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2017届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修1 unit 3 Celebration(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.*It's unheard-of for a boy of his age to gain university ________(进入,入口).

  2.What you did will ________ (严重地) reflect upon your future.

  3. (2015·安徽,阅读E)Sharing bread,whether during a special ________ (场合)or at the family dinner table,is a common symbol of togetherness.

  4.Fan Bingbing appeared at the ________ (招待会) wearing her finest jewellery.

  5.He ________ (装饰) his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.

  6.(2017·四川,阅读B)Tim knew it would soon be ________ (吞掉) by the waves.

  7.If someone has ________ (权力),they have a lot of control over people and activities.

  8.*The president suggested that a UN observer should ________ (参加)the conference.

  9.(2017·江西,阅读B) Join in the holiday fun at the Powerhouse this month ________(联系,相关) to our new exhibition.

  10.*Please accept my warmest ________ (祝贺) on your passing the exam.

  答案 1.entrance 2.seriously 3.occasion 4.reception 5.decorated

  6.swallowed 7.power 8.attend 9.linked 10.congratulations


  1.(2015·安徽,阅读A)Eventually the girls all ________ (graduation)from college and went away to work for themselves.

  2.She carried on ________(merry),not realizing the offence she was causing.

  3.*________ (fortune),due to unforeseen circumstances,this year's show has been cancelled.

  4.(2017·山东,阅读D)The campaign itself changed the ________ (tradition) advertising style of the fast-food industry.

  5.I suppose we shall be having some sort of ________(celebrate) for the bride.

  6.Any ________ who would like to ________ to become an assistant in our company should send us an ________ before December 10,2015.(apply)

  7.The ________ contributed a lot of money to the project; that is to say,his ________ was great.(contribute)

  8.People ________ forests and rivers for their own benefit.Their ________ activities are likely to cause the ________ of the earth.(destroy)

  9.The restaurant ________ its customers well; in other words,its ________ is very good.(serve)

  10.The medicine the factory ________ had many side effects,which proved that the ________ was harmful.Therefore,the factory stopped its ________.(production)

  答案 1.graduated 2.merrily 3.Unfortunately 4.traditional 5.celebration

  6.applicant;apply;application 7.contributor;contribution 8.destroy;destructive;destruction 9.serves;service 10.produced;product;production


  Having gained a scholarship,John graduated from a key university,and then he was promoted from a saleswoman to a manager.We held a celebration for him.At our invitation,some teenagers dressed up and attended the ceremony on time,even if it rained heavily.We all offered our congratulations on his contributions to his country.



  entrance n.入口

  exit n.出口

  gallery n.顶层楼座

  ticket office 售票处

  audience n.观众

  stage n.舞台


  attend v. 出席(会议等);参加(仪式)等

  join v. 加入(组织、团体等)

  join in 加入(某项活动)

  take part in 加入(活动、运动等)

  enter v. 参加


  offer/send one's congratulations to sb(on sth)


  congratulate on祝贺

  congratulate sb on/upon (doing) sth


  congratulate oneself on...



  destiny n. 命运;天命

  fate n.命运

  fortune n.机会;运气

  luck n. 运气



  1.even ________ 即使

  2.________ time 准时

  3.________ well 也

  4.a bit ________ 一点儿

  5.wash ________ 洗掉,冲走

  6.*stay ________ 保持清醒

  答案 1.if/though 2.on 3.as 4.of 5.away 6.awake


  dress up;take part in;*burn down;apply for;*depend on;put up;carry on;put out

  1.When Tom lost his job,his wife suggested him/his ____________ a new one.

  2.All living things ____________ the sun for their growth.

  3.This store ____________ many a poster in the neighbourhood yesterday.

  4.The boys felt tired that they ____________ the fire and crept into their tent.

  5.Students allowed ____________ for the party held in my home.

  6.Most of us senior students are able to ____________ a conversation with people from English-speaking countries.

  7.Most houses in the village were ____________ to the ground by the enemy.

  8.How many countries ____________ the Asian Games held in Inchon?

