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2017届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修2 unit 6 Design(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.Teamwork is a key ________ (特征) of the training programme.

  2.Could you go into a little more ________ (细节) about it?

  3.(2017·重庆,阅读C)Indeed,________(痛苦) is your body telling you something's wrong,and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.

  4.It was ________ (典型的) of him to get angry about this kind of things.

  5.Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ________(废墟).

  6.*We may talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself is ________(抽象的).

  7.Some advertisements are so ________ (优雅地) presented that we are inspired or even moved.

  8.I'm determined to attain my ________(目的) at any cost.

  9.________ (肤浅的) men believe in luck; self-trust is the first secret of success.

  10.*(2015·广东,阅读C)Actually,children learn early the psychology of ________ (性格)in TV shows.

  答案 1.feature 2.details 3.pain 4.typical 5.ruins 6.abstract7.elegantly

  8.purpose 9.Shallow 10.characters


  1.(2017·江西,书面表达)________ (bathe) in the sunshine,we jumped and cheered with joy.

  2.The ________ (poetry)has not been himself recently.I think he must be worried.

  3.(2017·广东,阅读A)The power of ________ (imagine) need not be reserved for children only.

  4.The ________(relate)between teachers and pupils is not what it used to be.

  5.These two countries had three ________(religion)wars in twenty years.

  6.Our English course places great ________(emphasise) on conversational skills.

  7.I came to a ________ that once the price had been agreed a deal was quickly________ .(conclusion)

  8.My car finally came to a ________ road,some part of which ________ to only 5 meters in width.At the moment,another car ran in our direction.It was running so fast that it ________ missed hitting mine.How dangerous it was! (narrow)

  9.*All the experts ________ your advice; in other words,they thought your advice was ________.(valu)

  10.I know you are ________,but you should not be always at the ________ of them.(mercy)

  答案 1.Bathed 2.poet 3.imagination 4.relation 5.religious 6.emphasis

  7.conclusion;concluded 8.narrow;narrowed;narrowly 9.valued;valuable 10.merciful;mercy


  The artist often emphasises the value of imagination.At an exhibition,I see some abstract works.It's said that their typical features are designed on purpose.I can't understand the details and even the characters on them.



  ①abstract n. 抽象画

  ②landscape n. 风景画

  ③portrait n.肖像画

  ④sketch n. 素描

  ⑤perspective n. 透视画法

  ⑥impressionism n. 印象派


  ①VIP(very important person) 重要人物

  ②a historical figure 历史人物

  ③a heroic figure 英雄人物

  ④typical character 典型人物

  ⑤a big shot/a somebody 大人物

  ⑥a small potato/a nobody 小人物


  ①acceptable adj.可接受的;受欢迎的

  ②admirable adj.令人钦佩的;值得赞美的

  ③available adj.可利用的;可得到的

  ④comfortable adj.舒适的;惬意的

  fashionable adj.流行的;时髦的

  ⑥valuable adj.有价值的


  ①imagination n.想像;想像力→imagine vt.想像→imaginative adj.富有想像力的

  ②pain n.痛苦;疼,痛→painful adj.痛苦的,疼痛的→painfully adv.痛苦地

  ③exhibition n.展览会→exhibit vt.展览,显示

  ④poetry n.诗(总称)→poem n.诗→poet n.诗人

  ⑤elegantly adv.优雅地→elegant adj.优雅的;高雅的




  2.match...________ 使……和……相配

  3.sort ________ 有几分地

  4.come ________ 出来;出版

  5.________ the shape of以……的形状

  6.share ________ sb 与某人共享

  7.more ________ 多于;不只是;非常

  答案 1.to 2.with 3.of 4.out  5.in 6.with 7.than


  *fix one's eyes on;*date back (to);relate to;try out;hold one's breath;put on;*be deep/lost in thought;come up

  1.The question is bound to ____________ at the meeting.

  2.The boy lay under the bed,____________ in case his enemies in the game found him.

