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2017届高考英语一轮复习学案:必修3 unit 7 The sea(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.*(2015·湖南,阅读A) We are having a ________(辩论)about this topic.

  2.*(2015·江苏,阅读A)Always observe district fire ________(禁令).

  3.*(2017·北京,阅读A)We have a special offer for 10 days,during which you can enjoy a half price

  (折扣) and a free delivery.

  4.We ________ (测量) the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.

  5.(2015·湖北,书面表达)After the questions being put forward one by one,our actions go __ and ________(进一步),until we get a good command of it at last.

  6. (2017·浙江,阅读A) Europeans see a piggy bank as a ________(象征,符号)of good fortune and wealth.

  7.Although he may be troubled,he always ________(显露) a calm smiling face.

  8.Only four people managed to ________(逃离) before the roof collapsed.

  9.The school has only been open for six months,so it's too early to ________ (评价) its success.

  10.(2017·新课标全国,短文改错)When tea got popular in Britain,there was a crying need for good cups with ________(手柄)to suit British habits.

  答案 1.debate 2.bans 3.discount 4.measured 5.further;further 6.sign

  7.presents 8.escape 9.evaluate 10.handles


  1.(2015·浙江,阅读B)Graphs can seem ________(frighten),but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story.

  2.His father was reached by their ________(persuade) at last.

  3.They made an ________(arrange) to meet at the school gate at 3 pm.

  4.*(2017·辽宁,阅读C)In order to stay ________ (energy),sitting workers need to exercise regularly.

  5.(2017·浙江,写作)They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific ________ (discover).

  6.(2017·上海,选词填空)Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for ________(recognise)to take place.

  7.I was ________ (terrify) out of my mind,giving my first public performance.

  8.Fresh air and nutritious food will speed his __ (recover).

  9.Of those wounded in the battle,only three ________(survival),and now they all have passed away.

  10.(2017·安徽,阅读D)So,let us assume that historical buildings are both ________(attract) and important to the majority of people.

  11.It was reported that the chemical factory ________ the environment and the ________ was very serious.(pollute)

  12.The child made a very ________ comment,which showed that he was a boy of very high ________.(intelligent)

  13.We all ________ in the camp and agreed that this ________ was very valuable.(participate)

  14.Tom ________ to Mary the other day for his rudeness; Of course,she accepted his ________.(apologise)

  答案 1.frightening 2.persuasion 3.arrangement 4.energetic 5.discoveries 6.recognition 7.terrified 8.recovery 9.survived 10.attractive 11.polluted;

  pollution 12.intelligent;intelligence 13.participated;participation 14.apologised;



  According to an intelligent and energetic professor in our department,he has never participated in a further voyage on his own before.Although he isn't an explorer,he often makes new discoveries.We know he likes collections of seashells.He can recognise the ages by measuring their widths and lengths altogether.



  ①quarrel vt.争辩,争吵

  ②argue v. 坚决主张,争论,辩论

  ③discuss vt.讨论

  debate v.争论,争辩


  ①permit v.允许

  ②allow v.允许

  ③forbid v.禁止

  ④ban v.& n.禁止

  ⑤prohibit v.禁止


  ①count v.计算;认为;有价值

  ②account n.账户;解释;账目

  ③accountant n.会计师

  ④counter n.柜台

  ⑤discount n.& v.折扣;打折扣

  ⑥country n.国家;乡下,农村

  ⑦countryside n.农村,乡下


  ①energetic 有活力的

  ②lively 活泼的

  ③optimistic 乐观的

  ④pessimistic 悲观的

  ⑤easy-going 随和的

  ⑥gentle 温和的

  ⑦outgoing 外向的

  ⑧straightforward 坦率的


  ①frightening adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的→frighten vt.(使)惊恐→frightened adj.害怕的;受惊的

