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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I grew up poor – living with six brothers, my father and a wonderful mother. We had

  money and few worldly goods, but plenty of love and attention. I was


  and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could


  afford a dream.

  My dream was to be a


  . When I was sixteen, I could crush a baseball, throw a ninety – mile – per – hour fastball. I was also


  : my high – school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who


  me the difference between having a dream and showing strong belief. One particular


  with him changed my life forever.

  It was a summer and a friend recommended me for a summer


  . This meant a chance for my first income – cash for a new bike and new clothes, and the


  of savings for a house for my mother. The opportunity was attracting, and I wanted to


  at it.

  Then I realized I would have to


  summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing. I was


  about this.

  When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as


  as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” he said. “Your


  days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them.”

  I stood before him with my head


  , trying to think of how to explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth


  his disappointment in me.

  “How much are you going to make at this job?” he demanded.

  “$ 3.25 an hour,” I replied.

  “Well, is $ 3.25 an hour the price of a


  ?” he asked.



  laid bare for me the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to


  that summer, and within the year I was offered a $ 20,000 contract. I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $ 1.7 million, and bought my mother the


  of my dreams.

  1.A.some B.little C.no D.much

  .A.happy B.lovely C.Angry


  3.A.only B.ever C.still D.almost

  .A.teacher B.coach C.doctor D.sportsman

  .A.luckyB.satisfied C.hopeful D.surprised

  .A.taught B.asked C.told D.trained

  .A.match B.StoryC.moment D.incident

  .A.job B.camp C.holiday D.course

  .A.cause B.start C.need D.amount


  B.call C.look D.jump

  .A.take out B.cut off C.put on D.give up

  .A.excited B.curious C.anxious D.disappointed

  .A.mad B.puzzled C.regretful D.discouraged

  .A.working B.playing C.learning D.shining


  B.hanging C.holding D.nodding

  .A.feeling B.suffering C.facing D.expressing

  .A.dream B.game C.chance D.life


  B.price C.question D.order

  .A.study B.sports C.homework D.business

  .A.clothes B.bike C.house D.goods






  There are many taxi drivers in our city.They often like to chat with passengers to 11time when the taxis are caught in traffic jams.The other day, went home by taxi.Knowinwas a student,the driver told me that he was once a student twenty years a.12 ,his family could not afford the school fees,so he dropped out of school at an early age.He 13 me to work hard and go to a good college.I as moved by his kindness,but what really impressed me next was his.After arriving home,I soon realized that I hadmy cell phone in the taxi.Greatly worried,I immediately called my number,16 the driver would answer.Then came the driver's


  from tlle other end.He told me he had beenmy call and that he would gladly return my phone where he dropped me off earlier that day.Thanks to the driver, I got my phone.I believe honesty is one of the greatesta person should have.Thank you ever

  much,Mr.Taxi driver.



  定短语get sth back“取回”,答案选C。

  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项ock is a complex topic, but I'm a simple man with simple perspectives. So my experience of foreign culture boils down to three basic stages: anger, acceptance and appreciation.

  When I ___36___ my life in China I was often filled with frustration and ___37___over the way things were. Things were seen as clearly “____38____” and I rejected the view of there being other ways of doing things. Afterwards I came to ___39____different ways of doing things ___40____still saw my own ways as superior.

  My views were still heavily colored by ___41____and I often accepted situations I felt ____42____by simply coining the phrase

  "That's China," _____43_____ China was a backward country that simply didn't do things correctly. Finally, ____44____,

  I came to understand and appreciate the new ____45____ and ways of doing things, sometimes using them as effectively as the____46_____.

  For example, fish is never ___47___ with the head in my country, thus my feelings went from “Ugh! I can’t eat this! The fish is ___48___at me saying, `You're a ___49___ man.' Take this off the table,” to “I’ll let my friends enjoy, but I'll just stick with the other____50____,” and to "Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?"

  It is not the same with every westerner, and some take ___51___ than others to go through the three stages. It all depends on how _____52_____ you are and how tightly you ___53___to your own culture. It took a little over a year of living in China ___54___ I finally appreciate the new culture. Now, I'm more ___55___in China than in my own country.

  36. A. ended

  B. began

  C. continued

  D. enjoyed

  37. A. curiosity

  B. fear

  C. purpose

  D. anger

  38. A. wrong

  B. right

  C. wise

  D. smooth

  39. A. find

  B. use

  C. accept

  D. refuse

  40. A. or

  B. but

  C. while

  D. so

  41. A. preferences

  B. references

  C. facts

  D. standards

  42. A. necessary

  B. important

  C. nervous

  D. stupid

  43. A. mentioning

  B. saying

  C. meaning

  D. referring

  44. A. therefore

  B. however

  C. besides

  D. thus

  45. A. character

  B. personality

  C. revolution

  D. culture

  46. A. locals

  B. foreigners

  C. researchers

  D. citizens

  47. A. bought

  B. sold

  C. served

  D. separated

  48. A. glancing

  B. laughing

  C. shouting

  D. staring

  49. A. kind

  B. cruel

  C. brave

  D. unique

  50. A. fishes

  B. vegetables

  C. dishes

  D. soups

  51. A. more

  B. less

  C. further

  D. longer

  52. A. adaptable

  B. considerable

  C. dependable

  D. enjoyable

  53. A. get

  B. hold

  C. catch

  D. insist

  54. A. since

  B. as

  C. before

  D .when

  55. A. anxious

  B. welcomed

  C. comfortable

  D. miserable


  36—40. BDACB

  41-45 ADCBD

  46-50 ACDBC

  51-55 DABCC


  ’t know if I could finish. Then came a defining(起决定性作用的) 41 .

  At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt 42 because I was 15 years old, younger than him but I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt 43 for a second.

  But then I

  44 something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had

  45 abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my 46 was only to finish.

  After a minute, it 47 me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into

  48 .

  I 49 that I would not give up running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare 50 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my

  51 .

  In life we all have those moments when we 52 ourselves with others. It’s only 53 . Don’t allow those moments to

  54 you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to

  55 anything you want in life.

  36. A. bring out

  B. pass out

  C. take out

  D. pick out

  37. A. excited

  B. worried

  C. concerned

  D. anxious

  38. A gave

  B. made

  C. signed

  D. dressed

  39. A. achievement

  B. encouragement

  C. interest

  D. experience

  40. A. At times

  B. In time

  C. In all

  D. After all

  41. A. victory

  B. decision

  C. moment

  D. conclusion

  42. A. embarrassed

  B. annoyed

  C. moved

  D. thrilled

  43. A. relaxed

  B. defeated

  C. puzzled

  D. inspired

  44. A. realized

  B. lost

  C. noticed

  D. remembered

  45. A. necessary

  B. evident

  C. common

  D. different

  46. A. motto

  B. plan

  C. goal

  D. direction

  47. A. worried

  B. hit

  C. reached

  D. hurt

  48. A. attraction

  B. devotion

  C. inspiration

  D. expectation

  49. A. hoped

  B. promised

  C. decided

  D. suggested

  50. A. slightly

  B. hardly

  C. clearly

  D. properly

  51. A. excitement

  B. accomplishment

  C. movement

  D. judgement

  52. A. introduce

  B. relate

  C. present

  D. compare

  53. A. important

  B. natural

  C. strange

  D. ridiculous

  54. A. weaken

  B. wound

  C. amuse

  D. cheer

  55. A. reserve

  B. deliver

  C. achieve

  D. abandon


  36-40 BACDA

  41-45 CABAD

  46-50 CBCCD

  51-55 BDBAC


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