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发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.Why does the woman want to change her job?

  A. To get more money.

  B. To have more challenges.

  C. To have more chances.

  2.What will the woman have to do?

  A. Borrow a tape tomorrow.

  B. Lend the tape to her classmates.

  C. Return the tape to the man today.

  3.Why will the man go to Edinburgh?

  A. To drive the woman there.

  B. To have a meeting in Glasgow.

  C. To meet some important people.

  4.What will the woman probably do then?

  A. Go on washing the clothes.

  B. Stop washing the clothes.

  C. Let the man wash the clothes.

  5.How was the man doing in the job interview yesterday?

  A. He was well prepared.

  B. He answered all the questions.

  C. He did a poor job.




  6.How will the woman go to the Art Gallery?

  A. By car.

  B. By bus.

  C. By subway.

  7.Where is the Art Gallery?

  A. At Stone Road.

  B. At Fifth Avenue.

  C. At Washington Street.


  8.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Professor and student.

  B. Schoolmates.

  C. Father and daughter.

  9.What will they do before going to Professor Berry's class?

  A. Drink some coffee.

  B. Do some reading.

  C. Spend ten minutes in a library.


  10.What will the girl do if she is chosen for the job?

  A. Attend a debate contest for college students.

  B. Attend an English speech contest.

  C. Host an English speech contest.

  11.Who is the most suitable person for the position?

  A. Jane.

  B. Mary.

  C. Rose.

  12.How is the job?

  A. Interesting.

  B. Challenging.

  C. Easy.


  13.What is the woman?

  A. A reporter for a well­known newspaper of the nation.

  B. A student of a day school.

  C. A teacher of an evening school.

  14.Why did the woman want to talk to the man?

  A. Because she planned to write about the evening school.

  B. Because she wanted to teach English better.

  C. Because she tried to help newcomers to her country.

  15.What is the man poor at in learning English?

  A. Speaking.

  B. Writing.

  C. Grammar.

  16.Where did the man come from?

  A. Russia.

  B. America.

  C. China.


  17.What is the Friendship Club?

  A. A place where you can meet new people and make friends.

  B. A place where you can make friends with teachers.

  C. A place where you can do homework with new friends.

  18.How often do the club members meet?

  A. Every day.

  B. Twice a week.

  C. Once a week.

  19.What will help your friends trust you?

  A. Telling jokes to them.

  B. Knowing more about them.

  C. Keeping their secrets.

  20.What will people ask you to do if you tell lies to your friends?

  A. To leave the school.

  B. To leave the club.

  C. To keep away from them.

  答案 1—5 BCCBC 6—10 BABAC

  11—15 ABBAA 16—20 AACCB


  Text 1

  M: What's your job?

  W: I'm a secretary at an architecture firm.

  M: That sounds like a pretty good job. Why do you want to change your job?

  W: It's hard to tell, but generally speaking, I want to have some demanding jobs.

  Text 2

  W: I really enjoy the tape you lent me a week ago.

  M: I'm glad you like it.

  W: Not only me. All my classmates enjoyed it, too. Do you mind if I keep it for another week?

  M: Sorry, I have to use it myself.

  Text 3

  W: Alan, have you got a meeting in Edinburg?

  M: Yes, I'm going to see some leaders from the headquarters. What's up?

  W: I'm going to visit Glasgow on Wednesday and it's quite near Edinburg.

  M: Ah...I'm going to drive there tomorrow, so you can go with me.

  Text 4

  M: Tina, I think that you needn't wash your clothes so late.

  W: I didn't catch what you said.

  M: I mean, the flowing water makes lots of noise.

  W: Oh, sorry! I didn't know it was bothering you.

  Text 5

  W: How was your job interview yesterday, Peter?

  M: Well, it couldn't have been worse.

  W: Why? You said you were well prepared.

  M: I don't know. There were several questions I couldn't answer.

  Text 6

  W: Excuse me, sir. I'm trying to find my way to the Art Gallery. Can you tell me how to get there?

  M: Are you driving or taking public transport such as the subway?

  W: I'm taking the bus.

  M: That's good. It's slower, but you'll get to see more of the city on the bus. First you have to walk east to Washington Street where you catch the No. 4 bus. Take it for five stops. Get off it at Fifth Avenue and transfer to No. 9 bus going west. Then ask the driver to let you off at Stone Road. Finally you can see the Art Gallery at the corner. You can't miss it.

  W: Thanks. I appreciate your help.

  Text 7

  M: Hey, Mary. How's it going?

  W: Good, thanks. How was your weekend?

  M: Ah, you know. Nothing special. You?

  W: Uh, pretty quiet. I spent most of the time getting ready for this class. There's so much reading to do.

  M: I know what you mean. I was up till 4 a.m. finishing off that essay. I only got about four hours' sleep last night.

  W: Well, we've still got about ten minutes before Professor Berry gets here. You want to get a coffee or something?

  M: Yeah, coffee sounds good.

