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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 19 Language(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.According to the law,all foreigners have to negotiate ________ the local police within two weeks of arrival.

  2.We offered her our congratulations ________ her passing the driving test.

  3.That kind of behaviour is guaranteed ________(make) him angry.

  4.He graduated from a key university with great honors and I think he is adequate ________ the job.

  5.He owed his success to the fact ________ he worked twice as long hours as other colleagues.

  6.It was a real ________(embarrass)for

  everyone when Mike lost his temper at the party.

  7.It is believed ________ a new project will be started in our town.

  8.________ is well

  known to us all is that Kobe has become one of the most popular NBA players.

  答案 1.with 2.on 3.to make 4.to 5.that

  6.embarrassment 7.that 8.What


  9.He ________________(庆幸自己) having survived the air crash.

  10.It is a nice song and I think it will ________________(流行) quickly.

  11.It's tough for a woman ________________(取 in politics in ancient times.

  12.________________(无论你喜欢与否),you'll have to face it one day.

  13.________________(只要你开车小心),you can use my car.

  答案 9.congratulated himself on 10.catch on 11.to get ahead12.Whether you like it or not 13.Provided/Providing that you drive carefully


  It was predicted that as early as the 1700s,English would one day be the global language and it has proved to be the case in the last few decades.14__ growth of international companies and the great advances in communications have started the trend for learning English __15__ a foreign language.In today's world,__16__ (be) able to speak more than one language,__17__ English,is how you stand out and get ahead.

  However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the __18__ (absent) of a native language environment.Some __19__ (respect) theories on language acquisition believe that __20__ (attain) a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language,you need to __21__ (surround) by it.But sadly,the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an English-speaking country are small.__22__,most of us have to rely on __23__ we can learn at school as part of the school curriculum.

  答案 14.The 15.as 16.being 17.including18.absence 19.respected 20.to

  attain 21.be surrounded 22.Therefore 23.what


  Things successful people do before sleep

  1.Read.Experts agree that reading is the very last thing most successful people do before going to sleep.__24__ This isn't necessarily reserved just for business reading or inspirational reading.Many successful people find value in being browsers of information from a variety of sources,believing it helps fuel greater creativity and passion in their lives.

  2.Reflect on the day.__25__ They think of three things they are appreciative of that happened that day.Keeping a gratitude journal also reminds people of the progress they made that day in any aspect of their life,which in turn serves as a key way to stay motivated.

  3.__26__ Clearing the mind for a good night sleep is important for a lot of successful people.Often they will take this time to write down a list of any items to address the following day,so these thoughts don't end up entering their head space during the night.

  4.Lie down on a positive note.It's easy to fall into the trap of replaying negative situations from the day that you wish you'd handled differently.Regardless of how badly the day went,successful people typically manage to avoid that pessimistic spiral of negative self-talk because they know it will only create more stress.__27__

  5.Picture tomorrow's success.Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to image a positive outcome.__28__ For most,this is not a task or exercise; they're wired with a gift of solid resolution skills that come naturally.

  A.Make your to-do list.

  B.Spend time with family.

  C.They look forward to the future.

  D.It's a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind.

  E.Successful people block off time just before bed for reading.

  F.Many successful people take the time just before bed to look back.

  G.Remember to take some time to reflect on the positive moments of the day.


  24.E [本段标题为Read,选项E中的for reading与标题内容一致。故选E。]

  25.F [本段标题为Reflect on the day.(回顾过去的一天),选项F中的to look back正是“回顾”之意。故选F。]

  26.A [根据本段中的Often they will take this time to write down a list of any items to address the following day可知,本段主要说明的是成功人士在睡前制定工作安排。故选A。]

  27.G [本段标题为Lie down on a positive note.选项G中的the positive moments of the day与标题相符。故选G。]

  28.C [本段标题为Picture tomorrow's success,选项C的意思为“他们展望未来”,与标题相符。故选C。]



  体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:生活感悟 词数:287 时间:18′

  A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her.She did not know how she was going to make it and she wanted to__1__.

  Her father took her to the__2__,filled three pots with water and placed the__3__ on high.In one he placed carrots,in the other he placed eggs,and in the last he placed__4__.He let them__5__,without saying a word.In half an hour he walked over to the oven and__6__ the fire.And then he__7__ the carrots,the eggs and the coffee beans out and__8__ them in the bowl.Turning to her he asked,“What do you see?” She replied,“Carrots,eggs,and coffee.” She asked,“What does it__9__,Father?”

  He explained,“Each of them faced the same adversity(不幸).However,each reacted__10__.The carrot went in strong,hard,and unrelenting.But after going through boiling water,it softened and became__11.The egg was easily broken.A thin outer shell__12__ a liquid center.But after sitting through the boiling water,its__13__ became hardened.The coffee beans are__14__ however.After they were in the boiling water,it became__15__ and richer.”

  When adversity knocks on your door,how do you__16__? Are you the carrot that seems__17__,but with the smallest amount of pain,adversity,heat,you wilt and become soft with no__18__? Are you the egg,which starts off with a malleable(可变的) heart?__19__ after a death,a breakup,a layoff you become hardened and stiff.Or are you like the coffee bean? When the water gets the hottest,it just__20__ better.