  答案 1.applying for 2.depend on 3.put up 4.put out 5.dressing up

  6.carry on 7.burnt down 8.took part in



  alive 活着的

  awake 醒着的

  asleep 睡着的

  alone 独自的

  alike 相似的

  ashamed 羞耻的


  cut down 削减;砍倒

  break down 垮了;分解

  settle down 安家

  bring down 使……降低

  burn down 烧毁

  pass down 传下来


  depend on 依赖;依靠

  insist on 坚持

  keep on 继续

  take on 承担

  carry on 继续;进行


  1.On this day,the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.(be said to be/do据说是……/做……)


  [仿写]The film directed by Deng Chao for the first time ________________.据说邓超首次导演的这部电影很好看。

  2.*I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was hard to swallow.(主语+be+形容词+不定式)


  [仿写]The house ________________,so we all like it.


  3.*At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.(全部倒装)


  [仿写]________________ a half-conscious young man.


  4.If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding,you can go with him/her,even if you don't receive an invitation yourself.(让步状语从句)


  [仿写]________________,I won't go with you.

  即使明天不下雨, 我也不和你去。

  答案 1.is said to be excellent 2.is comfortable to live in 3.Under the table was lying 4.Even if it doesn't rain tomorrow












  1.In some parts of the world,tea ________(serve) with milk and sugar.

  2.The boy whom you lent money to ________(hit) by a car.

  3.I should have been there,but I ________(can) not catch the bus.

  4.*Jack described his father,who ________(must be) a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed man.

  5.*He ________(ought to do) his work yesterday,but he went to the cinema with his friends.

  答案 1.is served 2.was hit 3.could 4.must have been 5.ought to have done



  ❶must have done表示对过去行为的推测,意为“一定;想必”,语气十分肯定。

  ❷should/ought to have done表示过去本来应该做某事而实际上却没有做;shouldn't/ought not to have done表示过去本来不应该做某事而实际上却做了。

  [单 词 点 睛]

  1.occasion n.时刻,时机;场合

  [教材原句]The Mid-Autumn Festival is important because it is a special occasion for family.


  (1)on occasion(s) 有时,间或,偶尔

  on this/that occasion 在此时/彼时

  (2)occasional adj.偶尔的

  occasionally adv. 偶尔,间或

  He has been known ________________ to lose his temper. 大家都知道他有时会发脾气。

  What shall I wear ________________ according to your Chinese custom?

  根据你们中国的习惯, 我在这种场合该穿什么呢?




  This is not an occasion for laughter,________ you must take things seriously.


  Her wedding was quite an occasion ________ the grand hall was crowded with her family,relatives and friends.


  答案 on occasion on this occasion where when

  2.power n.权力,影响力;力量

  [教材原句]In one story,lanterns were lit to celebrate the power of light over darkness.


  (1)in power 当权的,在位的

  in one's power 在某人力所能及的范围

  beyond/out of one's power 力所不及,不能胜任

  come to/into power 开始掌权;上台;执政

  have the power to do sth/of doing sth 有做某事的能力

  (2)powerful adj.强大的;强有力的

  China is a country where people are ________ power.


  (2017·辽宁,阅读B)We believe that we do ______________ to change things and help our planet.


  答案 in have the power

  3.serve vt.招待,侍候;服务;服役

  [教材原句]Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water.


  (1)serve sth to sb= serve sb(with)sth 向某人提供某物

  serve as 当作;作为

  (2)at the service of sb= at sb's service 听某人差遣;随时准备为某人做事

  Who will serve lunch ________ us/serve us ________ lunch when we are there?


  Listening to music can serve ________ an approach to releasing tension.


  Health care must be ________ the service of all who need it. 医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。

  答案 to;with as at

  4.apply vt.申请,应用

  [高考例句](2017·山东,阅读C) If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply to her.


  (1)apply (to sb)for sth (向某人)申请某物

  apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于/集中精力(做)某事

  apply to 适用于;向……申请


  (2)application n. 申请;申请表;运用,应用

  applicant n.申请人,求职人

  Before I applied ________ the company ________ the post,I studied the future of the company.


