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2017届高考英语大一轮复习专题课件:专题2 代词和介词(全国通用)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  易错点3 思维定势,误解语境 (2017·北京,34) Do you think this shirt is too tight________the shoulders? 解析 句意:你觉得这件衬衫肩膀的位置太紧了吗?本题考查介词的基本用法。across the shoulders指肩宽,两肩的距离,故填across。 答案 across 【即时小练】 —How long have you been an actor? —________1995,when I graduated from college. 答案 Since 以题说法 此题易用to,因为同学们会受思维定势影响,误以为考查too...to结构;也有同学会用on,认为是说“肩膀上”,指具体地点,但此处考查两肩间的距离。 突破指南 近年高考侧重语境,淡化语法,做题要突破思维定势,仔细体会语境相当重要。 易错点4 固定句式记忆不牢固 You have no idea how she finished the relay race________her foot wounded so much. 答案 with 【即时小练】 I was________the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived. 答案 on [on the point of doing sth 是固定搭配,另外注意这个句子中并列连词when连接的固定句型: on the point of doing...when...,意思是“正要干……这时……”,这样的句型还有be about to do...when...; was doing...when...。句意:我正要给他打电话,他的信到了。] 以题说法 考查with+名词+adj.复合结构用作状语,此题误用when,原句则需改成when/while her foot was wounded so much。句意:你不知道她脚部受伤这么严重是怎么跑完接力赛的。 突破指南 介词与句型的融合使用,成为近几年的高考趋势,熟记句型和搭配是非常关键的。 易错点5 受汉语思维影响 The graduates are determined to devote themselves ________Chinese space science. 解析 句意:毕业生们决心献身于中国太空科学事业。devote oneself to doing sth 意为“献身于……”,这里的to是介词。类似的结构有:pay attention to,get down to,look forward to,make a contribution to等。 答案 to 【即时小练】 (1)(2015·河北邯郸质检)I looked________the direction of the voice,only to find it was a lovely dog. (2)Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank ________ a chair. 答案 (1)in (2)into 以题说法 易误用for。受到汉语思维习惯的影响,考生易误认为是“为了(for表目的)”中国的太空科学事业而奉献,却忽略了与devote固定搭配的介词只能是to。 突破指南 学习英语要注意摆脱母语的束缚。介词是虚词,必须放在语境中才能有生动鲜活的意义,死记硬背单个介词的意义是很容易进入误区的,所以要多思考语境,不能死抠字眼,要从全局入手。如:中国学生还常将in the direction记作to the direction,因为“to”有“朝向……”的意思。 易错点6 固定搭配含混不清 I like Mr.Miner’s speech; it was clear and________the point. 解析 考查介词与名词构成的短语,to the point意思为“切中要点”。句意:我喜欢Miner先生的讲话,既清楚又切中要点。 答案 to 【即时小练】 At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was________ of sight. 答案 out 以题说法 辨析题是选择题的常考题型。根据介词短语的构成形式,可以考查某一词和不同介词的搭配;也可考查同一介词和不同词的搭配辨析,要明确其意义,对比异同,根据句意需要而选择。 突破指南 高考中对介词的考查很灵活。由于介词不能单独充当某一成分,而总是与动词或名词等连用组成介词短语,所以对介词的考查更多地融合在时态或句型中,因此需要考生全面理解试题的含义及结构,而不能孤立地考虑介词的一般含义。 假设你是李华,请你以自己网上购书所遇到的不愉快经历,向中国某家英文报纸生活栏目写一封抱怨信。要点如下: 1.所购书中有破损、缺页现象; 2.一些书籍价格比实体书店还要贵; 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。 Dear Sir or Madame, I am a middle school student.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【范文实例】 1.本文是一篇应用文(抱怨信),文章层次分明,写出了抱怨的原因和对这件事的解决建议,表达了希望。 2.文章用了in the first place, in addition, needless to say等关联词,使得文章结构更为清晰。此外,固定句型The reason why...is that...,分词hoping that...的运用也提升了文章的品质。 3.arouse the attention, beyond my expectation, with the supervision of the public opinion的运用也彰显了考生深厚的语言功底。 读后启示:_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 表示“(标准、度量、数量)根据,按照,以……计算”,常用结构“by+the+单数可数名词” Parcel post is charged by weight and mileage, without reference to contents. 包裹邮递按重量和路程收费,不管所装何物。 (表示程度、数量)相差 The price of oil fell by a further 2 dollars a barrel. 油价每桶又下降了两美元。 经过,经由 He walked right by me without even saying hello.他径直从我身边走过,甚至连招呼都不打。 靠,用,通过(某种方式、手段) You can reserve tickets by phone. 你可以通过电话订票。 4.with的用法 含 义 例 句 和……一起,和,同,跟 Put this bag with the others. 把这个包和其他的包放在一起。 (表示同时或同一方向)随着 With the number of English learners on the rise, it’s not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts. 随着英语学习者的数量越来越多,对他们来说在汉语的上下文里理解这些英语单词并不是很困难。 具有,带有 The dictionary is what I want, but I don’t have enough money with me.这本字典正是我想要的,但是我没带够钱。 由于,因为 There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school. 在我们学校自行车存放处有一个长久以来就存在的问题。 (表示方式)用 What will you buy with the money?你会用这笔钱买什么? against,beyond,by,with是出现频率高,考查范围广的几个介词,其意义用法灵活丰富,需要同学们对它们的各种用法了如指掌。 单句改错 23.The coat was made with hand, not with a machine.

