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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分 )




  The Enigma (谜)of Beauty

      The search for beauty spans centuries and continents. Paintings of Egyptians dating back over 4, 000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup. In 18th-century France, wealthy noblemen wore large wigs (假发)of long, white hair to make themselves attractive. Today, people continue to devote a lot of time and money to their appearance.

      There is at least one good reason for the desire to be attractive: beauty is power. Studies suggest that good-looking people make more money, get called on more often in class, and are regarded as friendlier.

      But what exactly is beauty? It's difficult to describe it clearly, and yet we know it when we see it. And our awareness of it may start at a very early age. In one set of studies, six-month-old babies were shown a series of photographs. The faces on the pictures had been rated for attractiveness by a group of college students. In the studies, the babies spent more time looking at the attractive faces than the unattractive ones.

      The idea that even babies can judge appearance makes perfect sense to many researchers. In studies by psychologists, men consistently showed a preference for women with larger eyes, fuller lips, and a smaller nose and chin while women prefer men with large shoulders and a narrow waist. According to scientists, the mind unconsciously tells men and women that these traits —the full lips, clear skin, strong shoulders —equal health and genetic well-being.

       Not everyone thinks the same way, however. “Our hardwiredness can be changed by all sorts of expectations —mostly cultural,” says C. Loring Brace, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan. What is considered attractive in one culture might not be in another. Look at most Western fashion magazines: the women on the pages are thin. But is this “perfect” body type for women worldwide? Scientists' answer is no; what is considered

  beautiful is subjective and varies around the world. They found native peoples in southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded overweight in Western cultures.

       For better or worse, beauty plays a role in our lives. But it is extremely difficult to describe exactly what makes one person attractive to another. Although there do seem to be certain physical traits considered universally appealing, it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a single, uniform standard. Beauty really is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the beholder.

  21. People's ideas about beauty ________.

  A. have existed since ancient times                           B. can be easily described

  C. have little influence on a person's success              D. are based upon strict standard

  22. In Paragraph 3, the babies in the study ________.

  A. were rated for their appearance

  B. were entered in a beauty contest

  C. were shown photos of a group of college students

  D. were able to tell attractive faces from unattractive ones

  23. The underlined word “traits” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

  A. qualities           B. measurements        C. judgments              D. standards

  24. We can learn from the passage that ________.

  A. the ideas of beauty vary as people grow up

  B. the search for beauty is rooted in lack of confidence

  C. the standards for beauty are based on scientific researches

  D. the understanding of beauty depends on cultural backgrounds









  在句子或段落中,我们可以利用熟悉的词语,根据语言环境所表示的关系推断生词词义。比如第23小题A词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“the full lips, chear skin , strong shoulders”可知丰满的嘴唇,清澈的皮肤,结实的肩膀都是人的一些特征。故选A。



  In the Middle Ages in Europe, theater was an important part of civic, economic and religious life. During this period after the fall of Roman civilization, many cities were destroyed. Southern and Western Europe, famous for its agriculture, became increasingly more agricultural. After several hundred years, many towns appeared again. The Roman Catholic Church took over religion, education and politics. What remained of theater was mostly on the Greek and Roman performing arts.

  Theater was reborn as liturgical(礼拜式的)dramas. It was written in Latin and dealing with biblical(圣经)stories which would be performed by church members. Then there came local dramas spoken in common language not Latin. They were more wonderful one-act dramas taking place in town squares or other parts of the city. There were three types of local dramas. Mystery or cycle plays were short dramas based on biblical stories organized into historical cycles. Miracle plays dealt with the lives of the great. Morality(道德的)plays taught a lesson through characters standing for good or bad qualities. Secular plays in this period existed, but religious drama in the Middle Ages is mostly remembered today. As the Middle Ages ended, the number of religious theatres became small as the church weakened and more secular qualities won over religious theaters.

  25. According to the passage, what does "secular plays"mean here?

  A. Plays that deal with the lives of the great.     

  B. Plays that taught a lesson.

  C. Plays based on biblical stories.                   

  D. Plays that are not connected with the church.

  26. Why did religious theatres become less important as the Middle Ages came to an end?

   A. People were not interested in them any longer. 

   B. The church was not as important as what it had been.

   C. People liked new plays.                   

   D. The stories of religious theatres were outdated.

  27. According to the passage, why did religious theatres take over in the Middle Ages?

  A. People preferred religious theatres to other ones. 

  B. There were no other types of theatres.

  C. The church played an important part in people’s life.

  D. The quality of religious theatres was better than that of other theatres.

  28. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. European dramas                             

  B. Religious dramas

  C. Religious theatres in the Middle Ages 

  D. Secular dramas in the Middle Ages








  要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。比如第28小题,C主旨大意题。根据文章第一句In the Middle Ages in Europe, theater was an important part of civic, economic and religious life.在中世纪欧洲,剧场是公民、经济和宗教生活的重要组成部分。再根据第二段倒数第二句religious drama in the Middle Ages is mostly remembered today. 但是中世纪的宗教戏剧今天被人们铭记。可知C项符合题意。



  There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

  People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, hurt many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

  Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people hurt many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.