  He applied _______ (he)closely to the study of foreign languages. 他刻苦学习外语。

  (2017·山东,阅读A)Upon arrival,Jimmy found a long line of ________ (apply)waiting to be interviewed. 一到那里,吉米就发现很多求职人在排着长队等候面试。

  答案 to;for himself applicants

  5.attend vt.出席,参加(会议、演讲、婚礼等);上(学);照料;接待;陪同vi.专心,注意;照料

  [高考例句](2017·山东,阅读A)One day,he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview.一天,他鼓足勇气决定去参加一个工作面试。

  attend a meeting/a ceremony/a funeral 参加/出席会议/仪式/葬礼

  attend school/class/church 去上学/上课/做礼拜

  attend on/upon sb 照料/看护某人

  attend to 照料,关怀;处理;注意,专心

  The patient ________________ (attend)on by nurses night and day since the operation.


  I can't attend ________ everything at the same time—please come and help.


  答案 has been attended to

  【辨析比较】 attend/join/join in/take part in

  attend 指出席会议,参加仪式、婚礼,上学,听报告等

  join 多指加入组织、团体、党派、俱乐部等,有作为其中一员的含义

  join in 指参加某项游戏、活动、讨论等,常用短语:join sb in (doing) sth

  take part in 多指参加或参与群众性的活动、运动及战争等,含有以主人翁的态度加入其中并发挥一定作用的意思


  6.contribute vt.捐献,贡献 vi.捐献;投稿;有助于,促成

  [教材原句]But don't worry,you don't have to contribute a lot of money.


  Many people ________ money ________ the poor boy,which ________ his returning to school.A writer wrote a story about this and ________ it ________ a newspaper.


  He has made great ________ (contribute)to a space development program.


  答案 contributed;to;contributed to;contributed;to



  [短 语 点 拨]

  1.depend on根据,依据;依靠,依赖

  [高考例句](2017·浙江,任务型阅读)We don't know how much we depend on neighbors until we don't have them.直到失去邻居我们才会体会到我们是多么的依赖他们。


  depend on sb 依靠/相信某人做某事

  depend on it that... 指望……

  That/It (all) depends 视情况而定

  You can't depend on your parents ________________ (keep)giving you money.


  Can I depend on ________ that this won't take place again? 我能相信这事不再发生吗?

  答案 to keep/keeping it

  2.put up竖起;建造;张贴;举起;投宿

  [教材原句]On Christmas Eve,the whole family helped to decorate the house,put up the Christmas tree,the decorations and the balloons.


  写出下列句中put up的含义

  The names of the candidates will be put up on the college notice board.____________

  ②We put up for the night at a farmhouse.____________

  ③Please put up your hand if you have any questions.____________

  ④A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year.____________

  答案 张贴 投宿;留宿;过夜 举起 建造

  3.carry on继续,坚持

  [教材原句]It didn't seem possible,but we carried on eating.


  (1)carry on doing sth 继续做某事,坚持做某事

  carry on with sth 继续某事

  (2)carry out 履行;实施;开展;完成(任务)

  carry off 夺走;获得

  I can't carry on ________ my life as if nothing had happened.


  I am wondering if he will carry ________ the prize.


  答案 with off

  [句 式 透 析]

  1.[教材原句]On this day,the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest.


  be said to do sth“据说……”,可与It is said that.../People say that...进行句型转换。有上述用法的动词有:believe,expect,report,consider,know,suppose,judge,agree,prove等,其中不定式根据句子意思可有一般式(to do)、进行式(to be doing)或完成式(to have done)三种形式。

  The city mayor is reported to come to visit our town this week.

  =________________ the city mayor will come to visit our town this week.


  Nearly a half people are believed to ________________(leave) their homes as a result of the war breaking out in Syria.


  Mo Yan is reported to ________________(write) novels these years.


  答案 It is reported that have left be writing

  2.[教材原句]If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding,you can go with him/her,even if you don't receive an invitation yourself.


  句中even if相当于even though,引导一个让步状语从句。

  Don't worry.________________,we'll still have a great time.


  I'll get there,________________ I have to walk.


  答案 Even if it rains even if


  1.Right now,the government should take ________(power)measures to push the state's economy forward.

  2.Her husband is said to ________(go)to study abroad.Do you know when he left?

  3.The construction of a highway will contribute ________ the growth of the suburbs.

  4.Great attention must be paid to ________(link) theory with practice.

  5.I like getting up early in summer.The morning air is so good ________(breathe).

  6.In the middle of the forest ________(lie)a deep lake,in which we often went fishing when I was a little child.

  7.Australia ________ (believe) to have been connected to South America millions of years ago.