  改:_______________________________________ 24.The fruits are sold by pound.

  改:______________________ 25.The problem is difficult to answer and it’s against me.

  改:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26.Everybody was touched by words after they heard her moving story.

  改:__________________________________________________ 27.The dictionary is what I want, but I don’t have enough money on me.

  改:_________________________________________________ 答案 23.第一个with→by 24.by后加the 25.against→beyond 26.by→beyond 27.on→with 短语互译 28.beyond recognition________ 29.beyond belief________ 30.beyond repair________ 31.手工________ 32.通过无线电________ 33.碰巧________ 34.错误地________ 35.故意地________ 36.抓住某人的手take sb by_______________ 37.His face was red with cold.__________________ 38.Don’t write with a pencil.______________________ 39.无事可做________________ 40.春天来了________________ 答案 28.认不出来 29.难以相信 30.不能修理 31.by hand 32.by radio 33.by chance/accident 34.by mistake 35.by design 36.the hand 37.他的脸因为生气变红了。38.不要用铅笔写字。 39.with nothing to do 40.with spring coming 知识点二 介词短语 一、介词搭配 介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一定的成分。介词的常用搭配形式如下: 1.介词+名词: in turn轮流; in danger危险中; out of order出故障; by no means决不

  2.名词+介词: reason for……的原因; effect/influence on对……的影响

  3.形容词+介词: angry with对(某人)生气; concerned about 关心

  4.动词+介词: laugh at嘲笑; agree on对……达成协议 5.动词+副词+介词: go in for爱好;从事;put up with忍受 6.动词+名词+介词: take advantage of利用; pay attention to注意

  7.动词+sb/ sth+介词: prevent sb from...阻止某人做……;remind sb of...提醒某人…… 二、复杂介词型 1.表示原因 because of,owing to,due to,on account of,due to,thanks to等。 2.表示“除……之外”的 with the exception of,except for,apart from,in addition to等。 3.表示“有关,关于” concerning,with respect to,as for,as to等。 4.表示“在……之前”

  ahead of,in advance of,in front of等。 5.表示“支持,赞成”

  in support of,in favor of等。 6.表示“关于;按照;依据”

  in terms of,according to, in view of等。 7.表示“尽管……”;“不管……”

  in spite of,regardless of等。 介词解题之一:①语境法 介词之间的区别都是意义和用法上的细微的差别;介词短语之间的区别也是构成结构相似,而意义不同。这样的特点,就要求在做题时,对语境有更深层次的理解,把握住关键提示信息,从而做出正确的判断。 介词解题之二:②搭配法 介词中也有一些固定短语、固定搭配和固定用法。平时多注意积累,做题时观察句型,找出相应的知识点,然后做出正确的选择。 1.When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside________ favor of younger men.

  答案 in [句意:在被问到他们对校长的看法时,很多老师说他们宁愿看到他让贤于更年轻的人。] 2.More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities________ lack of space.

  答案 for [for lack of(由于缺乏)。] 3.We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and ________ return,dogs give us their all.

  答案 in [介词+名词构成的固定短语也是高考的常考点,因此,熟记介词短语的意义是辨析语意的关键。常见的介词短语主要由by,for,in,on等活跃介词+名词构成,如by chance/accident(偶然),on purpose(故意),in return(作为回报)。] 附录:常见介词搭配 1.“介词+名词”型 (1)in+名词 in advance提前,事先,预先

