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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.As a great scientist, little joy can equal _______ of being awarded the Nobel Prize.

  A. that

  B. this

  C. it

  D. one



  2.—What is the man, do you know?

  — I don’t know exactly. But I think he can be _______ but a teacher.

  A. anybody

  B. something

  C. anything

  D. everybody


  3.Thanks to the _______ of this new technology, several deadly diseases can be treated at an early stage.

  A. approach

  B. announcement

  C. advertisement

  D. application



  4.—Did you finish reading that long article written by the famous scientist?

  —No, I used up my _______. It’s too long and I only stopped halfway.

  A. determination

  B. devotion

  C. patience

  D. strength



  5.Sometimes to get out of difficulty, one must change his way of thinking, or simply change his _______ towards a problem.

  A. emotion

  B. approach

  C. access

  D. target



  6.The second game of the series had ended in a 3-3 tie after ten rounds when the game was called off

  _______ darkness.

  A. by means of

  B. in return for

  C. in favor of

  D. on account of


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:系列赛的第二场在十局过后,双方战成3比3平。此时由于天黑,比赛被取消了。根据句意,此处应选on account of表示“因为,由于”。 by means of借助于,通过;in return for作为对……的回报;in favor of支持。

  7.In recent years, in many Western countries, _______ in the USA and the UK, Halloween has become a special occasion.

  A. in general

  B. in brief

  C. in short

  D. in particular


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:近年来,在许多西方国家,尤其是在美国和英国,万圣节前夕已经成为一种特殊的场合。in general总的说来,通常;in brief简言之;in short总之,简而言之;in particular尤其,特别。根据句意,答案为D。

  8._______ marketing, for a brand, nothing could be more effective than being associated with a festival and contributing to festival-goers’ experiences.

  A. In time of

  B. In place of

  C. In terms of

  D. In spite of


  9.It is considered that digital TV is _______ to satellite TV because it allows the same service to be delivered with clearer pictures.

  A. better

  B. superior

  C. senior

  D. junior


  【解析】考查形容词。superior to优于,胜于。句意:人们认为数字电视优于卫星电视,因为数字电视传播的电视图像更清晰。所以选B。

  10.There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are living there, _______.

  A. warm and comfortable

  B. warmly and comfortably

  C. warm and comfortably

  D. warmly and comfortable



  11.I think of my countless failures and how they’ve contributed _______ to making me what I am nowadays. 

  A. regularly

  B. considerably

  C. equally

  D. deliberately



  12.You’d better _______ your cigarette. It is extremely dangerous to smoke in a petrol station.

  A. hold up

  B. pull through

  C. hang up

  D. put out


  【解析】考查动词短语。句意:你最好把烟灭掉。在加油站抽烟是极其危险的。根据句意可知,put out“熄灭”符合语境。hold up举起,阻挡,拦截;pull through渡过难关,恢复健康;hang up挂断电话,搁置,拖延。

  13.When I was in high school, Dad retired and _______ a food stand on the street near my school.

  A. took up

  B. set up

  C. brought up

  D. picked up


  14.The deadline of the scientific design competition is drawing near, so the monitor _______ us to accelerate our pace.

  A. persuaded

  B. allowed

  C. urged

  D. threatened



  15. A lack of medicine and medical facilities partly _______ the widespread of that disease.

  A. headed for

  B. accounted for

  C. called for

  D. appealed for


  【解析】考查动词短语。句意:药物和医疗设备的缺乏是导致这种疾病蔓延的部分原因。account for是……的原因;head for向……前进;call for需要;appeal for呼吁。故选B项。

  16.Where did you pick up _______ news that the pop star, whose new song was quite a hit last year, would give

  _______ concert?

  A. the; the

  B.不填; the

  C. the; a


  D.不填; a


  【解析】第一空用the特指the news,后面有同位语从句that the pop star, whose new song was quite a hit last year, would give

  concert.第二空泛指a concert指一场音乐会。句意:你是从哪儿获得的消息说那个流行歌星要举行一场音乐会的?他的歌去年曾轰动一时的啊。

  17.Hearing what I told him, he explained his examination results were influenced by some incidents that _______ by chance.

