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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  完形填空2017·江西省高中毕业班新课程教学质量检测卷Maurice,who lives in a country in Africa,is only 13,but since he lost his parents to AIDS he has had to look after his 9­year­old brother and 8­year­old sister.“ The__1__problem we have without our parents is__2__food,” he says.Without parents or guardians,Maurice had to drop out of school to earn a__3__,carrying food for merchants so he and his brother and sister could have__4__to eat.

  You do not have to be an orphan (孤儿) to__5__many of the problems orphans have.But orphaned__6__may be particularly vulnerable (易受……伤害的) because they__7__have no one to look after them.

  For example,children whose parents have died of AIDS,__8__or not they are themselves infected with HIV,may be shunned (避开)__9__badly treated because of fear of HIV and AIDS and ignorance (无知)about how HIV is__10__.

  Many orphans have to drop out of school __11__they can earn money to__12__and look after younger brothers and sisters.And many orphans may have__13__to live and so may be__14__to live on the streets.Children living on the streets are also more at risk of becoming__15__with drugs and crime.

  Orphans who do have__16__to look after them may still be vulnerable.They may be treated badly by the__17__who are supposed to be caring for them or by

  others who take advantage of the

  __18__that they do not have their own parents to protect them.

  And orphans are not the only children who are__19__as a result of the HIV and AIDS epidemic.Almost three million children,not all of whom are orphans,are themselves living with HIV.Millions more have to __20__sick parents as well as their younger brothers and sisters,or have lost loved ones and teachers.

  1.A.strange B.inspiring



  2.A.making B.producing





  C.decision D.fortune













  C.rather D.rarely







  C.or D.neither





  11.A.in case B.even if

  C.so that

  D.as though








  14.A.appointed B.appeared



  15.A.determined B.involved

  C.occupied D.fed up

  16.A.anyone B.someone





  C.officers D.policemen

  18.A.thing B.situation

  C.fact D.tool


  C.learning D.knowing

  20.A.concern about B.take care of

  C.break away from

  D.get rid of

  语篇解读 本文通过Maurice的生活境况引出了孤儿尤其是患艾滋病的孤儿的悲惨生活。

  1.解析: 从后面的“without our parents”可知,此处指失去了父母的Maurice所面临的主要问题。main“主要的”符合语境。

  答案: D

  2.解析: 没有父母无依无靠,找食物成了主要的问题。find找到,符合语境。

  答案: D

  3.解析: Maurice不得不辍学,开始谋生。earn a living谋生。

  答案: A

  4.解析: Maurice靠给商人送饭使他和弟弟妹妹们能够填饱肚子。enough“足够”符合语境。

  答案: C

  5.解析: 你不必成为孤儿去经历孤儿所面临的许多问题。experience经历,体验,符合语境。

  答案: A

  6.解析:  由下文的“no one to look after them”可知,这里指的是成为孤儿的孩子们,故选B。

  答案: B

  7.解析: 由上文的“很容易受到伤害”可推出他们经常没有人照顾,再结合句中的否定词no one可知,应该选often。

  答案: B

  8.解析: 那些父母死于艾滋病的孩子,不管他们是否感染上艾滋病病毒,人们可能会躲避或者粗暴对待他们。whether or not“不论,是否”符合语境。

  答案: D

  9.解析:  句意见上题解析。or“或者”符合语境。

  答案: C

  10.解析: 因为他们不知道艾滋病病毒是怎样传播的。spread“传播”符合语境。

  答案: C

  11.解析: 许多的孤儿不得不辍学以便能去挣钱活下来并照顾弟弟妹妹,故so that“(表示目的)为了,以便”符合语境。

  答案: C

  12.解析: 他们是通过挣钱活下来的。survive“生存”符合语境。

  答案: D

  13.解析: 从下文的“他们住在街上”可知“他们没有地方住”。nowhere“无处”符合语境。

  答案: A

  14.解析: 因为没有地方住,他们被迫住在街上。force“迫使”符合语境。appoint任命;appear出现,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;throw扔,抛。