  in case如果,万一

  in charge主管,掌管,看管,负责

  in common共有,共同

  in demand有需要的

  in doubt感到疑惑的,难以确定的

  in effect实际上,生效

  in fact事实上

  in order按照顺序,井然有序,情况良好,恰当

  in progress进行中

  in return作为回报

  in turn依次,替换地;相应地,转而

  in vain徒劳,白费力气的


  on guard在值勤

  on leave在休假

  on holiday在度假

  on strike罢工

  on sale出售

  on loan借贷


  on the move在移动,搬迁;离开

  on the march在行军

  on the flow在涨潮

  on the increase正在增加

  on the go正在活动,正在奔走

  on the air正在广播

  on the fly正在飞行

  (4) beyond+名词

  beyond one’s power是某人力不能及的

  beyond praise夸不胜夸

  beyond one’s reach够不着

  beyond description难以形容

  beyond words无法用语言形容

  beyond doubt无疑;肯定

  beyond one’s understanding无法理解


  under development在发展中

  under observation在观察中

  under test在测试中

  under construction在建设中

  under examination在检查(调查)中

  under consideration在考虑中

  under repair在修理中


  at length详细地,长时间地

  at sea茫然

  at will任意地

  at work在上班

  at lunch在吃午饭

  at rest在休息

  at table在吃饭

  at school上学

  at church做礼拜

  at peace处于和平状态

  (7)out of+名词

  out of breath上气不接下气地

  out of balance失去平衡

  out of date过时

  out of patience不耐烦

  out of control失去控制

  out of business破产

  out of style过时,不时髦

  out of the ordinary不寻常的

  out of touch失去联系

  (8)in+名词+of in favour of同意,赞成

  in honour of为纪念,为庆祝

  in memory of为纪念

  in face of面对

  in need of需要

  in search of寻找

  in charge of负责

  in view of由于,鉴于

  in terms of在……方面

  in spite of尽管

  in case of如果,万一

  2.“形容词+介词”型 (1)at前的adj.: angry,good,bad,surprised,excited,puzzled等。 (2)of前的adj.: afraid,sure,certain,full,tired,fond,proud,worthy等。 (3)with前的adj.: angry,strict,busy,careful,popular,patient等。

  (4)in前的adj.: strict,weak,interested,successful,rich等。

  易错点1 it用作形式主语和形式宾语时的易错点 用适当的代词填空 (2015·西安模拟)I would appreciate ________,to be frank,if goods could be delivered as soon as possible. 解析 句意:坦率地说,货物如果能尽快送到,我将不胜感激。此处it作形式宾语,代替后面的“if goods could be delivered as soon as possible”。to be frank为插入语。故填it。 答案 it 【即时小练】 (1)All of us thought________no use talking about some unpractical matters frequently. 答案 it [it为形式宾语,指代句中的talking about...动名词短语。] (2)________ felt funny watching myself on TV. 答案 It [本题是对英语中it作形式主语的考查。“watching myself on TV”为真正的主语。] 以题说法 为了避免句子出现“头重脚轻”的现象,通常用it作形式宾语,指代动词不定式、动名词短语或从句,其中it指代从句的用法是最常用的。it用作形式宾语指代从句时,通常与like, dislike, appreciate, hate等连用。 I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 如果你愿意教我如何使用计算机,我将不胜感激。 突破指南 做代词类题时,首先在一定语境中分析代词的指代意义,以及句子结构,找出所设空白处在整个句子中所作的成分,如主语、宾语、同位语等,最后再根据所给选项的基本用法得出答案。 易错点2 代词的指代意义不清 用适当的代词填空 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ________ I will always

  treasure. 解析 此句中用one替代a moment,作an unforgettable moment的同位语,泛指值得我珍惜的那样一个时刻。又如:Cook was a strict but good captain, one who took good care of the sailors on his ship. 答案 one 【即时小练】 I just choose a simpler lifestyle,________ where I can ride my bike all over and do not have to make a great living to survive. 答案 one [句意:我只是选择了一种更简单的生活方式,一种可以骑自行车到处跑,不必为生活而奔波的生活方式。用one作a simpler lifestyle的同位语。] 以题说法 “代词作同位语”的考点剖析 将同位语与代词用法放在一起考查是各种测试题中常见的一种现象,常涉及it, that, one, this, that, as, what及something, anything, nothing等,而其中对one,it, that, what等代词的考查尤其多见, 针对one在句中用于代替“a/an+单数名词”充当同位语的这一考查角度在数年高考题中曾经多次呈现,通过比较我们可以发现这些高考题的相似之处。 突破指南 这类题目首先要明确句子成分并能正确翻译出句子的汉语意思,才能对代词one作同位语的这个考点熟悉。能够多背诵几个类似的题目更好,熟悉程度够了,还能做不对题目吗? 4.before,by的用法 (1) before与by都可表示“在……之前”,但by表示“不迟于某时”,包括某时在内。如果by后接表示将来的时间,则与将来时或将来完成时连用;如果by后接表示过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。 We’ll have finished the work by ten o’clock tomorrow. 我们在明天十点之前就会完成这项工作。 (2)before后接时间点,则表示“在某时之前”,不包括某时在内。 I will be back before supper. 晚饭前我会回来的。 5.till和until的用法 till和until均表示一个动作或状态一直持续到某一时间;until较正式,在肯定句中和延续动词连用,表示一直持续到until后面的时间为止;在否定句中和非延续动词连用,表示该动作直到until后面的时间才开始。 He worked until midnight. 他一直工作到深夜。 He didn’t go to bed until midnight. 他直到深夜才上床睡觉。 巧记介词in, on,at表时间的用法: at用在时刻前,亦与正午、午夜连,黎明、终止和开端,at与之紧相伴。 周月季年长时间,in须放在其前面,泛指一晌和傍晚,也要放在in后面。 on指特定某一天,日期、星期和节日前,某天上下午和夜晚,依然要在on后面。 今明昨天前后天,上下这那每之前,at, in, on都不填,此乃习惯记心间。 注:“上下这那每之前”是指last/next/this/that/every之前。 当名词前有this,that,last,next,every,each,some等词修饰时,通常不用任何介词。 this morning今天上午, last year去年 1.汉译英 ①在妇女节______________________________________ ②在20世纪80年代________________________________ ③在一个下雪的夜晚______________________________ ④在清朝________________________________________ 答案 ①on Women’s Day ②in the 1980s/1980’s ③on a snowy night ④in the Qing Dynasty 2.用in,after填空 ①She came back________a few days. ②It will be finished________a few minutes. 答案 ①after ②in for和since都常与完成时连用,但for后接时间段,since后接时间点。如for two hours两小时;since last week自上周以来。 3.用for,since或from填空 ①Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere________ancient times. ②She lives in China now.She lived in America________three years. ③He has stayed in Shanghai________three days. ④You will pay attention to your spelling________now. 答案 ①since ②for ③for