  8.You may depend on ________ that they will support you.

  9.Since I am busy,would you attend ________ the matter for me?

  答案 1.powerful 2.have gone 3.to 4.linking 5.to breathe 6.lies 7.is believed 8.it 9.to


  1.He served the army two years ago.____________

  2.And the same method can be applied for the other cases.____________

  3.An old Party member who attended the Party in 1949 joined the meeting.____________

  4.We hope your suggestion would contribute to solve the problem.____________

  5.It was believed any village that did not give food would have bad luck.____________

  6.Great changes have taken place since the new government came into the power.____________

  7.The mayor addressed to the crowd solemnly yesterday.____________

  8.He has learnt enough German to carry out a conversation.____________

  答案 1.served后加in 2.for→to 3.attended→joined;joined→attended 4.solve→solving 5.在believed后加that 6.去掉第二个the 7.去掉to



  1.Through the window ________________.


  2.The problem is too hard for me ________________.


  3.His brother is said to ________________ in the traffic accident.


  4.They ________________ by others.


  5.I think you need to ________________ several colleges.


  答案 1.came out the sweet music 2.to work out3.have been killed 

  4.shouldn't be looked down upon5.apply to



  1.据说不久前我们村发生了一场火灾,许多房子被毁了。(It is said that...;destroy)


  2.不幸的是,李明家的房子也被烧毁了。(as well)


  3.许多人给这些村民捐款。(contribute to)


  4.李明家建了一所新房子。(put up)


  5.现在李明的生活恢复了正常,又能够在学校继续学习了。(carry on)


  答案 1.It is said that a big fire broke out in our village not long ago,and many houses were destroyed.

  2.Unfortunately,Li Ming's house was burnt down as well.

  3.Many people contributed to these villagers.

  4.A new house was put up for Li Ming's family.

  5.Now Li Ming's life has returned to normal and he can carry on with his study in his school.



  It is said that a big fire broke out in our village not long ago,and many houses were destroyed.Unfortunately,Li Ming's house was burnt down as well.Faced with

  this situation,many people contributed to these villagers.A new house was put up for Li Ming's family.Now Li Ming's life has returned to normal and he can carry on with his study in his school.



  1.The bus is never so ________ time as the train.

  2.You can't say like that ________ that occasion.

  3.After he left,I just tried to carry ________ as usual.

  4.As is known,exercise contributes ________ blood circulation.

  5.China Daily is more than a newspaper,for it can also serve ________ a useful textbook for English study.

  6.The village that used to be beautiful was burned ________ the ground.

  7.Please put ________ the timetable on the wall,or you'll be punished.

  8.Most of them depend ________ animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds.

  9.The fire in Beijing was put ________ at the cost of two firemen's lives.

  10.It's quite an informal gathering you needn't dress ________ for.

  答案 1.on 2.on 3.on 4.to 5.as 6.to 7.up 8.on 9.out 10.up


  11.He ________________ (认真对待学习) and ________________(积极参加) all kinds of activities.

  12.The quick action of the firemen prevented the building from ________________ (遭焚毁).

  13.________________ (即使你是一位有经验的老师),you sometimes can make some mistakes.

  14.We'll ________________ (邀请我们的老师参加) the celebration.

  15.________________ (人们相信) global warming is linked to human activities.

  答案 11.takes study seriously;takes an active part in12.being burned down 

  13.Even if/though you are an experienced teacher 14.invite our teachers to attend

  15.It is believed that/people believe that


  How to Practice Self-Love and Be Good to Yourself

  Did you know that you're very special? __16__ You deserve to be loved not only by those around you but by the most important person in your life—YOU.Practicing self-love can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges.It's not about being narcissistic(自恋的), it's about getting in touch with ourselves and our happiness.We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines.

  __17__ How well you handle a situation, how lovely you look today.Anything that will make you smile.Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.Move the body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin you're in.You can't hate your way into loving yourself.

  Don't believe everything you think.There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe.The downside of this also stops us from living a full life.__18__ Let them remind you just how amazing you are.

  Stop the comparisons.There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else.__19__ End all toxic relationships.Seriously.Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesn't deserve to be a part of your life.

  Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small.__20__ Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.It's incredible the feeling we get when we realize we have achieved something we didn't know or think we could do before.