  A. happen

  B. were happening

  C. had happened

  D. would happen



  18.—So you saw the accident with your own eyes?

  —Yes. I _______ for the bus across the street.

  A. was waiting

  B. have been waiting C. had been waiting

  D. would wait



  19.The girl looks so happy. She _______ about the result of her performance.

  A. should have known

  B. would have known

  C. could have known

  D. must have known


  20.If he _______ to the teacher attentively in the past year, he _______ the answer to the question now.

  A. had listened; would know

  B. listened; knew

  C. listens; knew

  D. has listened; knows


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果在过去的一年里他认真听老师讲课了,那么他现在就能够知道这个问题的答案了。从in the past year 判断前面条件状语从句是对过去进行的假设,应该用过去完成时;而后面主句中的now则提示应该是对现在的虚拟,应该用would+动词原形,所以整个句子是混合型的虚拟语气,故选A项。

  21.Looking at the problems _______, he felt he lacked inspiration and motivation.

  A. settled

  B. having been settled C. to be settled

  D. settling



  22. _______ plentiful water for all the people in our city was, until only two years ago, a very serious problem.

  A. Provided

  B. Providing

  C. Being provided

  D. Having provided


  【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:直到两年前,给我市全体市民提供足够的水还是一个非常严重的问题。Providing plentiful water for all the people in our city是动名词短语,在句中充当主语。故答案选B项。

  23.We all know that both computers have their strengths and weaknesses, so choose _______ you like.

  A. whatever

  B. however

  C. whenever

  D. whichever



  24.The question _______ we’ll invite Ann to the gathering really beats me, and I want your suggestion.

  A. that

  B. whether

  C. who

  D. which



  25.When you have finished the book, be sure to place it _______ it used to be.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. that

  D. how


  26.I have made up my mind to achieve my goal. _______ I fail again, I will have a try.

  A. Even if

  B. In case

  C. As if

  D. Now that


  【解析】考查状语从句。句意:我已经下定决心要达成我的目标。即使我再次失败了,我也会试试看的。even if“即使”引导让步状语从句。

  27._______ is often the case, a small child will feel unhappy and cry a lot the first time he or she goes to kindergarten.

  A. As

  B. Which

  C. That

  D. What



  28.When Hank sang a sad song, those _______ listened knew that it was something about his bitter childhood.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. who

  D. whom



  29.— It was fine yesterday.

  —_______. And a good day for picnicking, isn’t it?

  A. So it is

  B. So is it

  C. So it was

  D. So was it



  30.—I want to go shopping now. Could I use your bike?

  —_______. It’s just over there.

  A. Help yourself

  B. Take care

  C. Never mind

  D. Sounds great



  Music is the art of thinking with sounds.—Jules Combarieu 

  Music produces significant and lasting changes in the brain. Schools should add music classes, not cut them. Nearly 20 years ago, a small study advanced the ___1___ that listening to Mozart’s Sonata(奏鸣曲)could boost mental functioning. It was not long ___2___ trademarked “Mozart effect” products began to ___3___ anxious parents aiming to put toddlers(刚学步的孩子)on the fast track to top-ranking universities like Harvard and Yale. Georgia’s governor even ___4___ giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette.

  The ___5___ for Mozart therapy turned out to be weak, perhaps nonexistent, although the ___6___ study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect. In recent years, ___7___, scientists have examined the benefits of a continuous ___8___ to study and practice music, in contrast to playing a Mozart CD or a computer-based “brain fitness” game ___9___.