  ④from 4.用before,by填空 ①He will have finished it ________9 o’clock tomorrow. ②We usually have a bath________having breakfast. 答案 ①by ②before 5.用till/until填空 ①I shall wait________ten o’clock. ②He didn’t leave________ten o’clock. 答案 ①till/until ②until 二、表示方位的介词 1.at和in的区别


  We’ll meet each other at the gate.我们将在门口见面。


  Mr.Wang has worked in London for ten years. 王先生已经在伦敦工作10年了。 2.in,to,on用在方位名词前的区别


  Jiangsu lies in the east of China.江苏位于中国的东部。


  Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中国的东面。


  Mongolia lies on the north of China.蒙古在中国的北面。 3.between和among的区别


  This secret is only between you and me.这是你我之间的秘密。 among表示三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。

  Robert was the only person among them who had ridden the horse. 罗伯特是他们中唯一骑过马的人。

  4.along,across,through的区别 along表示“沿着一条直线在水平方向上运动”。

  I walked along the river.我沿着河边走。


  I walked across the square.我走过广场。


  I walked through the woods.我散步穿过树林。

  5.past,over,across,through的用法 The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys,till at last it reaches the sea. 长城从西向东越过沙漠,跨过高山,穿过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直抵大海。 The crowd of people walked past the City Hall to the Center Square. 一群人经过市政厅走到了中心广场。 6.above,over,under,below,on,beneath的用法 Be careful,there is a heavy box over your head. 小心,你头上方有个很重的箱子。 The sun is above the mountain in the east. 太阳就在东方,那座山的上方。 There are some stamps on the desk. 桌子上有一些邮票。 The position he pointed to was below the sea level. 他所指的那个位置低于海平面。 The little mouse is under the table,so it is not easy to find it. 那只小老鼠在桌子底下,因此找到它很不容易。 7.beyond,within的用法



  Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 科学发展速度之快超出了我们的想象。 It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within easy reach. 在厨房里把你常用的东西放在容易够着的地方会节省时间。 【图解方位介词】 如果指三个及三个以上的人或物中的每两个之间,仍然要用between。如: Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. 瑞士位于法国、意大利、奥地利和德国之间。 6.Young children are often advised not to spoil their appetite by eating sweets________the three meals.

  答案 between [between指在两者之间。这里的三餐指的是早中餐之间和中晚餐之间,属于两者范畴。] 7.Four Chinese models were________the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.

  答案 among [among表示“三者或三者以上的同类事物之间”。根据题干中“在获奖的14个人里边,中国模特占4人”可知,填among。] 8.We should talk about the things__________the children’s understanding in a simple way.

  答案 beyond [句意:我们应该用一种简单的方式谈论超过孩子们理解能力的东西。] 9.They walked________the square,and then________the dark forest. 10.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,________deserts, over mountains,________valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 11.Sean has formed the habit of jogging________the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day. 12.There is a lamp hanging________the desk. 13.There is a glass on the table, a map of the world on the wall, and a clock________this map. 答案 9.across;through

  10.across;through 11.along 12.over 13.above 三、工具、手段、方式介词 1.by,in,on三词都可以表示旅行的方式。 by (1)by与某些不涉及交通工具的名词连用,表示交通方式,名词前不带冠词。 by sea,by water,by land,by rail,by air