  29. People who are unhappy _______.

  A. always consider things differently from others

  B. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things

  C. usually misunderstand what others think or say

  D. usually are affected by the results of certain things

  30. The phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means “_______”.

  A. makes others unhappy                B. has a good taste with social life

  C. tend to scold others openly          D. enjoy the pleasure of life

  31. We can conclude from the passage that _______.

  A. we should pity all such unhappy people

  B. such unhappy people are dangerous to social life

  C. people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness

  D. unhappy people can not understand happy persons





  【名师点拨】 推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,推理判断题的题干中通常含infer,suggest,imply,conclude  indicate等标志性词语。比如,第31小题C推断题。根据第二段最后两行but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit. 说明如果人们意识到这个问题的不好的影响,这些问题就有可能被治愈。故C的说法正确。



  Time for Kids (TFK) gets the great news on the coolest toys for 2017 at the 111th American International Toy Fair.

  What’s four days long, bigger than seven football fields, and filled with thousands of toys? It’s Toy Fair 2017!

  Each year, hundreds of toy companies from across the country come together in New York City. All kinds of products are shown as a way to know what’s to come in the new year. This year’s trends include oversize toys. “In 2017, everything is really big and really out there,” says Adrienne Appell, a toy-trends expert.

  Toy Fair is the largest toy trade show in the Western Hemisphere (西半球). Toy-store buyers go to the event to decide which toys they may want to sell during the holiday season. Members of the media, like TFK, go to the fair to report back on all the cool trends. Unfortunately, Toy Fair is not open to the public.

  This year’s Toy Fair was the biggest in its 111-year history. More than 1,000 toy companies showed products from simple card games to high-tech robots. “Larger Than Life” was a Toy Fair favorite. This trend is all about big toys with a big play value.

  Though it is all fun and games at Toy Fair, we saw lots of products making a push towards education, with STEAM. That stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. This trend includes word games. And of course, we saw some super cool, high-tech games. “Technology is always going to influence toys,” says Appell. “This year we saw lots of 3D games, and robots.”

  To know more information about the event, click here to watch the video.

  32.  What can we infer from Toy Fair 2017?

  A. Toys are becoming more educational than fun. 

  B. Robots are great favorites of buyers.    

  C. Big toys will be popular this year.

  D. Simple card games will disappear on the market.

  33.  What’s special about Toy Fair 2017?

  A. It is the largest. 

  B. It is the longest.

  C. It sells all of its toys. 

  D. It’s held in New York City.

  34. What’s the best title for the text?

  A. Kids love toys                  

     B. Toy-stores in New York City 

  C. Technology changes toys

    D. Time for toys

  35.  The text is taken from a(n) _____.

  A. website      

  B. newspaper    

  C. magazine      

  D. Textbook








  1. 数字,包括年代、百分比、特殊事件等。如四级样卷中的:mid-1970s, 3.9 percent,20 percent,September 11等。利用这些数字进行定位,测得的准确率很高!

  2. 研究、报告、书籍型词汇,如:report,study,books等。一般来说研究、报告等内容都是易考点,这些信息经常出现在特定的段落里,所以根据这些词汇作为关键词也很容易定位。3. 最高级,如best,worst,most等。然而仅凭此关键词我们可能无法迅速地找到答案,因为原文的表述是the most effective method,用的词汇是完全不一样的。这时,我们还需要增加一个关键词pension,帮助我们定位。这就提醒我们在平常的阅读中应多关注最高级出现的地方,因为它常常是考点。




  Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.


  Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

  For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc.


  Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.


  They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “


  Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

  Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry.


  A. In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

  B. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

  C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.

  D. Anger may cause you a cancer.

  E. Do not express your anger while angry.

  F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.

  G. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.










  七选五阅读题,有部分题出现在每一段的开始位置,若问题在段首 1.通常是段落主题句。认真阅读该段落,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关词或者同义词,从而推测出主题句,找到答案。 2.与后文是并列、转折、因果关系等。着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找 相关特征词。一般来说正确答案与它后面的一句话的在意思上是衔接的,所以通常情况下,这两句话中会 有某种的衔接手段。3.段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找到启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。比如第38小题G根据下文:他们说,第一步是要承认你生气并认识到真正的愤怒的原因,然后决定是否这原因严重到足以使人生气.可知上句的意思是:医生说解决方法是学习如何处理愤怒。故选G。


  第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题.1.5分, 满分30分)


  One summer night, I was at a bowling alley(保龄球馆)celebrating a friend’s birthday. Two of the friends


  brought their daughter, Bridget. Like most eight-year-olds, the girl was


  about the game, so her parents set her up with a light bowling ball.