  答案: D

  15.解析: 在街上住的孩子更容易染上毒品和犯罪。involved“参与,与……有关联”符合语境。

  答案: B

  16.解析: 有人照顾的孤儿可能仍然易受伤害。由本段内容可知,此处是指有人照顾的孤儿,故选B。

  答案: B

  17.解析: 他们有可能受到本应该关心他们的成年人的虐待。adults“成年人”符合语境。

  答案: A

  18.解析: ……或者是受到其他人的虐待,这些人利用了孤儿没有父母保护这一事实。故用fact。

  答案: C

  19.解析: 因染上艾滋病病毒和艾滋病而饱受折磨的孩子不只有孤儿。suffering“受折磨”符合语境。

  答案: A

  20.解析: 还有更多的孩子不得不照顾生病的父母和弟弟妹妹。take care of“照顾”符合语境。

  答案: BA、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。

  Many who need restorative rest most might not be able to get it.Why? 1.________ are in a hospital.Even at night,a hospital2.________ be a noisy place.And research has shown that these noise levels have been rising for decades.

  A new study finds that electronic noises 3.________ particular interfere with sleep.

  Researchers followed the sleep patterns of a dozen healthy volunteers 4.________ they spent three nights sleeping in a lab.Their hours of darkness were interrupted 5.________ fourteen different recorded hospital sounds played at varying volumes.Even when electronic sounds,6.________ alarm beeps(哔哔声),were played at the level of a whisper,volunteers slightly woke from sleep.7.________ findings are in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

  When the volunteers' sleep was disrupted,their heart rate increased frequently,8.________ could be bad for recovery.A little peace and quiet could make for a lot more restful nights.


  1. They 考查代词。该空在句中作主语,指代上文提到的“Many who need restorative rest…”,故填they,首字母要大写。

  2. can 考查情态动词。此空表示可能性,再根据句意“甚至在晚上,医院也可能是一个吵闹的地方”可知填can。

  3. in 考查介词。in particular “尤其”,为固定搭配。

  4. as/when 考查状语从句的引导词。研究人员让12名身体健康的志愿者连续三天睡在实验室,并跟踪了他们的睡眠模式。

  5. with 考查介词。interrupt…with…意为“用……干扰……”。

  6. like 考查介词。即使轻声播放电子声音,例如报警器的哔哔声,志愿者们还是会从睡梦中醒来。

  7. The 考查冠词。此处特指该研究的发现。

  8. which 考查定语从句的引导词。该空引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子,且在从句中作主语,故填which。



  I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like 21 and straightforward. And it's still what 22 a man a good citizen. This is my secret, and I try to live by.

  I've been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, 23 there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble(乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. You've got to be 24 to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day.

  Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the 25 impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will act as 26

  fellows. You read in the papers almost every week 27 a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their 28. If they weren't honest, you wouldn't be reading those stories in the papers. One time, I found an emerald(翡翠的) ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of suitcases that day, so I went back to where I had 29. It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her 30 to her. I didn't get as much as “thank you.” 31, I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she 32.

  I was born and raised in Ireland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I 33 several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in World War I. After being discharged(退伍), I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasn't been too easy 34, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit 35 for a rainy day(一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had 36 with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong(顽固的) once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.

  People ask me about tips. As far as I know, 37 everyone will give you something, because most Americans are 38 generous. I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they 39or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the 40 I try, the easier it gets.

