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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修1 unit3 Travel journal(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.He ________ ________(宁愿) do some sports with his classmates ________ ________(而不愿)stay at home doing nothing. 6.说实在的,曾有一段时间我迫不及待地想见到我久别的朋友们。 Honestly speaking, there was a time when I ________ ________ ________ ________ my friends whom I hadn't seen for a long time. 7.不管发生什么事情,我都支持你。 ________ ________ ________happens, I will support you. 8.他一旦作了决定,就从不改变主意。 Once he makes a decision, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 9.他跑得很快以至于我们班没有人能追上他。 ________ ________ ________he run that no one in our class can catch up with him. 10.通过几天的相处,我发现他很容易相处。 After days of staying with him, I find him ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

  答案:1.As usual 2.to give in 3.ever since 4.persuade his father to give up smoking 5.prefers to; rather than 6.couldn't wait to see 7.No matter what(=Whatever) 8.he will never change his mind 9.So fast does 10.easy to get along with 6.I managed to persuade my father to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen.________ 7.I don't care the price,so long as the car is in good condition.________ 8.Once seeing,it is difficult to forget.________ 9.Don't be too familiar to him;he is a dishonest man.__________________ 10.Leave your key with a neighbor in case that you lock yourself out one day.

  答案:1.去掉on 2.determining→determined 3.That→Whether 4.去掉for 5.be→was 6.managed→tried或attempted 7.care后加上about 8.seeing→seen 9.to→with 10.去掉that 答案: Ever since middle school, I had dreamed about taking a bike trip to Tibet. After graduating from college, I finally got the chance to take the trip. It was my father who first had the idea of the trip. But we had different opinions about which transport to use. Rather than ride a bike, my father preferred to drive. I love my father but he has one serious shortcoming. He is stubborn. Once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it. Finally,I had to give in.

  The journey began from Qinghai Province. We drove all the way up the mountains and through the valleys. As we looked around us, we were surprised by the view. At one point we were at so high an altitude that we found ourselves driving through clouds. When we reached Lhasa, Tibet at last,I knew I turned my dream into reality.

  答案:①are scheduled ②ahead of schedule/time ③is scheduled ④is scheduled for 4.determine vt. 确定;决定;(使)使下定决心 归纳拓展 (1)determine to do sth.=be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 determine on (doing) sth. 决定做某事 determine +从句 决意……;决定……;断定……

  determine sth. 决定或确定某事 determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事 be determined that ... 决心……

  (2)determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的 determination n. 决心;决定

  5.insist vt.&vi. 坚决要求;坚持(认为);坚持说 归纳拓展 insist on (sb/sb's) doing sth. 坚持(某人)做某事 insist that ... 坚决要求……(从句谓语用(should+)动词原形) insist that ... 坚持说……(从句谓语根据语境用适当时态) 1.give in 屈服;让步;投降;认输 归纳拓展 give in sth. 上交某物 give in to... 屈服于……;迁就…… give away 赠予;分发;泄露 give back 归还;恢复 give off 发出(光、热、烟) give out 耗尽;散发;发出(气味等) give up 放弃;停止 give way to 给……让路

  答案:①gave in ②has given out ③gave up smoking  ④give away 2.care about 关心;在乎;惦念 归纳拓展 (1)care about sth. 喜欢某物 care(about)+从句 在乎……;介意……

  care for 喜欢,爱好;照料;关心 (2)take care of(=look after=watch over) 照顾;保管;管理 in the care of 在……照料下 with care 当心;留意 take care!(=be careful!=look out!=watch out!)当心!

  答案:①did he care about ②What I care about ③caring for ④not to care about what others think of me 3.change one's mind 改变主意 归纳拓展 make up one's mind 下决心;决定 keep/bear sth. in mind 牢记……;记住……

  read one's mind看出/读懂某人的心思 lose one's mind 发疯;失去理智 bring ... to one's mind 使回忆起……

  put one's mind to/set(fix/focus/concentrate) one's mind on sth. 集中精力做某事 be of the same mind 意见相同;保持原来的意见 absence of mind 心不在焉 Li Ping was admitted to Zhongshan University in July, but I had to prepare for the college entrance examination once more because of my laziness. Mother seemed to ③________(看出我的心思). She said I shouldn't be too disappointed. Instead, I should ④________ the lesson ________(记住). I realized that it was high time I ⑤________(下定决心) to study hard in order to enter a key university. I was sure nothing could ⑥________(改变主意). 答案:①fix my mind on/upon ②brought; to my mind  ③have read my mind ④bear/keep; in mind ⑤made/should make up my mind ⑥change my mind 1.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。 本句中的once为连词,意为一旦……(就……),引导条件状语从句。 归纳拓展 (1)once引导的条件状语从句,从句谓语要用一般现在时代替将来时。 (2)once引导的从句中若主语与主句主语一致,并且谓语动词是be时,则可将主语和be一起省略,构成省略句。

