perfume into her bag.

  “As she turned to go,” Chadwick__16__,“she suddenly looked up at the ‘sputnik’ and stopped.She could not__17__have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden,but she__18__have had a feeling that I was looking at her.”

  “For a moment she paused,but then she__19__to counter and started putting everything__20__.When she had finishedow it was empty and hurried out of the store.”

  【解题导语】 这是篇说明文。文章主要阐述了商店安装的新设备可以有效地防治扒手尽管开始他们不注意但是最终会被捉住并将东西放回。解析:选B。根据空后的so crowded和so busy判断它们是它们前面名词的补足语可以断定这是with复合结构作状语故选B。解析:选C。此处是过去分词作状语根据前文是小偷应该是unnoticed。故选C。


  B.that解析:选A。空后是know的宾语从句根据句意:他们从不知道他们是否正在被监视……。故选A。解析:选C。根据前文的be filmed应该表示“在偷东西”时被录像。故选C。discussion


  D.called解析:选C。根据前文的closed­circuit videotape equipment和商店的胜诉判断是“鼓励”其他商店也安装这种设备。故选C。解析:选C。make an appearance in在……出现根据本段第二句中的appearances判断。故选C。解析:选D。根据下文对该设备的描述应该是“吓唬”扒手。故选D。解析:选B。根据空后的ridiculous判断选B。 B.thus解析:选A。根据前后文的关系应填“然而”。故选A。

  14.A.in operation

  B.in case

  C.in trouble

  D.in advance解析:选A。根据下文的store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting 应是设备正在运行中。故选A。解析:选D。根据前文的detective判断应是这位妇女正在“秘密地”将香水放入自己的包内。故选D。replied

  B.repeated解析:选C。根据前文判断这是叙述过去的事情应是“回想”。故选C。解析:选A。根据后文的completely hidden判断应是“不可能”。故选A。 B.would解析:选A。情态动词could表示可能性她“能够”感觉到我在看她。故选A。解析:选A。根据前文paused和but then以及下文的started putting everything判断应是来到柜台边故选A。



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