  3.He showed me all the paper ____________ the matter.

  4.Mr Black likes ____________ his new ideas to invent some useful tools.

  5.The stone steps,____________ 1855,are beginning to wear.

  6.Bill was sitting in class,but he ____________ the flowers outside.

  7.____________,he was nearly knocked down by a speeding car.

  8.You'd better ____________ your coat.It's getting colder.

  答案 1.come up 2.holding his breath 3.relating to 4.trying out 5.dating back to 6.fixed his eyes on 7.Lost/Deep in thought 8.put on



  ①fix one's eyes on 注视,凝视

  ②glance at 扫视

  ③glare at 怒目注视;瞪眼

  ④stare at 凝视;盯着看


  ①consist of 由……构成

  ②run out 用完

  ③date from/date back to 追溯到

  ④give out 用尽;精疲力竭

  ⑤belong to 属于

  ⑥come up 走近


  ①be absorbed in...专心致志

  ②be caught in...被困在……

  ③be buried in...埋头于……

  ④be occupied in...忙于

  ⑤be involved in...专注于……



  1.Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.(leave sb/sth doing...“让某人/某物处于某种状态”)


  [仿写]It's very cold,so don't always ________________.


  2.To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.(不定式作目的状语)


  [仿写]________________,you need to give all you have and try your best.


  3.*But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described it at all.(the way作先行词)


  [仿写]Not everyone likes the humorous way ________________.


  答案 1.leave the door open 2.To be a winner 3.that she hosts the program



  (1)当way作先行词,并在定语从句中作状语时,关系词用that或in which或省略。例如:

  I like the way (in which/that)the teacher gives his lessons.(从句缺少的是状语)


  This is the way (which/that)he came up with at the meeting.(从句缺少的是宾语)




  1.Sorry,I have no time left now.Can we discuss the matter ________ supper?

  2.“How could you lose so much money?” John asked his wife,eyeing her angrily from ________ the kitchen table.

  3.He often stands ________ the fence and talks endlessly with my father about gardening problems.

  4.*Reading books,________ takes the reader to other worlds,is a wonderful way to enjoy life.

  5The CCTV program,People Who Moved China,honors those ________ contributions should be remembered.

  答案 1.over 2.across 3.against 4.which 5.whose





  [单 词 点 睛]

  1.pain n.痛苦,疼,痛;劳苦,努力(常用复数)

  [高考例句](2017·安徽B) It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. 它有能力减少疼痛而且使人身心放松。

  (1)(be) in pain 疼痛,在苦恼中

  have a pain in the leg/back etc.腿/背等疼

  (2)spare no pains (to do sth) 不遗余力,全力以赴(做某事)

  take pains (to do sth) 尽力,费事,下功夫(做某事)

  (3)painful adj.疼痛的;痛苦的

  ①Kobe has a pain ________ the back,which makes him painful. 卡比背疼,这让他很痛苦。

  ②If you want to make great progress in your English,you should spare no ________ (pain


  ③My ankle is still too ________(pain)to walk on.


  答案 ①in ②pains ③painful

  【名师点津】 pain指精神上的痛苦时为不可数名词;指肉体上的疼痛时,可数、不可数均可;pain表示“努力,辛苦,功夫”时,常用复数形式。



  [教材原句]The painting,named Poppy,is a typical example of Chen's style.


  (1)be typical of/for 是……的特点/典型

  It is typical of sb to do sth 做某事是某/惯常行为

  (2)typically adv.典型地

  ①The weather at the moment is not typical ________ July. 现在的天气并不是七月份常有的。

  ②It is typical ________ him to be so merciless.


  答案 ①of/for ②of

  3.ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭;使破产n.毁灭,毁坏;废墟,遗址(常用复数)

  [教材原句]The castle was in ruins for 200 years until it was rebuilt in 1932.


  (1)ruin oneself 自取灭亡

  (2)lie/be in ruins 毁坏;严重受损;破败不堪

  ①If you're addicted to computer games,you'll ruin ________(you).