  The first game, Bridget scored a five which is as


  as it sounds. What was a


  , however, was her


  toward it. She didn’t scream or cry. She gave a shrug(耸肩), and that was it.

  “Don’t worry, Bridget,” her parents


  her. “You can play again next time!”

  Yes, she could play again next time, because the


  thing about bowling is that there are multiple games, and you have multiple chances to


  a low score. And she did



  The scond game finally


  with a score of 45. “Yeah!” She screamed and her


  were so proud. I was proud of her too, proud of her for handling a situation in a much more


  way than I ever could.

  This little eight-year-old girl knew a


  about life that I didn’t learn until my late 20s: Our failures, especially ones as


  as getting a low score in a bowling game, aren’t tied to our self-worth. She knew that her low score had


  to do with her identity as a person, her skills or intelligence. More importantly, she knew it was


  a bowling game.

  Isn’t learning how to


  one of the best gifts you can give a child?


  , watching someone deal with failure in a healthy and graceful way is a pretty great


  , too. So thank Bridget for giving me one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. And it wasn’t even my



  41. A. training

  B. competing

  C. attending

  D. watching

  42. A. serious

  B. excited

  C. worried

  D. confused

  43. A. bad

  B. cool

  C. strange

  D. nice

  44. A. problem

  B. puzzle

  C. joke

  D. surprise

  45. A. instruction

  B. reaction

  C. suggestion

  D. devotion

  46. A. informed

  B. reminded

  C. comforted

  D. entertained

  47. A. correct

  B. difficult

  C. first

  D. great

  48. A. make up for

  B. add up to

  C. get rid of

  D. take advantage of

  49. A. check

  B. try

  C. focus

  D. learn

  50. A. delayed

  B. continued

  C. ended

  D. started

  51. A. visitors

  B. parents

  C. classmmates

  D. teachers

  52. A. simple

  B. practical

  C. unusual

  D. mature

  53. A. rule

  B. dream

  C. fact

  D. trick

  54. A. small

  B. good

  C. important

  D. special

  55. A. something

  B. anything

  C. everything

  D. nothing

  56. A. even

  B. just

  C. also

  D. never

  57. A. behave

  B. fail

  C. fight

  D. change

  58. A. Usually

  B. Eventually

  C. Actually

  D. Gradually

  59. A. chance

  B. gift

  C. reward

  D. moment

  60. A. effort

  B. plan

  C. game

  D. birthday


  41. C]C

  42. B

  43. A

  44. D


  46. C


  48. A

  49. B

  50. C

  51. B

  52. D

  53. C

  54. A

  55. D

  56. B

  57. B

  58. C

  59. B

  60. D



  1. C]C考查动词。A. training训练;B. competing竞争;C. attending出席;D. watching观看。出席生日聚会的两个朋友带来了他们的女儿。故选C。

  42. B考查形容词。A. serious严重的;B. excited感到兴奋的;C. worried担忧的;D. confused困惑的。像多数八岁的女孩一样对游戏感到兴奋。故选B。

  43. A考查形容词。A. bad坏的;B. cool凉爽的;C. strange奇怪的;D. nice不错的。第一局,Bridge只得了就像听起来那么差的五分。

  44. D考查名词。A. problem问题;B. puzzle迷惑;C. joke笑话;D. surprise惊奇。然而,惊奇的是她对它的反应。故选D。

  52. D考查形容词。A. simple 简单的;B. practical切合实际的;C. unusual不寻常的;D. mature成熟的。她用一个比我更成熟的方式处理了一个处境。故选D。

  53. C考查名词。A. rule规则;B. dream梦想;C. fact事实;D. trick诡计。这个八岁的小女孩知道一个关于生活的事实,直到后来二十几岁我才了解的事实。故选C。

  54. A考查形容词。A. small小的;B. good好的;C. important重要的;D. special特殊的。就像打保龄球得低分那样的小失败。故选A。

  55. D考查不定代词。A. something某事;B. anything任何事情;C. everything每件事情;D. nothing什么也没有。她的低分与她的身份、技巧和智力无关。have nothing to do with 与---无关。故选D。


  1.完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、近义词辨 异、辨析句子结构。比如第48小题A考查动词词组。A. make up for弥补;B. add up to总起来说;C. get rid of除掉;D. take advantage of利用。你有多种机会去弥补低分。故选A。第56小题B考查副词。A. even甚至;B. just 只是,仅仅;C. also也;D. never从来没有。更重要的是,她知道这只是一个保龄球游戏。古选B。

