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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The driver fled the scene of the accident, leaving the girl to bleed on the sidewalk. Over the next six minutes, more than a dozen people walked by the girl, yet not one individual did anything to help her. The girl was then hit a second time by another van before an elderly trash collector came to her aid and brought the attention of the girl’s mother, according to the video and eyewitnesses.

  Doctors said that the girl, who was put on life support after being hospitalized, remains in a deep coma. The girl’s parents, who are migrants living in the city, are now with her. Police said the drivers of both vehicles have been arrested. However, the indifference of the bystanders shown in the video has shocked the public, as Internet forums have boiled with anger, and people are questioning the morality of society.

  High moral standards were once triumphed as national pride in China where individuals known for selflessly helping others were adored by the public. But in recent years, the perception of a decline of morals has become a hot topic as profit and materialism are recognized to be affecting society’s values.

  On Sept. 2. an 88-year-old man in central China collapsed, his face striking the pavement. Yet, no one came to his aid, and he ended up choking to death on the blood from his nose. Some have linked the absence of good models to a previous case in which a man trying to help an elderly woman who fell was accused of harming her.

  A strong chorus of opinion on the Internet says laws should exempt(免除)models from responsibility, yet laws themselves cannot solve society’s morality dilemma.

  Cao Lin, a China Youth Daily commentator, said in a signed article published on Monday that the worry of responsibility should not be an excuse for not helping, and this case exposes the decline of humanity in Chinese society.

  1. What happened to the two-year-old girl?

  A. Nobody helped her after she was struck by two different vans.

  B. She died immediately after she was hit a second time.

  C. An old trash collector saved her and attracted her mother’s attention.

  D. Journalists from TVS captured her story by using a camera.

  2. From the passage, what would happen if someone helped others selflessly in the past?

  A. The public would feel proud of him/ her and showed love and respect for him/ her.

  B. He/she would be awarded by the government.

  C. He/she would be condemned by the public.

  D. He/she would have to worry about legal responsibility.

  3 In recent years, society’s values are believed to be affected by________.

  A. people’s awareness

  B. the indifference of bystanders

  C. profit and materialism

  D. the morals of society

  4. Where is the article probably taken from?

  A. A news report.

  B. A fashion magazine. C. A science fiction. D. An education column.



  Canadian researchers said they had developed an antibody treatment, which may be able to prevent death from Ebola virus, even for those who have been infected for three days.

  The findings, published in the US journal Science Translational Medicine, suggested that it may be possible to develop a cure for Ebola, even after the virus is detected in the blood and disease symptoms have become apparent.

  Although rare, Ebola virus is considered as one of the most aggressive viruses because of its rapidity of death, which can be one week from exposure, or three to four days from the time the first symptoms become apparent. “For this reason, such a treatment has been considered to be closer to the field of science fiction than contemporary scientific research,” said lead author Qiu Xiangguo at the Public Health Agency of Canada.

  In their study, the researchers gave Ebola-infected monkeys a treatment made of three specific antibodies(抗体) in combination with interferon-alpha (a干扰素), which is produced naturally by the body to fight viruses. Once in contact with outer regions of the virus, these antibodies can reduce the ability of the virus to reproduce. At the same time, the interferon-alpha increases the defense of the infected individual by stimulating a natural but rapid and powerful anti-viral response, she said.

  “Although we were very optimistic, we were not expecting to see 100 percent survival of Ebolainfected monkeys, when they are treated only three days before they die of the disease on average,” Qiu said. “This study shows that what seems impossible for many to develop a cure capable(有能力的) of stopping Ebola virus only a few days before death, has now been made and proven to be effective,” she added.

  41. Ebola virus is considered as one of the most dangerous viruses because _______.

  A. people get infected easily

  B. it doesn’t show any symptoms

  C. it can kill a person in a week

  D. few people do study about it

  42. According to Paragraph 4, the interferon-alpha can ______.

  A. enter into inner part of the virus

  B. kill the Ebola virus immediately

  C. stop the Ebola virus from reproducing

  D. help improve the defense of the infected

  43. What can be inferred from the text?

  A. The new antibodies can effectively destroy Ebola virus.

  B. The infected person usually dies if symptoms have become clear.

  C. Interferon-alpha is more useful than the three specific antibodies.

  D. Ebola virus mainly spreads through contact with infected monkeys.

  44. Which of the following is TRUE about the study?

  A. The researchers are sure that the Ebola-infected monkeys can survive.

  B. The new cure has been trialled on Ebolainfected humans.

  C. The Canadian researchers are now working in the US.

  D. The new cure has proved to be effective.

  45. What can be the best title for the text?

  A. A new treatment for Ebola virus.

  B. Ebola - the most dangerous virus.

  C. How Ebola virus does harm to animals.

  D. An experiment about new Ebola virus.

  【参考答案】41-45 CDBDA


  41. C。细节理解题。根据文章的第三段的which can be one week from exposure可知,埃博拉病毒之所以凶险,是因为被感染者的死亡速度很快。

  42. D。细节理解题。根据第四段的内容可知,α干扰素的主要功能是辅助抗生素,使人体产生自我保护的作用。

  43. B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,如果这种传染病的患者出现了症状,就很难治愈,死亡率很高。

  44. D。细节理解题。根据文章的倒数第一段研究者的话可以判断出,这种新的治疗方法是有效果的。

  45. A。主旨大意题。根据文章全文的内容,主旨应该是介绍了一种新的对埃博拉病毒感染者的治疗方法。


  【2017界广东省茂名市We live in a “now” culture. If it takes more than five seconds for a website to load, we won’t view it. We want to call our friends now, even if we’ll see them in 10 minutes. The “now” culture is one of convenience, and let’s face it, convenience can make our lives easier.