  ②educate vt.教育→educator n.教育工作者→education n.教育,培养

  ③attract vt.吸引→attraction n.吸引人的地方→attractive adj.吸引人的

  ④terror n.恐怖,恐惧→terrify vt.令人感到恐惧→terrifying adj.使人感到恐惧的→terrified adj.感到恐怖的

  ⑤survive vi.幸存,生存下来→survival n.幸存→survivor n.幸存者



  1.________ one's own 独自地;独立地

  2.be covered ________ 覆盖

  3.*in addition ________ 除……以外还有

  4.get ________ trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境

  5.in search ________ 寻找,寻求

  6.all ________ once 突然

  答案 1.on 2.with 3.to 4.into 5.of 6.at


  *participate in;fill out;deal with;pick up;set sail;*make sense;*make it to;watch out for

  1.Everyone in the class is expected to ____________ the discussion.

  2.We've ____________ several renewals this week.

  3.The seamen decided to ________ the next morning for Europe.

  4.You must always ____________ the traffic here.

  5.The boy ____________ some English while living in America with his parents.

  6.____________ this form and sign your name,then we'll issue you a bankbook.

  7.It ____________ to buy a large house because your family is big.

  8.Even though he couldn't swim,he managed to ____________ the river bank with his friends' help.

  答案 1.participate in 2.dealt with 3.set sail 4.watch out for 5.picked up

  6.Fill out 7.makes sense 8.make it to



  ①as well as


  ③in addition to

  ④apart/aside from



  ②join in

  ③take part in


  ⑤participate in


  ①make a difference 有影响;起作用

  ②make a living 谋生

  ③make a fortune 发财

  ④make a mess 弄糟

  ⑤make a comment 作出评论


  1.It's three times as big underwater.(倍数+as...as..)


  [仿写]There were ________________ cars as we expected during the meeting.


  2.You certainly won't find a noisier fish.(比较级和否定词连用表达最高级含义)


  [仿写]________________ than a good book at the moment.


  3.Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!”.(be doing...when...“正在做……这时……”)


  [仿写]I ________________ on the Internet ________ I found some information of iPhone 6.


  4.*One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands,our boat full of fish.(独立主格结构)


  [仿写]He came out of the library,________________.


  答案 1.three times as many 2.Nothing could be more meaningful 3.was surfing;when 4.a large book under his arm



  (1)独立主格结构(Absolute Structure)是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结构,用于修饰整个句子。独立主格结构中的名词或代词与其后的分词等构成逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,它的位置相当灵活,可置于主句前、主句末或主句中


  (2)独立主格结构基本构成形式:加名词(代词)+现在分词(过去分词;形容词;副词;不定式;名词;介词短语) 。




  1.I still remember the day ________ I first came to Beijing.

  2.*I bought a great many books,________ which I spent all my money that I saved.

  3.*The athlete ________ whom you talked is a famous runner.

  4.—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

  —Yes.I've never been to a ________ (exciting) one before.

  5.Of the two sisters,Betty is the ________(young) one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

  答案 1.when 2.on 3.to 4.more exciting 5.younger







  [单 词 点 睛]

  1.arrange v.安排,准备;整理;排列

  [教材原句]If not,then your group should arrange to meet outside of school hours and choose a time that's best for most people in the group.


  (1)arrange to do sth 安排做某事

  arrange for sb/sth to do sth 安排某人/物做某事

  arrange with sb about sth 与某人商定某事

  (2)make arrangements for 为……做好安排

  ①I have arranged ________ the neighbours ________ taking care of the cat.


  ②Her parents are busy ________________

  her wedding ceremony.


  ③We have made all the ________ (arrange)for the conference that will be held next week.


  【名师点津】 不能说arrange sb to do...,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句用虚拟语气“(should+)do”。

  ④He arranged that the meeting ________ for a week.

  =He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.


  答案 ①with;about ②arranging for ③arrangements ④(should) be put off

  2.sign n.符号;标志;手势;征兆,迹象vt.签署;示意;打手势

  [高考例句](2015·江苏,阅读A)When driving,minimize noise and observe no smoking signs.