  Text 8

  W: Today is Friday. We'd better make an immediate decision on who is fit for the position, Robert.

  M: OK. Let me think it over. First, this person must speak good English.

  W: Well, a girl is needed. And she needs to perform gracefully and be trustworthy.

  M: That's true. To host such an English speech contest can be a challenging job, so she must be smart enough as well as dependable.

  W: How about Mary then?

  M: Oh, Mary is dependable but she is a little slow. Is Rose suitable?

  W: Well, Rose is smart but she is a bit shy. How about Jane? She seems to have all of the qualities we need.

  M: All right, that's a deal. Please tell her as early as possible in order to make her prepare herself for our contest.

  W: But she seems to have gone to Shanghai for a debate contest for college students.

  M: When will she come back, do you know?

  W: Well, next Tuesday.

  Text 9

  W: Excuse me. I'm a student of this school during the day. I'm writing a report for the School Newspaper. It's about the evening school. Can I ask you a few questions?

  M: OK. There are about ten minutes before my classes begin.

  W: Thanks. Well, where are you from? And when did you come to this country?

  M: I'm from Russia. I came here with my wife and children last year.

  W: Did you know any English before you arrived in Washington?

  M: Yes, I did. I learned English in middle school.

  W: How are you getting along with your English now?

  M: My reading, writing, and grammar are OK, but I have some problems talking to Americans. It seems that they don't like to talk to people like me.

  Text 10

  Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Friendship Club of our school! You will meet many new people here and make friends with each other. We have some advice for you. It will help you a lot.

  First, be friendly and polite to everybody in the club. This will make people comfortable when they talk to you. Rude people are not welcome here and we usually ask them to leave.

  Second, be honest and truthful. We hope that our members can trust each other and will not be hurt by another. If we find you are telling lies to other club members, we will ask you to leave the club.

  Third, be a good listener and keep your friends' secrets. This will make your friends trust you and it will also help you know more about your friends. If you share your friends' secrets with anyone else, you will hurt their feelings.

  The last, be generous and helpful to your friends. Sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions will help you know more about each other and become friends.

  Please remember our advice when you come to the club. We meet every Friday afternoon and I hope to see you here soon!




  1.What does the woman want to talk about with the man?

  A. The man's working achievements.

  B. The company's financial problems.

  C. The man's lay­off.

  2.What does the woman regret?

  A. Giving too many births.

  B. Quitting the job.

  C. Having a marriage.

  3.Where are the speakers talking?

  A. On the phone.

  B. On a train.

  C. On a bus.

  4.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

  A. What food to eat.

  B. Whether to eat out.

  C. Sichuan food and Cantonese dishes.

  5.What do we know about the woman?

  A. She will go on a trip to Tibet.

  B. She longs to visit Tibet.

  C. She has been to Tibet once.




  6.How does the woman know the special promotion this week?

  A. From her sister.

  B. From the ads.

  C. From her friends.

  7.What does the woman want to buy for her mom?

  A. Eye cream.

  B. A massage pillow.

  C. A beautiful scarf.


  8.What is the woman doing?

  A. Complaining about the campus food.

  B. Seeking comments on the campus food.

  C. Pushing for changes in the campus food.

  9.What does the man think of the campus food?

  A. Acceptable.

  B. Excellent.

  C. Terrible.


  10.How long does the man work every day?

  A. 10 hours.

  B. 11 hours.

  C. 12 hours.

  11.When can the man have a rest in a week?

  A. Tuesday.

  B. Wednesday.

  C. Sunday.

  12.What does the man have to do at work?

  A. To keep everything in the kitchen clean.

  B. To do the washing­up.

  C. To guide the worker what to do.


  13.What happened to the man?

  A. He spent a whole night learning Chinese.

  B. He spent a whole night working.

  C. He spent a whole night listening to songs.

  14.Why is the man disappointed?

  A. Because he doesn't like hard work.

  B. Because he fails to make any progress.

  C. Because he can't sing any Chinese songs.

  15.Which of the following is true?

  A. Learning Chinese through the Internet helps the woman.

  B. Learning Chinese through dictionaries improves the woman.

  C. Learning Chinese through songs benefits the woman.

  16.What do you guess are the man and the woman according to the talk?

  A. Students.

  B. The jobless.

  C. Tourists.


  17.What do visitors usually do in Vermont in summer?

  A. To see colorful leaves.

  B. To go on river­rafting trips.

  C. To ski in the mountains.

  18.What is the population in Vermont?

  A. 600,000.

  B. 60,000.

  C. 6,000.

  19.What is the exact size of Vermont?

  A. 24,000 square kilometers.

  B. 950 square kilometers.

  C. 24,950 square kilometers.

  20.Which is the capital of Vermont?

  A. Burlington.

  B. Champlain.

  C. Montpelier.

  答案 1—5 CBCAB 6—10 BABAB

  11—15 BAABC 16—20 ABAAC


  Text 1

  M: You wanted to see me, Mrs. Applegate?