  (2)by与某些交通工具名词连用,但名词须用单数,其前不加冠词或任何修饰语。 by bike,by taxi,by plane,by ship/boat,by train,by spaceship

  in/on当旅行方式涉及确定特指的交通工具时,用in或on,名词前用冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰。 in this plane,in a car,on an early train,on my bike,on the horse 2.with,by,in三词均可表示“用”,表示行为的方式、手段或使用的工具。 with用于有形的工具或身体某些器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。 They are digging with a spade.他们正在用铲子挖。

  We see with our eyes.我们用眼睛看东西。


  by hand,in ink,in English

  表达“用……方式”的介词短语有:in this/ that/ the same way, by means of,by this/ that means, with this/ that method 14.I went there________air. 15.He broke the window________a stone. 16.We will never forget this historical lesson written________blood. 17.They talked________the telephone. 答案 14.by 15.with 16.in 17.on 四、表示“原因、理由”的介词:for,at,with,from/of 介词 用 法 例 句 for 常与表示闻名、奖罚、害怕等意义的形容词或动词连用,如famous, known, praise, punish, tremble等 Xi’an is famous for its long history. 西安因历史悠久而著名。 He trembled for fear. 他吓得发抖。 at 常与表示“喜、怒、哀、乐”等的形容词或过去分词(如happy, pleased, angry, delighted等)连用,表示产生这种情感的原因 He was surprised at the news.听到这个消息他大吃一惊。 with 常与表示“喜、怒、哀、乐”等的抽象名词连用,强调随着心理变化而产生的感情变化 He shouted loudly with anger. 他气得大喊大叫。 from/of 常与die连用,用of时通常指死于疾病、饥饿、衰老等,而用from则指由于受伤或不注意而死 He died from the traffic accident. 他因车祸而死亡。 He died of cancer. 他死于癌症。 18.He was surprised________the news. 19.He’s soon to make a speech explaining his reasons________

  going. 20.He died________the wound. 21.The old man died________hunger. 22.He was shaking________anger. 答案 18.at 19.for 20.from 21.of 22.with 五、几个高频介词的用法 1.against的用法 含 义 例 句 反对;违背;与……相反 They got married against her parents’ wishes. 他们是违背她父母的意愿结婚的。 触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠 Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree. 吉姆累了,背靠一棵大树便睡着了。 与……竞争 We will be competing against the best companies in Europe. 我们要和欧洲的一些顶级公司竞争。 防备,抵御 They took measures against the fire. 他们采取了防火措施。 以……为背景,衬托 The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky. 在蓝天的映衬下,山峰更显美丽。 2.beyond的用法 含 义 例 句 超出;非……可及 The whole problem was quite beyond him. 整个问题他根本无法理解。 (在空间上)在……的那一边,远于 The airport is 20 miles beyond the town. 机场在离城镇二十英里外的地方。 (时间)晚于;迟于 The disco went on until beyond midnight. 迪斯科舞会一直持续到午夜以后。 3.by的用法 含 义 例 句 (在时间上)不迟于,在……之前 The documents need to be ready by next Friday. 文件需要在下周五前准备好。 靠近,在……旁边/附近 On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire. 在寒冷的夜晚坐在炉火旁边很舒服。 (3)the other, other, another, others the other the other指“两者中的另一个”,常与one连用,构成one...the other...“一个……另一个……”,作定语修饰复数名词时,表示“全部其余的” other other不能单独使用,只能修饰名词,表示泛指意义 another 可单独使用,也可修饰名词,泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的“另一个”,代替或修饰单数可数名词。另外another后可接“基数词/few+复数名词”形式,表示 “另外的……(多少)” others 单独使用,表示泛指意义,意为“其他的人或事物”,常与some一起出现;特指“其他的全部人或事物”时用the others I have two books;one is English, and the other is French. 我有两本书,一本是英语,另一本是法语。 Shopping on the Internet enables people not to search for goods from one store to another. 网上购物使人们不必从一家店到另一家店地寻找商品。 You are a team star!Working with others is really your cup of tea. 你是队里的明星!与别人一起工作的确是你的所爱。 Some wanted to see one programme while others preferred another.I was happy with any programme but the others spent a lot of time arguing... 一些人喜欢看一个节目,另一些人却喜欢看另外的节目。而我任何节目都看得很高兴,但是,其余人却花大量时间去争论…… 2.其他不定代词 (1)each,every的区别 ①each 表示两者或两者以上的“每一个”,强调“个体”,倾向于把整体分开来考虑,作代词或形容词,可以作主语、宾语、定语和同位语。 Each of them has a mobile phone.(作主语) 他们每一个都有一部手机。 Each room can seat at least fifty people.(作定语) 每个房间至少能坐50人。 We each have a textbook.(作同位语) 我们每个人有一本教科书。 代词each作同位语,谓语动词与主语we保持一致。 ②every指三者或三者以上的“每一个”,强调“全体”,暗示无一例外,在句中只能作定语。 Every student went to the Great Wall with their teachers last Sunday. 上周日全体师生去爬的长城。 (2)some、any的区别 some 用于肯定句;any则用于否定句、疑问句和条件句。any用于肯定句时,含义为“任何”。 Some of the milk has gone bad.有一些牛奶坏了。 I haven’t got any money on me.我身上没带钱。 You may choose any student to do the research. 你可以选择任何学生来做这项调查。 (3)many、much的区别 many用作不定代词时,替代可数名词复数;用作形容词时,修饰可数名词复数。much用作不定代词时,替代不可数名词;用作形容词时,修饰不可数名词。 Not many wanted to change their life in the town. 镇上想改变自己生活的人并不多。 Many people are present now. 现在有很多人在场。 The man didn’t say much about the accident. 那个男子对那起事故没有说太多。 He is a poor man;he doesn’t have much money. 他是个穷人,他的钱不多。 (4)few, a few, little, a little的区别 few 几乎没有,表否定,代替或修饰可数名词。 a few 几个,一些,表肯定,代替或修饰可数名词。 little 几乎没有,表否定,代替或修饰不可数名词。 a little 一点儿,表肯定,代替或修饰不可数名词。 few, a few 作主语修饰名词时,谓语动词用复数; little, a little 作主语修饰名词时,谓语动词用单数。 代词的选用关键:分析句子逻辑关系作出正确判断 (1)代词表示的是两者还是多者? (2)代词表示的是肯定还是否定意义? 1.Look! ________of his hands is covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! 2.Look! ________of his hands are covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! 3.________