  (1)sign of/that...……的迹象/征兆

  (2)traffic signs 交通标志

  (3)sign (to sb) to do sth 示意(某人)去做某事

  (4)sign in 签到

  (5)sign up/on(sb) 报名,注册,签约雇用(某人)

  (6)sign up (for sth) 报名(参加课程)

  ①2017·浙江,阅读A)Europeans see a piggy bank as ________ sign of good fortune and wealth.


  ②All the teachers who want to visit our school must sign ________ on arrival.


  ③The company has signed ________ three top models for the fashion show.


  答案 ①a ②in ③on/up

  3.persuade vt.说服,劝服;使相信

  [高考例句](2015·安徽,完形)Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.



  ①In a debate you need persuade the listeners ________ the soundness of your argument.


  ②(2015·浙江,书面表达) I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea.

  =I managed to persuade my classmates ________ my idea. 我已经说服我的学生接受我的观点。

  ③I persuaded him out of going there with Tom.

  =I persuaded him ________ there with Tom.


  【辨析比较】 persuade sb to do/try to persuade sb to do/advise sb to do

  persuade sb to do 强调劝说并达到成效,即说服

  try to persuade sb to do 试图说服某人做某事, 强调过程

  advise sb to do 建议某人做某事,不涉及最后的结果


  ④At first,many friends ________ see a doctor,but he refused.Later his wife ________ him and also failed.Who else can ________ do so?


  答案 ①of ②to accept ③not to go ④advised him to;tried to persuade;persuade him to

  4.ban vt.禁止n.禁止,禁令

  [高考例句](2017·山东,阅读表达)Fining drivers who are in areas where cars have been banned can also tend to encourage them to leave their cars behind.


  (1)ban doing sth 禁止(做)某事

  (2)ban sb from (doing) sth 禁止某人(做)某事

  (3)a ban on sth 对……的禁令

  ①After the accident,he was banned ________ driving.


  ②There is to be a total ban ________ smoking in the office. 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。

  答案 ①from ②on

  5.present vt.演示,讲演;上演,演出;出现,出席;显示;介绍;赠予;交给;提出,提交;颁发

  [教材原句]How will you present your project?


  ①I don't have any information about Lin Shuhao ________________.


  ②The students presented flowers ________ their teachers on Teachers' Day.

  =The students presented their teachers ________ flowers on Teachers' Day.



  ③An expert ________ at the meeting ________ me with a book on________ financial crisis as a ________.


  答案 ①at present/at the present time ②to;with ③present;presented;present;present

  【名师点津】 present用作形容词,作“现在的,目前的”讲时,常作前置定语;作“出席的,在场的”讲时,常作后置定语。

  6.attract vt.吸引,引起……的注意;使喜爱;引起……的好感(或爱慕)

  [高考例句](2015·重庆,阅读B)In ancient Egypt,a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment.


  (1)attract sb to sth/sb 把某人吸引到……

  attract one's attention/interest 吸引某人的注意/兴趣

  (2)attraction n. 吸引人的事物,吸引力

  (3)attractive adj.有魅力的,吸引人的

  ①She gave a quiet cough to ________.


  ②The scenery in Switzerland is very ________(attract) to the tourists from the whole world.


  答案 ①attract my attention ②attractive

  7.escape vi.逃脱,逃跑;被忘掉,被忽视n.逃走,逃脱

  [教材原句]Without waiting,I dived into the sea to try and escape.


  (1)escape from/out of...从……中逃脱

  escape (doing) sth 避免/逃脱(做)某事

  (2)make one's escape 逃走

  a narrow escape 九死一生

  ①No prisoner escaped ________ the prison without being seen.


  ②He escaped ________(kill) in the explosion because he had not gone to work.


  ③It's a wonder that he had/got ________ narrow escape from the car accident.


  答案 ①from ②being killed ③a

  [短 语 点 拨]

  1.make it to到达(to为介词)

  [教材原句]Eric set sail once again,this time with 25 ships,of which only 14 made it to Greenland.


  make it+时间 约定为……(时间)

  make it 及时到达(尤其在困难情况下)


  get it 懂得,理解

  ①Let's make ________ at seven o'clock on Tuesday morning at my office.