  W: Uh, yes. I'll get right into the points, Mr. Bradley. This company has been having serious financial problems lately, and unfortunately, we have to let some people go.

  Text 2

  W: I feel so bored. I have to stay home all day long doing housework and taking care of the kids. They always make the house a mess. I can't bear it! How I wish I hadn't quit my job!

  M: They will go to school after 3 years. Calm down, honey.

  Text 3

  W: I wish the driver would get off his mobile phone and watch the road when he's driving.

  M: Indeed. It's too dangerous. I'm afraid I'll get off at the next stop before the bus knocks into something.

  Text 4

  M: I'm thinking about going for a bite tonight. Any suggestions?

  W: How about the Sichuan restaurant near my home?

  M: Oh, I'm afraid my sore throat can't bear the spicy food. I prefer Cantonese dishes.

  W: OK. Their light foods are suitable for your situation.

  Text 5

  W: Wow! You're going to Tibet?

  M: Yes, my brother and I are going there next week.

  W: I've always dreamed of going somewhere like Tibet to see something unique.

  M: Great minds think alike. My brother and I have been thinking about going to Tibet for quite a long time.

  Text 6

  W: Hi, there. Look at these. I have collected some ads here. There is a special promotion this weekend.

  M: Oh, yes. Thanksgiving Day is coming. Do you plan to buy anything?

  W: Of course. I want to buy some eye cream for my mom and a massage pillow for my dad.

  M: Hmm. You know, my sister is a salesgirl in Ginza. She told my wife AiSleep will be promoting their new product for the sleepless patients.

  W: How much is it?

  M: 380 yuan, and you can get a free 3­piece gift package.

  W: Sounds not bad.

  Text 7

  W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

  M: No, I guess not.

  W: Great! This is for a student council report. We want to find out what students think of the campus food service. First, how often do you eat in the cafeteria?

  M: Almost every day.

  W: What's your general impression of the food here?

  M: Well, people complain a lot, but basically, I think it's OK. The vegetables are usually overcooked, but I mean they have to feed hundreds of people here. You are not going to get something freshly prepared just for you.

  W: If I just put down generally satisfactory, is that OK?

  M: Sure.

  W: So you think the other things, like soup and dessert are okay?

  M: Yeah, that's about right.

  W: Is there anything you'd like to change about the cafeteria?

  M: Yes, the hours. Sometimes it's a real rush for me to get back here before 6:30.

  Text 8

  W: So...what time do you start your work, Steve?

  M: I start my work at 9 in the morning, and I keep working for 6 hours till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Then I start again at 5:30 pm and work until 10:30 pm. Six days a week.

  W: And do you have to work on the weekend?

  M: Oh, yes, that's our busiest time. I get Wednesdays off.

  W: What are the things you have to do, and the things you don't have to do?

  M: Eh, I don't have to do the washing­up, so that's good. I have to wear white and I have to keep everything in the kitchen totally clean.

  W: And what's the secret to being good at your job?

  M: Attention to detail and your passion for it.

  W: And what are your plans for the future?

  M: I want to have my own place when the time is right.

  Text 9

  W: Are you OK, Chuck? You look pale.

  M: I'm fine, Katherine. I just stayed up late last night working on my Chinese.

  W: Oh, poor you. You know what? I found a new way to learn Chinese and it works very well.

  M: You did? Do tell me. I've spent all these months trying to learn something new about it, but I've made little progress.

  W: Sure. I'm learning Chinese through songs.

  M: So you're learning Chinese songs?

  W: You can say that. I can actually sing some of them now.

  M: That's a real achievement. How do you do that?

  W: I start by listening to the song a few times and after several times I am able to follow the singer.

  M: It makes sense.

  W: It does. I've learned some Chinese folk songs this way. They are clearly presented and easy to follow.

  M: Can I join you, Katherine? I do want to have a try.

  W: Why not? I downloaded a beautiful song the other day. We can learn it together now.

  M: Great. Do you think we need a Chinese dictionary?

  W: Yes, just in case we run into some new characters.

  M: OK. I will bring it with me.

  Text 10

  Today on our program, we take you on a trip through the northeastern state of Vermont, part of the area known as New England. Each fall, people travel to Vermont to see the colorful autumn leaves. In winter, people come to ski in the mountains. In the warmer months, they go on river­rafting trips and enjoy camping and other outdoor activities.

  Only about 600,000 people live in Vermont. That makes it the second least­populated state in the country after Wyoming. And the state is small not just in population. Vermont is the 45th out of the 50 states in territory. It has just 24,000 square kilometers of land. In addition, almost 950 square kilometers of its land is covered by water. Vermont is known as the Green Mountain State. The name comes from the Green Mountains, which divide the state up and down the center. In fact, the name Vermont comes from the French “verd mont”, which means green mountain. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier, in the center of the state. But the largest city is Burlington, on the shores of Lake Champlain.


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