  ②The whole city ________ after the earthquake,which made us lying awake all night.


  答案 ①yourself ②lay in ruins

  4.purpose n.目的,意图

  [高考例句](2017·安徽,阅读A) Most of our visitors are amazed—and shocked—by the collection of “special purpose”shoes on exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear.


  for/with the purpose of...为了……目的

  on purpose 故意地

  achieve/accomplish/fulfill a purpose 达到目的

  ①Jimmy hit his little brother in the eye,but he didn't do it ________ purpose.


  ②He went to town ________ the purpose of buying a new television.


  答案 ①on ②with/for

  【名师点津】 on purpose“故意地”,其反义词组为by chance/accident,表示“偶然地,碰巧地”。

  5.mercy n.慈悲,怜悯,同情心

  [教材原句]He had no mercy so we had to leave fast.


  (1)have (no) mercy on sb 对……(不)同情

  show mercy to 对……表示怜悯

  at the mercy of sb/sth 任由某人/某事摆布, 在……支配下

  out of mercy 出于仁慈

  (2) be merciful to 对……仁慈

  (3)mercifully adv.幸运地,宽大地;仁慈地

  ①Though he is very rich,he shows little mercy ________ the poor.


  ②They were lost at sea,________ the mercy of wind and weather.


  ③You have made such a big mistake that you will be severely punished and no one will have mercy ________ you.


  [熟词生义]④It was a mercy that the whole family survived the earthquake.________

  答案 ①to ②at ③on ④幸运

  6.conclusion n.结论;结束

  [高考例句](2017·湖北,阅读E)The authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their conclusions.


  (1)come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 得出的结论

  make a conclusion下结论

  in conclusion (= to conclude) 最后(一句话)

  (2)conclude v.推断出;推论出;结束


  ①We ________________ that he was against our plan.


  ②________ conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.


  ③Let me conclude my speech ________ a saying,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”


  答案 ①came to the conclusion ②In ③with

  [短 语 点 拨]

  1.date back (to)追溯到

  [教材原句]Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty! 人们曾经在南北朝时期的墓穴中发现过动物形状的剪纸!

  (1)date from (= date back to) 追溯到,始于

  (2)to date 迄今,到现在为止

  up to date 最新式的,现代的

  out of date 过时的;过期的

  ①Most Chinese people like the fairytale of Cowboy and Weaving girl,which dates ________ Han Dynasty.


  ②The news you told me was ________ date but you thought it was ________ date.


  【名师点津】 date back to/date from常用于一般现在时;不用于被动语态。常用其现在分词形式作后置定语。

  ③My family has some paper money ________ (date)back to the Qing Dynasty.


  答案 ①from/back to ②out of;up to ③dating

  2.relate to把……与……联系起来;理解;同情

  [教材原句]How is paper-cutting related to fashion?


  (1)be related to 与……有关系


  (2)in/with relation to 与……有关;涉及;与……相比

  ①The report seeks to relate the rise in crime ________ an increase in unemployment.


  ②The death of this man was ________(relate)to the food which went bad.


  ③Women's earnings are still very low in ________(relate)to men's in some countries.


  ④Many parents find it hard to relate ________ their children when they are teenagers.


  答案 ①to/with ②related ③relation ④to

  3.try out试用,试验

  [教材原句]I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. 我也准备自己尝试剪纸。

  try for 谋求,争取;试图获得,力争赢得

  try out for 参加……选拔/竞赛

  try one's best to do sth 尽某人所能做某事

  ①It began when a teacher suggested I try out ________ the basketball team.


  ②We should ________ to take care of our parents,and make them happy in their later years.


  答案 ①for ②try our best

  [句 式 透 析]

  1.[教材原句]Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination. 齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。

  在leave the audience guessing中,leave之后接复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语),guessing是现在分词作宾语补足语。此结构常称为“leave的复合结构”。此结构含有“听任在某处、使保持某一状态”之意。



  ①He got off the bus hurriedly,________(leave) his umbrella on the bus.


