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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (限时:45分钟 语法填空2篇+阅读理解2篇+书面表达)


  Christmas is no fun when you're poor. Twenty years ago, I was a young,

  1.________ (struggle) substitute teacher (代课教师) whose calls into work had been few. Money was tight, bills were due

  2.________ my wife and I couldn't even afford to get Christmas gifts for each other. The only gifts we could get for our children were a few soft toys that I had found

  3.________ (sell) at half price in the supermarket. I opened the door and brought in the gifts I 4.________ (hide) in our old car's trunk. Then I handed

  5.________ to my son and daughter. I watched with a sad smile as they did their best to tear off the wrapping (包装) paper. As they pulled out their toys, though, I noticed their

  6.________ lit up and they jumped up and down. My daughter

  7.________ (happy) hugged her toy and then hugged her mom and me as well. I laughed as I watched my children play with their toys

  8.________ hours, and I thanked God for the 9.________ (great) gift I had ever been given. Till today I still treasure 10.________ gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day.


  A:What kind of music do you like listening to?

  B:I like music 1.________ has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music. You know, I go to a disco almost every week. Sometimes it's too loud though. You prefer classical music, don't you?

  A:Yes, I do. I find 2.________ very relaxing. I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after 3.________ hard day at work.

  B:I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music. It's certainly more complex 4.________ modern dance music.

  A:Classical music is supposed to be good for your brain. Research suggests that it 5.________(make) your brain more active. Students who listen to classical music while 6.________ (study) perform better.

  B:Really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music more often. I heard that listening to classical music is 7.________ (help) in reducing stress.

  A:Yes. That's

  8.________ I listen to it in the evenings. I

  9.________(usual) play it as background music while I'm doing some housework.

  B:That's a good idea. Classical music might make you clever, but dance might make you livelier and happier.

  A:That's true. There's clear 10.________(evident) that people who listen to lively music are lively people. Music can influence a person's feeling and character.




  (2017·包头高三二模)I will never forget the day when Nelson Mandela called my name.

  It was a routine

  press conference at a hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa, in early 1991. I was the Africa reporter for the Chicago Tribune at the time, and I had raised my hand to ask a question. Mandela nodded at me and said simply, “Yes, Howard?”

  As journalists, we try never to get imaginary about the famous people we cover, ever mindful of our responsibilities as neutral observers of the world — and the unavoidable fact that every icon (偶像), no matter how towering, eventually turns out to have feet of clay (致命的弱点).I've had the privilege during my career of having reported from more than 70 countries — one­third of all the nations on the planet. I've witnessed and recorded some of the most creative moments in modern history: the fall of the Berlin Wall, the destruction of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

  But I can say that nothing I've ever witnessed can match the moment when I watched Mandela walk out of Victor Verster Prison on a brilliant sunny afternoon on Feb. 11, 1990.

  A few hours later, before a huge crowd in the city center, the very first public words Mandela spoke, after 27 years in prison, were filled with humility (谦逊) and generosity.

  “I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all,” Mandela said. “I stand here before you not as a prophet (预言家) but as a humble servant of you, the people.”That was the thing about Mandela. People around the world might have regarded him as a saint (圣人) or a king, but he would never wear that cloak.Even after his release from prison, as he negotiated the end of the racist apartheid (种族隔离) government and directed his divided nation toward the first democratic elections in its history.



  and steely

  determination Mandela showed rank him among the most respected statesmen the world has ever known.

  Mandela did not, in fact, turn out to have feet of clay.

  That's why, in all the houses I have occupied over the last two decades, his portrait has always hung on the wall. It's why Mandela is my youngest son's middle name.

  1.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

  A.Even if you are outstanding, you may have shortcomings.

  B.That one has shortcomings is common.

  C.The famous people don't have shortcomings.

  D.Having feet of clay will influence you.

  2.According to the passage, what can we know about the author?

  A.The author felt very nervous when Mandela said to him.

  B.The author went to more than 75 countries.

  C.The author has the privilege to cover important


  D.The author didn't want to be a journalist any more.

  3.How long was Mandela out of prison by 2017?


  D.43.4.What's the author's attitude towards Mandela?



  D.Deeply respectful.B

  (2017·太原质检)I grew up on a little farm in Missouri.

  I left the farm at 18. Since then I've tried to experience a little of my country childhood through travel again. The one that feels most like my childhood home is the historic Hasse House Ranch (牧场) in Art, Texas.

  We found it one April several years ago while traveling in Texas Hill Country to see the beautiful spring wildflowers. We had no place to stay that night until we saw an open gate by a B & B sign. We drove through the gate and up the little quiet country.

  I felt as if I had come home. Patrick and I have returned several times, because we find Hill Country and Hasse House Ranch one of the most peaceful places in Texas. I've wanted to bring along my grandsons, 4­year­old Jimmy and 2­year­old Anderson, so they could experience the wonder of country life. I finally got my chance last spring.