  ②Lucy failed in the computer test last time while I________.


  ③I don't ________.Please explain.


  答案 ①it ②made it ③get it

  2.pick up取,接载;营救,搭救;拾起,捡起;收听(节目);无意中学到;廉价买到;恢复健康;情况好转

  [牛津例句]She went over to the crying child and picked her up. 她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。

  写出下列句中pick up的含义

  ①She picked up a lot of French when she was in France. ____________

  ②My radio made in Shanghai can pick up BBC very clearly.____________

  ③He is beginning to pick up after the operation,which delights his family.____________

  ④When is the weather going to pick up? It's been bad for weeks. ____________

  ⑤(2017·山东,阅读A)Peter drove to Ann's house to pick up his dog,and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window.____________

  答案 ①(非正式途径)学会,获悉 ②收听,收到

  ③恢复健康 ④天气好转 ⑤接载


  [句 式 透 析]

  1.[教材原句]It's three times as big underwater.






  (3)倍数+the size/length/width/height...of...


  (5)倍数+that of...


  ①Our school which was built last year is ________________ his.


  ②After looking at the map,he finds this street is four times the ________ (long)of that street.


  ③The production now is three times ________ it was ten years ago.


  答案 ①three times as big as ②length ③what

  【名师点津】 倍数表达中,一倍用once,两倍用twice,三倍及三倍以上用“数词+times”来表示。

  2.[教材原句]You certainly won't find a noisier fish.


  not...a noisier fish此结构是:not...+a+比较级+名词的单数。这种结构是以比较级的形式来表达最高级的含义。



  (2)not (never,nothing等表示否定意义的词)+a/an+比较级+ n.单数

  ①Yi Jianlian is taller than ________ other player in our national basketball now.


  ②What a wonderful novel!I have never read ________ more moving one.


  答案 ①any ②a


  1.I never thought Clare would make ________ as a successful actress.

  2.They were about to go back home ________ the accident happened.

  3.The mayor presented him ________ a gold medal at an official city reception.

  4.The Great Wall is such a well-known tourist ________ (attract) that millions of people pour in every year.

  5.Charles often attempts to escape ______(fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

  6.This is the middle school ________ Mr.Smith taught English ten years ago.

  7.I was sleepy.I decided to make myself some strong coffee so I could work ________(well).

  8.Mr.Green tried to persuade Miss King ________(attend) the important conference,but she refused him.

  9.This article may shock some sensitive readers,________ whom I offer my apologizes in advance.

  10.She ________(be) absent,the meeting had to be put off.

  答案 1.it 2.when 3.with 4.attraction 5.being fined 6.where 7.better 8.to attend 9.to 10.being


  1.I know only a little about the twins,Jane and Mary, but I think Jane is more beautiful of the two sisters.____________

  2.The work finishing,they left the office and went home.____________

  3.The service here is wonderful and I think we couldn't have found better place.____________

  4.Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search of survivors in the earthquake.____________

  5.Sarah made that to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.____________

  6.Last weekend I went downtown and I had trouble find somewhere to park.____________

  7.Many of the peasants survive from tiny plots of corn and beans.____________

  8.Bill arranged this man to show us around the museum.____________

  答案 1.is后加the 2.finishing→finished 3.found后加a 4.第二个of→for 5.that→it 6.find→finding 7.from→on 8.arrange后加for


  1. ________________than water in the desert.


  2.Beijing is ________________ my hometown.


  3.Zhu Zhiwen never thought he ________________ as a successful singer.


  4.I ________________ at the airport.


  5.I finally managed to ________________ for a drink with me. 我最后终于想法子说服她跟我一起出去喝一杯。

  答案 1.Nothing else is more precious 2.ten times as big as 3.would make it 4.have arranged for a car to pick you up 5.persuade her to go/into going out







  3.根据他的安排,他们在某一个周一启航去寻找鲸鱼。(arrangement,set sail,in search of)


  4.在路上他警告他的同伴注意鲨鱼,以免陷入麻烦之中。(watch out,got into trouble)


  5.在他们的共同努力下,经过一个月的航行,他们到达了目的地并找到了鲸鱼。(make it to)


  答案 1.My friend Jack is an explorer.He has a lot of experiences which are exciting and dangerous.

