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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (限时:30分钟 语法填空2篇+阅读理解1篇+任务型阅读)



  Today I had the thrill of giving someone the shirt off my back!

  For the past four days I have been taking

  1.________ in a disability arts festival as a member of a choir (合唱团) set up

  2.________ (special) to perform at this festival. Yesterday, after our performance, I was feeling a bit sad,

  3.________ (think) that this might be the last time I had sung with this amazing group of people. I was putting on a raw silk shirt

  4.________ some beautiful buttons that I have been enjoying wearing. At that time

  5.________ occurred to me that I should give the shirt to the person

  6.________ said she liked it. Against my

  7.________ (expect), as choir members were winding down, the conductor said she loved my shirt. So, I happily took it off

  8.________ gave it to her. She immediately

  9.________ it on, saying,“Can I give you some money for it? Why on earth would you do this?”Then she told me about a silk shirt she has kept for years, in spite of a large coffee stain in the front,

  10.________ she loved it so much. Now, she can finally throw that shirt away.


  Researcher:Excuse me, madam. Would you mind if I ask you some questions? I

  1.________ your help to complete a survey.

  Woman:Of course not. Go ahead.

  Researcher:I'd like to know your opinion about

  2.________ pop music.

  Woman:Modern pop music?Um... well, I don't really listen to pop music, or watch pop videos.



  Woman:Because the music is too

  4.________ (noise), and the songs are really nonsense. And just look at their hairstyles, the clothes they wear, and the way

  5.________ behave.

  Researcher:But, you know, young people are fond of pop music.


  6.________ (absolute) right. My son, who's fifteen, is a real pop music fan. He listens to it all the time at home, and it really annoys my

  7.________ and me.

  Researcher:Is that so?

  Woman:Absolutely. My husband enjoys folk music and classical music. He says they make him calm and

  8.________ (relax), and he says he gets a headache when he hears modern pop music.

  Researcher:Sounds funny.

  Woman:And believe it or not, the moment my son turns on his music, my husband always demands that he put his headphones

  9.________, and so does my son when my husband listens to his. Each calls

  10.________ other's music noise pollution, and the argument never ends. Ha!Ha!Ha ...


  The modern day users of smartphones and tablets are soon going to experience something incredible in the coming few months with the advent of Google Glass. With Google Glass, you would be able to actually wear a computing device and carry out all the things, which you used to do over devices like smartphones and tablets.

  ■Small but strong hardware to connect you to the world

  It is really amazing to see how Google Glass manages to include all the features in a very small, strong and yet lightweight frame. It is backed with Wi­Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, Touchpad,

  Camera, Microphone, and Speakers. A main piece, a small size screen, will show you all the information. You have the choice of using Google Hangout to enjoy a group conference and carry out anything without actually being limited to your desks. You can check your text messages along with attaching the pictures and videos without actually removing your smartphone device from your pocket.

  ■Google Glass at your command

  The axiom — “your wish is my command” — seems to be true with Google Glass as it works on a voice command. The builtin microphone backed by “Google

  Now” simply connects you directly to your favorite search engine. All you need to do is to say “Okay, Glass” to start working with it. You can start working with it by simply tilting (使倾斜) your head.


  As Google Glass is backed up with GPS chip, it can help you to navigate using Google Maps. This will simply avoid bringing out your smartphone from your pocket and check the locations while you drive any vehicle. Whether you are moving in an overcrowded place or hiking at the countryside, this device remains very much handful for you.

  1.Which of the following best describes Google Glass?

  A.Smart and useful.

  B.Handy and comfortable.

  C.Cheap but creative.

  D.Awkward but practical.

  2.If you need to hold a group conference, you may use ________.

  A.the axiomB.Google Hangout

  C.Google Now

  D.Google Maps

  3.According to the text, the axiom can be started ________.

  A.by connecting a search engine

  B.when you are greeting people

  C.on a voice command

  D.by shaking the glass

  4.Which of the following titles may match the last


  A.Leave your smartphone behind

  B.Life will be flexible

  C.People are never bored

  D.You are never lost


  (2017·云南一检)People will feel excited when it comes to holidays.But holidays can also be a very lonely time,

  particularly for those who spend the holidays alone.Here are some tips to keep yourself balanced and productive over the holidays.

  Plan your time in advance

  You'll have several days to fill up, so plan ahead.Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you'd like to attend.


  Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want.Use it wisely.

  Find support


  Note that scheduling time to talk with friends and loved ones makes contact more likely to happen.Introverts who tend to avoid social contacts get support from the inside, so keeping journals and taking some time for personal reflection are a good idea.