  A.Learn to really trust yourself.

  B.There is no other person in this world like you.

  C.The only person you should compare yourself to is you.

  D.Start each day by telling yourself something really positive.

  E.Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you.

  F.Pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved.

  G.Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices and decisions.


  16.B [第一段第一句意为“你知道你很特别吗?”接下来的一句应该说明“没有其他的人在这个世界上像你一样。”故选B。]

  17.D [本段内容说明每一天都应该用积极的心态来面对生活,吃有营养的食品使身体茁壮成长;锻炼身体,喜欢自己的肤色。这一切都是为了说明一个主题——每天开始的时候都要告诉自己一些积极向上的事情。故选D。]

  18.E [由空格后面的句子Let them remind you just how amazing you are.中的them一词可知,这个词代表的应该是people who love and encourage you.故选E。]

  19.C [本段主题为“停止比较”,选项C中的关键词compare提示了该空格应该选C。]

  20.F [本段标题为“庆祝你的胜利不管大或小。”而选项F“拍拍自己的背,为自己取得的东西而自豪。”是庆祝胜利的一种方式。故选F。]


  The Mid-autumn Festival is in September or October, that is celebrated traditionally by the Chinese people all over the world. On this special occasion for Chinese families, people like to meet in the evening and watch the moon, and eat moon cakes in all kinds, even till midnight. The Lantern Festival falls in the 15th day of the first lunar month,

  marked the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations, on which people light lanterns decorating with pictures to celebrate the power of light over dark, and eat the special food, sweet dumplings served in hot water. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar year. Because it is in early summer,so it marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year. People take part in

  various dragon boat races and enjoy the funs. The special food for the festival was called Zongzi, which is

  sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves.


  The Mid-autumn Festival is in September or October,

  is celebrated traditionally by the Chinese people all over the world. On this special occasion for Chinese families, people like to meet in the evening and watch the moon, and eat moon cakes

  all kinds, even till midnight. The Lantern Festival falls

  the 15th day of the first lunar month,

  the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations, on which people light lanterns

  with pictures to celebrate the power of light over , and eat the special food, sweet dumplings served in hot water. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar year. Because it is in early summer,

  it marks the beginning of

  hottest season of the year. People take part in

  various dragon boat races and enjoy the . The special food for the festival

  called Zongzi, which is

  sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves.



  体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:关爱 词数:321 时间:18′

  The first time I saw Pauline was in a factory restaurant thirty years ago.At that time I was a __1__, shy 18-year-old boy.I had to work in a factory __2__ my family was poor and I had to earn money to __3__ it.I had never had a job before.The __4__ of the factory sounded and you were allowed a __5__.The bell sounded again and you had to be back to go on with your work.

  As I entered the __6__ one day after work, I looked around the room.There were so many people there.No one knew me, no one __7__ me, and no one greeted me.Everyone was eating their lunch.There seemed to be no spare __8__ for me.

  From across the room, in a corner, a __9__ caught my eye.The lady was about 40 years old, with sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair.She had been smiling __10__ at me since I saw her.And she __11__ me to join her at the table where she was eating her lunch.When I approached the __12__, she introduced herself and the rest of the people sitting at the table __13__.The warmth and __14__ I felt at that moment was a feeling I'd never experienced before and I will __15__ it forever.

  Her name was Pauline and I often met her later in the __16__ where we were working.She taught me more about __17__ at that moment.I left that factory two years later and __18__ saw her again.Where are you, Pauline? To this day I am always __19__ to welcome a stranger, to smile at a stranger, to comfort a stranger, to show the __20__ and acceptance to a stranger.

  Thank you Pauline.I know you are smiling at me every time I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy.





