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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Run, swim, lift weights, do yoga—do something, because it's good for you. Many studies tell us that regular exercise not only helps our bodies but improves memory, and eases anxiety. But what is happening to the mind during workout to create all these benefits?

  A new study from Sweden suggests that a specific protein found in trained muscles might contribute to exercise's mental benefits. This protein, the researchers found, might help our bodies process molecules that, if out of balance, can stress us and contribute to depression(萎靡不振). The findings were published in the journal Cell.

  To test this, the researchers kept attacking some mice with flashing lights, loud noises and interrupting their sleep for weeks. Predictably, this treatment makes the mice show signs and biochemical markers of depression.

  But not all the mice showed those signs. One group, specially raised to have high levels of a protein called PGC­1alpha1 (the one in trained muscles), did not show those depression signs. PGC­1alpha1 increases production of an enzyme that breaks down a chemical called kynurenine. Kynurenine helps the body respond to an activated immune system(活性免疫系统), but it also plays a role in depression.

  “Our original research assumption was that trained muscle would produce a substance(物质) with beneficial effects on the brain,” Jorge Ruas of the Karolinska Institute told Forbes.com. “We actually found the opposite: well­trained muscle produces an enzyme that removes harmful substances away from the body.”

  This study was in mice, but it lines up nicely with all the other lines of evidence that exercise is good for mental health.


  12.According to the study, which of the following is bad for your mental health?

  A.Protein. B.Molecule.

  C.Enzyme. D.Kynurenine.

  答案:D 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句话“...but it also plays a role in depression.”可知,Kynurenine会造成我们心情萎靡不振。该题易误选B项,由第二段倒数第二句话“molecules that, if out of balance, can stress us and contribute to depression(萎靡不振)”可知,该物质本身无害,只有当它在身体内失衡时才有害,所以不选。

  13.What conclusion have the researchers drawn from the study?

  A.Unbalanced exercise leads you to depression.

  B.Well­fed mice survive better though being ill­treated.

  C.Trained muscle produces a substance good for brain.

  D.Regular exercise helps to clear rubbish away from body.

  答案:D 细节理解题。由第五段最后一句话“...well­trained muscle produces an enzyme that removes harmful substances away from the body...”可知。

  14.According to the last paragraph, the result of the study is ________.

  A.reliable B.doubtful

  C.predictable D.ambiguous

  答案:A 推理判断题。该研究是在老鼠身上做的,但是它与其他研究非常吻合,所以该研究结果是可信的。

  15.What's the main idea of the passage?

  A.Why do you need regular exercise?

  B.What matters most for your body?

  C.How does exercise help your brain?

  D.Why are mice chosen for the study?

  答案:C 主旨大意题。由文章大意可知。

  (2011浙江,B)Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.

  Important words to learn: Essential  Improver  Advanced

  Pump /pʌmp/

  ▶noun [C] DEVICE 1

  a piece of equipment which is used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place to another:a water/bicycle/fuel pump ○ a UK petrol/US gas pump SHOE 2[USUALLY PLURAL]US (UK court shoe) a type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of fastening it to the foot which is worn by women 3 [USUALLY PLURAL]a type of flat shoe, like a BALLET dancer’s shoe,which is worn by women.4 [USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports.

  ▶ verb LIQUID/GAS1 [T USUALLY+ADV/PREP] to force liquid or gas to move somewhere:Our latest machine can pump a hundred gallons a minute.○The new wine is pumped into storage tanks.○The heart pumps blood through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION 2[T] INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information, especially in a way that is not direct:She was pumping me for details of the new project.

  ▶idioms pump sb.’s hand to SHAKE someone’s hand (=hold their hand and move it up and down, especially in order to greet them)·pump iron INFORMAL to lift heavy weights for exercise:These days both men and women pump iron for fitness.

  ▶phrasal verbs pump sth. into sth. to spend a lot of money trying to make something operate successfully: They had been pumping money into the business for some years without seeing any results.

  pump sth. out[M]REMOVE1 to remove water or other liquid from something using a pump:We took turns pumping out the boat.PRODUCE2 INFORMAL DISAPPROVING to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated, forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.○ The car radio was pumping out music with a heavy beat.

  pump out sth. If someone’s stomach is pumped out, a poisonous substance is removed from it by being sucked through a tube: She had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped out.

  pump sb. up [M] INFORMAL to make someone feel more confident or excited: He was offering them advice and trying to pump them up.○[R]The players were pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem before the game.

  pump sth. up[M]1 to fill something with air using a pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet?○ I must pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase something by a large amount:The US was able to pump up exports.○ Let’s pump up the volume a bit!

  pump-action /̍pʌmp ̩ækʃən /adjective [BEFORE NOUN] describes a device which operates by forcing something, especially air,in or out of a closed space or container:a pump-action shotgun ○ a pump-action toilet

  ̍pump̩priming noun[U] SPECIALIZED the activity of helping a business,programme,economy,etc.to develop by giving it money:The government is awarding small,pump-priming grants to single mothers who are starting their own businesses.

  pun /pʌn/

  ▶noun. [C] a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word:She made a couple of dreadful puns.○This is a well-known joke based on a pun: “What’s black and white and red(=read) all over?”“A newspaper.”

