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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修3 unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  答案:what 句意为:为了子孙后代,当地政府在保护环境方面所能做的事情是显而易见的。It为形式主语,________ the local government can do to protect the environment for future generations是真正的主语,该主语从句缺少宾语,且表示物,故填what。 答案:it 考查it作形式宾语。

  答案:have been taken; being polluted 考查主谓一致和非谓语动词。 答案:to be cheered 考查非谓语动词。 答案:improving 考查v­ing形式作结果状语。 答案:have been pulled 考查时态语态。

  答案:it 考查it作形式宾语。 答案:it 本题考查代词的运用。句意:苏珊清楚地跟我表明她希望为自己创造新的生活。分析句子结构可以看出,该句中包含一个that引导的从句,而且根据语境可知,that从句的内容就是苏珊向我表明的事情,所以后置的that从句实际上是made的真正宾语,故用形式宾语it指代that从句。 答案:in 句意:经理想要看到公司的改变,我确信他迟早会看到的。in time“及时;最后,迟早”,符合题意。 答案:whether 本题考查名词性从句。句意:那仍然得看新形成的委员会政策能否付诸实践。It在此为形式主语,故seen后为真正的主语从句,又由remains to be seen可知存在不确定的意思,所以用whether是否。 答案:friendly 句意:两国高层领导人在友好的氛围(atmosphere)中进行谈判。

  答案:to avoid 答语句意:我退后了一步,正好避开了奔跑的汽车。in time to do sth.“正赶上做某事”。 答案:as 本题考查倍数的表达法。句意:据说这个发电厂现在是过去的两倍大。“倍数+as...as”是倍数的表达法,意为“是……的几倍”,其中as...as之间要用原级。 Ⅱ.完成句子 1.An exceptionally big fire ________ ________(爆发) at midnight. Luckily, firefighters arrived just ________ ________(及时) for the rescue. 2.Atmosphere ________ ________(挡住) a large amount of harmful light from space. 3.________ ________(既然) we have finished the design, the company, ________ ________ ________(轮到), will do the construction. 4.________ ________ ________ ________(在全球范围内), AIDS may well become the leading cause of infant death. 5.He, as well as his sister, ________ ________ ________(被抚养) in the mountainous area where education facilities are far from satisfactory. 6.建议采取措施来阻止工厂排放有害气体。 ________ ________ ________ ________measures should be taken to prevent factories from discharging harmful gases into the air. 7.地球变暖是否加剧取决于我们的活动是否产生更多的二氧化碳。 Whether the global warming will become more serious ________ ________ ________ our activities will produce more carbon dioxide. 8.大部分证据被毁了,不可能证明这种食物是有毒的了。 Most of the evidence is destroyed, ________ ________ ________ ________to prove that the food is poisonous. 9.证人的描述太难以置信,没有任何实际价值。 The witness's descriptions were ________ unbelievable ________ be of any real value. 10.没有什么比得上一句诚心的问候更令人愉快了。 There is nothing ________ ________ ________ a cheerful word of greeting. 答案:1.broke out; in time 2.blocks out 3.Now that; in its turn 4.On a global scale 5.was brought up 6.It is suggested that 7.depends on whether 8.which makes it

  impossible 9.too; to 10.more pleasant than 5.If you put your heart into it, you'll succeed on time.__________________ 6.As time going by, I began to realize what I did was wrong.__________________ 7.The problem of pollution is worth paying attention.__________________ 8.This is such interesting a film that I have seen it twice.__________________ 9.You shouldn't pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.__________________

  10.It's no longer a question now that whether man can land on the moon.__________________ 答案:1.General→Generally 2.have后加上been 3.去掉being 4.depend后加on 5.on→in 6.As→With或going→went 7.attention后加上to 8.such→so 9.shouldn't→can't 10.去掉whether 答案: Whether we can land on Mars depends on the development of science and technology. There is almost no oxygen on Mars; the temperature changes greatly from day to night, which makes it impossible for us to live there. The environment of Mars is quite different from that of our earth. If we want to stay on Mars for a few days, we should have to take along our own oxygen, food, clothing and so on with us. We believe that we will succeed in landing on Mars in the future. ③Where the missing plane has gone still remains a puzzle ________ us. 失联飞机去了哪儿对我们来说仍是个谜。 ④There was a ________(puzzle) look on the little girl's face because a ________(puzzle) problem ________(puzzle) her. 在这个小女孩的脸上带着迷惑的表情,因为一道令人迷惑的问题让她感到困惑。 答案:①puzzled ②about/over ③to ④puzzled; puzzling; puzzled 4.pull n. &vt. 拉(力);托;牵引力 归纳拓展 pull through 康复;痊愈 pull back 拉回来;缩回;(使)后退;撤退 pull down 拉下(窗帘等);拆毁;拆掉(房屋等) pull out 拔出;(列车等)出站;启程 pull in (列车等)驶进;到站;(船)靠岸 pull together 齐心协力;团结起来 pull sb. through (使)渡过危机(难关) pull ... up 把……往上拽;停止 pull over (机动车辆等)停靠(在路边)