  2.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. 当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。 本句中的划线部分为一常用句型,即“主语+be+形容词+不定式”。

  归纳拓展 (1)在“主语+be+形容词+不定式”句型中,不定式用主动形式表达被动意义,如果不定式的动词为不及物动词,则要加上适当的介词。 (2)能用于本句型中的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, good, comfortable, pleasant, nice等。

  ③A man who is so ________ ________ ________ must be ________ ________ ________ ________. 一个很难取悦的人一定很难与之共事。 答案:①very comfortable to sit on ②good to breathe ③difficult to please; hard to work with 基础知识巩固 Unit 3 Travel journal 必修一 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 课时规范训练 4 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.________ n.态度;看法 2.________ n. 弯;拐角 v.(使)弯曲;弯腰 3.________ n.时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间 4.________ n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑 5.________ n.旅行;旅程→(同义词)________ 6.________________________ n.缺点→(反义词)__________ n.长处 7.________ vi.骑自行车→________ n.骑自行车的人 attitude bend schedule view journey


  shortcoming (=weakness)




  8._______vi.毕业 n.大学毕业生→__________ n. 毕业 9._____ n.细节;详情→________ adj.详细的;详尽的 10._____ adj.最后的;最终的→______ adv.最后;终于 11.________ adj.顽固的;固执的→____________  n.顽固;固执;倔强 12.____________ n.缺点;不利条件→(反义词)___________n.优势;有利条件 13.________ vt.确保;给……保险 vi.投保(后接against)→________ n.保险 graduate graduation detail detailed final finally stubborn stubbornness disadvantage advantage insure insurance 14._____ n.火焰;光芒;热情→___________________ adj.易燃的→________ adj.易爆的 15.________ vi.依靠;依赖→________ adj.可信赖的;可靠的→________ n.可靠性 16.________ vt.说服;劝说→________________________ adj.有说服力的→__________ n.说服;说服力 17.________ n.运送;运输 vt.运输;运送→___________ n.运输;交通;运输工具/系统 18.________ vt.决定;确定;下定决心→____________ adj.坚决的;有决心的→______________ n.决心 flame flammable/inflammable explosive rely reliable reliability persuade persuasive (=convincing) persuasion transport transportation determine determined determination

  19.________ vt.组织;成立→________ adj.有组织的;安排有序的→_____________ n.组织;机构 20.________ vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)→________ adj.更可取的;更优越的→________ n.偏爱;优先;倾向 organize organized organization prefer preferable preference 2.与“性格”有关的形容词小结 ①stubborn固执的 ②optimistic

  乐观的 ③pessimistic

  悲观的 ④easy­going

  随和的 ⑤gentle

  温和的 ⑥outgoing

  外向的 3.“学习过程”相关单词集锦 ①attend vt.

  参加;上学 ②concentrate vi.

  集中精力 ③review vi.

  复习 ④acquire vt.

  获得;习得 ⑤absorb vt.

  吸收;理解 ⑥grasp vt.

  理解;领会 n.

  (对知识等的)掌握 ⑦master vt.

  精通;掌握 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.从那以后 ________ 2.喜爱;喜欢 ________ 3.关心;忧虑;惦念 ________ 4.改变主意 ________ 5.下决心;决定 ________ 6.投降;屈服;让步 ________ 7.照常;像往常一样 ________ 8.在午夜 ________ 9.比起某物更喜欢某物 ________ ever since be fond of care about change one's mind make up one's mind give in as usual at midnight prefer sth.to sth. 10.弯腰 ________ 11.梦想做某事 ________ 12.说服/劝服某人做某事 ________ 13.把某物换成某物 ________ 14.作伴;一起 ________ 15.从……毕业 ________ 16.(曾)一度;在某一时刻 ________ 17.这时候;此时此刻 ________ 18.支起;搭起;张贴 ________ 19.迫不及待地要做某事 ________ 20.天气预报 ________ bend down dream of/about doing sth. persuade sb.to do sth. change sth.for sth. for company graduate from... at one point(=at one time) at this point (=at this very moment) put up can hardly wait to do sth. weather forecast Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.It was my sister ________ first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from ________ it begins to where it ends. 是我姐姐先想到要沿着湄公河骑自行车,从它的源头一直骑到入海口。 2._______ she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心,什么都不能使她改变。 3.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, ________(travel) across western Yunnan Province. 当湄公河经过深深的峡谷时,河水变成了激流,流过了云南省西部。 4.Our legs were so heavy and cold ________ they felt like blocks of ice. 我们的腿是如此得又沉又冷,以至于感觉就像大冰块儿。 5.We can hardly wait ________(see) them. 我们迫不及待地想见到他们。 答案:1.who/that; where 2.Once 3.travelling 4.that 5.to see Ⅳ.语法过关 现在进行时 1.China's labor supply will continue to rise, despite the fact that the working­age population ________(decrease). 答案:is decreasing 考查时态。句意:中国的劳动力供给将继续增长,尽管处于工作年龄段的人口在减少。由the fact可知,此处指现阶段正在发生的事,应用现在进行时。