  2.Last year he persuaded some people to participate in his adventure on the sea.

  3.According to his arrangement,they set sail on a Monday in search of whales.

  4.On the way,he warned his fellows to watch out for sharks in case they got into trouble.

  5.With their joint efforts,after a month's sail,they made it to their destination and found the whales.




  My friend Jack is an explorer,and he has a lot of experiences which are exciting and dangerous.Last year he persuaded some people to participate in his adventure on the sea.According to his arrangement,they set sail on a Monday in search of whales.On the way,he warned his fellows to watch out for sharks in case of getting into trouble.With their joint efforts,after a month's sail,they made it to their destination and found the whales.



  1.He went there in search ________ a doctor ________ his sick wife.

  2.For safety reasons,please sign ________ when you arrive at the building,and sign ________ when you leave.

  3.How many years does it take to be recognised ________ a native of one's country of birth?

  4.Everyone in the class is expected to participate ________ the discussion.

  5.If buyers pay in advance,they can make large wholesale purchases ________ a discount.

  6.The woman promised the boy she would make a dress ________ his own measure.

  7.After the accident,he was banned ________ driving alone.

  8.I must apologise ________ you ________ breaking your window.

  答案 1.of;for 2.in;out 3.as 4.in 5.at 6.to 7.from 8.to;for


  9.We were very lucky to ________________(免受惩罚).

  10.People ________________(禁止吸烟)in many public places in England.

  11.The new teacher came in,________________(面带微笑).

  12.Nothing in the world is ________________(比那些书更有价值).

  13.When shall we meet again?

  —________________(你喜欢哪天就哪天); it's all the same to me.

  答案 9.escape being punished/punishment 10.are banned from smoking 11.a smile on her face 12.more valuable than those books 13.Make it any day you like


  The Vikings,whose ancestors came from Scandinavia,were the first Europeans __14__(reach) America. By around 900 AD,they had lived in many places of Northern Europe. In 982 AD,a man __15__(call) Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because of a murder,for __16__ he got into trouble. Eric discovered Greenland __17__ persuaded some people to settle in Greenland. Later a man __18__ the name Biarni set sail from Iceland to search for Eric's party. But he __19__(blow) off course and __20__ (eventual) reached Greenland. In the year 1002,Leif,Eric the Red's son,followed Biarni's directions and sailed to __21__ is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada. He also discovered Newfoundland. Actually,Eric the Red and Leif's deeds are __22__ first records we have of Europeans __23__ (sail) to the Americas.

  答案 14.to reach 15.called 16.which 17.and

  18.with 19.was blown 

  20.eventually 21.what22.the 23.sailing








  Monday Feb.15Windy

  I was spending my holiday in my grandmother home.My cousin David got some fireworks and is going to set it off.This happened to be seeing by his classmate,Lily.She told him not to do so.And David thought that it was the Spring Festival and he could enjoy himself for while.So Lily showed him some picture posters and explained to him that set off fireworks might cause pollution and big fires.The worse to happen was that it would do seriously harm to people's eyes.Having heard of this,David agreed to Lily.He threw his fireworks away.


  Monday Feb.15Windy

  I was spending my holiday in my

  home.My cousin David got some fireworks and

  going to set

  off.This happened to be

  by his classmate,Lily.She told him not to do so. David thought that it was the Spring Festival and he could enjoy himself for

  while.So Lily showed him some picture posters and explained to him that

  off fireworks might cause pollution and big fires.The worse to happen was that it would do

  harm to people's eyes.Having heard

  this,David agreed

  Lily.He threw his fireworks away.



  体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:情感 词数:255 时间:17′

  Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditch(沟) along the highway I travel daily to work.