  ③He pulled ________ his coat and joined us in the work. 他脱去上衣,便和我们一起干了起来。 ④The police car signaled to us to pull ________. 警车发出信号,要我们驶向路边停靠。 答案:①out ②down ③off ④in 1.prevent/stop/keep ... from ... 阻止/防止……做/发生 归纳拓展 在主动语态的句子中,stop和prevent后的from可省略,但keep后的不可省略;在被动语态中,这三个短语中的from均不可省略。 比较:protect ... from ... 保护……不受……(伤害)

  ③The farmers ________ wheat ________ heavy rain with rain clothes. 农民们用雨布遮住小麦以防被大雨浇坏。 答案:①prevented/stopped/kept us from going ②was;prevented/stopped/kept from ③protect;from 2.in time 及时;终于 归纳拓展 on time 准时 all the time 一直;始终 at one time 曾经;一度 at a time 每次;逐一 at times 有时;间或 at all times 随时;总是 from time to time 有时;偶尔

  in no time 立刻;马上 at no time 绝不 time and time again 一次又一次;一再 take one's time 别着急;慢慢来 keep up with the time 与时俱进

  ⑤Don't try to do everything at once; take it a bit ____________________. ⑥We arrived in the summer, just ____________________ to enjoy the midnight sun. 答案:①in time ②At no time ③at the same time ④At one time ⑤at a time ⑥in time

  3.now that 由于;既然 归纳拓展 since与now that (既然)引导的原因状语从句一般置于主句之前;because(因为)引导的原因状语从句通常放在主句之后;as引导的原因状语从句一般位于主句前,也可位于主句后。此外,并列连词for也可表示原因,引导的原因分句只能放在另一个分句之后。

  ④He must be a good student, ________(因为) he's always careful with his lessons. 答案:①Now that(=Since) ②Now that(=Since) ③because ④for 4.in one's turn 轮到某人;接着 归纳拓展 in turn 依次;轮流;反之;反过来 by turns 轮流;交替地 take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 It is one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 take one's turn 轮到某人 on the turn 正在转变;正在变化 out of turn 不合时宜地;鲁莽地 take a turn 转变

  ③It turned ________ that this young man was none other than the old man's son. 结果证明这个年轻人正是那位老人的儿子。 答案:①in ②to drive ③out

  5.cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋 归纳拓展 cheer sb. up 使某人振作起来 cheer sb. on (比赛中)以喝彩声鼓励某人;为某人加油 Cheers! [口语](用于祝酒)干杯!

  ③I propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation. ________(cheer)! 我提议为我们的友情与互助,干杯! 答案:①was cheered ②to cheer her up ③Cheers 1.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. 本句中的两个whether分别引导主语从句和宾语从句。

  归纳拓展 whether与if引导名词性从句时的区别: (1)whether可以直接与or not连用,if不可以。 (2)引导位于句首的主语从句,用whether,不用if。 (3)引导表语从句和同位语从句,用whether,不用if。 (4)动词不定式之前用whether,不用if。 (5)介词之后的宾语从句用whether,不用if。 答案:①Whether we'll go camping tomorrow ②whether it is necessary for him to study abroad ③if you can help me

  2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 本句中的twice as ... as ...表示“是……的几倍”,该句型中的twice也可用half, one­third等词,表示“是……的一半/几分之几”。 归纳拓展 有关倍数的表达方式还有: ①倍数+as+adj./adv.+as ... ②倍数+as+many/much+名词+as ... ③倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than ... ④倍数+the+名词+of ... ⑤倍数+the+(计量)名词+of ... [温馨提示](1)在“倍数+the+名词+of”结构中,常用的名词有size, height, weight, length, width等。 (2)两倍用twice或double,不到一倍用分数表示,三倍或三倍以上一般用times来表示,如three times, four times等。