  ▶verb[I](-nn-) to make a pun

  Punch /pʌntʃ/

  ▶noun HIT 1 [C]a forceful hit with a FIST (=closed hand):She gave him a punch UK on/US in the nose.EFFECT2[U] the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people:I felt the performance/speech/presentation lacked punch.DRINK3[C OR U] a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices,pieces of fruit and often wine or other alcoholic drinks TOOL4[C] a piece of equipment which cuts holes in a material by pushing a piece of metal through it:a ticket punch ○ Have you seen the hole punch anywhere?

  ▶verb[T]HIT1 to hit someone or something with your FIST(=closed hand):He punched him in the stomach.2 MAINLY US to hit with your fingers the buttons on a telephone or the keys on a keyboard USE TOOL 3 to make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper.○This belt’s too big—I’ll have to punch an extra hole in it.

  ▶idioms punch sb.’s lights out INFORMAL to hit someone repeatedly very hard · punch the clock US to put a card into a special machine to record the times you arrive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was never heard from again.

  1.What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?()

  A.Talk with. B.Ask for information.

  C.Listen to. D.Provide with evidence.

  2.When Sally says“The TV program kept pumping out commercials”,she may be  . 

  A.excited B.interested

  C.annoyed D.worried

  3.What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?()

  A.Sums of money. B.Raw materials.

  C.Human resources. D.Media support.

  4.When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not  . 

  A.fluent and impressive

  B.logical and moving

  C.informative and significant

  D.interesting and powerful


  答案及剖析:1.B 猜测词义题。He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case与原文中的She was pumping me for details of the new project.相仿,所以该pump意为“to keep asking someone for information,especially in a way that is not direct”。

  2.C 推理判断题。“The TV program kept pumping out commercials”一句与“The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.”相仿,故该pump out意为“to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,forceful and continuous”,那是人们所不喜欢的、讨厌的东西。

  3.A 事实细节题。从原文可知,“pump-priming”意为“the activity of helping a business,programme,economy,etc.to develop by giving it money”,所以答案为A。

  4.D 推理判断题。“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”与“I felt the performance/speech/presentation lacked punch.”有关,可知punch应当是“interesting and powerful”的意思。


  【2017界广东省深圳市高三期末考试 When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be:

  As described:

  This includes the history of the car as well as its specification.For example, if the dealer described the car as previously having “one careful lady owner”, it shouldn’t turn out to have had several previous “boy racer” owners.

  Of satisfactory quality:

  It must meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as acceptable and be free from any quality problem.Also, bear in mind that a second-hand car will have a slightly different definition of what is considered “satisfactory”, because there’s certainly an element of wear and tear.

  Fit for the purpose:

  It must be reasonable fit for any normal purpose and this includes any purpose that you specify to the seller.

  ●If any of the above is violated, then in theory, you may have the right to reject the vehicle and get your money back if you’re reasonably quick. Alternatively, the dealer might offer to replace or repair the car; reduce the price of offering a partial refund (退款). Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.

  ●If the rejection is not accepted, then it’s up to you to prove your case. You’ll need to pay for an independent assessment of the car and sue for damages. If you do choose a repair, insist the dealer provide you with a hire car or pay any reasonable traveling expenses thus produced while your new car is in the garage.

  ●If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. Using the small claims procedure to you may have to pay for legal representation. All this can be pretty daunting and expensive. You need to weigh up the pros and cons before rejecting a car. Would a repair do just as well? Selecting a dealer who offers a clear exchange policy may help.

  31. After the above writing, you will be better at __________.

  A. choosing a car

  B. dealing with car sellers

  C. making a claim

  D. suing for damages


  【解析】推理判断题。由“When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be:”可知,上面这篇文章介绍的是关于从经销商那儿买车要注意的情况。故选B。

  32. According to the text, what is essential after you inform the dealer of your wish to reject the car?

  A. Suing for damages. B. Demanding traveling expenses.

  C. Stopping using it.

  D. Proving your case.


  【解析】细节理解题。由“Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.”可知选C。

  33. If the dealer offers to repair the car you have bought, which of the following is acceptable?

  A. Asking the dealer to provide you with a hire car.

  B. Asking the dealer to provide you with repair tool sets.

  C. Asking the dealer to pay all of your traveling expenses.

  D. Asking the dealer to return all your money.


  【解析】细节理解题。由“If you do choose a repair, insist the dealer provide you with a hire car......”可知如果经销商提出修理你所买的车,那么要求他给你提供一辆租来的车是可以接受的。故选A。

  34. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “daunting” in the last paragraph?

  A. Different.

  B. Effective.

  C. Discouraging. D. Convenient.


  【解析】词义猜测题。A.不同的;B.有效的,实际的;C. 使人沮丧的令人气馁的35. What does the writer want to say in the last paragraph?