  How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot,an egg,or a coffee bean?

  1.A.give up

  B.stay up

  C.end up

  D.make up

  答案 A [因为感到生活艰难,女儿不知道怎样获得成功,她想放弃。stay up“熬夜”;end up with“以……结束”;make up“弥补;化妆”,不符合文章意思。]





  答案 C [从下文的filled three pots with water and placed the________ on high可以判断父亲领她去了厨房。]





  答案 B [根据句子意思可以判断,父亲将火调到最高。下文的关掉火也给出了提示。]

  4.A.coffee beans




  答案 A [下文的And then he________ the carrots,the eggs and the coffee beans out提示了空格答案。]





  答案 B [父亲将这三种东西放在锅里,打开火让它们煮熟。]

  6.A.turned up

  B.turned down

  C.turned off

  D.turned to

  答案 C [turn off“关闭”;turn up“调高”;turn down“调低”;turn to“转向;求助”。根据句子意思,父亲在半小时后关闭了火。]





  答案 D [pull out“拉出”,指父亲从锅里将这三样东西拿出来。]





  答案 D [父亲将这三样东西放place,根据上文的描写,父亲不可能将东西扔进碗里。]





  答案 A [女儿不明白父亲这样问她的意思,所以问道“你这样做是什么意思?”]





  答案 C [虽然这三种东西经历的不幸是一样的,但他们的行为各自不同。从下文三种东西经过蒸煮后的变化可知该空格应该填differently。]





  答案 B [选weak与前面的softened保持一致。]





  答案 B [鸡蛋薄薄的外壳保护着中间的液体。]





  答案 D [鸡蛋煮熟后,里面的部分变硬了。]





  答案 A [三种东西中,只有咖啡豆是独特的,越煮越香浓。]





  答案 C [stronger与richer相对应,表示咖啡的浓香。]





  答案 A [根据以上的故事,作者向读者提出了问题,“当不幸叩门时,你怎样应对?”respond“回答;反应”。]





  答案 B [用hard与后面的you wilt and become soft相对应。]





  答案 D [通过本句中的you wilt and become soft可知,是不是因为经历了磨难就变得没有“力量”去应对了?]





  答案 C [but表示转折。本句与上句的意思是转折关系。指人不能因为遇到一些不幸就改变自己的追求。]





  答案 B [咖啡经过热水煮,尝起来更加香浓。]



  体裁:议论文 话题:健康 词数:321 时间:7′

  Most children have heard their parents at one time or another say “sit up straight!” In the past,this was usually heard at the dinner table as children ate dinner.But these days,it is also heard around another activity—video games.

  19-year-old student Nida Jameel says she feels pain in the neck because she plays video games on her smartphone most of the day.She says she uses her smartphone all the time.Ten-year-old Owaish Batliwala,from India,admits he spends three to four hours each day playing games on his smartphone.His mother became concerned when her son started saying that his neck hurt.She said,“My son started having neck problems around June or July.The pain slowly spread to his hand and his back.He plays for hours on the smartphone.This is what has caused the problem.”

  Sadia Vanjara is a physical therapist.She says the number of young children with chronic pain in their necks,arms and shoulders is on the rise.Dr.Vanjara says the pain is not from aging,accidents or diseases.It is from bad posture,while playing video games.

  Dr.Vanjara says the best treatments for the pain are daily exercises.“And start stretching it in all the possible directions that you can.” Correct posture can help prevent pain.Dr.Vanjara teaches children how to hold their smartphones correctly.She tells a patient to hold the smartphone in front of the face.She says that bending the head down to look at the device,strains the neck and creates an unhealthy bend to the back.She advises taking breaks from using a smartphone often.Stand up.Stretch your legs,back,shoulders and arms.And when your work or school work is done,unplug(不插电) and exercise.

  Sadia Vanjara predicts we will see not only physical but psychological and emotional problems resulting from overuse of smartphones.

  21.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Children are fond of playing video games on smartphones.

  B.Playing video games can make children smarter.

  C.How to play video games on smartphones.

  D.Playing too many video games causes neck problems.

  答案 D [主旨大意题。本文说明玩太多的手机电子游戏会引起颈部疼痛,进而引起心理上和情绪上的问题。故选D可作文章标题。]

  22.In order to prove his point of view,the author ________.

  A.gives some examplesB.makes comparisons

  C.analyzes the causes D.provides some datas

  答案 A [推理判断题。为了说明玩太多的手机电子游戏会引起颈部疼痛这一观点,作者列举了Nida Jameel和Owaish Batliwala因为玩手机电子游戏引起颈部疼痛这两个例子。故选A。]

  23.Which of the following is correct according to Sadia Vanjara?

  A.Using a smartphone no more than four hours a day.

  B.Holding the smartphone just in front of the face.

  C.Children should not use smartphones to play games.