  ③As new technology is introduced, this company ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (生产的电脑是去年的三倍). 答案:①twice as large as what it was ②the size of the old one ③produces three times as many computers as last year 3.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就产生了一系列的反应,使生命的发展成为可能。 句中it为形式宾语,真正宾语为to develop,for life是不定式的逻辑主语。 ③During this week, ________ ________ ________ ________ to jog every day. 在这一周当中一定要养成天天进行慢跑的习惯。 ④I have discovered that it ________ ________ ________. 我发现那让他们感到高兴。 ⑤The teacher raised his voice so that he could ________ ________ ________. 老师提高了嗓音以便于被别人听到。 答案:①makes it possible for us to use ②make it possible to travel ③make it a rule ④makes them happy ⑤make himself heard 基础知识巩固 Unit 4  Astronomy: the science of the stars 必修三 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 课时规范训练 4 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.________ n.卫星 2.________ n.气候 3.__________ n.宇宙飞船 4.________ n.引力;重力 5.___________ n.气氛;大气层 6.________ n.宗教→________ adj.宗教的 7.________ n.生物→________ n.生物学家 8.________ n.物理→________ n.物理学家 9.__________ n.天文学→__________ n.天文学家 satellite  climate  spaceship  gravity  atmosphere  religion religious







  10.________ adv.因此;于是→ (同义词)___________________________ 11.________ vi.存在;生存→________ n.生存;存在 12.________ n.& vt.拉;拖→(反义词)________ n.& vt.推 13.________ prep.不像;不同→(反义词)________ prep.像 14.________ n.地球;球体→________ adj.环球的;全球的 15.________ adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的→________ n.暴力 thus












  16.________ n.系统;体系;制度→___________ adj.系统的;有系统的 17.________ adj.有害的→________ n.损害;伤害→(反义词)________ adj.无害的 18.________ n.理论;学说→__________ adj.理论上的;理论的→____________ adv.理论上 19.________ n.谜;难题

  v.(使)迷惑→________ adj.令人困惑的→________ adj.困惑的 20.____________ adj.基本的;基础的→____________ adv.根本上;从根本上→___________________ n.基础;根本 system














  B.归类巧记 1.与“太空”有关的高频单词集锦 ①astronomy n. 天文学 ②astronomer n.

  天文学家 ③astronaut n.

  宇航员 ④gravity n.

  万有引力 ⑤satellite n.

  卫星 ⑥planet n.

  行星 ⑦orbit n.


  ⑧spaceship n.

  宇宙飞船 ⑨universe n.

  宇宙 ⑩launch vt.

  发射 ⑪explore vt.

  探索;勘探 ⑫solar adj.

  太阳的 ⑬shuttle n.

  航天飞机 ⑭globe n.


  2.表示“性格良好”的形容词荟萃 ①gentle

  温和的 ②easy­going

  随和的 ③outgoing

  外向的 ④frank

  直率的 ⑤generous

  慷慨的 ⑥upright

  正直的 3.un­前缀高频形容词全接触 ①like→unlike

  不像的 ②able→unable

  不能……的 ③acceptable→unacceptable

  不能接受的 ④believable→unbelievable

  不可相信的 ⑤certain→uncertain

  不确定的 ⑥clear→unclear

  不清楚的 ⑦comfortable→uncomfortable

  不舒服的 ⑧fair→unfair

  不公平的 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.及时_______________________________ 2.下蛋_______________________________ 3.生;分娩_______________________________ 4.轮到某人;接着_______________________________ 5.阻止某人做某事_______________________________ 6.挡住_______________________________ 7.感到高兴;振作_______________________________ 8.既然_______________________________ 9.爆发_______________________________ 10.密切注视;当心;提防_______________________ in time

  lay eggs

  give birth to

  in one's turn

  prevent sb.from doing sth.

  block out

  cheer up

  now that

  break out

  watch out (for)

  11.熟悉;掌握;理解____________________________ 12.对……有害_______________________________ 13.太阳系_______________________________ 14.二氧化碳_______________________________ 15.将要做_______________________________ 16.允许某人做某事_______________________________ 17.对……感到惊讶_______________________________ 18.在……的氛围中_______________________________ 19.奠定基础_______________________________ 20.一连串的_______________________________ get the hang of

  be harmful to/do harm to

  solar system

  carbon dioxide

  be to do

  allow sb.to do sth.