  ________ come from San Francisco. 4.________of the answers are not right.Some of them are apparently wrong. 答案 1.Either 2.Both 3.Neither; both 4.All none具有名词的性质,在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语等。作主语,代表复数名词时,谓语动词用单复数均可;指代不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数。“none of+不可数名词”作主语时后接单数谓语动词,“none of+复数名词”作主语时后接复数或单数谓语动词均可。 None of the telephones is/are working.没有一部电话是好的。 选用不定代词填空,体会其含义 5.Some people think playing computer games benefits children a lot while ________hold the opposite view. 6.—Can I help you?

  —This radio doesn’t work.Please show me ________. 7.I am just familiar with one of the two visitors to our school.________is strange to me.

  8.Helping ________ people in danger is a good virtue. 答案 5.others 6.another

  7.The other 8.other ——我不在家时有人找我吗? ——没有。 【误】—Did anyone ask for me when I was out?

  —None. 【正】—Did anyone ask for me when I was out? —No one. 误点:___________________________________ 名词在each of之后,前面要加定冠词。 每个学生都有一本英汉词典。 【误】Each of students has an English-Chinese dictionary. 【正】Each of the students has an English-Chinese dictionary. 误点:_______________________________________ 若疑问句表示请求、建议,用some,不用any。如: May I ask you some questions?(请求) Would you like some coffee?(建议) 单句改错 9.How many did you spend on it? 改:________________________ 10.Many work has been done. 改:________________________ 11.There won’t be some trouble. 改:________________________ 答案 9.many→much 10.Many→Much 11.some→any 完成句子 12.________ of them have been to London.

  他们中几乎没人去过伦敦。 13.There are ________ mistakes in his composition.

  他的作文中有几处错误。 14.Hurry up.There is ________ time left.

  快点,快没时间了。 答案 12.Few 13.a few 14.little 知识点三 it的用法 1.指时间、距离、天气、日期、温度等。 It’s early spring, but it is already hot. 现在是初春,但是天气已经很热了。 2.指代前面提到过的事物、群体、想法等或代替指示代词this,that。 Although he didn’t like it, I decided to see the movie anyway. 尽管他不喜欢这部电影,我还是决定去看一看。 3.当说话者弄不清对方是谁,不清楚或没必要知道说话对象的性别时,可以用it来指代。

  What will you call it if it is a boy?

  要是男孩的话,你会给他取个什么名字? 4.作形式主语或形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词或名词性从句。

  It is dangerous for you to swim in the river.

  你在这条河里游泳是危险的。(it作形式主语,to swim in the river是真正的主语)

  He didn’t make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.

