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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  describe classic  chapter   comment


















  describe sb./sth.as描述某人/物是……

  out of work失业

  comment on/upon对……作出评价

  beyond description难以描述

  on the scene 在现场;当场

  be adapted for sth.被改编成某物

  criticize sb./sth.for因……批评……

  come alive变得有趣;生动起来

  stand for代表;象征

  on exhibition在展出



  1.The scene is nothing like what you


  2.I lay the

  (paint) flat to stop the wet paint running.

  3.She says those

  (theme) have special appeal for her.


  (inspire) to fly came even before he joined the Army.


  (originally) price of the car was a bit too high.

  6.Thousands of agricultural employees were thrown

  of work.

  7.A police officer came

  the scene to search into the circumstances.

  8.The minister criticized the police

  failing to come up with any leads.

  9.Alice and Lily are commenting

  my performance,how I wish I could hear what they are saying.

  10.What do the letters UN stand




  The National Air and Space Museum in Washington,DC has thousands of objects on display,including the 1903 Wright Flyer,Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St.Louis,the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia,and a lunar rock you can touch.In addition to our exhibition galleries,you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium,Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater,and the Public Observatory on the east end.There are many things to do at the Museum in DC.We offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults.We also have scheduled lectures and events throughout the year.

  Hours & Admission:Open every day except December 25.Admission is free.

  Regular Hours:10:00 am to 5:30 pm

  Extended Hours:10:00 am to 7:30 pm

  December 26—30,2017.

  March 30—April 20,2015.

  Fridays and Saturdays,April 24—May 16,2015.

  May 17—September 7,2015.


  Limit the Number of Bags:All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry.The fewer items you bring inside the Museum,the faster your entry.Before you visit,please review the list of prohibited items,which include pocket knives and tripods(三脚架).Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum,so please leave them at home or in your car.

  No Food and Drink:Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum.You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court,not in the Museum.Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the National Mall.

  Please Take Photos:You are welcome to take photos for personal use.However,tripods and monopods(单脚架) are not permitted without approval.

  First Aid:The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty.Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.

  Visit the Welcome Center:At our Welcome Center in the South Lobby,staff and volunteers can answer any questions you have during your visit.

  Open:10:00 am to 5:30 pm



  1.According to the passage,the National Air and Space Museum is a museum


  A.where only adults can take part in some educational activities

  B.everyone can pay a visit to without buying tickets

  C.where one can touch anything he likes

  D.everyone can visit without time limits all the year round

  2.If the Greens plan to visit the Museum at 6:00 pm,it is accessible on


  A.December 24,2017(Wednesday)

  B.March 1,2015(Sunday)

  C.July 6,2015(Monday)

  D.September 15,2015(Tuesday)

  3.A visitor to the museum can


  A.eat and drink in the Museum or in the Food Court

  B.take photos with tripods for personal use

  C.bring fewer bags to go through metal detectors

  D.get some medical treatment if he suddenly falls ill

  4.The purpose of this passage is to


  A.make an advertisement for the museum

  B.attract people to explore the universe

  C.encourage adults to bring their children there

  D.show what is on display in the museum



  The economic downturn appears to go better with a meal and a glass of wine,according to a survey which shows that customers outside Europe and the United States do not intend to cut back on eating and having fun.

  The survey,conducted by MasterCard and released on Wednesday,says nearly 70 percent of people surveyed in many countries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East see eating and entertainment to be their top spending priority(优先) in the next six months.

  Fashion,fitness and wellness,children’s education,electronic goods and travelling round up the top­five unnecessary purchasing priorities for the majority of more than 9,200 people surveyed.

  “Socializing is important in Asia and the Middle East,and it costs a relatively small amount of money that’s affordable in this global economic crisis,” Yuwa Hedrick­Wong,MasterCard’s Asia­Pacific economic adviser,told reporters.“Having dinner and drinks is not buying a car,” he said.

  According to the MasterCard Worldwide Index of Customer Purchasing Priorities,just over half the customers said they would continue to spend on unnecessary items over the next six months.

  But nearly two­thirds said they would cut back on buying extras,with an overall 72 percent planning to increase their savings,or money set aside for lean times.

  China,whose economy has not been as badly hit by the downturn as other nations,has the highest number of people still willing to spend at the same levels,followed by the oil­rich Gulf Arab countries of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

  A minority—or under 10 percent in Asia Pacific and less than 12 percent in the Middle East—are spending more during these tough times.