  ②The bad weather left the project half ________(finish). 糟糕的天气使工程只完成了一半。

  ③Don't leave me ________(wait)outside too long.


  ④What disappoints me is that she leaves me ________(finish)the work by myself.


  答案 ①leaving ②finished ③waiting ④to finish





  2.[教材原句]To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black. 为了进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子和衣服的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子的背景颜色。

  to emphasise the woman even more为动词不定式作目的状语,修饰谓语adds。动词不定式作状语时常用来表示谓语动词的目的。

  (1)在动词不定式前加上in order (to),so as (to)等用以表示目的,其区别在于in order to可以位于句首或句中,so as to不能置于句首。

  ①________________ keep warm,we shut all the windows. 为了保暖,我们把所有窗户都关上了。

  ②I hurried through my work ________________ be in time for the wonderful TV programmes.



  ③Mr.Green and his wife hurried to the station ________________ that the train had left.



  ④We should set out early ________________ get there late.为了不迟到,我们应

  答案 ①In order to ②so as to/in order to ③only to be told ④in order not to/so as not to


  1.The king showed no mercy ________ the prisoners and killed all of them.

  2.Tickets for such events will ________ (typical)cost around thirty dollars.

  3.He searched the room carefully,only ________(find) nothing.

  4.They walked off and left me ________ (sit) there alone.

  5.He's got the right man and wants to try him ________ on the job.

  6.They came ________ a conclusion that someone had broken into the room and stolen something important.

  7.After a few years' civil war,the country's economy lay ________ ruins.

  8.It's ________ mercy that the accident happened so near the hospital.

  9.Do you think the reason ________ you gave for your absence is valid?

  答案 1.to 2.typically 3.to find 4.sitting 5.out 6.to 7.in 8.a 9.that


  1.It was typical for him to get angry about this kind of things.____________

  2.The house dates from the 19th century cost far more than expected.____________

  3.You will be paid to write an article for our website recording a situation that you find yourself extremely embarrassed or scared.____________

  4.If he wants to win in the contest,he must take great pain to prepare for it. ____________

  5.The classroom looks like a mess,then who left the waste paper lie around?


  6.The drug has not been tried on humans yet.____________

  7.The swimmer couldn't hold her breathe any longer.____________

  8.Now we can reach the conclusion the earth is round.____________

  答案 1.for→of 2.dates→dating 3.that→where4.pain→pains 5.lie→lying 

  6.tried后面加out7.breathe→breath 8.conclusion后面加that


  1. ________________,I really wish that I knew more about art.


  2. She came with her three friends,________________ I had ever met before.


  3.Jack is late again.________________ to keep others waiting.


  4.He went to work ________________.


  5. ________________ in time,the staff were working at weekends.


  答案 1.In conclusion 2.none of whom 3.It is typical of him 4.leaving the lunch unfinished 5.In order to/To finish the project



  1.上周我和几个同学去美术馆参观艺术展,我们看到了一些由著名艺术家创作的抽象作品, 有些相当精彩,以致我exhibition,abstract,fix one's eyes on,where引导的非限制性定语从句)


  2.许多作品有着悠久的历史,有一些可以追溯到200年前。 (date back to)


  3.我对抽象艺术作品了解不多,因此一些作品的细节我不太明白。 (details)




  5.总之,我真的希望我以前对艺术有更多的了解。(in conclusion)


  答案 1.Last week I visited an exhibition in the Art Gallery with several classmates,where we saw some abstract works created by famous artists.Some are so wonderful that we

  fix our eyes on them.

  2.Many works have a long history and some can date back to 200 years ago.

  3.I know little about abstract works,so I can't understand the details of some works.

  4.But I found some works are full of imagination and very valuable.

  5.In conclusion,I really wish that I knew more about art before.