  答案 D [根据短文最后的you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy可知选项D正确。]





  答案 A [前后两个句子的内容是因果关系,故用because连接。作者因为家庭贫寒所以不得不去工厂工作。]





  答案 C [作者18岁就开始在工厂上班挣钱是因为家庭太穷,要挣钱养家。]





  答案 B [下面一句The bell sounded again and...提示了答案。]





  答案 A [根据后面的...you had to be back to go on with your work可知,铃声响起是休息,铃声再次响起是继续工作。]





  答案 D [根据短文第一句以及Everyone was eating their lunch可知,作者下班之后去的地方是工厂的食堂。]





  答案 B [从and no one greeted me以及下文内容可以推测,在餐厅里没有人注意到作者。]





  答案 C [根据There were so many people there.可知,餐厅里面没有多余的座位,作者没有找到座位。]





  答案 C [下文The lady was about 40 years old提示了答案。]





  答案 A [根据下面一句可知,这位夫人让作者坐到她的桌子上吃饭,说明这个夫人很友好。四个选项中只有A项符合语境。]





  答案 D [因为人多嘈杂,这位女士只能向作者打手势。]





  答案 B [下文she introduced herself and the rest of the people sitting at the table提示了答案。]





  答案 B [从上文这位女士一直微笑地看着作者,到短文最后一句I know you are smiling at me every time可知,这位女士一直是在微笑着做这一切的。]





  答案 C [根据短文最后一句I know you are smiling at me every time I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy.可知选项C正确。]





  答案 A [根据最后一句every time I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger可知,作者会珍惜这种经历。]





  答案 D [由where we were working可知,作者和这位女士经常在工厂见面。]





  答案 A [根据上文可知,这位女士让作者去她桌上吃饭,并将桌上的人介绍给他,说明这位女士是有爱心的。四个选项中只有A符合语境。]





  答案 D [根据Where are you, Pauline?可知作者再也没有见过这位女士。]





  答案 C [作者在这位女士的感召下,也乐意对陌生人微笑、安慰、关心。]





  答案 B [短文最后一段I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger提示了答案。]



  体裁:说明文 话题:文化传统 词数:283 时间:6′

  Grandparents' Day is a warm holiday that allows children and adults an opportunity to show their appreciation for their Grandparents.Grandparents' Day and the weeks just before it are the time when children all over the country start thinking about what to get their Grandmothers and Grandfathers as presents for Grandparents' Day.Of course, giving presents is just one way of celebrating Grandparents' Day, but how to give gifts requires planning.

  Choosing presents for Grandparents' Day can be a very difficult task.Because Grandparents' Day and holidays of its kind are meant to honor some of the most important people in our lives, the task of choosing presents that will be appropriate can be challenging.It can be very difficult to even consider the question of what kind of gift could show a Grandparent how much we love them and care for them.Especially for those children who do not have much money, finding the right Grandparents' Day present at the right price is a very difficult task.

  One solution to the difficulty of what to buy as a present for Grandparents' Day is not to buy anything at all.Rather than buying a material item that is almost sure to be short of expressing the depth and sincerity(诚心诚意) of your feelings for your Grandmother or Grandfather, consider another kind of choice entirely.One way that you can show a Grandparent that you really care is to make them something.A handmade gift can go a long way towards expressing your love on Grandparents' Day.Of course, there are also a lot more other ways to celebrate Grandparents' Day than by just giving presents to your parents.

  【语篇解读】 祖父母节是孩子和成人向祖父母表达感激之情的节日。在这个节日,为自己的祖父母选择一份什么样的礼物好呢?

  21.What does Grandparents' Day mean to people?

  A.It is a time to express love and appreciation to the old.

  B.It gives them a chance to get together.

  C.It makes the old think of their past experiences.

  D.It gives them an opportunity to take time off work.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,孩子和成年人在Grandparents' Day表达对老年人的感激之情。故选项A正确。]

  22.According to the writer, which of the following gifts can best show your love to your grandparents?

  A.A pair of expensive shoes. B.Some delicious food.

  C.A big TV set.D.A chair made by yourself.

  答案 D [推理判断题。根据短文最后一段中的One way that you can show a Grandparent that you really care is to make them something.A handmade gift can go a long way towards expressing your love on Grandparents' Day.可知D为正确选项。]

  23.What difficulty could people meet when preparing gifts for the old?

  A.Choosing the proper gifts.B.Sparing time to make gifts.

  C.Not having a large amount of money.D.Not having enough time to shop.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,给祖父母选择合适的礼物是人们经常遇到的难题。]

  24.What will be discussed in the following paragraph?

  A.How to make gifts for the old by yourself.

  B.What is the best gift for the old.

  C.Some other ways to show your appreciation to the old.

  D.How to buy proper gifts with not enough money.