  Unfortunately, by gaining convenience, we’ve lost some of our patience. If you’re like me, patience does not come naturally. Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way to cultivate more patience in my life:

  Ask yourself why you’re in a hurry. If you feel rushed while going about your normal day, ask yourself why. Will the world end if you get home five minutes late? What if you stop to talk to the random people you meet each day? If you do stop to talk, you’ll be amazed how much more connected you’ll feel to your community.

  Hang around people who have patience. I had a lot less patience before I met my husband. Being around him daily has certainly given me a greater appreciation for the art of waiting. He’s not only a great example of someone who lives his life patiently, but he tells me if I’m getting too anxious or impatient. If you don’t know someone who’s patient in your immediate circle of friends, take a class like yoga where meditation is part of the art.

  _____________________. Sometimes you can lose sight of long-term goals in the rush towards instant gratification. Most people trying to lose weight have a hard time cutting out sugary or carb-loaded foods completely. It helps to cut these lofty long-term goals into smaller chunks. To encourage weight loss, you can slowly cut back on your calorie intake or increase your exercise regimen each week. Whatever route you take, setting those little goals will help you achieve the big ones faster.

  Think of the things you’ve gained by being patient. When all else fails, I think of the good things that have happened in my life because I waited. Passing up on a few “so-so” job offers last year paved the way for me to land a job I really wanted. When you can think of positive outcomes that have come from waiting, it puts into perspective why it’s not always the best strategy to rush into things.

  36. What does the author think of patience?

  A. It makes our life easier.

  B. It brings convenience to life.

  C. It can be gained by slowing yourself down.

  D. It is a common phenomenon in a “now” culture.

  【答案】【解析】He’s not only a great example of someone who lives his life patiently, but he tells me if I’m getting too anxious or impatient.可知作者所说的有耐心指的是能够使自己慢下来,故选C。

  37. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that ________ .

  A. patience can be learned from others

  B. women get more patient after marriage

  C. patience plays an important role in marriage

  D. the author gets more patient by taking a yoga class

  【答案】【解析】Hang around people who have patience. I had a lot less patience before I met my husband. Being around him daily has certainly given me a greater appreciation for the art of waiting.可以推知耐心可以从别人那里学到,故选A。

  38. What is the best title for the fifth paragraph?

  A. Never lose sight of your long-term goals.

  B. Set a long-term goal and achieve big ones.

  C. Focus on short-term goals to reach long-term ones.

  D. Set both long-term goals and short-term ones to lose weight.

  【答案】【解析】Whatever route you take, setting those little goals will help you achieve the big ones faster. 专注于短期目标来促成长期目标,故选C。

  39. The underlined phrase “Passing up on” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ________ .

  A. Seizing the chance of

  B. Doing well in

  C. Making full use of

  D. Refusing to accept

  【答案】【解析】paved the way for me to land a job I really wanted为了得到一个自己想要的工作所以把那些认为平常的工作辞退了,故选D。

  40. The author supports her arguments mainly by ______.

  A. analyzing causes

  B. giving examples

  C. describing process  

  D. making comparison


  【2017界广东省茂名市Global Positioning Systems(全球定位系统) are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go. However, they can also cause a lot of problems, send you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two.

  Barry Brown is with the Mobile Life Centre in Stockholm, Sweden. He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States. There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay. Mr. Brown says, “They just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination. And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in. So again, the GPS is kind of 'garbage in garbage out'.”

  Mr. Brown says this is a common human error, but what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings, or failures, of GPS equipment. He says, “One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. Because they just give you the next turn, sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it’s going to the wrong place.”

  Mr. Brown says, “One of the things that struck us, perhaps the most important thing was that you have to know what you’re doing when you use a GPS. There are these new skills that people have developed. There are these new competencies(资格) that you need to have to be able to use a GPS because they sometimes go wrong. This goes against a common belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills.”

  Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together.


  41. According to Barry Brow, in most cases, ________ are blame for the problems.A. human errors

  B. GPS errors

  C. errors caused by both drivers and GPS

  D. errors caused by putting in a wrong address

  【答案】【解析】Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two.是司机和GPS两方面的原因,故选C。

  42. The example of Barry Brown’s friend is used to show that _________ .

  A. GPS is nothing but garbage

  B. GPS is still not accurate enough

  C. it is difficult for drivers to use GPS equipment.

  D. sometimes drivers are responsible for the problem

  【答案】【解析】They actually put their home address in.有时是司机应该对这事负责,故选D。

  43. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that _______ .

  A. It’s impossible to drive from the east to the west in the US.

  B. Barry Brown’s friend went to Stockholm, Sweden by plane.

  C. Given wrong instructions, the GPS will produce wrong results.

  D. GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills.

  【答案】【解析】the GPS is kind of 'garbage in garbage out'.”如果你输入错误,GPS就会产生错误的结果,故选C。

  44. Which of the followings is one of the shortcomings of GPS equipment?

  A. It tells the driver to turn once at a time.

  B. It gives the driver the overview.

  C. Its screen is too small to be seen clearly.

  D. It is only suitable for passive drivers.

  【答案】【解析】One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. GPS告诉我们只能一次告诉一个转弯,故选A。

  45. What’s the main idea of the text?

  A. GPS systems need to be improved.

  B. Driving with GPS can be difficult to navigate.

  C. Drivers should understand how GPS systems work.

  D. Drivers should learn to use GPS systems correctly.



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