  21. A.dishonor

  B. upright

  C. dishonesty

  D. faithful

  22. A. takes

  B. becomes

  C. has

  D. makes

  23. A. know

  B. known

  C. knowing

  D. knew

  24. A. tough

  B. generous

  C. mild

  D. warm-hearted

  25. A. right

  B. proper

  C. wrong

  D. bad

  26. A. honest

  B. rude

  C. good

  D. tough

  27. A. when

  B. what

  C. where

  D. which

  28. A. cars

  B. houses

  C. pockets

  D. rooms

  29. A. picked her up

  B. dropped her down

  C. dropped her off

  D. pull her down

  30. A. suitcase

  B. ring


  D. emerald

  31. A. Still

  B. So

  C. But

  D. Though

  32. A.did

  B. was

  C .has

  D. is

  33. A. made

  B. held

  C. put

  D. took

  34. A. at one time

  B. some time

  C. at times

  D. in no time

  35. A. put off

  B. put up

  C. put on

  D. put away

  36. A. difficult

  B. trouble

  C. word

  D. anything

  37. A. especially

  B. specially

  C. particularly

  D. practically

  38. A. fairly

  B. seldom

  C. rather

  D. never

  39. A.ask

  B. advised

  C. suggested

  D. tip

  40. A. shorter

  B. harder

  C .better


  参考答案21—25 BDCAC

  26—30 ACACB

  31—35 AABCD

  36—40 BDADD



  I graduated from a small public school in Michigan.One day,Mr.Ledy,our football coach,asked me to play football.I couldn’t help__1__: me,play football? I was six feet tall and was not much over a hundred pounds in weight.I thought that they might just need another fool to increase the number of the players.However,he was persistent(坚持的) and__2__I joined the football team.That turned out to be one of my best decisions as a kid.

  Our worst game ever was the one against Crystal Falls.They beat us 56 to 6.Yeah! That was a football not a basketball__3__.We played them again when we were seniors.They__4__us again but the score was much more__5__,30 to 20.

  Coach Ledy would not let that __6__again.He encouraged us to beat them,to pay them back.And we did so in the last game we played before__7__.I had scored 6 points alone in the game.Coach Ledy praised me.It was a huge__8__for me.

  Was I a football hero? Ha! Ha! No,I couldn’t__9__it without our team.The thing I learned through football was__10__.We won as a team and we__11__as a team.

  I think Mr.Ledy would be proud of me if he knew that I had broken the athletic__12__at the University of Michigan.I’m__13__to him as I would not have today’s honor without him.I’ll __14__life’s final war with pain to win the victory;I’ll seek the lights of glory wholeheartedly and I’ll__15__working hard so as not to let him down.

  1.A.shouting B.screaming C.laughing D.applauding

  2.A.immediately B.secretly C.personally D.finally

  3.A.game B.team C.story D.score

  4.A.won B.met C.beat D.fought

  5.A.accessible B.comfortable C.sensitive D.acceptable

  6.A.happen B.succeed C.spread D.develop

  7.A.liberation B.closing C.graduation D.school

  8.A.honor B.hope C.success D.surprise

  9.A.take B.manage C.solve D.explain

  10.A.courage B.devotion C.teamwork D.contribution

  11.A.united B.appeared C.prepared D.lost

  12.A.time B.record C.date D.ability

  13.A.pleased B.grateful C.hopeful D.loyal

  14.A.fight B.join C.desire D.enjoy

  15.A.take on B.put on C.rely on D.keep on

  1.C [根据后文的描述可知,作者认为自己不是踢足球的料,所以当足球教练Mr.Ledy劝他踢足球时他禁不住“笑”起来。]

  2.D [Mr.Ledy一直坚持要作者踢足球,结果作者“最终”加入了足球队。]

  3.D [此句中的That代指前面的比分56 to 6,故选score。]

  4.C [根据后面的again可知,Crystal Falls球队再次打败了作者的球队,故用beat。win后面通常不跟人作宾语,故排除。]

  5.D [这次的比分和上一次比起来是“可以接受的”。]

  6.A [Ledy教练不会让那种惨败再次“发生”。]

  7.C [根据前面的seniors以及the last game可知,作者的球队在“毕业”前的最后一场比赛中打败了Crystal Falls球队。]

  8.A [根据语境可知,教练的表扬对于作者来说,是一件巨大的“光荣的事情”。]

  9.B [manage it是固定搭配,意为“做得到,成功”,符合语境。]

  10.C [本段论述了团队的重要性,因此此处表示作者通过足球学会了“团队合作”。]

  11.D [根据前面的won可知,此处应填lost,前后呼应。]

  12.B [break...record意为“打破……纪录”。]

  13.B [根据语境,作者“感谢”教练让他踢足球。]

  14.A [为了胜利作者要不辞劳苦地“打”好人生的决战。]

  15.D [为了不让教练失望,作者决心要“继续”努力奋斗。]


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