  2.(2017·北京改编)Hurry up! Mark and Carol ________(expect) us. 答案:are expecting 本题考查动词时态。句意:快点!马克和卡罗尔在等我们。由前置语境Hurry up可知,expect动作正在进行,要用现在进行时态。

  3.The police have put up posters around the city with photos of the man they ________(seek) in connection with the killing of a customer outside a bank. 答案:are seeking 考查动词的时态。句意:警方在全城张贴了他们正在搜寻的那个男人的照片,那个男人与一起在银行外发生的谋杀案有关。根据句意可知,seek这个动作正在进行,所以用现在进行时。

  4.My headache ________(kill) me. It seems that the medicine I have taken doesn't work at all. 答案:is killing 考查动词的时态。句意:我的头痛得要命。看来我吃的药一点儿作用也没有。根据句意可知,现阶段kill这一动作一直在进行,所以用现在进行时。

  5.—Mr. Harry,we want to hear what you think about the reform being carried out in our school. —OK, I ________(come) to that. 答案:am coming 考查动词时态。句意:—Harry先生,我们想听听你对于我们学校正在实施的改革的意见。——好的,我正要讲到(那个事情)。I am coming to that意为“我正要讲到(那个事情)”,符合语境。此处用现在进行时表示将来。

  Ⅴ.语篇填空 I am fond of my sister ①________ she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. ②________she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she ③________(organize) the trip properly. Now I know that the proper way is always her way. I kept ④________ (ask) her, “When are we leaving and when are we coming back?” I asked her ⑤________ she had looked at a map yet. Of course she hadn't; my sister doesn't care ⑥________ details.

  So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me ⑦________ determined look—the kind that said she would not change ⑧________ mind. When I told her that our journey would begin ⑨________ an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she seemed to be ⑩________(excite) about it. 答案:①but ②Although ③(should)organize ④asking  ⑤whether ⑥about ⑦a ⑧her ⑨at ⑩excited 考点探究演练 1.prefer vt. 宁愿;更喜欢 归纳拓展 (1)prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢做……不喜欢做……

  prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做……而不愿做……

  prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做……

  prefer doing/to do sth. 宁愿/更喜欢做某事 prefer that ... 宁愿…… 从句谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形” (2)preference n.偏好;爱好;喜爱 give preference to sb./sth.给某人/某物以优惠/优待 have a preference for偏爱,喜爱

  ③They preferred that the money ________ (use) for building schools and hospitals. ④I'd prefer you ________ (dress) more smartly for work. 答案:①ride; to ride ②to do/doing ③(should) be used ④to dress (2)用persuade的相关词语完成下列小片段。 The other day, my husband ①________________(说服我不要买) a coat as he thought it was too long. However, the assistant tried hard to ②________________(让我相信) the good quality and fashionable style of it. Therefore, I couldn't help ③________________(被说服买下它). So you can see how easy it is ④________________(说服一个女人买) things that aren't suitable for her.

  答案:(1)①persuade him to give up/into giving up ②be persuaded/talked into buying ③tried to persuade me (2)①persuaded me not to buy ②persuade me of ③being persuaded into buying it ④to persuade a woman to buy/into buying 3.schedule n. 日程安排;计划的时间 vt. 计划;安排 归纳拓展 (1)a full/busy/fixed schedule 繁忙/固定的时间表 ahead of schedule(=ahead of time=in advance)提前 behind schedule 晚点;比规定时间晚 on schedule(=on time)准时 (2)be scheduled for ... 定在某时(进行);定好要……

  be scheduled to do sth.定于某时做某事


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