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【南方新课堂】2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题2 完形填空 5议论文(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  训练5 议论文A

  When I was a kid,the thing I enjoyed most about New Year's Eve was trying to stay awake until midnight.My parents didn't


  me to go to bed early,but my heavy eyelids usually


  me well before the new year arrived.When I woke up the next morning,my mum would ask me if I wanted to make a New Year's


  what a New Year's resolution was.After she


  it to me,I said I would try to


  less with my older brother.This got me a(n)


  and a pat on the head from my mum.__8__,the resolution lasted only until dinnertime,when my brother and I got into a (n)

  __9__ about who would set the

  __10__. Year's resolution is a decision to do or not to do something in order to


  a personal goal or break a habit.It comes at a time when people


  the past year and make an effort to


  themselves as the new year begins.

  Like many

  __14__,New Year's resolutions have a long and interesting

  __15__.at they


  the start of the new year in late March with the arrival of the spring season.

  If you would like to make a New Year's resolution this year,there are some


  to consider,for example,volunteer at a church or animal rescue organization.

  Remember that it takes work to keep a New Year's resolution.Don't worry if you


  once or twice.If you are


  to what you want to accomplish,you'll be a


  person at the end of the year than at the beginning.

  【语篇解读】 多数人在新年的时候都要制订新年计划。 B.persuade解析:虽然“我”的父母亲没有强迫“我”早点睡觉但是“我”困得已睁不开眼睛。根据上下文之间的转折关系可知应选force。答案:A.betrayed

  B.beat解析:参见上题解析。beat sb “打败某人”。答案:B解析:根据文中多处出现的“resolution”可知此处指“我”的母亲问“我”是否想制订个新年计划。答案:C解析:have no idea为固定搭配答案:D解析:结合语境可知此处指母亲向“我”解释(explained)了什么是新年计划之后。答案:D解析:结合语境可知这里是指作者制订的新年计划是同哥哥少打架(fight)。答案:C解析:根据下文的“and a pat on the head from my mum”可知这里应是母亲对“我”报以微笑(smile)。答案:C解析:不幸的是(Unfortunately)新年计划只持续到吃饭的时候。答案:Dment

  B.situation解析:由前文的“the resolution lasted only until dinnertime”可知此处指“我”和哥哥陷入了谁来摆桌子(table)的争吵(argument)。答案:A解析:参见上题解析。答案:C解析:根据常识可知新年计划是为了实现个人目标或戒除一种习惯而做出的要做什么或不做什么的一个决定。accomplish a goal“实现目标”。答案:A解析:当新年到来时人们回顾(look back on)过去的一年并做出努力来提高(improve)自己。答案:B解析:参见上题解析。答案:Ats


  B.witnessed解析:根据空前的内容可知新年第一次是在古巴比伦被庆祝的。observe意为“庆祝”。答案:A解析:根据下文的“volunteer at a church or animal rescue organization”可知这里是指人们制订新年计划时可考虑的选择(choices)。答案:D解析:如果你疏忽一两次不用担心。slip up“疏忽犯错”。答案:A


  Goal setting seems to be a hot topic,yet it's easy to know about but difficult to practice.

  People set goals,work hard at them for even a few months,and then


  them.Next year,they set the


  goals.But why do so many people do it? They may be making goals too

  __3__.But that isn't to say that they aren't


  goals.They need to be broken apart into smaller and


  pieces.Make spoon-size goals and you'll accomplish them


  you to reach your goals.They're


  with you when you have your

  own goals.They may even be enthusiastic about your

  __9__ to change something or accomplish something new.__10__,as you change and accomplish,they may not like it.Why? It's usually because your changes and accomplishments

  __11__ them that they could be doing it,too...__12__they aren't!

  You may have filled your


  with so many things that there's little


  for your goals to grow.We must be careful not to confuse business with

  __15__,as goals are always achieved step by step.Be


  about how you use your time and what you focus on.Success often comes when you know what to

  __17__,rather than what to include in your life.

  Goal setting is like the pig and chicken walking out early one morning.The chicken became really


  when she saw a sign:“Ham & Eggs__19__ for you to say! For you,it's all in a day's work.For me,it's total commitment.” Goal setting is all in a day's work.Goal


  is total commitment.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讨论了为什么我们反复制定目标却难以实现。 B.forget解析:人们设定目标并且为之努力几个月然后就忘记(forget)了。故选B项。答案:B解析:第二年他们又(重新)设定同样的(same)目标。故选C。答案:C解析:根据下文中的“They need to be broken apart into smaller and __5__

  pieces”可知他们的目标太宽泛。global“全面的”A项。答案:A解析:但是并不是说这些目标不可实现。achievable“可实现的”。故选B项。答案:B解析:根据语境specific“具体的”。故选D项。答案:D解析:制订细微具体的目标这样你会很容易地(easily)实现它们。故选C项。答案:C解析:根据空前的unwilling和下文中的“they may not like it”可知很多人可能不愿意支持(support)你实现目标。故选A项。答案:AD.patient

  解析:根据下文中的“even be enthusiastic”可知你有自己的目标时他们是舒服的(comfortable)。故选A项。答案:A解析:对于你想改变一些东西或者实现新的东西的愿望(desire)他们甚至是非常热情的。故选B项。答案:B解析:根据语境可知本处与上文形成转折关系:然而(However)当你改变并实现目标时他们就不喜欢了。故选D项。答案:D解析:这通常是因为你的变化和成就提醒(remind)他们——他们也能做这些但是他们却没做。故选C项。答案:C解析:参见上题解析。故选B项。答案:B解析:根据下文中的“how you use your time”可知你的日程表(schedule)中可能有许多的事情以至于你的目标没有成长的空间(room)。答案:C解析:参见上题解析。故选D项。答案:DD.promotion

