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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法专练:5 名词性从句(牛津译林版含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  语法专练五 名词性从句


  1.(2015浙江,6)If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate  is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water. 

  2.(2015重庆,8)We must find out  Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him. 

  3.(2015福建,29)—I wonder Mary has kept her figure after all these years. 

  —By working out every day.

  4.(2015湖南,26)You have to know  youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there. 

  5.(2015陕西,19)Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for   Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. 

  6.(2015四川,8)The exhibition tells us  we should do something to stop air pollution. 

  7.(2017大纲全国,24)Exactly the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain,but it was probably around 1565. 

  8.(2017北京,30)The best moment for the football star was he scored the winning goal. 

  9.(2017天津,14)I think impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses. 

  10.(2017陕西,15) the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather. 

  11.(2017四川,2)Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,“Thats I was born.” 

  12.(2017山东,30)Its good to know the dogs will be well cared for while were away. 

  13.(2017浙江,16)The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief you are better than anyone else on the sports field. 

  14.We promise attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star. 

  15.—Its my treat today.Is there anything particular you would like to have?

  — you choose is fine with me. 

  16.“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.”This is my mother used to tell me. 

  17.—What a mess! You are always so lazy!

  —Im not to blame,mum.I am you have made me. 

  18. Mo Yan had been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature made us very proud. 

  19.He stared at the empty bottle for a while,feeling happy that he had sent the butterfly back to it belonged—nature. 

  20.The road is covered with snow.I can’t understand they insist on going by motorbike. 



  It was reported 1 there was an accident at a corner of the Roman Street this morning.No one saw 2 on earth happened then.A car ran into a truck but fortunately,nobody got injured. 3 will be responsible for the accident is still under investigation.The police were uncertain 4 the driver was guilty. 5 the police should do now is 6 they must find out what led to the accident.They said it was difficult for them to judge because 7 the accident happened is not clear.Perhaps the reason was 8 the driver was too tired to stop the car in time.The driver didnt admit the fact 9 he was over-speed driving at the turning.The police doubted 10 what he said was true and decided to make a further investigation.  








  After school,I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the dustbin.He looked extremely weak.Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy.So I decided to take him home.I gave him some food and a bath.After the bath he looked energy and refreshed.What a lovely dog!When my parents got home,I asked that I could keep the dog.To my surprised and joy,they agreed.Up to now,he has become member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his company.Looked at the cute,happy dog today,I realize that I was right to help him.I offered him a shelter but he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.



  1.what 句意:如果你在河里或湖里游泳,一定要查明水下的状况。经常会有岩石或树枝隐藏在水中。“ is below the water surface”为宾语从句,作动词investigate的宾语,该从句中缺少主语且表示“事物”,故答案为what。 

  2.when  句意:我们必须弄清楚卡尔什么时候来,以便我们可以为他预订房间。“  Karl is coming”为宾语从句,作动词短语find out的宾语,该从句中缺少时间状语,故答案为when。 

  3.how 句意:——我想知道这么些年来玛丽是如何保持体形的。 ——通过每天锻炼身体。“ Mary has kept her figure after all these years”为宾语从句,该从句中缺少方式状语,故答案为how。 

  4.where 句意:如果你要计划到那里的最好路线,你就得知道你将要往哪儿走。“ youre going”为宾语从句,该从句中缺少地点状语,故答案为where。 

  5.what 句意:读着她的自传,我沉浸在对Doris Lessing在文学上获得的成就的崇拜之中。“  Doris Lessing had achieved in literature”为宾语从句,该从句中缺少宾语且表示“事物”,故答案为what。 

  6.why 句意:这个展览告诉我们为什么我们应该做一些事情来阻止空气污染。“ we should do something to stop air pollution”为宾语从句,该从句中缺少原因状语,故答案为why。 

  7. when 句意:土豆被引入欧洲的确切时间不能确定,但很可能是1565年左右。分析句子结构可知,设空处为主语从句的引导词,从around 1565判断,这里指时间,故填when。

  8. when 句意:对于这个足球明星来说最美好的时刻就是他踢进决胜球的时候。根据设空处前面的“The best moment”可知表语从句中缺少时间状语,故填when。

  9.what  句意:我认为他的画使我印象深刻的是他对色彩的使用。根据分析可知在主语从句 impresses me about his painting中,所缺的词作主语且表示“物”,所以填what。 

