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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 unit4 Global warming(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6.You have made a few mistakes,but as the whole you have done well.__________________ 7.Comparing with many other women, she was indeed very fortunate.__________________ 8.A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, resulted in an increase in production.__________________ 9.—Rose lost her job again. —Don't worry. There is a plenty of work for girls of her age.__________________

  10.—Do you know Anna's telephone number? —I'm afraid no. As a matter of fact, I don't know any Anna, either.__________________ 答案:1.have后加上been 2.第一个the→a 3.up后加上with 4.was→were 5.make后加上a 6.as→on 7.Comparing →compared 8.resulted→resulting 9.去掉a或plenty→lot 10.no→not

  6.因为污染,地球面临全球温度上升。 7.我代表爱护环境的朋友们告诉那些喜欢乱扔垃圾的人,只要我们注意,我们就可以创造一个美丽的环境。 8.毫无疑问,大家都能够从我做起,爱护地球。 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 答案: Every day I walk along the Pearl River, I can often see quantities of rubbish such as plastic bags, litter, fruit peels and so on floating on the river. There is no denying that it is the rubbish that results in the dirty water in the Pearl River. As we can see, many people keep on throwing rubbish,so I wonder how this sort of bad habit comes about. On the whole,l am strongly opposed and can't put up with the behavior of this kind,for we have to realize that the earth is facing global warming because of pollution.

  On behalf of those who take good care of the environment, I would like to say we can create a beautiful environment as long as we can behave ourselves. There is no doubt that everyone can start from themselves to protect the earth.

  ③________ ________, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. 美国平均每年有800场龙卷风,导致约80人死亡,1 500人受伤。 答案:①an average of ②above average ③On average

  5.state v. 陈述;说明 n. 状态;情况 归纳拓展 state that ... 陈述……;说明…… It is stated that ...陈述……;说明…… as stated above如上所述 in a ... state 处于……状态 答案:①that ②in ③that ④As

  6.oppose vt. 反对;反抗 归纳拓展 oppose(doing)sth.反对(做)某事 oppose sb. doing sth.反对某人做某事 oppose sth. to/against sth.使某事与另一事物对照/对抗 be opposed to反对;与……对抗

  ③Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the ________(oppose). 良好的习惯总是产生较高的效率,而坏的习惯则相反。 答案:①going ②opposed ③opposite

  7.come about发生;造成 归纳拓展 come across偶遇;越过 come back回来;重新流行 come down降低;传下来;崩塌 come in进来;到达 come out出来;开花;出版

  come up上来;被提出;发芽 come up with想出;提出 come to结果达到;总数达到;苏醒 come along进展;进行 come on跟着来;跟上来;[口语] 得啦;快点儿

  辨析 come about/happen/take place/break out/occur 词汇 用法 come about “发生;产生”,指要求解释或说明事情发生的理由 happen “发生”,常用词汇,指偶然的、意外的、具体客观事物的发生或出现,尤其指自发的、未能预见的事情的发生 take place “发生”,指事件或事故的发生是在预料中的、并非是偶然的,进而引申为按计划“进行;举行” break out 指战争、火灾、地震、疾病等的突然“发生;爆发” occur 多指意想不到的事情的发生,用作此意时一般不和happen换用

  答案:①taken place  ②come about  ③broke out  ④happen/occur

  8.result in导致;造成……的结果 归纳拓展 result in引起;导致;造成某种结果 result from由……引起 答案:①resulting in ②results from; result in put up with忍受 归纳拓展 put aside节省(时间、钱等);储蓄 put away收好;储存……备用 put back放回;推迟 put down写下;记下;镇压

  put forward提出(意见、建议);推荐;提名;将……提前 put off推迟;延期 put on增加;上演;穿上;戴上 put out熄灭;生产;出版 put up举起;张贴;为……提供食宿 答案:①put up with ②put;forward ③put off ④put aside

  1.Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, .... 既使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放…… 句中的even if等于even though,引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,纵然”。 归纳拓展 引导让步状语从句的连词有:even if/though, though/ although, no matter+疑问词, whether ... or ..., while, as等。 答案:①Even if/though ②though/as ③no matter how 2.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it. 句中的so long as引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。 辨析 so/as long as/as well as/as far as/as good as 短语 原意 引申义 so/as long as 与……一样长 只要 as well as 与……一样好 也;和 as far as 远到 就……而言;至于 as good as

  与……一样好 几乎 答案:①as well as ②As far as ③as good as ④As long as 基础知识巩固 5.On the other hand,the cost of everything from housing to education has risen ________(steady) in recent decades. 6.In the past, only in country areas did people tend ________(believe) that boys were smarter than girls,which was great prejudice against girls. 7.According to BBC reporter Denise, it is the high pace of modern lifestyle that ________(result) in the decline of traditional family dinner in the UK. 8.Quantities of money ________(spend) in bringing up the children since they were married.