  他没说清楚何时何地举行会议。(it作形式宾语,从句when and where...是真正的宾语) 【归纳总结】 常用it作形式主语或形式宾语的句式: It is a pity/shame that...真可惜/丢人…… It is no wonder that...难怪…… It seems/appears that...似乎/看来…… It looks/seems as if/though...看起来好像…… It happens that...碰巧…… It occurs to/comes to/strikes/hits sb that...某人突然想起…… It is said/reported/announced/believed/hoped/suggested that...据说/据报道/据宣布/人们认为/人们希望/人们建议…… It is no use/good doing sth做某事没有用/好处 It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间 It is certain that...……是一定的 主语+表示情感倾向的动词(enjoy, prefer, love, like, hate, dislike, appreciate等)+it+that/if/when... 5.用于强调句型“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who...” John’s success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work that has made him what he is today. 约翰的成功和好运气没关系,是多年的努力工作才使他有了今天。 为了方便记忆it作形式宾语的结构,我们可称其为“6123结构”: 6指常用的动词:think,consider, believe, find, make,feel; 1指的是形式宾语it; 2指的是宾补的两种形式:形容词或名词; 3指的是真正宾语的三种形式:不定式、动名词或从句。 如果你把音乐关小一些,我将非常感激。 【误】I would appreciate if you would turn the music down. 【正】I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down. 误点:____________________________________________ 用适当的词填空 1.The doctor thought ________

  would be good for you to have a holiday.

  答案 it [此处it would be good for you to have a holiday是宾语从句作thought的宾语。it在这个宾语从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。句意:医生认为去度假对你是有益的。] 2.The fact that she was foreign made ________ difficult for her








  答案 it [句意:她是外国人的事实使得她在那个国家很难找到工作。用it作made的形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾补之后,其他词没有这种用法。] 3.填一填 ①as it is________ ②It depends.________ ③Don’t mention it.________ ④Take it easy.________ ⑤believe it or not________ ⑥see to it that...________ ⑦depend on it that...________ ⑧take it for granted that..._______ ⑨make it________ 答案 ①照现状 ②视情况而定。③不客气。④别着急。⑤信不信由你 ⑥确保…… ⑦相信……

  ⑧认为……是理所当然的 ⑨成功,做到

  介词思维流程 知识点一 介词 一、表示时间的介词 1.at,in, on,by at (1)表示时间点、时刻等。

  at 10:00,at noon,at midnight,at sunrise (2)表示较短暂的一段时间或被认为是标志大事的节日。 at Christmas

  in (1)用于世纪、朝代、年代、月、季节或泛指上午、下午、傍晚等一段时间的名词前。 in the 1990s,in the Tang Dynasty,in October,in spring,in the morning

  (2)表示在一段时间之后。 I’ll be back in three hours.我将在三小时之后回来。 on 表示具体的某-天或某天的上午、下午、晚上等。

  on September 2nd,on a sunny day,on the morning of May 1st

  by (1)表示“不迟于,在……前”。

  The meeting should have finished by 4:30. 会议本来应该在4:30之前结束。 (2)表示“在……期间,在……时间内”。 He worked by day and slept by night.他白天工作,夜里睡觉。

  2.in,after的用法 in和after后都可以接时间段,表示“在……之后”,但in常与将来时连用,after常与过去时连用。 We will meet again in two weeks. 两周后我们会见面的。 They finished the task after two days. 两天后他们完成了任务。 3.for,since,from的用法 (1) “for+时间段”表示某行为或状态持续了多久,可与现在完成时、过去时或将来时连用。 I have lived in this city for more than 10 years. 我在这座城市住了10多年了。 I worked in this company for three years. 我曾在这家公司工作了三年。 (2)“since+时间点”意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,强调自过去某时延续至今的一段时间,常与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。 He has worked in this company since graduation. 自从毕业后他就在这家公司工作。 Tom has been doing his homework since 7 o’clock. 汤姆从7点开始就一直在做他的家庭作业。 (3) “from+时间点”只表示行为或状态的起始点,而不涉及其持续时间的长短。句子时态根据from后的时间而定。 “from +(过去)时间点”常与一般过去时连用; “from+(现在/将来)时间点”常与一般将来时连用。 She began to learn to sing from the age of five. 她从5岁就开始学唱歌。 专题二


  代词思维流程 知识点一 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、

  指示代词及疑问代词的用法 1.人称代词和物主代词

  人 称 分 类 单 数 复 数 一 二 三 一 二 三 人称代词主格 I you he,she,it we you they 人称代词宾格 me you him,her,it us you them 形容词性物主代词 my your his,her,its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his,hers,its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself,herself,itself ourselves yours-elves them-selves 指示代词 this,that these,those so,such 疑问代词 who,whom,whose,which,what 2.含有反身代词的习惯用语 by oneself独自地