  解析:根据语境可知此处表示我们必须要小心不要把忙碌和进步(progress)混淆。故选A项。答案:A解析:根据空后的“how you use your time and what you focus on”可知本处指的是做出选择。selective“有选择的”。故选A项。答案:A解析:根据空后的“rather than what to include in your life”可知当你知道生活中什么该遗漏(leave out)而不是什么该包含在内的时候成功就会属于你。故选B项。答案:B18.A.confused

  B.upset解析:根据Look,we've got double billing again”可知鸡看到标牌后变得很激动(excited)。故选C项。答案:C解析:根据语境可知猪对鸡说你那么说是很自然的(natural)因为那就是你一天的工作。故选D项。答案:D解析:根据语境可知制定目标一天就能完成但是目标的实现(achievement)却需要完全的投入。故选B项。


  Do you know some people who just have all the luck? They seem to get all the


  and you ask yourself,“Why don't I get

  __2__? Why don't I get great education?” But the real reason why most people are successful or lucky is that they've learned how to

  __3__ themselves in a place where they can be lucky.They've learned how to__4__

  their own luck!

  I'm not


  about dishonest or illegal ways.I'm talking about hard,__6__

  work.But successful people work smartly.They keep improving and making the most of their abilities.Yet they also learn to


  for help in things they themselves are not that good


  doing.So we not only must make the most of our own special strengths,we must also learn our

  __9__ and weaknesses.

  A man recently got his lucky break.Everyone said,“That guy's so lucky!” But that man created his own luck by


  arriving at the office early.He apologized and


  he had done much of the work.He was never satisfied just to get


  and do average work.He always


  the extra effort to do his very best.

  We have to work hard and do what it


  to be on the way to luck and success when it comes.__16__,we'll miss it because we aren't ready.You never know when the right opportunity will come,and when the right,important person is watching your excellent


  and work.That's when you'll get your lucky break! But when you put your life in Jesus Christ's

  __18__,the right,important person is always


  you and all that you do.Then he will


  and bless your life in many ways as you do your very best to please him in everything every day.


  本文是一篇议论文。有些人总是红运当头占尽了机缘。其实大多数人成功或走运的真正原因是他们知道如何为自己创造好运。成功者不仅努力工作还富有智慧。A.qualifications B.occupations解析:考查名词辨析。根据第三段第一句中的break和第四段中的break可知。break“机会机遇”。如:a lucky break(好运气)(坏运气倒霉)。答案:Ct

  解析:考查形容词辨析。你会问自己:“为什么我没有这种好运气呢?”lucky“幸运的侥幸的吉利的”。答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。put themselves in a place“使他们自己处于某个地方”。答案:A

  B.invent解析:考查动词辨析。根据第三段第三句“But that man created his own luck by...”可知。句意:在某种程度上他们(那些成功的人)学会了如何创造自己的好运。create“创造创作”。答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。根据下一句“I'm talking about hard可知。talk about“谈答案:C解析:考查形容词辨析。前一句“I'm not talking about dishonest or illegal ways.”是暗示。practical“实际的实践的实用的”;honest“诚实的可靠的”;meaningful“有意义的”;adequate“充足的”。答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。ask for help“寻求帮助”。答案:D解析:考查介词。然而对自己不擅长的事情他们也学会了向别人求助。be good at“擅长”。答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。句意:所以我们不仅要充分地发挥自己的特长我们还必须了解自己的局限和弱点。our limits and weaknesses对应our own special strengths。答案:B解析:考查副词辨析。句意:但是那个人通过总是早早地来到办公室创造了自己的好运。always“总是一直(表示频度非常高)”。答案:Aveyed

  解析:考查动词辨析。根据空后的“when he was wrong”可知他勇于承认错admit“承认”;promise“允诺答应”;realize“认识到”;convey“运输表达”。答案:A解析:考查连词辨析。句意:当他做了很多工作的时候他还与他人分享荣誉和奖赏。故选B项。答案:B解析:考查副词辨析。句意:他永不满足于仅仅做普通的工作不会得过且过他总是不遗余力地追求尽善尽美。get by“(钱)勉强够花”;get over“克服(从疾病中)恢复过来”。答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。make the extra effort“付出额外的努力”。名词effort与make搭配。故选D项。答案:D解析:考查动词辨析。句意:我们必须努力工作尽一切努力走到运气和成功降临的路上。it takes...to do sth“做某事需要……”答案:C解析:考查副词辨析。句意:否则我们就会因为没有准备好而错失良机。otherwise“否则要不然”。答案:B解析:考查名词辨析。句意:你从不会知道适当的机遇何时降临那个正确的关键的人物何时在注视着你出色的态度和表现。approach“administration“管理”;attitude“态度看法”;action“行动行为”。答案:C解析: 考查名词辨析。in the hands of sb/in sb's hands“受某人控制”。答案:A解析:考查动词辨析。重要的人物(上帝)一直在注视着你和你所做的所有事情。根据本段中的“when the right可知。catch“抓住追上”;adopt“采用采纳收养”;affect“影响”;watch“留心注视”。答案:D解析:考查动词辨析。你每天事事都尽力使他(上帝)愉悦上帝就会用很多方式来奖赏你。reward“奖赏报酬”。



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