  be amazed at

  in the atmosphere of

  lay the foundation

  a chain of

  Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.________ was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental ________ the development of life. 水会对生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不太明显。 2.What it was ________(become) was uncertain ________ between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago ________ the dust settled into a solid globe. 它会变成什么,当时还没有人知道,直到38至45亿年前,这团尘埃才慢慢地形成一个固体的球体。 3.What is even ________(important) is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on

  ________ surface. 更为重要的是,地球冷却了下来,地球的表面就开始出现了水。 4.So ________ life will continue on the earth for millions of years ________(come) will depend on whether this problem can ________(solve). 所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。

  5.I cheered up immediately and ________(float) weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin ________(watch) the earth become smaller and the moon ________(large). 我立刻高兴起来,由于失重,我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着(身后的)地球越来越小,而(前方的)月球越来越大。 答案:1.It; to 2.to become; until; when 3.more important; its 4.whether; to come; be solved 5.floated; watching; larger

  Ⅳ.语法过关 主语从句 1.________ he considered a great proposal was turned down by the boss at the meeting. 答案:What 考查主语从句。句意:他认为很好的一个提议在会议上被老板否定了。空处引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语,不指人,故填what。

  2.________ is known to all is that the Diaoyu Islands have belonged to China since ancient times. 答案:What 考查名词性从句。句意:钓鱼岛自古就属于中国,这是大家都知道的。what引导的是主语从句,并在主语从句中作主语。

  3.—What has made John look like lacking sleep? —________ he had to prepare for the coming exam and stayed up last night. 答案:That 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,答语是回答上面句子中的主语“What”的,故此句是一个主语从句,缺少引导词,而引导词在从句中不充当成分,故用“That”。

  4.It remains to be seen ________ this plan is practical enough to keep the project going. 答案:whether 考查主语从句。句意:这个计划是否足够实用,以使这个项目继续下去还有待观察。it是形式主语,真正的主语是whether引导的从句。whether“是否”,符合句意。 5.It makes his life quite different ________ he has received higher education abroad. 答案:that 考查主语从句。本句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是“that he has received higher education abroad”。

  Ⅴ.语篇填空 No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. However, according to a ①________(wide) accepted theory, the universe began ②________ a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions. After that, atoms began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies. For several billion years after ③________ “Big Bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What ④________ was to become was ⑤________(certain) until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago ⑥________ the dust settled into a solid globe. The earth became so violent ⑦________ it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. It ⑧________(explode) loudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, ⑨________ were to make the earth's atmosphere. What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear ⑩________ its surface. 答案:①widely ②with ③the ④it ⑤uncertain ⑥when ⑦that ⑧exploded ⑨which ⑩on 考点探究演练 1.harmful adj. 有害的;伤害的 归纳拓展 be harmful to sb. 对某人有害 harm n. & vt. 损伤;伤害 do sb. harm(=do harm to sb.) 对某人有害

  do more harm than good 弊大于利 There's (no) harm in (sb.'s ) doing sth. (某人)做某事(没)有害处 It does (no) harm for sb. to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事(没)有害处 mean no harm 没有恶意 harmless adj. 无害的 ②These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm ________ life and the environment. 这些天,违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾的现象很常见,对生活和环境造成了严重的破坏。 ③If you want to solve the problem in this way, there is no harm ________ calling him. 如果你想以这种方式来解决问题,你不妨给他打个电话。 答案:①harmful ②to ③in

  2.exist vi. 存在;生存;存活;继续存在 归纳拓展 (1)There exists/existed ... 某地有……;存在…… exist on (live on) sth. 靠某物生存 exist by 靠……方式为生 exist in 存在于……之中 exist as 作为……而存在;以……形态存在

  (2)existence n. 存在;生存 come into existence 开始存在;成立 bring ... into existence 使……发生(产生) in existence 现存的;现有的 (3)existent adj. 存在的;现存的

  ③It has been ________ ________ for more than 500 years. 它已经存在500多年了。 ④Nowadays, there are still many people wondering when the earth ________ ________ ________. 现在仍有很多人想知道,地球是何时产生的。 答案:①exist on ②There existed ③in existence ④came into existence 3.puzzle n.迷;难题 vi & vt. (使)迷惑;(使)为难 归纳拓展 puzzle about/over 苦苦思索;仔细琢磨 puzzle sth. out 琢磨出……的答案;开动脑筋 be puzzled by 被……迷惑 be in a puzzle about sth. 对某事感到不解 set a puzzle for sb. (=set sb. a puzzle) 出个谜语让某人猜 be in a puzzle 不知如何是好 puzzled adj. 感到困惑的 puzzling adj. 令人困惑的


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