  Last week I visited an exhibition in the Art Gallery with several classmates,where we saw some abstract works created by famous artists.Some are so wonderful that we

  fix our eyes on them.Many works have a long history and some can date back to 200 years ago.I know little about abstract works,so I can't understand the details of some works.But I found some works are full of imagination and very valuable.In conclusion,I really wish that I knew more about art before.



  1.If you want to succeed in the work,you must take pain about it. __________

  2.The doctor sat with his eyes quietly fixing on his bright face. __________

  3.This painting is typical to his early works.__________

  4.We were impressed on the ruins of an ancient building. __________

  5.They had no mercy to their prisoners. __________

  6.We visited a university dated from the 17th century. __________

  7.He brought all the papers related with this subject.__________

  8.One that has nothing to fear for oneself dares to tell the truth.__

  答案 1.pain→pains 2.fixing→fixed 3.to→of4.on→by 5.to→on 

  6.dated→dating 7.with→to8.that →who


  9.She seems to do these things ________________ rather than by chance.


  10.Whatever we do,we must ________________ to finish it.


  11.These experts discovered a pot ________________ the Yuan Dynasty.


  12.The method seems good but it needs ____________.


  13.Don't ________________ when you don't use it.


  答案 9.on purpose 10.spare no pains/efforts 11.dating from/back to 12.to be tried out/trying out13.leave the water running


  Habits of happy perfectionists

  While it might seem being a perfectionist(完美主义者) would make a person more successful, recent research suggests that isn't always the case.Perfectionism can certainly lead to mental health problems, such as anxiety.Also, because expectations are so high, goals often go unsatisfying.__14__ So what's a perfectionist to do to be happy and healthy?

  •__15__ Perfectionists need to be kind to themselves and realize that being perfect doesn't have to be the ultimate goal.They are so busy criticizing themselves they don't realize they can be kind to themselves.The bottom line is to remember you're only human.No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.

  •Ask for help.__16__ A huge problem that fuels the unhappiness is they are low in self acceptance and accepting others.Asking for help means perfectionists would have to admit that they are not perfect.Once perfectionists ask for help, they open themselves up to realizing that other people are either in the same boat, or able and willing to lend a hand.Either way, they learn they are not alone.

  •Look for cheerleaders.This is where friends and family come in.__17__ Experts recommend that loved ones should say something like:“When you make a mistake, I know you feel terrible but that doesn't change how we feel.I still love you if you make a mistake.”

  •__18__ Perfectionists often hear criticisms when no comments exist.Experts suggest that perfectionists use their brainpower to consider what criticisms are and how to deal with it.Accept the criticisms and try to correct what is wrong.

  A.Be kind to yourself.

  B.Accept that you're human.

  C.Learn how to deal with criticisms.

  D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.

  E.Perfectionists are really bad at asking for help.

  F.As a result, many perfectionists suffer from low self-esteem.

  G.They need to remind perfectionists that imperfection is normal.


  14.F [根据空格前面的两句内容“完美主义导致心理健康问题;因为期望太高,目标不理想”可知,空格处所填内容应该是完美主义造成的结果,即“许多完美主义者自尊心差”。故选F。]

  15.A [根据空格后面的句子Perfectionists need to be kind to themselves...“完美主义者需要对自己友善……”以及整个段落内容可知,本段主题应该是“对自己友善”。故选A。]

  16.E [本段标题为“寻求帮助”。选项E意为“完美主义者不善于寻求帮助”,符合标题内容。故选E。]

  17.G [朋友和家人的作用是来提醒完美主义者不完美是正常的。根据本段标题和专家推荐的话可知应该选G。]

  18.C [本段中的how to deal with it以及最后一句内容可知,本段标题应C。]


  Xu Beihong, who developed the tradition of combine poetry with painting, was a famous painter. To promote Chinese art, he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe. From his painting Racing Horse, we can see a horse runs at high speed as a missile across the sky.

  Qi Baishi, one of China's greatest painter, worked with wood during his early youth. Traveling

  across the country between 1902 and 1909, he painted a large amount of pictures of scenery. He was good at painting vegetables, flowers, birds, or insects.