  There is one particular blue flower that has always__1__ my eye.I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, the__2__ sun is too warm for it.

  This spring, I__3__ a wildflower garden in our yard.I can look out of the__4__ window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.I've often thought that those__5__ blue flowers from the__6__ would look great in that bed alongside other wild flowers.Every day I__7__ past the flowers__8__, “I'll stop my car on my way home and dig them.” Whatever the reason, I__9__stopped to dig them.My husband even gave me a folding__10__ one year for my trunk to be used for that expressed__11__.

  One day on my way home from work, I was__12__ to see that the highway department had__13__ the grass and the pretty__14__ flowers were gone.I thought to myself, “I should have done it when I first saw them__15__ this spring.”

  A week ago we were__16__ and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a brain cancer.She is 20 years older than my husband and__17__, because of age and distance, we haven't been as__18__ as we all would have liked.I couldn't help but see the__19__ between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us.

  And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and__20__ them to my wildflower garden.





  答案 B [catch one's eye“引起某人的注意”,这种特别的蓝色的花引起了“我”的注意。其他选项不符合句子意思。]





  答案 D [用afternoon与前面的morning作对比。这种花只在上午开放,下午阳光太强烈。]





  答案 A [start含有“开创;建立”之意。作者在院子里开辟了一个小花园。]


  B.sitting room


  D.living room

  答案 C [下文的while doing the dishes说明作者可以通过厨房的窗子看到花园里的花。]





  答案 A [根据下文的and the pretty ________ flowers were gone可知这些花非常漂亮。]





  答案 B [作者想象着从沟里挖来的花与其他的花在一起会显得很漂亮





  答案 D [下文的I'll stop my car on my way home and dig them说明作者是开车上班。]





  答案 A [作者在开车经过这些花时会想到下班回家的路上挖这些花。其他选项不符合句意。]





  答案 C [作者从未真正去挖这些花,才造成了后来的遗憾。]





  答案 C[因为作者想挖这些花,所以她的丈夫给了她一把折叠的铲子。]





  答案 D [作者的丈夫给作者折叠的铲子的目的是为了那个明确的“目的”,即挖那些漂亮的花。]





  答案 B [因为自己喜欢的花不见了,所以作者很悲伤。]

  13.A.cut down

  B.sold out

  C.set up

  D.held up

  答案 A [cut down“砍掉”;sell out“卖光”;set up“建立”;hold up“推迟;耽搁”。根据句子意思可知,作者伤心是因为花被砍光了。]





  答案 C [上文的I've often thought that those__5__ blue flowers给出了提示。]





  答案 A [作者后悔的是没有在当初这些花开的时候挖一些。]





  答案 C [根据后面的saddened可知,作者听到丈夫的姐姐得了癌症后是很震惊的。]





  答案 D [根据下文的because of age and distance, we haven't been as __18__ as we all would have liked可知,作者认为年龄大和距离远的缘故亲人之间没有太多的亲近是不幸的。]





  答案 B [解析同上。]





  答案 A [作者通过上面的描述,仿佛看到了该挖而未挖的花与亲朋之间那种该亲近而未亲近的联系。]





  答案 C [transplant“移植”。上文讲到作者后悔没能及时挖那些花种在花园里,所以作者想到如果以



  体裁:说明文 话题:海洋 词数:318 时间:7′

  The sea is home to billions of plants and animals.Many live only near the sunlit surface.Oceanographers classify marine living beings by separating them into two main groups:plants and animals.

  There are two general types of plants found in the ocean, those having roots that are attached to the ocean bottom and those not having roots which simply drift about with the water.The rooted plants in the ocean are only found in shallow water because there is not enough sunlight to sustain photosynthesis(光合作用) in deeper waters.Since sunlight does not pass more than a few hundred feet into the ocean, most of the ocean is not capable of supporting rooted plants.

  The most plenty plants in the ocean are known as phytoplankton(浮游生物).These are usually single-celled, minute floating plants that drift throughout the surface waters of the ocean.To grow, phytoplankton need nutrients from the sea water and lots of sunlight.