  A. Buyers should select a dealer that offers to repair the car.

  B. Rejecting a new car is not necessarily that best choice.

  C. It’s necessary that a new car should be repaired.

  D. Buyers should never reject a new car.


  【解析】细节理解题。由“If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought.”可知选B。



  Dear Kind-Trustee-Who-Sends-Orphans-to-College,

  Here I am! I traveled yesterday for four hours in a train. It’s a funny feeling, isn’t it? I never rode in one before.

  College is the biggest, most puzzling place — I get lost whenever I leave my room. I will write you a description later when I’m feeling less confused; also I will tell you about my lessons. Classes don’t begin until Monday morning, and this is Saturday night. But I wanted to write a letter first just to get acquainted.

  It seems strange to be writing letters to somebody you don't know. It seems strange for me to be writing letters at all — I've never written more than three or four in my life, so please overlook it if these are not a model kind.

  Before leaving yesterday morning, Mrs. Lippett and I had a very serious talk. She told me how to behave all the rest of my life, and especially how to behave towards the kind gentleman who is doing so much for me. I must take care to be very respectful.

  But how can one be very respectful to a person who wishes to be called John Smith? Why couldn’t you have picked out a name with a little personality? I might as well write letters to Dear Flagpole or Dear Clothes-line.

  I have been thinking about you a great deal this summer; having somebody take an interest in me after all these years makes me feel as though I had found a sort of family. It seems as though I belonged to somebody now, and it’s a very comfortable feeling. I must say, however, that when I think about you, my imagination has very little to work upon. There are just three things that I know: I, You are tall. Ⅱ. You are rich. Ⅲ. You hate girls.

  I suppose I might call you Dear Mr. Girl-Hater. Only that's rather rude to me. Or Dear Mr. Rich-Man, but that's rude to you, as though money were the only important thing about you. Besides, being rich is such a very external quality. Maybe you won’t stay rich all your life; lots of very clever men get broke in Wall Street. But at least you will stay tall all your life! So I've decided to call you Dear Daddy-Long-Legs. I hope you won’t mind. It’s just a private pet name we won’t tell Mrs. Lippett.

  The ten o’clock bell is going to ring in two minutes. Our day is divided into sections by bells. We eat and sleep and study by bells. It's very lifeful. There it goes! Lights out. Good night.

  Observe how precisely I obey rules — due to my training in the John Grier Home.

  Yours most respectfully,

  Jerusha Abbott

  To Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith

  本文是一个受赞助上大学的女孩子给自己的赞助者写的一封信。告诉对方自己刚到学校,但对学校还不熟悉。写信人的主旨是想表达自己对赞助人的感谢,但由于根本不知道对方到底是个什么样的人,在信里作者做了几个猜测,最后决定称呼对方Daddy-Long-Legs Smith,以此拉近彼此的距离。并表达了自己对现在有规律的生活感觉很好。

  36. Jerusha felt “confused” because __________.

  A. she had never written to the trustee before

  B. she was not familiar with the college yet

  C. she could never find the way to her home

  D. she had never traveled on a train before


  【解析】细节理解题。作者在第二段第二句说到等她less confused的时候,就会写一个详细的description,结合上一句的主题,这里的description是指对大学的描述。问中还提到作者一出门就迷路,可见,是因为初到学校,对学校不熟悉,使作者感到confused,因此本题选B。

  37. Jerusha thought that she couldn’t be very respectful to “John Smith” because __________.

  A. he was a total stranger to her

  B. she was sure it was a false identity

  C. the name was too common

  D. nobody would like to be called that time


  【解析】细节理解题。第五段第二句中的pick out 表明Jerushar认为John Smith这个名字是收信人自己随便挑的,也就是说,她认为这个名字是假的,因此本题应选B。第五段中,关键词是pick out。

  38. According to Jerusha, being rich may be __________.

  A. tentative

  B. unimaginable C. traditional

  D. rude


  【解析】细节理解题。A.实验性的,暂停的,踌躇的;B.不可思议的,难以想象的;C.传统的,惯例的;D.粗鲁的,狂暴的。Jerusha讲了即使在华尔街的很多聪明人都会遇到破产(get broke),所以在她看来,富有不一定会是一辈子的事情,可能会遇到变故而变得不富有,因此本题选A。其它三个选项都不是Jerusha的想法。

  39. The fact that her day is “divided into sections by bells” makes Jerusha feel __________.

  A. busy B. restricted by rules C. pressed for time D. full of energy


  【解析】细节理解题。倒数第二段中的“It's very lifeful.”表明Jerusha认为听着铃声来安排生活使她觉得“充满活力”,由此可见,本题选D。

  40. Jerusha decided to call the trustee Dear Daddy-Long-legs __________.

  A. in order to show her respect for him

  B. because it was one of his inner quality

  C. in order to make them feel closer to each other

  D. because she had always wanted a father


  【解析】细节理解题。倒数第三段中的“It’s just a private pet name”表明Jerusha认为Dear Daddy-Long-legs这个名字表示一种“爱”,“爱称”只有关系亲密的人之间使用,由此可见,Jerusha使用这个称呼是为了拉近距离,因此,本题选C。


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