  Chen Yifei's soft portraits of beautiful women are great value. The painting, whose the name is Poppy, is a typical example of his style. The picture showed a woman who is sitting alone and is deeply in thought.


  Xu Beihong, who developed the tradition of

  poetry with painting, was a famous painter. To promote Chinese art, he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe. From his painting Racing Horse, we can see a horse

  at high speed

  a missile across the sky.

  Qi Baishi, one of China's greatest , worked with wood during his early youth. Traveling

  across the country between 1902 and 1909, he painted a large

  of pictures of scenery. He was good at painting vegetables, flowers, birds,


  Chen Yifei's soft portraits of beautiful women are

  of great value. The painting, whose the name is Poppy, is a typical example of his style. The picture

  a woman who is sitting alone and is

  in thought.



  体裁:记叙文 话题:音乐 词数:333 时间:19′

  When Frankie Moran first saw his son Cole, he could not imagine ever sharing his love of music with the boy.Cole had cognitive delays and he was __1__.

  “When he was born I realize he couldn't see anything.And I felt very __2__.” But Cole quickly showed an interest in __3__.Mr.Moran is a singer and songwriter.He says his son was __4__ when he was making music at home.He says Cole would __5__ the instruments frequently.

  At around the age of one, Cole started playing __6__ of simple songs on a toy piano.“That is about the same time we __7__ he had perfect pitch(音高辨别力).Because when he would __8__ a note and hit the wrong note in a melody(旋律), he would go back and find that note.So that's how we figured he knew what he was __9__.”

  Cole Moran is now 12 years old and plays music every day.He __10__ his performances and listens back to the sound.He enjoys the work.“When I am playing music, I am __11__,” he said

  Cole's choice of __12__ since he was four has been the piano, which he often plays with his dad.Last year, the father and son duo won second place __13__ at a concert in their hometown, Berlin, Maryland.Now and then, Cole performs with his father under the name Blind Wind at a __14__ in Berlin.The 12-year-old __15__ his first CD recently, which made his mother __16__.“It is wonderful that he has something that he can do for the rest of his life that he will always __17__.”

  Cole __18__ Maryland School for the Blind in Berlin.There will be lots of time for music when classes end for the summer break.Frankie Moran says he and Cole plan to __19__ in other places except for the restaurant.They want to do a series of __20__ around the country.





  答案 D [根据When he was born I realize he couldn't see anything可知,Cole出生时就是盲人。]





  答案 A [因为儿子天生是盲人,所以Frankie Moran感到很沮丧。]





  答案 C [由下文内容可知,Cole在父亲作曲时表现好奇,触摸乐器,所以他是对音乐感兴趣。]





  答案 B [父亲作曲时,Cole表现得很好奇。]





  答案 A [Cole也经常触摸乐器。]





  答案 B [note指“音符”,本段中的he would go back and find that note.提示了答案。]





  答案 A [因为当Cole错过了一个音符,他会回去找到这个音符,所以Cole的爸爸发现他有音高辨别力。]





  答案 C [根据he would go back and find that note.可知,当Cole错过了一个音符,他会回去找到这个音符。]





  答案 D [弹奏钢琴错过了一个音符,又回去找到这个音符,由此可知,Cole能够清楚地知道他所听到的。]





  答案 B [根据and listens back to the sound可知,Cole将自己演奏的曲子录音以便能够再次听。]





  答案 D [从He enjoys the work可以判断,当Cole演奏音乐的时候,他很高兴。]





  答案 C [the piano是Cole选择演奏的一个乐器。]





  答案 A [Cole和他爸爸的二重奏在一个音乐会上成功地获得了第二名。]





  答案 D [根据下文...except for the restaurant可知选项D正确。]





  答案 B [根据句意可知,最近Cole发布了他的第一张CD。]





  答案 C [根据Cole妈妈说的话It is wonderful that he has something that he can do for the rest of his life可知,当得知 Cole发布了第一张CD时,她非常兴奋。]





  答案 D [Cole以后的日子有事可做是因为他一直喜欢音乐。]





  答案 C [根据when classes end for the summer break可知,Cole是在上学,而不是创办学校。]





  答案 B [父子二人计划将去那家饭店以外的其他地方去演出。]





  答案 A [他们想要到全国各地做一系列的演出。]



  体裁:说明311 时间:7′

  Dutch designer Jeffrey Heiligers' latest clothing line—“Posture”—targets people who spend most of their time hunched(弯腰驼背) over a computer.