  Marine animals are divided into three groups:zooplankton, nekton, and benthos.Zooplankton are drifting animals and are usually small, however, they can grow to fairly large size.For example, the jellyfish and the Portuguese man-of-war are examples of larger types of zooplankton which are unable to propel(推进) themselves effectively.

  Nekton are the free swimmers and probably the largest portion of familiar animals found in the ocean belong to this class.Common fishes, the octopus, whales, eels and squid are all examples of nekton.

  The third type of sea animals spends its entire life on or in the ocean bottom.This group of marine animals is called the benthos.Some of these creatures, such as lobsters and snails, may be able to move about on the bottom but their lifestyle is so bound up with the ocean floor that they are unable to survive away from this environment.

  【语篇解读】 海洋是成千上万种动物和植物的家乡。海洋植物主要有两种:有根植物和浮游植物;海洋动物大体可分为三类:浮游动物、游泳动物和海底动物。

  21.The text mainly tells us something about ________.

  A.marine plants and marine animals

  B.two types of sea plants

  C.three kinds of sea animals

  D.small and big animals in the ocean

  答案 A [主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了海洋生物的分类(海洋植物和海洋动物)以及他们的特点。]

  22.Why can't we find the rooted plants in deep water of the ocean?

  A.Because there are too many rocks at the bottom of the ocean.

  B.Because the rooted plants can't stand the coldness of the ocean.

  C.Because there is not enough sunlight for them in deep water.

  D.Because the rooted plants need more sunlight than plants which have no roots.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段可知,有根植物不能生存在很深的海底是因为那儿没有充足的阳光来进行光合作用。]

  23.One of the characteristics of zooplankton is that ________.

  A.they are small and never grow to large size

  B.some of the zooplankton can't swim effectively

  C.they can swim freely in deep water of the ocean

  D.they need more sunlight than other animals in the ocean

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,有些zooplankton不能自己有效地推进自己,也就是说它们不能有效地游泳。]

  24.According to the last paragraph, we can conclude that


  A.benthos live on the surface of the ocean water

  B.some of the benthos can't live without the ocean floor

  C.benthos spend most of their time swimming in the ocean

  D.benthos can move about in the middle of the sea water

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据短文最后一句可知benthos离开海底不能生存。]


  体裁:记叙文 话题:人物与事件 词数:321 时间:7′

  An Iowa elementary school principal was taped onto a gym wall by his students on Friday, November 5th, 2017.Principal Ryan Castle of Colorado Elementary School in Iowa, America let 27 students in his school tape him to a gym wall.He stayed up there, with his both feet suspended(悬浮) above the floor, from the morning until lunch time.

  Ryan Castle earlier promised to the students that if they sold 10,000 fall festival tickets, he agreed to be taped onto a gym wall at his school.Unexpectedly, the students had sold 11,000 fall festival tickets by October the 31st.He kept his promise and he let the students tape him onto a gym wall.

  Twenty-seven top-selling students were allowed to tape Ryan Castle up.Ryan Castle was photographed wearing a fake mustache because it was Mustache Day for the school.It was not the first time that principals were taped onto a wall in America.Ryan Castle's case comes after at least three other recent cases of school principals being taped up on the wall for a good cause.

  On last Wednesday, Jay Woller of La Crescent Elementary School in Minnesota America was taped onto a wall after $21,000 was collected by his students through fundraising.And last month, Randy Ten Pas of Hull Christian School in Iowa America was taped onto a wall with duct tape.He was taped on a 300-feet-tall building wall in his school—as a symbolic reward for students' fundraising efforts coming to $3,300.Randy Ten Pas was photographed wearing a green cap and with a drawing of the Denver Broncos logo(商标) next to him.At St.Mary Catholic School in Orange, Texas, principal Donna Darby offered a similar ticket-selling challenge to students in September.He was also taped onto the wall in the end.They kept their word and set good examples to their students.

  25.What is the purpose of the text?