  Don't wallow (沉溺)

  Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. 3.________ Be grateful — some people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place.Do something fun, instead!


  Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short­staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest.Helping out those in need will make you feel good, and will brighten other people's holidays in turn.


  Do something kind. It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person. It will make you feel lighter and more grateful for what you have.

  Have faith

  If you are religious, find a church service to attend, or seek out something you regard as spiritual such as meditation, yoga, exercise, a walk in the park, or being around animals. Use this as an opportunity to fill your spiritual juice.


  A.Random Act of Kindness

  B.Accept Invitations

  C.Extroverts can reach out to others during the holidays.

  D.Avoid solo holiday depression by considering it as an opportunity to grow.

  E.Following those advice on having a holiday, you shall get a wonderful holiday whether you are extroverted or introverted.

  F.Holiday is a nice thing for all the people whether you are successful or not.

  G.Without a plan, you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.




  1.解析:part 考查固定搭配。take part in意为“参加”。2.解析:specially 考查副词。根据语境可知,“set up ...”在句中充当定语,修饰“a choir (合唱团)”,此处应用specially作状语,修饰set up。3.解析:thinking 考查非谓语动词。作者感到有点难过,她在想这场演出也许是他们最后一次合作。I与think之间存在主谓关系,故空格处用thinking作伴随状语。4.解析:with 考查介词。作者穿的衬衣镶嵌着美丽的纽扣,所以空格处用with。“with

  some beautiful buttons”在句中充当定语修饰“a raw silk shirt”。5.解析:it 考查固定搭配。根据后面的“occurred to me that I should give the shirt to the person ...”可知,空格处应填it,it occurred to sb. that ...意为“某人突然想起 ……”。6.解析:who/that 考查关系词。根据前面的“the person”和后面的“said she liked it”可知,空格处填who/that,引导定语从句,修饰the person。7.解析:expectation 考查固定搭配。against one's expectation意为“出乎某人的意料”。

  8.解析:and 考查语境逻辑。根据前面的“took it off”和后面的“gave it to her”可知,空格处填and,表示并列。9.解析:put 考查固定搭配。那位指挥立刻把衬衣穿起来。根据语境可知空处应填put,put on意为“穿上”。10.解析:because 考查语境逻辑。尽管她原来的衬衣有污迹,但她不愿意扔掉,因为她非常喜欢那件衬衣。所以用because。B

  1.解析:need 考查动词。根据语境及生活常识可知,这位调查者需要女士给予帮助,故用need,表示“需要”。2.解析:modern 考查形容词。根据下文的反问“Modern pop music?”可知,此处应用modern。3.解析:why 考查疑问副词。由下文女士的答语“Because the music is ...”可知,此处应填疑问副词why。4.解析:noisy 考查形容词。根据语境和空格前面的“is too”可知,此处应用提示词的形容词形式noisy。此处表示这种音乐太吵闹。5.解析:they 考查人称代词。由上文的“they wear”作定语修饰“the clothes”可知,此处应用“they behave”作定语修饰“the way”。6.解析:absolutely 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词absolute的副词形式absolutely作状语修饰形容词right。7.解析:husband 考查名词。根据语境和下文中的“My husband enjoys folk music ...”可知,此处应用名词husband。8.解析:relaxed 考查词性转换。根据空格前面的“He says they make him calm”可知,此处与前面的形容词calm同作宾语补足语,此处表示使他感到平静和放松,故用relaxed“放松的”。9.解析:on 考查定冠军。根据题意可知,此处表示我丈夫总是要求儿子将耳机戴上,put sth. on表示“戴上”,故用on。10.解析:the 考查定冠词。根据语境可知,此处表示他们称对方的音乐为噪音污染,故应填the。the other表示“(两个人或事物中的)另一个”。Ⅱ.1.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“With Google Glass, you would be able to actually wear a computing device and carry out all the things, which you used to do over devices like smartphones and tablets.”可知,谷歌眼镜既时尚又实用。

  2.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一个小标题下的“You have the choice of using Google Hangout to enjoy a group conference”可知,如果要开小组会议,可以使用Google Hangout。

  3.解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二个小标题下的“The axiom — ‘your wish is my command’ — seems to be true with Google Glass as it works on a voice command.”可推知,the axiom可用声控启动。

  4.解析:选D 标题归纳题。最后一段主要介绍了谷歌眼镜配有GPS芯片,可用谷歌地图进行导航,因此D项为最佳小标题。

  Ⅲ.1~5 GCDAE


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