  By preventing the wearer from hunching, the clothes help people improve their posture in the long run.The concept is simple—every time you hunch, the shirt will tighten uncomfortably around the back, forcing you to sit upright again.

  “I engineered a tailor-made treatment that corrects poor posture, nowadays very common among the digital generation, not by constraining(约束) the muscles, but by training them,” Heiligers told Dezeen magazine.“Posture offers a solution integrated in(融入) the clothes you wear.By repositioning the seams in such a way that they start to feel uncomfortable when hunching, it stimulates you to sit up straight.”

  Heiligers revealed that a physiotherapist was involved in the designing process.They began by identifying the various sitting and standing positions that cause neck, shoulder, and back pain.Heiligers then cut the fabric across the back, in order to make the clothes tighten slightly when the wearer hunches forward.The discomfort will remind the wearer to adjust their posture, and their muscles will eventually get trained to sit and stand the right way.

  The Posture range are all constructed differently to normal clothes.Heiligers pointed out that the clothes are special because the more they are used, the less they are needed.He chose to use only a few colors—white, grey, blue—because he wanted to create an everyday collection.“More and more people become hunch-backed because they use more and more electronic devices.I would like the clothing industry to be inspired by the clothes I created and to adopt it to prevent back problems in the future.I'm sure what I created will have a bright future,” Heiligers said.

  21.What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A.To tell a new treatment for a common disease.

  B.To introduce a kind of special products.

  C.To seek help for people who are hunch-backed.

  D.To give some advice on how to prevent hunching.

  答案 B [推理判断题。本文介绍了荷兰设计师Jeffrey Heiligers设计的能够防止弯腰驼背的名字叫做“Posture”的系列服装。故文章的写作目的是为了介绍一种特殊的产品。故选B。]

  22.What do you know about “Posture”?

  A.People feel uncomfortable when wearing them.

  B.They can correct any poor posture people have.

  C.They are constructed the same as normal clothes.

  D.They can help people improve their posture.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据短文第二段第一句By preventing the wearer from hunching, the clothes help people improve their posture in the long run.可知,这种被称作“Posture”的系列服装可以帮助人们改善他们的姿势。故选D。]

  23.When the wearer hunches over a computer, the Posture will ________.

  A.constrain the muscles around the back

  B.cause pain in many parts of your body

  C.become tight around the back

  D.tell him to adjust his posture

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的every time you hunch, the shirt will tighten uncomfortably around the back,可知,当人们弯腰驼背时,这种被称作Posture的C。]

  24.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.“Posture” will be popular with people in the future

  B.the clothing industry is not interested in “Posture”

  C.“Posture” does not wear well as normal clothes

  D.wearing “Posture” is the best way to treat hunchback

  答案 A [推理判断题。根据短文最后一段最后一句可知,Heiligers认为他所设计的“Posture”的系列服装将有一个光明的未来,由此可以推知,这种服装将会受到人们的欢迎。故选A。]


  体裁:记叙文 话题:时装 词数:302 时间:6′

  Like most designers at New York Fashion Week, Mayhem expertly posed for photos, showed off the creations she has made and took interviews.Unlike most designers, however, she is only four years old.

  Known on Instagram as 2 sisters angie to her more than 400,000 followers, this lovely pre-schooler and her mother Angie Keiser, who calls her “Mayhem” on social media instead of using her real name, have designed dozens of dresses with the clever and creative use of construction paper.Mayhem wore one of her own designs to the event—a black and white shirt top with a floral design and a black skirt, all made from construction paper, of course.