  9.The water recreation centre provides a variety of activities, ________(range) from swimming to diving. 10.—My son is addicted to drugs. He isn't hopeless,is he? —Yes, ________ he mends his ways and starts all over. 11.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people,many of whom ________(leave) their village homes for a better life in the city. 12.The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, ________ (average) nearly 10% per year. 13.We should do our work well to make ________ (contribute) to our future, our society and our nation. 14.I wonder how ________ came about that Chinese climbers successfully finished the torch relay on the Mount Qomolangma, where the air is so thin. 15.We advocate ________(solve) international disputes by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.

  答案:1.On 2.of 3.up 4.as/so 5.steadily 6.to believe 7.results 8.have been spent 9.ranging 10.unless 11.left 12.averaging 13.contributions 14.it 15.solving 5.毫无疑问,她的成功是因为勤奋工作,而非运气。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ her success was ________ ________ her hard work ________ ________ luck. 6.我们不同意我们已经失败了的看法。我们将继续努力,直到实现目标。 We don't ________ ________ ________ ________ that we have failed. Instead, we will ________ ________ trying until we reach the goal.

  7.她已清楚地说明,重要的是质量而不是数量。(强调句,rather than, matter) She has ________ her opinion clearly that ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________. 8.一方面,一些科学家提倡建核电站。另一方面,还有些人,反对这项工程。(advocate doing, there be+those+定语从句) On the one hand, some experts ________ ________ the nuclear power plant. _______ _______ _______ ________, there are those, ________ ________ ________ ________ the project.

  9.我非常敬重“低碳族”,他们给我们树立了这样的榜样:个人能够为改善环境做出贡献。 I think highly of “the low­carbon tribe”, who sets an excellent example to us that individuals can ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

  10.大量的垃圾没有分类就被填埋焚烧,这不仅会浪费珍贵的土地资源,而且会污染空气。树木吸收空气中的二氧化碳,也被砍伐,使得空气污染更加严重。如果这些现象继续存在下去,我们的地球迟早会变得不宜居住。 ________ ________ ________ rubbish are buried or burned before being classified, which not only wastes precious land resources but also pollutes the air. Trees, which ________ carbon dioxide ________ the air, are being cut down, ________ ________ ________ even worse. ________ ________ ________ continue to exist, sooner or later our planet will be unfit to live on. 答案:1.as a consequence 2.tends to; opposed to 3.made a commitment 4.under no circumstances 5.There is no doubt that; due to; rather than 6.subscribe to the view; keep on 7.stated; it is quality rather than quantity that matters 8.advocate building/constructing; On the other hand; who are opposed to 9.make contributions to improving our environment 10. Large quantities of; absorb; from; making air pollution; If these phenomena Unit 4 Global warming 选修六 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 课时规范训练 4 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.___________ n.量;数量 2.____________ n.范围;种类 3.____________ n.环境;情况 4.____________ adj.分布广的;普遍的 5.____________ vi.看一下;扫视 n.一瞥 6.____________ vt.消费;消耗 →______________ n.消费者 quantity range circumstance widespread glance consume consumer 7.___________ n.现象(单数) →____________ n.现象(复数) 8.___________ vi.趋向;易于 →____________ n.倾向;趋势 9.___________ n.贡献 →____________ vt.奉献;出力;捐献 10.__________ n.结果;后果 →____________ adv.结果;因此 11.__________ adj.平均的 →____________ adv.平均地;一般地 phenomenon phenomena tend tendency contribution contribute consequence consequently average averagely

  12.__________ vt.陈述;说明 →____________ n.陈述;叙述;声明 13.__________ adj.随便的;漫不经心的 →____________ adv.随便地 14.__________ adj.胡乱的;任意的 →_____________________ adv.胡乱地;任意地 15.__________ adj.平稳的;持续的 →____________ adv.平稳地;持续地 state statement casual casually random randomly(=at random) steady steadily 16.__________ vt.反对;反抗 →____________ adj.反对的 →____________ n.反对;反对派 17.__________ n.生存;存在 →____________ vi.存在;生存 →____________ adj.存在的;生存的 18.__________ vt.提倡;主张 →____________ n.拥护;提倡;主张 →____________ n.提倡者;拥护者 oppose opposed opposition existence exist existent advocate advocation advocator 19.__________ adj.与电有关的 →____________ adj.电动的 →____________ adj.电子的 →____________ n.电 20.__________ vi.同意;订阅 vt.(签署)文件;捐助 →____________ n.捐献;订阅;签署 →____________n.订户 electrical electric electronic electricity subscribe subscription subscriber B.归类巧记 1.与“电”有关的单词荟萃 ①electrical adj.电的;与电有关的 ②electricity n. 电;电流 ③electric adj. 电的;电动的 ④electronic adj. 电子的 ⑤electrics n. 电学 ⑥electrician n. 电工;电学家 ⑦power n. 电力;电源

  2.名词变复数的不规则变化 ①phenomenon→phenomena 现象 ②medium→media 媒体 ③crisis→crises 危机 ④criterion→criteria 标准 ⑤datum→data 数据 ⑥bacterium→bacteria 细菌