  答案 C [推理判断题。根据短文最后一句可以推测,下面一段将会谈到其他在Grandparents' Day表示对老人感激的方法。]


  体裁:说明文 话题:文化 词数:320 时间:7′

  The world of boxing gave us famous competitors like Muhammad Ali.It also gave us many expressions that we use in our everyday lives.

  Years ago, a boxing match would begin when a boxer threw his hat into the boxing ring—the place where the fight was fought.That does not happen these days.But if you throw your hat into the ring it does mean that you are signing up or agreeing to do something.

  A boxing ring is surrounded on all four sides by ropes.A boxer trapped along the ropes gets hit a lot.So, to have someone on the ropes means to have them in a dangerous position.During a fight, the referee makes sure the boxers obey the rules of the sport.And if a fighter is hit so hard that he falls down, the referee gives the person a count of 10 to get up.If the fighter gets up, the boxing match continues.If the fighter does not, the match is over.So when you are down for the count you are not able to compete or not able to join in something.

  To go the distance is the opposite.It means a boxer was able to stay in the ring and not withdraw from the fight.If you do decide to leave your job, you throw in the towel.This expression comes from the fact that trainers can stop a match for their boxer by throwing a towel into the ring.

  So it is good to have someone in your corner, a person looking out for you.That is where a boxer's team stands during the end of each round—in his or her corner.

  A professional boxing match is made up of 12 periods, called rounds.At the end of each round a bell sounds.To be saved by the bell means you were saved from a bad situation by something.

  25.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.The history of boxing. B.The expressions of boxing.

  C.The rules of boxing.D.The development of boxing.

  答案 B [主旨大意题。本文是说明文,介绍了一些与拳击有关的短语。文章第一段为主题段,下面几段介绍了拳击运动中的一些短语。]

  26.Which of the following means you agree to do something?

  A.Throw your hat into the ring.B.You are down for the count.

  C.To go the distance.D.To be saved by the bell.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的But if you throw your hat into the ring it does mean that you are signing up or agreeing to do something.可知,throw your hat into the ring这个短语意思是签约参加或同意做某事。故选项A正确。]

  27.When you throw in the towel, you decide to ________.

  A.put someone in a dangerous positionB.continue to compete

  C.escape from a bad situationD.give up your job

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据第四段中的If you do decide to leave your job, you throw in the towel.可知,throw in the towel这个短语表示决定离开工作,即放弃工作。故选D。]

  28.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.the English language is colorful

  B.boxing is popular with western people

  C.boxing is the most dangerous sports

  D.English people are humorous

  答案 A [推理判断题。本文介绍了一些与boxing有关的英语短语,说明了英语语言的丰富多彩。]








  Being a volunteer can bring many benefits to you.You can learn new skills,gain valuable experiences,meet new people and so on.

  In the late August last year,I took part the voluntary work for a international sports meet.Every day I work in the supply office in the Athlete Villages for about seven hours.My job was to deliver daily supplies for the officials and athletes.When the sports meet closed,I accomplished my job successful.

  Though the job was hard,but it was very important.I made some friends with the people worked there and some athletes from all around the world.My voluntary work also enriched our working experience,from that I learned some skills as well.


  Being a volunteer can bring many benefits to you.You can learn new skills,gain valuable ,meet new people and so on.

  In the late August last year,I took part

  the voluntary work for

  international sports meet.Every day I

  in the supply office in the Athlete Villages for

  about seven hours.My job was to deliver daily supplies to the officials and athletes.When the sports meet closed,I accomplished my job .

  Though the job was hard, it was very important.I made some friends with the people

  there and some athletes from all around the world.My voluntary work also enriched

  working experience,from

  I learned some skills as well.








  3.参考词汇:二氧化碳—carbon dioxide;氧气—oxygen

  Hello,every Senior Three student!

  We are going to graduate from our school soon.



  We__are__going__to__graduate__from__our__school__soon.We have studied here for three years and we all regard it as our second home.We have planned to send a gift to our school.What about planting some trees?

  We all know that trees can clean the air,and they can make our school more beautiful.Secondly,trees can absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.Thirdly,the trees we are going to plant will grow up.Years later,when we come back to visit our school,they will remind us of the time when we studied in school.

  So we think trees are the best gifts not only for our school but also for us.Let's start now!


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