  Advanced monitoring ___10___ have/has enabled scientists to see what happens inside your head when you listen to your mother and actually practice the violin for an hour every afternoon. And they have found that music

  ___11___ can produce significant and lasting changes that ___12___ the general ability to learn. These results should ___13___ public officials that music classes are not a mere decoration, ready for being given up in the budget crises that constantly ___14___ public schools.

  Studies have shown that ___15___ instrument training from an early age can help the brain to ___16___ sounds better, making it ___17___ to stay focused when absorbing other subjects, from literature to mathematics. The musically experienced are better able to ___18___ a biology lesson despite the noise in the classroom ___19___, a few years later, to finish a call with a client when a colleague in the next office starts screaming a subordinate(下属). They can be engaged in several things at once, which is a(n) ___20___ skill in this era of multitasking.


  1. A. note

  B. notice

  C. idea

  D. impression


  【解析】A. note笔记,音符,便笺,钞票;B. notice注意,布告;C. idea主意,想法,理念,观念,观点;D. impression印象,感觉。下文that引导的同位语从句“listening to Mozart’s Sonata(奏鸣曲)could boost mental functioning”说的是一种观点,故选C。句意:近20年前的一个小小的研究就提出了这样的观点:听莫扎特的奏鸣曲能促进心理机能。

  2. A. until

  B. that

  C. since

  D. before


  【解析】It be+一段时间+before是固定句型, 意为“过了一段时间就……”。

  3. A. apply for

  B. appeal to

  C. interfere with

  D. get across


  4. A. proposed

  B. pushed

  C. submitted

  D. permitted


  【解析】A. proposed提议,建议;B. pushed推,推动;C. submitted使服从,使顺从,提交,呈送;D. permitted许可,准许,放任,允许,容许。下文“giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette(给那里的每一个新生儿一张古典音乐唱片或磁带)”显然是一个提议,故选A。句意:佐治亚州州长甚至提议给那里的每一个新生儿一张古典音乐唱片或磁带。

  5. A. context

  B. evidence

  C. symptom

  D. witness


  【解析】A. context语境,上下文,背景;B. evidence证据,迹象,证词;C. symptom症状,征兆;D. witness见证人,目击者。根据下文的“turned out结果被证明”应该指的是证据。故选B。句意:那些证明莫扎特(音乐)疗法有效的证据其实是很没有力度的,(那些证据)或者可能根本不存在。

  6. A. advanced

  B. recent

  C. original

  D. latest


  【解析】A. advanced先进的,高等的,高深的;B. recent最近的;C. original原始的,最初的;D. latest最新的,最近的,最现代的。这儿指上文的“a small study”,所以是“最初的研究”。根据下文“In recent years…”也可以得出答案。故选C。句意:尽管最初的研究仅仅宣称它有暂时和有限的效果,其他并无特别之处。

  7. A. however

  B. moreover

  C. somehow

  D. therefore


  【解析】A. however然而;B. moreover而且,此外,再者;C. somehow以某种方式,用某种方法,不知怎么地;D. therefore所以。根据上文的“the original study”和下文的“In recent years”可以推断上下文之间是转折关系。

  8. A. potential

  B. attention

  C. research

  D. effort


  【解析】A. potential潜力,潜能;B. attention注意,注意力;C. research调查,探索,研究;D. effort努力。effort to study努力学习。

  9. A. frequently

  B. occasionally

  C. additionally

  D. optionally


  10. A. principles

  B. techniques

  C. information

  D. management


  【解析】A. principles原则;B. techniques技术;C. information信息,消息;D. management管理。根据上文的“Advanced monitoring(先进的监测)”可知是“techniques技术”。句意:(在听母亲拉小提琴和自己每天下午实际练习一个小时小提琴的时候)先进的监控科技使科学家能够看到你大脑内部发生了什么……。

  11. A. subjects

  B. models

  C. causes

  D. lessons


  【解析】A. subjects学科,科目;B. models模型,模式,模块;C. causes原因,缘故;D. lessons课,课程。前文提到study and practice, 后文提到learn, 这儿应该指的是“音乐课(程)music lessons”。而“music lessons”是“subjects科目”中的一种。

