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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls _______ of their mothers.

  A. that

  B. those

  C. one

  D. the ones

  2.—The little boat is _______ safe. Don’t you think so, Mike ?

  —No worries! I’ve been on this boat dozens of times.

  A. something but

  B. nothing but

  C. anything but

  D. everything but

  3.In considering people for jobs, we give _______ to those with some experience.

  A. reputation

  B. distinction

  C. conservation

  D. preference

  4.The singer has lately released a new album, which has met with a mixed _______ from fans.

  A. assumption

  B. composition

  C. reception

  D. description

  5.The force of _______ slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth’s atmosphere.

  A. friction

  B. assessment

  C. appointment

  D. inspiration

  6.In our school, light music is often played _______ classes to make the students entertained and relaxed for 10 minutes.

  A. between

  B. along

  C. among

  D. over

  7._______ their cultures, Americans have taken over from the Indians many other things.

  A. On behalf of

  B. In praise of

  C. In possession of

  D. On top of

  8. _______ the consistent efforts made by the people of Hangzhou, preparatory work for the G20 Summit has been a success.

  A. Thanks to

  B. In terms of

  C. With regard to

  D. In addition to

  9.Looking you straight in the eye doesn’t mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars often do this _______.

  A. reluctantly

  B. innocently

  C. deliberately

  D. awkwardly

  10.Maybe our school president will not be _______ to attend the meeting, for he is completely occupied with the 80th anniversary ceremony.

  A. convenient

  B. available

  C. reliable

  D. accessible

  11.We don’t mean he is not fair, but we do feel that it’s difficult for him to remain _______ where his son is concerned.

  A. positive

  B. sensitive

  C. objective

  D. effective

  12.If people want to _______ their goals and dreams, they have to be willing to pay the price.

  A. accomplish

  B. set

  C. acquire

  D. attempt

  13.Charles Bolden, head of NASA, _______ that humans will walk on another planet in his lifetime.

  A. desires

  B. predicts

  C. wishes

  D. approves

  14.The entire organization has to be ready to _______ all of these changes at a moment’s notice.

  A. refer to

  B. apply to

  C. adapt to

  D. appeal to

  15.Everyone who _______ our country’s military secrets to the terrorists will surely be punished and sentenced to jail.

  A. brings forward

  B. gives away

  C. leaves out

  D. passes down

  16.—Why are you so crazy about music?

  ?Because I can always find in music _______ peace that is missing in _______ world full of challenges.

  A. the; a

  B. the;/

  C. /; a

  D. /; the

  17.—The hurricane _______ to reach the coast tomorrow morning.

  —If so, we’d better make full preparations for it.

  A. is predicting

  B. has predicted

  C. is predicted

  D. will be predicted

  18.—If I hadn’t been caught in the heavy rain, I could have been back by 7 o’clock.

  —What a pity! Stella _______ here to see you.

  A. is

  B. was

  C. would be

  D. has been

  19.The door _______ open, no matter how hard she pushed. 

  A. shouldn’t

  B. couldn’t

  C. wouldn’t

  D. mightn’t

  20.If it _______ for his invitation the other day, I should not be here now.

  A. had not been

  B. should not be

  C. were not to be

  D. should not have been

  21._______ that George is a capable young man confirms me that I have reached a point where I could hand over the business to him.

  A. Sensing

  B. Sensed

  C. To sense

  D. Sense

  22.All the citizens here strongly insist those caught _______ “harmful” advertisements in the streets _______ punished strictly.

  A. putting up; will be

  B. to put up; should be

  C. being put up; shall

  D. putting up; be

  23.They felt _______ it was high tax and low income _______ contributed to the extreme misery of the working people at the bottom of the ladder.

  A. /; that

  B. that; which

  C. that; what

  D. /; which

  24.According to a recent survey, homework is _______ students most often blame for their lack of sleep.

  A. why

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  25._______ the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.

  A. Having read

  B. While reading

  C. If reading

  D. When you read

  26._______, I have never seen anyone who's as capable as John.

  A. As long as I have traveled

  B. Much as I have traveled

  C. Now that I have traveled so much

  D. As I have traveled so much

  27.The WFP has launched a new app called Share The Meal, _______ the potential, people believe, is enormous as it allows smart-phone users to make donations with a simple tap on their phone.

  A. whose

  B. that

  C. which

  D. of which

  28.—How about your job-hunting?

  —No luck. Now, I’ve reached the stage _______ I don’t care what I do.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. when

  D. that

  29.It was not until I visited Venice _______ it really worthy of the reputation of “the water world”.

  A. that I found

  B. had I found

  C. when I did find

  D. did I find

  30.—Tom failed to turn up as he had promised last night.

  —_______ It’s typical of him to break his promise.

  A. You bet.

  B. It can’t be helped. C. You can’t be serious. D. Don’t get me wrong.


  Walking through the park one autumn day, I passed some children selling hot chocolate. One girl,


  , asked, “Would you like to help


  our park and playground? It’s only 50 cents a cup.” Of course, I couldn’t resist it, and felt


  that kids this young had such a(an)


  in improving their community. It seems that this group of kids, who were having great fun pouring hot chocolate and feeling


  that they were helping a local cause(地方事业), already grasped a fundamental idea about


  out to help others: It feels great! No matter your age or the size of your gesture, whether it is giving out drinks, baking cookies,


  toys to underprivileged (贫困的) kids,


  a pet from a shelter, or giving clothing to homeless people, giving does a heart good.