  Jimmy ran into the Texas ranch house as soon as Grandpa Patrick unlocked the door.

  He stopped in the center of the room and dropped the toys he carried.

  “Wow,” he cried, “this is a great place!”

  Patrick started an evening habit for the boys of putting them in their American Flyer and pulled them along the 2­mile nature path to find and say “good night” to the cows. In the quiet evening before sundown, birds filled the trees, singing before settling down to roost.

  My husband and the boys returned to the house, ready to settle down to roost themselves.

  The next morning the boys could hardly wait to see the wild animals and make sure that the cows were up. They saw the best of Texas countryside: deer in a pecan woods, wild birds, turkeys, wild pigs, and cattle in pastures crowded with wildflowers.

  For months after the visit, Jimmy hasn't stopped talking about the ranch.

  “Grammie, will you take me back to the ranch tomorrow?” he asked me hopefully.

  5.How did the writer find the ranch house?

  A.Quite by chance.

  B.Through the Internet.

  C.On purpose.

  D.The article didn't tell us.

  6.What was Jimmy's first reaction to the Texas ranch house?





  7.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 6?





  8.From the passage, we can infer that ________.

  A.the family would never visit the ranch again

  B.Anderson didn't like the ranch at all

  C.the visit to the ranch was very dangerous

  D.the family enjoyed the ranch very much








   1.解析:struggling 考查非谓语动词。修饰名词teacher应用现在分词struggling,表示“奋斗的”。

  2.解析:and/so 考查连词。前后两句为顺承关系,也可为因果关系,故填and或者so。

  3.解析:sold 考查非谓语动词。sell与toys之间存在动宾关系,故应用sold作found的宾语补足语。

  4.解析:had hidden 考查时态。hide的动作发生在opened之前,故应用过去完成时。

  5.解析:them/the gifts 考查代词或名词。此处指的是那些礼物,故填them或the gifts。

  6.解析:eyes/faces 考查固定搭配。one's eyes/face light(s) up表示“眼中/脸上流露出喜悦”。

  7.解析:happily 考查副词。修饰动词应用副词happily。

  8.解析:for 考查介词。此处用介词for表示“达,计”。

  9.解析:greatest 考查形容词的级。由“I had ever been given”可知,此处表示“最好的礼物”。

  10.解析:the 考查冠词。名词gift后有定语修饰,故其前应用定冠词the。


  Ⅰ.1.that/which 2.it 3.a 4.than

  5.makes 6.studying 7.helpful 8.why 9.usually 10.evidence

  Ⅱ.1.解析:选A 推理判断题。从第三段中的“the unavoidable fact that every icon (偶像), no matter how towering, eventually turns out to have feet of clay (致命的弱点)”可推出一个人无论多么优秀,也会有弱点、不足。

  2.解析:选C 细节理解题。从第四段的第一句话可知,B项错误,C项正确。其他两项内容在文中无信息支持。

  3.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第五段的“when I watched Mandela walk out of Victor Verster Prison on a brilliant sunny afternoon of Feb.11,1990”可计算出答案。

  4.解析:选D 推理判断题。从最后两段可以推出,作者对曼德拉是多么的尊敬和崇拜。

  5.解析:选A 细节理解题。从第三段中的“We had no place to stay that night until we saw an open gate by a B&B sign. We drove through the gate and up the little quiet country.”可知,作者是碰巧发现这个地方的。6.解析:选A 推理判断题。从第五段中的“‘Wow,’ he cried, ‘this is a great place!’”可以推知,Jimmy很兴奋。7.解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据上文的“...say ‘good night’ to the cows. In the quiet evening before sundown”及下文“My husband and the boys returned to the house, ready to settle down to roost themselves.”可推知,roost与sleep意思最接近。8.解析:选D 推理判断题。从全文的描述,尤其是最后一段中的“‘Grammie, will you take me back to the ranch tomorrow?’ he asked me hopefully.”可以推知选D项。Ⅲ.参考范文:

  Dear Tim,

  I'm glad to hear that you'll come to Shandong to learn Chinese during your summer vacation. Welcome to Shandong for study.

  I have some suggestions about how to learn Chinese well. First, you'd better read Chinese aloud every morning. Besides, you should speak Chinese as much as possible. The more you practice, the better your Chinese will be. What's more, you can watch some Chinese movies and listen to Chinese songs. It's not only interesting but also helpful for you. Finally, it's a good idea to have a Chinese pen friend. You can write to him, which can improve your Chinese writing skills. I hope my advice can help you. When you come here, I'll show you around the school. And there are many places of interest in Shandong. I'll be your guide. I look forward to your visit.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua



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