  12. A. improve

  B. introduce

  C. ensure

  D. accelerate


  【解析】A. improve改善,提高;B. introduce介绍,引入;C. ensure确保;D. accelerate加速。句意:他们发现音乐课产生的这种显著而持久的变化能够提高学习的综合能力。

  13. A. convey

  B. convince

  C. contact

  D. conclude


  【解析】A. convey表达,传达,传递; 运送,输送;B. convince使相信,使确信;C. contact使接触,与…联系;D. conclude得出结论,推断出。这段是要通过实验来验证音乐的确是行之有效的提高学习综合能力的方法。段末的这句也是要向世人昭示这一点。顺理成章地选择convince,使人信服。

  14. A. disappoint

  B. distribute

  C. transform

  D. trouble


  【解析】A. disappoint使失望,使泄气;B. distribute分配,散布,散发,分发;C. transform变换,改变;D. trouble麻烦,使烦恼,折磨,困扰。这句话是作者在劝说政府官员:不要因为财政预算有困难就减少对公立学校的拨款,从而使得学校砍掉可有可无的音乐课。句意:这些结果应该让政府官员相信,音乐课不仅仅是一种装饰,一种在持续困扰公立学校的预算危机面前可以乐意放弃的装饰。

  15. A. urgent

  B. casual

  C. hardworking

  D. outstanding


  16. A. promote

  B. process

  C. prefer

  D. predict


  【解析】A. promote促进,推进,提升,助长,促销;B. process处理,加工;C. prefer偏好,偏爱,更喜欢;D. predict预言。大脑接受声音的过程就是处理声音的过程。

  17. A. easier

  B. harder

  C. tougher

  D. faster


  【解析】A. easier更容易的;B. harder更难的,更困难的;C. tougher更坚强的,更坚韧的,更艰苦的,更困难的;D. faster更快的。上文提到学习音乐能提高学习的综合能力,所以学习能力的提高使得学习(音乐以外的)其他科目就变得更加容易。句意:诸多研究已经表明从早期就开始的乐器演奏方面的刻苦训练能够帮助大脑更好地处理声音,使得在学习从文学道数学等其他科目时更加容易集中注意力。

  18. A. hold on

  B. concentrate on

  C. insist on

  D. count on


  【解析】A. hold on稍等,保持,坚持住;B. concentrate on专心致志于……,把思想集中于……,将……集中(贯注)于……;C. insist on坚持;D. count on指望,依靠,依赖。上一句中的stay focused与本题选项的concentrate on是同义词。通过上文便可得知,音乐教育还能让人学会专心于某项任务,因此此处选择concentrate,专心致志于某事。

  19. A. but

  B. so

  C. or

  D. for


  20. A. elegant

  B. specific

  C. essential

  D. unique


  【解析】A. elegant优雅的;B. specific具体的,明确的,特种的;C. essential必要的;D. unique独一无二的。根据上文“They can be engaged in several things at once他们同时可以做几种事情”和下文的“in this era of multitasking在需要处理多重任务的时代”可以推断“这种(同时可以做几种事情的)技能是必要的。句意:他们同时可以做几种事情,在这个需要处理多重任务的时代里, 这种技能是必要的。



  Do you always experience tired eyes at an even more frequent rate? What if your eyes are in such a kind of condition? There is no need to worry about it because it is so common nowadays. On the contrary, you should find the factors and then seek some appropriate treatments for them.

  Some folks don’t wish to waste even a second at work, even to blink(眨眼)for a fraction of a second. Staring constantly at the screen can cause stress to one’s eyes. Sitting and staring at the television screen for hours can also make the eyes tired.

  Bookworms love reading and they will make sure they read much more than their bodies can deal with. The desire to finish a book may result in fast reading, without taking breaks, which can lead to tired eyes. Continuous reading in dim light can also cause pressure to the eyes.