  10.When 句意:延迟的航班什么时间起飞主要取决于天气状况。通过分析句子结构可知,本句是含主语从句的复合句。根据句意填When。

  11.where 句意:奶奶指着那家医院说:“那就是我出生的地方。”本题考查表语从句。根据句意可知设空处引导表语从句,故填where。

  12.that 句意:得知在我们离开期间这些狗会得到很好的照顾,这真是太好了。“the dogs will be well cared for while we’re away”为宾语从句,该从句结构和意义完整,故用that。

  13.that 句意:在最高水平上取得成功的唯一方法就是要完全相信在(那个)运动场上,你比其他任何人都优秀。本题空格处引导的句子为同位语从句,从句结构和意义完整,填that。

  14.whoever 句意:我们承诺无论谁参加聚会,都有一次机会与这位电影明星合影。这里whoever(=anyone who)引导宾语从句,并且在从句中作主语。

  15.Whatever 句意:——今天我请客,有没有什么你特别想吃的?——你选什么都可以。

  16.what 句意:“每次你吃糖果的时候,喝点绿茶。”这就是我妈妈过去常常告诉我的。根据句意可知,设空处引导表语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语且表示物,因此填what。

  17.what 句意:——真是太乱了!你总是这么懒惰!——妈妈,别责怪我。是你使我成为了现在这个样子的。根据分析可知am后为表语从句,根据句意和表语从句中缺宾补的情况可知填what。

  18.That 考查主语从句引导词。句意:莫言获得了2017年诺贝尔文学奖,这使我们感到非常骄傲。Mo Yan had been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature是一个完整的句子,不缺成分,主语从句中不缺成分时,需要用连接词that引导。

  19.where 考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:他盯着空瓶子看了一会儿,感到非常高兴,因为他已经把蝴蝶放归到属于它的地方——大自然。send...back to“送回”;where引导的从句作宾语;where在从句中作状语。

  20.why 考查宾语从句引导词。根据句意可知,路被雪覆盖了,而他们还坚持骑摩托车,“我”不能明白的显然是原因,因此答案是why。


  [语篇解读] 本文为应用文,报道了一起交通事故。

  1.that 句意:据报道,今天早上在罗马大街的拐角处发生了一起交通事故。it为形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。

  2.what 句意:没人看到当时究竟发生了什么。what引导宾语从句作saw的宾语,从句中缺少主语且表示事物,故用what引导。

  3.Who 句意:谁应对这一事故负责仍然在调查中。“ 3 will be responsible for the accident”为主语从句,该从句中缺少主语且表示“人”,故用who引导。 

  4.whether 句意:警察不能确定司机是否有罪。根据题干中的uncertain可知设空处表示“是否”。

  5.What 句意:现在警察应做的就是他们必须弄清楚事故的起因。what引导主语从句,在从句中作do的宾语。

  6.that “ 6 they must find out what led to the accident”为表语从句,该从句结构完整,不缺少任何成分,所以用that引导。 

  7.how 句意:他们说他们很难下结论,因为事故是如何发生的还不清楚。根据句意可知设空处应为表示方式的连接副词how。

  8.that 句意:也许是因为司机疲劳驾驶没能及时刹住车。The reason was that...为固定句式,意思是“原因是……”。

  9.that 句意:司机不承认他在拐角处超速驾驶。that引导同位语从句,解释fact的具体内容。

  10.whether 句意:警察怀疑他所说的话的真实性,决定作进一步的调查。doubted(肯定式)后面的宾语从句常用whether引导。doubt在否定句或疑问句中时,后面常用that来引导从句。


  1.第一句:去掉into enter是一个及物动词,表达“进入……”时后面不用跟介词。

  2.第一句:lie→lying 此处考查非谓语动词作宾补,宾语a little dirty dog与lie之间是主动关系,应该用v.-ing形式。

  3.第三句:of→with 固定搭配fill sb./sth.with用……装满……。

  4.第六句:energy→energetic 此处考查两个并列的形容词作表语。

  5.第八句:that→if/whether 根据语境可知该宾语从句应该用if或whether引导。

  6.第九句:surprised→surprise 在该结构中要用名词,to ones surprise令某人惊讶的是。

  7.第十句:member前加a member是一个可数名词,根据语境可知此处表达“一个成员”。

  8.第十句:had→has 根据题干中的has become可知此处应用现在完成时。

  9.第十一句:Looked→Looking 此处考查非谓语动词作状语,主语I与look之间是主动关系,应该用v.-ing形式。

  10.第十二句:ourselves→us 根据语境和句子结构可知此处应该用宾格代词us充当brought的宾语。


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