  “People are still spending on small and big­ticket items,but they’re spending less,and are attracted by bargains,” Hedrick­Wong said.“Belt­tightening is the order of the day.”

  The survey was conducted in March and April in 21 countries all over the world.

  5.Why do customers in Asia Pacific and the Middle East NOT cut back on eating and having fun?

  A.Because their governments have taken effective measures.

  B.Because customers in these countries earn more than those in Europe.

  C.Because their countries have been hit less badly by the economic downturn.

  D.Because the number of rich people in these countries is larger than those in the United States.

  6.Which of the following statements about the consuming situation is TRUE?

  A.People in England keep their spending at the same levels.

  B.A majority of people surveyed have spent less money on extras.

  C.A minority of customers in Asia Pacific and Middle East spend more.

  D.Kuwait has the second largest number of people still spending as usual following Saudi Arabia.

  7.What is the author’s attitude toward the future of economy?





  8.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.Some spend the same in the crisis.

  B.Eating helps forget the economic downturn.

  C.People tend to spend less in the economic crisis.

  D.Eating is important outside Europe and the US.


  Getting along well with parents is a big problem for most teenagers.Teenagers are gradually getting more mature—or at least they think they are.So they can’t wait to get themselves free from their so­called bondage.Their parents are in their 40s and they are annoyed by their ageing.


  .But people prefer harmony.How can we achieve it? Here are some tips:

  First and foremost,


  .We can’t be sure if we are created by God,yet people worship him,but we are absolutely sure that our parents created us.Isn’t a good enough reason why we should respect them?

  What’s more,


  .We can’t just take their payment for granted or become apathetic to their kindness.We are always impressed by strangers’ occasional kindness.How can we be insensitive to our parents who worry about us all the time?

  In addition,don’t forget to communicate with your parents.


  .For example,they may read our private diaries or follow us everywhere even to the bathroom.This will definitely cause strife in the family.

  Last but not the least,


  .It may be difficult at first,but once you do it,your parents’ actions will suddenly be clear.

  If parents and teenagers work a little more we can all get something back.

  A.we need to switch places with our parents

  B.As we get older,we begin to realize that our parents are not as perfect as we thought

  C.we must respect our parents from the bottom of our heart

  D.That’s why people say families at this time are a confrontation between adolescence and the climacteric(更年期)

  E.Gradual disappointment with patents is,in some degree,inevitable

  F.it’s important to be grateful to our parents

  G.If we refuse to communicate with them,parents will feel so frustrated that they will do anything they can to know us

  加练半小时 英语答案精析

  第25练 文学艺术类(一)


  1.described 2.painting 3.themes 4.inspiration

  5.original 6.out 7.on 8.for 9.on/upon 10.for


  Ⅰ.1.B [细节理解题。根据Hours & Admission中的“Admission is free.”可知答案为B项。]

  2.C [细节理解题。根据题干的中的“6:00 pm”,再结合Extended Hours中的时间可知C项(2015年7月6日)符合Extended Hours中所提供的时间段,故答案为C项。]

  3.D [细节理解题。根据VISITING TIPS中No Food and Drink部分的内容可排除A项;根据Please Take Photos部分的内容可排除B项;根据Limit the Number of Bags部分的内容可排除C项。根据First Aid部分的内容可知答案为D项。]

  4.A [写作意图题。通读全文可知本文为一则博物馆的广告,故答案为A项。]

  5.C [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“...and it costs a relatively small amount of money that’s affordable in this global economic crisis,”可知在这些国家和地区受经济低迷的影响较小。故选C。]

  6.C [细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“A minority—or under 10 percent in Asia Pacific and less than 12 percent in the Middle East—are spending more during these tough times.”可知在亚太及中东地区有少数顾客打算消费更多。故选项C说法正确。]

  7.D [观点态度题。阅读短文可知作者只是客观地陈述了一个调查报告的结果,由此可见作者对于未来的态度是客观的。故选D。]

  8.A [主旨大意题。阅读短文可知这篇短文主要介绍了在这次经济危机当中,亚太和中东地区人们的消费情况。其中大部分人没有打算减少在饮食和娱乐方面的消费。故A项“在这次危机当中,一些人的消费不变”符合本文主题。]

  Ⅱ.9.D 10.C 11.F 12.G 13.A


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