  A.To present a research result. B.To give some practical advice.

  C.To make a comparison.D.To tell an interesting story.

  答案 D [推理判断题。本文介绍了美国的几个校长被自己的学生用胶带捆在墙上的故事。故选项D正确。]

  26.Why was Ryan Castle taped onto the wall by his students?

  A.His students sold more tickets than he had expected.

  B.His students hated him for being too strict with them.

  C.He didn't let his students celebrate the Mustache Day.

  D.He broke his promise of letting the students sell the tickets.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,Ryan Castle许诺学生如果卖掉10 000张票,他就让学生把自己捆在墙上,学生卖掉了11 000张票,超过了他的预期,所以他让学生把自己捆在墙上。]

  27.Who was taped onto the wall with a green cap?

  A.Ryan Castle.

  B.Randy Ten Pas.

  C.Jay Woller.

  D.Donna Darby.

  答案 B [细节判断题。根据短文最后一段中的Ten Pas was photographed wearing a green cap and with a drawing of the Denver Broncos logo(商标) next to him.可知选项B正确。]

  28.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.American students are too naughty

  B.American principals are not respected

  C.American students like playing tricks on their principals

  D.American principals set examples for students to keep their word

  答案 D [推理判断4位校长被学生捆在墙上都是因为他们遵守诺言,其目的也是为了为学生树立遵守诺言的榜样。]


  Steps to clean eating:It's easier than you think

  1.Avoid most packaged and processed foods.

  The first step in clean eating.__29__ While bagged, boxed, or canned foods can be a convenience—especially for healthy, out-of-season foods, make the habit of looking for added sugars, salt, and fats.You can always “correct” the flavors if you choose,with your own additions.

  2.Choose real foods.

  Look for foods that you can recognize in their whole, natural state.__30__ And include frozen fruits and vegetables in the mix.You'll save money and enjoy out-of-season produce, like blueberries in winter.

  3.Cook and eat at home.

  __31__ No guesswork or taste-testing for hidden fats, salt, and sugar found in restaurant meals and prepared foods.You can personalize your eating with spices and herbs instead of salt, smaller amounts of healthy fats, and a lot less sugar.

  4.Stay hydrated.

  Our bodies need enough water for the best function.And while fruits and vegetables are mostly water and contribute a large portion of daily fluid needs, added fluids are needed daily.While the newest guidelines suggest drinking “when thirsty”, most people ignore these signals, or don't really recognize them.__32__

  5.Limit caffeine and alcohol.

  New science fully documents the health benefits of reducing amounts of caffeine.Caffeine can boost alertness, energy, and mental focus when used modestly.__33__ Aim for up to 300 mg daily.And while alcohol can be a health plus, limit your intake to up to one daily serving for women, and two for men.

  A.All humans are born with a sweet tooth.

  B.Aim for at least 6 glasses of water daily.

  C.Read labels to avoid added sugars, salt, and fats.

  D.As caffeine intake rises, so do negative side effects.

  E.When you cook at home you know the materials in every dish.

  F.Form a healthy eating habit and then you'll enjoy a better quality of life.

  G.Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables for the best nutrient density and freshness.


  29.C [本段标题为“避免包装食品和加工过的食品”。选项C意为“阅读标签以避免额外的糖、盐和脂肪”。包装食品和加工过的食品上面一般贴有标签,并注明是否有附加的糖、盐和脂肪。故选C。]

  30.G [本段标题为“选择真正的食品”。选项G意为“选择季节性最有营养和新鲜的水果和蔬菜”,这些水果和蔬菜对身体有好处,属于“真正的食品”。故选G。]

  31.E [本段标题为“在家做饭和吃饭”。选项E意为“当你在家做饭时,你明了每个E。]

  32.B [本段内容说明应该使身体保有充足的水分,选项B是一条建议,要每天喝至少6杯水。符合本段意思。故选B。]

  33.D [本段标题为“限制咖啡因和酒精”,选项D中的caffeine一词提示了该选项与标题内容相符。故选D。]


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