  3.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦 ①catastrophe大灾难 ②disaster灾难 ③earthquake地震 ④flood洪灾 ⑤tsunami海啸 ⑥drought旱灾 ⑦survivor幸存者 ⑧victim受难者 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.发生;造成 ________________________ 2.同意;赞成;订购 ________________________ 3.大量的 ________________________ 4.上升;增长;升起 ________________________ 5.导致 ________________________ 6.反对…… ________________________ 7.即使 ________________________ 8.继续 ________________________ 9.大体上;基本上 ________________________ come about subscribe to quantities of go up result in(=lead to) be opposed to even if (=even though) keep on on the whole 10.代表……一方;代表……________________________ 11.忍受;容忍 ________________________ 12.只要 ________________________ 13.等等 ________________________ 14.胡乱地;随意地 ________________________ 15.趋向;有……的倾向 ________________________ 16.因此 ________________________ 17.看一下;扫视;瞥见 ________________________ 18.浏览 ________________________ 19.平均 ________________________ 20.由……造成 ________________________ on behalf of put up with as long as and so on at random tend to as a consequence glance at glance through(=look through) on average result from Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.It means that more heat energy tends to ________(trap)in the atmosphere ________(cause)the global temperature ________(go)up. 它(二氧化碳含量的增加)意味着更多的热量被困在大气中,从而引起全球温度的上升。 2.________ was in the park that they saw the elephant. 他们是在公园里看到大象的。 3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the earth is becoming ________(warm) ... 毫无疑问,全球正在变暖…… 4.Some byproducts of this process ________ (call) “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of ________ is carbon dioxide. 这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫作“温室”气体,其中最重要的是二氧化碳。 5.________ ________ we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide ________ other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to ... 即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,气候仍会……

  答案:1.be trapped; causing; to go  2.It  3.There is no doubt that; warmer  4.are called; which 5.Even if; and

  Ⅳ.语法过关 it的用法(2) 完成下列句子,体会强调句的用法。 1.The greenhouse

  effect gives the earth's surface the average temperature of 15℃. (强调划线部分) 2.I've forgotten where I put the dictionary. (强调划线部分) 3.The police were seeking more information to find out who ________ was that killed the rich merchant.

  4.—When was ________ that he picked up French?—It was in 2010 when he traveled in France. 5.As we all know, ________ was not until recently that the problem was solved. 答案:1.It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earth's surface the average temperature of 15℃.

  2.I've forgotten where it was that I put the dictionary. 3.it 4.it 5.it

  Ⅴ.语篇填空 However, the attitude of scientists towards this rise is completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature ①________ 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. She says, “We can't predict the climate well enough to know what to expect, ②________ it could be very serious.” Others ③________ agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the ④________ (disappear) of species. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed ⑤________ this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad ⑥________(environment) consequences. In fact, Hambley states, “More carbon dioxide is actually ⑦________ positive thing. ⑧________ will make plants grow ⑨________(quick); crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals—all of which ⑩________(make) life for human beings better.”

  答案:①by ②but ③who ④disappearance ⑤to ⑥environmental ⑦a ⑧It ⑨quicker ⑩will make 考点探究演练 1.quantity n. 数量 归纳拓展 a quantity of/quantities of“大量的”,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,相当于a lot of/lots of, plenty of。 a vast/great/good/large quantity of“大量的”,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词。 a quantity of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词一般根据其所修饰的名词而定,但是quantities of后面的名词无论是可数还是不可数,谓语动词都要用复数。 答案:①was collected ②have been spent ③were killed

  2.tend v. 趋向;易于;照顾;护理 归纳拓展 tend to do易于……;往往会做…… tend to sth.有……趋势;倾向于…… tend(to)... 照料;照顾 have tendency to(do)sth.有(做)某事的倾向 ③________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, so my father had to work hard to support our family.

  我妈妈忙于照顾我妹妹,所以为了赡养家庭,我父亲必须努力工作。 ④With more and more youngsters interested in it, Street Dancing ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 因为越来越多的年轻人对街舞感兴趣,所以它有走向流行的趋势。

  答案:①She tends to get angry ②but he tends to popular music ③My mom was always busy tending to my younger sister ④has a tendency to popularity

  3.range n. 种类;范围 v. (在一定范围内)变动;变化 归纳拓展 a wide range of一系列的;广泛的 in/within range在范围内 out of range超出范围 range from A to B/range between A and B在A和B之间变化/变动

  (2)用range的相关词语完成下列小片段。 The supermarket keeps ①__________________(大量的) goods. Their prices ②________ just only a few yuan ________(从……到……不等)several hundred yuan. According to their varieties, the shop assistants ③__________________(摆放)them neatly on the shelves. 答案:(1)①from; to ②beyond/out of ③within (2)①a wide range of ②range from; to ③range

  4.average adj. 平均的 n. 平均数;平均水平 归纳拓展 an average of 平均有(后跟数词) on (the) average 平均起来 above/below (the) average 在平均水平以上/以下 average out 算出平均数


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