  Mayhem's interest in fashion was sparked last year.One day, Angie Keiser found her wrapping herself in woolen scarves and random pieces of fabric.Angie felt curious and asked the little girl why she did it.To Angie's great surprise, the little girl said she did this to create brand new clothes.When her mother suggested that she start making her own clothes from construction paper, the idea took hold—and they haven't turned back since.

  Now she has a huge following on Instagram, where she shares pictures of the recreations she has made of some of her favorite red carpet looks and high-fashion designs.Like all the professional, Mayhem sketches her dresses before bringing them to life—although recently she's been going more high-tech with her visions.

  Considering she was invited to her first Fashion Week before kindergarten, it's safe to say that Mayhem has got the fashion bug—and it's not going away any time soon.“Mayhem is interested in fashion and she has always had new ideas.I'm sure there is no shortage of inspiration for her at this point,” her mother Angie says proudly.

  25.Which of the following made Mayhem stand out at New York Fashion Week?

  A.Her postures were quite wonderful.

  B.Her creations were the best of all.

  C.She took interviews like an adult.

  D.She was only a four-year-old designer.

  答案 D [推理判断题。根据短文第一段可知,Mayhem与其他大多数设计者的不同之处在于,她仅仅是个4岁的孩子。由此可以推知,她是因为年龄小而显得突出的。故选D。]

  26.What do you know about Mayhem?

  A.It is the real name of a little designer.

  B.She owns a lot of followers.

  C.She learned to design clothes from her mother.

  D.It is the name of a fashion company.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据短文第二段第一句Known on Instagram as 2 sisters Angie to her more than 400,000 followers可知,她拥有众多追随者。故选B。]

  27.What do Mayhem's creations made from?

  A.Construction paper.B.Pieces of fabric.

  C.Red carpet.D.Wool.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据have designed dozens of dresses with the clever and creative use of construction paper以及all made from construction paper, of course可知,Mayhem设计的服装是由图画用纸制造的。故选A。]

  28.It can be known from the passage that ________.

  A.Angie Keiser didn't support her daughter's love for fashion

  B.Mayhem's creations are popular with people around the world

  C.Mayhem became interested in fashion when she was three

  D.professional designers think highly of Mayhem's creations

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文第三段第一句Mayhem's interest in fashion was sparked last year.结合第一段中的she is only four years old.可以推算,Mayhem是在3岁时开始对时装感兴趣的。故选C。]








  Dear Tom,

  How is nice to hear from you again.You want to know that is going on in schools in China? In short,things have begun to improve since schools were called to reduce learning load.I don't know other,but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attend classes as well.Now I have more free time.I can follow my own interest such as reading books,visiting museums and taking computer lessons.In the evening I can watch news on TV,and read some newspapers.What's more,I can go to bed early.As far as I known,not only the students but their parents were happy about this new arrangement of things.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua


  Dear Tom,


  nice to hear from you again.You want to know

  is going on in schools in China? In short,things have begun to improve since schools were called

  to reduce learning load.I don't know ,but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and

  classes as well.Now I have more free time.I can follow my own

  such as reading books,visi-ting museums and

  computer lessons.In the evening I can watch news on TV,and read some newspapers.What's more,I can go to bed .As far as I ,not only the students but their parents

  happy about this new arrangement of things.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua










  Boys and girls,

  Attention,please! I have an announcement to make.

  Tomorrow morning we're going to the park to carry out an environmental protection activity.All the students are required to gather at the school gate at 7:00 am and then go to the park on foot.

  In the park,girls are going to set up some boards,which are used to warn the visitors to take care of flowers and trees and keep off the green grass.Boys will pick up the rubbish and hand out the leaflets which tell the visitors the importance of protecting the environment.

  The activity will last a whole day.Please take your lunch with you.

  Thank you.


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