  D.Video games on smartphones do harm to children.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的She tells a patient to hold the smartphone in front of the face.可知选项B正确。]

  24.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.overuse of smartphones may cause serious problems for children

  B.measures have been taken to prevent children from using smartphones

  C.using a smartphone often helps improve children's intelligence

  D.there are no treatments for the pain caused by playing video games

  答案 A [推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,过度使用手机不但引起身体上的而且还会引起心理上的和情绪上的问题。由此推断过度使用手机会造成严重的问题。故选A。]


  体裁:说明文 话题:医学 词数:319 时间:7′

  Each year,half a million people die from brain aneurysms(动脉瘤)—when a blood vessel bursts in the brain.An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel that can burst.If that happens in the brain,it can be deadly.For survivors,physical disabilities are often severe.They may include memory problems,loss of balance,trouble speaking and even blindness.But new technologies are increasing survival rates and reducing disabilities.

  Beaumont Bacon is a survivor who makes light of her experience because she is a comedian.She uses humor to make others laugh.Now she's working on a new show.Michael Alexander is her doctor.He operated on Beaumont Bacon after her attack.“She had bleeding in the frontal area of her brain,so right above the eyes.The part that was in the brain was about maybe the size of an egg.So,that's a fairly large bleed.”

  Ms.Bacon had a better chance at survival than most people because of Dr.Alexander.He directs the Neurovascular Center in Los Angeles.The center offers new technologies that include placing a catheter(导管) into an aneurysm,then threading wires to promote blood clots(血栓).This technique reduces the chances of another burst blood vessel.“You don't have to open up the skull or open up the brain to do surgery.It's all done from inside the blood vessels.So it reduces the amount of blood loss,and the recovery is much faster.”

  For Beaumont Bacon's recovery,the hospital worked to prevent problems commonly found in patients with a burst aneurysm.The problems include brain swelling that can shut down blood vessels.She spent a month in a coma(昏迷)—unable to communicate with doctors,friends and loved ones.But with a year of treatment,she recovered.Now,she is making people laugh.

  25.What is the purpose of the text?

  A.To give some practical advice.

  B.To tell an interesting story.

  C.To introduce a treatment technology.

  D.To present a research result.

  答案 C [推理判断题。本文说明了一项治疗大脑动脉瘤的新技术,所以本文的写作目的是介绍一种新的治疗技术。故选项C正确。]

  26.What do you know about aneurysms?

  A.No technologies can treat them nowadays.

  B.They are deadly wherever they happen.

  C.Few people die of them every year.

  D.They may cause severe disabilities.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的For survivors,physical disabilities are often severe.They may include...可知,动脉瘤可以造成严重的身体的残疾。故选D。]

  27.The new technology has the following benefits EXCEPT that ________.

  A.it is much faster for the patient to recover

  B.it doesn't cause any pain for the patient

  C.it reduces the amount of blood loss

  D.it need not open up the brain to do surgery

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段内容可排除A、C、D三个选项。故选B。]

  28.It can be known from the passage that Beaumont Bacon ________.

  A.was always in a coma during the surgery

  B.recovered soon after the treatment

  C.returned to work after the treatment

  D.was the first to apply the new technology

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的Now she's working on a new show.以及最后一段最后一句Now,she is making people laugh.可知,Beaumont Bacon在治疗后又重返工作岗位了。故选C。]


  The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.__29__ It lifts the curtain of spring.After that everything turns green and full of energy and people clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.

  1.Flying a kite.

  Spring is the best season for kite-flying.A traditional folk activity,it has a history of more than 2,000 years.__30__ It also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and speeding up metabolism.

  2.Wearing fabric swallows.

  Wearing fabric swallows is a custom in some regions in Shaanxi.__31__ The custom originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).The swallow is a harbinger of spring and a symbol of prosperity and happiness.

  3.Making a Spring Ox.

  Skilled artists build the frame of an ox out of bamboo strips and the legs with wood.Then they paste some paper and paint onto it.__32__ It is said that if more red and yellow paper is used,then there will be a good harvest that year.


  People in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Spring about 3,000 years ago.They made sacrifices to Gou Mang,the god of Spring,who is in charge of agriculture.By the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),welcoming spring had become an important folk activity.

  A.Welcoming spring.

  B.The image of an ox is complete.

  C.At that time,there were eight solar terms.

  D.Start of Spring is the first solar term of the year.

  E.Flying a kite can help build one's health and prevent diseases.

  F.It is said that the egg can be set upright on the first day of the Start of Spring.

  G.People like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests on Start of Spring.


  29.D [由短文第一句可知,阴历把每年分成24个节气,再根据空格后面的句子可知,空格处应该说明的是:立春是每年的第一个节气。故选D。]

  30.E [本段标题为Flying a kite,选项E说明的是放风筝的好处,与标题相关。故选E。]

  31.G [本段标题为Wearing fabric swallows,这与选项G中的信息词wear a swallow相一致。故选G。]

  32.B [本段标题Making a Spring Ox.以及build the frame of an ox与选项B中的The image of an ox相一致。故选B。]

  33.A [本段主要说明人们为迎接春天所做的一些活动,本段最后一句By the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),welcoming spring had become an important folk activity.提示了本段标题应该为Welcoming Spring.故选A。]


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