  Decreased water intake and overindulgence(过度放纵)in salt-based junk food items like burgers, pizzas, etc. also play a role in causing tired eyes. These junk food items do not furnish the body with the required essential nutrients, thus causing a lack of vitamins, which also has an effect on tired eyes.

  Stress at the workplace or at home and a noisy sleeping environment cannot bring enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep causes the eyes to become heavy. Dark circles are also seen to develop if one doesn’t get sufficient sleep over a period of time.

  Even though this condition is not fatal, it is stressful for the health of the body, and must be treated. If not treated on time, the condition can become worse and result in double or blurred vision. Here are some ways to treat the tired eye condition.

  Every hour during your day at work, spend a minute relaxing your eyes. Look away from your computer screen and roll your eyes in both directions. Try and blink more often. Look around the room or close your eyes for a minute if you want and then work again. Following this every hour will help reduce overall stress on your eyes, and you won’t feel so tired after work.

  Caffeine present in the tea helps relieve tired eyes. Make a cup of hot black tea and pour it into a glass. Hold the glass close to your eyes, so that the vapors from the tea reach your eyes. This may be troublesome, so instead you can also use tea bags to relieve your eyes. Dip two black tea bags in a cup of hot water and once the warmth is bearable place the warm tea bags onto your eyes. This will also make you feel fresh.

  If your eyes feel extremely tired at work, go to the washroom and wash your face with cool tap water. The cold water will help relieve the tired feeling. Do this every hour during work and you will find relief.

  Tired Eyes: Why and How

  ___1___ leading to tired eyes ◇Staring constantly at the computer screen.

  Your eyes will become ___2___ or tired after staring at the screen for hours.

  ◇Reading for long hours.

  Finishing a book without taking breaks or reading in dim light does ___3___

  to the eyes.


  Various salt-based junk foods without required essential nutrients will cause ___4___ to the eyes.

  ◇___5___ of sleep

  Your eyes become heavy without enough sleep, and thus dark circles are often seen.

  ___6___ for tired eyes Though having tired eyes doesn’t pose a ___7___ to the health of people’s body, it’s important to treat them immediately.

  ◇Eye exercise

  Take a minute to ___8___ your eyes every hour at work, like blinding more often, ___9___ your eyes in both directions and looking around the room.


  Use vapor from black tea because it ___10___ caffeine or put warm tea bags onto your eyes.

  ◇Wash your face

  Go to the washroom and wash your face with cool tap water. The cold water will help relieve the tired feeling.



  【解析】信息归纳题。从右框中的内容及第一段中的“you should find the factors and then seek some appropriate treatments for them”可知,空格处应填Factors,指的是造成眼疲劳的因素。


  【解析】信息转换题。从第二段的“Staring constantly at the screen can cause stress to one’s eyes”及空格处在题干中作表语可知,空格处应填形容词stressful。



  【解析】信息转换题。从第四段的“causing a lack of vitamins, which also has an effect on tired eyes”可知答案。cause/do damage to... 对……造成损害。


  75. 【解析】信息查找题。从第五段的“Lack of sleep causes the eyes to become heavy”可知,空格处填Lack/Loss。


  【解析】信息归纳题。从第六段和右栏的内容可知,作者在这里介绍的是治疗眼疲劳的方法,根据“Here are some ways to treat the tired eye condition”可知,应填Treatments。


  【解析】信息归纳题。从第六段中的“Even though this condition is not fatal, it is stressful for the health of the body, and must be treated”可知,空格处填threat。pose a threat to“对……造成威胁”为固定用法。


  【解析】信息转换题。从第七段的“Every hour during your day at work, spend a minute relaxing your eyes”可知,空格处填relax。


  【解析】信息转换题。从第七段的“Look away from your computer screen and roll your eyes in both direction可知,空格处填rolling。



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