  for oneself亲自 of oneself自动地

  in oneself本质上,本身 help oneself to随便吃/用

  enjoy oneself玩得开心 teach oneself自学

  make yourself at home别客气 say to oneself自言自语

  think for oneself独立思考 seat oneself就座

  come to oneself苏醒,恢复知觉 be not oneself身体不舒服

  behave oneself举止规矩 3.指示代词this, that,these,those,such,so的用法 指示代词 用 法 this/these 指在时间或空间上较近的人或事物;this可指下文将要谈到的人或物 that/those 指在时间或空间上较远的人或事物;that可指上文提到过的人或物 such 指代前面所叙述的人或事物。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的名词或代词的数 so 代替一个句子或短语所表达的事情,意思是“如此,这样”。在believe, think,expect,suppose,imagine,guess等词后用so代替前文提出的观点 ·What I want to say is this:you should grasp every minute to finish your work. 我想说的是,你应该抓住每一分钟的时间完成你的工作。 ·Such is the power of the TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. 这就是电视的力量,它可以使人一夜成名。 4.one,ones, the one, the ones, that,those, it作替代词时的区别 替代词 用 法 one 替代上文单数可数名词,表泛指,同类不同一,相当于“a/an+单数名词” ones one的复数形式。替代上文出现的名词复数,表泛指,同类不同一 the one 替代上文出现的可数名词单数,表特指,同类不同一,相当于“the+单数名词” the ones the one的复数形式。替代上文出现的复数名词,表特指(有后置定语时相当于those),同类不同一 that 替代上文出现的单数可数名词或不可数名词,表特指,同类不同一,相当于“the+单数可数名词/不可数名词”。一般不和冠词连用,其后总有修饰语 those that的复数形式。替代上文出现的复数名词(尤其是有后置定语时),表特指,同类不同一 it 替代上文提到的“同一”事物。不能带任何修饰语 ·The train was crowded so we decided to catch a later one. 这趟火车太挤了,所以我们决定乘坐下一班。 ·His own experience was different from that of his friends. 他自己的体会和朋友们的体会不同。 ·I love the spring—it is a wonderful time of the year. 我喜欢春天——这是一年中一段美妙的时节。 ·The books on the desk are better than those/the ones under the desk. 桌子上面的书比桌子下面的书要好。 5.疑问词what的用法 1.人称代词指代的数前后要一致。 2.句中没有谓语,人称代词用宾格。 如:—Me, too.——我也是。 3.人称代词作主语时用主格,作宾语时用宾格。 在作表语时,用宾格较多,例如: —Who is knocking at the door? —It’s me. 但在强调结构中却常用主格: It was he who did it. It is she who wants these clothes. 4.名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。 用括号中所给代词的适当形式填空 1.If you would like some fish,

  do help ________ (you). 2.I don’t think these jackets are John’s and Tom’s.________ (they) must be in the next room. 3.Everybody is doing ________ (they) best for the four modernizations. 4.—Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

  —Why ________ (I)?John is sitting there doing nothing. 5.My grandpa still treats me like a child.He can’t imagine ________ (I)grown up. 6.Sorry, it’s ________ (I)who am impolite to you, so I apologize to you. 答案 1.yourself/yourselves

  2.Theirs 3.their 4.me 5.me 6.I 他右手拿着书。 【误】He held a book in right hand. 【正】He held a book in his right hand. 误点:______________________________

  解答考查it,one (ones), that (those)的用法和区别的题目的关键是明确以下几点: 1.被替代的对象与上文出现的人或事物是否是同一个或同一类。 2.被替代的对象表示泛指意义还是特指意义。 3.被替代的对象是可数名词还是不可数名词,如果是可数名词,是单数还是复数。 用one, it或that填空 7.A desk made of wood lasts longer than ________ made of plastics. 8.This news is less exciting than ________. 9.There is only one dictionary left in the bookstore.Please go to buy ________. 答案 7.one 8.that 9.it 没有一个面包像这个通过自己的辛勤汗水挣来的一样甜。 【误】No bread eaten by man is so sweet as it earned by his own labour. 【正】No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his own labour. 误点:______________________________ 知识点二 不定代词 1.3组不定代词对比识记 (1)either,both,neither,all,none,any either 肯定意义 表示两者中的一个,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数 both 肯定意义 表示“两者都”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数 neither 否定意义 表示“两者都不”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数 all 肯定意义 作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数应与all所指代的人或事物保持一致 none 否定意义 作主语后接复数名词时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数;后接不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数 any 肯定意义 作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可,常与of连用 As the two dictionaries are useful, I’ll take both and either of them is very important to me. 由于这两本词典都有用,我会把它们都带走,每一本对我来说都非常重要。 Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but neither of them wants to, because they have work to do. 拉里让比尔和彼得跟他一起去野餐,但他们两个都不想去,因为他们都有工作要做。 All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. 所有的马都是动物,但是并不是所有的动物都是马。 [点津] both,all与not连用表示部分否定;表示全部否定时应用neither,none。 (2)none, nobody/no one, nothing none 既可指人也可指物,多与表示范围的介词of连用;与数量有关,可回答how many或how much类的问句,表示“一个也没有” nobody/no one 不能与of连用,只能指人,表示“什么人也没有”,可回答who引导的疑问句 nothing 表示“什么也没有”,用来否定一切,可回答what引导的疑问句 (2017·江西,23)Nobody can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn’t love it. 没有人能持续四十年把某件事做得很好,除非他热爱它。 None of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret. 他们中没有人知道那项计划,因为它还是个秘密。


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