  This valuable


  usually shines brightest around the holidays--a time when we pause to


  on our good fortune and on those not so


  . But it’s really an important year-round lesson, and not just because being charitable (仁慈的) is the


  thing to do. Giving to others helps lessen two major


  on today’s families.

  The onslaught (狂轰烂炸) of materialism with its


  on self-centeredness. From a constant onslaught of


  —on TV, in the movies, and on computer screens—we are


  to “need” the next cool gadget(小玩意), pair of sports shoes, or toys. Our children are particularly


  influenced by advertisers who focus on their desire to fit in, which in turn can lead to a "give me’ mindset(心态) early.

  The over-exposure to bad news, which causes


  . In the past few years, terrifying images of violence and chaos have been difficult to


  . These tragic events upset our children and can leave them feeling powerless and sad.

  We can’t completely shelter our children from these


  . But we can combat their influence by teaching our children to give their time and talents to help others—an act that changes the way of the world.

  1. A. sighing

  B. weeping

  C. smiling

  D. bargaining

  2. A. support

  B. assess

  C. reply

  D. trust

  3. A. confused

  B. absorbed

  C. depressed

  D. impressed

  4. A. interest

  B. investment

  C. hatred

  D. adventure

  5. A. awful

  B. desperate

  C. proud

  D. doubtful

  6. A. blowing

  B. leaking

  C. breaking

  D. reaching

  7. A. abandoning

  B. classifying

  C. selling

  D. donating

  8. A. adopting

  B. adapting

  C. adjusting

  D. abusing

  9. A. suggestion

  B. lesson

  C. academy

  D. account

  10. A. depend

  B. hang

  C. feed

  D. reflect

  11. A. worn-out

  B. all-out

  C. laid-off

  D. well-off

  12. A. ambiguous

  B. convenient

  C. right

  D. innocent

  13. A. illnesses

  B. stresses

  C. chances

  D. burdens

  14. A. effect

  B. emphasis

  C. advice

  D. disagreement

  15. A. advertising

  B. competing

  C. meeting

  D. negotiating

  16. A. prohibited

  B. encouraged

  C. frightened

  D. threatened

  17. A. easily

  B. slightly

  C. increasingly

  D. indirectly

  18. A. advance

  B. embarrassment

  C. disagreement

  D. fear

  19. A. win

  B. avoid

  C. judge

  D. defeat

  20. A. realities

  B. requests

  C. profits

  D. applications


  Globetrotting(环游世界) by Blogs:No Passport Required!

  How do you motivate your students to become excited about writing?Do you wonder how to help them think more critically about literature, global issues, or multiple perspectives? Are you looking for an easy way to engage students in 21st century learning? If any of these questions have crossed your mind, introduce your students to a cultural exchange with blogs.

  Blog is short for web log, an easily editable web space that is often compared to a shared digital diary or journal. Bloggers create posts that highlight personal experiences, state opinions, or describe events. Posts can include text, photos, images, and videos. Each entry is time stamped in chronological(按时间顺序排列的) order with the most recent post appearing first. Blogs can be individual or collaborative(协作的) with either private or public settings for viewing and participation.

  Blogs provide a unique platform to open students’ writing up to authentic audiences beyond the teacher, classroom, and local community. Even our youngest students can compose comments on a blog! Blogs also support the development of higher order thinking and 21st century literacy skills. Students are introduced to  multiple perspectives as they share their own thoughts and ideas about a given topic. Besides, students who rarely contribute during class discussions are given a voice through the use of blogs.

  The most exciting way to use blogs is to partner with classrooms in other parts of the world. This helps students develop cultural understanding and global awareness. For younger students, this type of cultural blog exchange can be set up as a class-to-class blog in which the teacher guides the students in a shared writing experience to develop each blog post. For older students, a student-to-student blog exchange provides an opportunity for your students to have their own “pen pal” to whom they can write via the blog.

  First, if you’re new to blogs, join the new IRA social network, Engage, and check out the teacher-to-teacher blogs (http: //engage. reading.org/blogsnb-sphb-sp/browseblogs/). In this blog community, you can read a variety of blog posts and leave comments. In doing so, you would be adding your voice to a literacy community while getting a feel for blogging! You might then start your own blog to better understand the way blogs are organized and to become familiar with blog features.

  Next, review the HOT Blogging Framework, which helps scaffold students as they develop their blogging skills. Identify curricular areas that you would like to integrate into your students’ blogs. Aside from literacy skill development, blogs are a great way for students to acquire and expand content knowledge in a variety of subjects. Finally, don’t forget to provide your students with lessons on Internet safety, digital citizenship, and netiquette(网上礼仪) to ensure respectful social interactions.

  ●If  you  are  not



    with blogs, you are advised to do the following:

  ●Join the new IRA social network to read  


    blog posts and leave comments.

  ●Review the hot blogging framework.



    lessons on Internet safety, digital citizenship and netiquette.

  ●To  become a



    with classrooms in other parts of the world.

  ●To set up a class-to-class blog exchange for younger students.

  ●To set up a student-to-student blog  exchange for older students to     

  7       with their own pen friends

  ●Open students’ writing up to authentic audiences      4      from the teacher, classroom and local community.

  ●Support the development of higher order thinking and 21st century literacy skills.

  ●Give students who rarely give their opinions during class discussions a chance to      5   

  their opinions.

  Blog is short for web log, which can be easily edited to     


   a digital diary or journal, where bloggers create posts including text, photos, images and videos.

  Suggestions on how to get blogs started

  The best way to use blogs

  Reasons for students’ using blogs


  A cultural exchange with blogs should be  


   to your students to help them with their writing.

  Globetrotting by Blogs: No Passport Required


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