  2. 上下文对照,捕捉关键词。 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要阅读下句或者若干句才能明白。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。43. A考查形容词。A. bad坏的;B. cool凉爽的;C. strange奇怪的;D. nice不错的。第一局,Bridge只得了就像听起来那么差的五分。46. C考查动词。A. informed告知;B. reminded提醒;C. comforted使舒适;D. entertained娱乐。“不要担心”,她的父母安慰她。故选C。


  第II卷 (非选择题)




  When I agreed to stage-manage my school’ s production of Guys and Dolls, I had no idea of


  a stage manager acurally did. Still, I


  (decide) that it would be a(n)


  (interest) experience, and a way to get involved with theater. Besides, if there was already a director and some technicians to build the sets

  and run lights, how much could there be


  (leave) for a stage manager to do? I figured that I would spend a lot of time


  rehearsals and scripts(剧本).

  I was discouraged by the first rehearsal. I discovered that it was my


  (responsible) to make sure that all of the cast actors were present, had scripts, and gave


  (I) their schedules before leaving the room. It was not an easy thing. I found that it was impossible


  (get) all twenty-five cast members together for a group scene, since actors kept


  (call) me with emergency appointments, and last-minute family gatherings.

  Finally, it was the opening night. I sat to the side of the stage,


  my script open on a music stand in front of me. The lights came up, the show began, and I knew that it had all been wortthwhile.


  61. what







  68.to get





  enjoy;finish;avoid;be fond of ;give up ;look forward to; get down to; devote---to---; be used to (习惯) ;spend---(in) doing sth.; object to 。

  2.mean doing意味着做某事, mean to do打算做某事; regret doing后悔曾经做过某事,regret to do遗憾地去做某事; try doing 尝试做某事,try to do努力去做某事; forget doing 忘记曾做过某事,forget to do 忘记要去做某事; remember doing记得曾经做过某事, remember to do记得要去做某事。


  第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  :短文改错 (共10分;每小题1分,满分10分)


  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


  修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


  2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

  I grew up in my grandparents’ home. My grandfather would take all his grandkid for walks. Usually we would go to his garden, which he would pick apples that had tasted by the bird and carve off the opposite side to give to us. I once asked, “Why do you not to offer the ripe-looking apples untouched by the bird?” Feel unhappy, I thought he was such mean. Maybe he wanted to sell the “good” apples instead of feed them to his grandkids. He rolled his hand over my head gentle. “Birds only eat the sweetest apples, but I pick the best for you,” he said. “Never assume; always ask.” My grandfather teaches me a good lesson.





  4.not to offer 去掉to




  instead of后面用名词或动名词,故把feed改feeding。






  such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副  词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little(少)连用,形成固定搭配。  so + adj. such + a(n) + n.  so + adj. + a(n) + n. such + n. (pl.)  so + adj. + n. (pl.) such +n. (pl.)  so + adj. + n. [不可数] such +n. [不可数]  so foolish

  such a fool  so nice a flower

  such a nice flower  so many/ few flowers

  such nice flowers  so much/little money.

  such rapid progress  so many people

  such a lot of people  so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,只能用such搭配。  so…that与such…that之间的转换既为 so与such之间的转换。

  2. 以e结尾的形容词变成副词时,有的直接加ly ;有的把e去掉再加ly.

  possible---possibly; simple---simply; gentle---gently; terrible---terribly; true---truly; flexible---flexibly

  immediate--- immediately; brave---bravely; wise---wisely;active---actively


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  学校将为高三学生举办一场英语沙龙。假如你是学生会主席李华,请根据以下提示 准备一份英语发言稿,呼吁高三学生调节好学习和生活,保持良好的心态。






  Good morning,everyone! It’s my honor to be here to make a short speech.

  That's all.Thank you for listening!


  Good morning, everyone!It’s my honor to be here to make a short speech.

  Recently I have found that some of our classmates can’t study efficiently. Some can’t help falling asleep in class, because they often study too late into the night. Others seldom have sports, which surely does harm to their health.

  As we know, enough sleep is of great importance for us senior 3 students. We can concentrate our mind in class with sufficient sleep, so we should try to make wise use of our time, striking a balance between work and leisure. Besides, doing proper exercise every day can benefit us a lot, keeping fit, reducing stress and so on. Let’s spare some time to do all kinds of sports. And only in this way can we keep a good mood and study well.

  That’s all. Thank you for listening! 

  【亮点说明】It’s my honor to be here to make a short speech.it作形式主语,动词不定式短语做真正的主语;Recently I have found that some of our classmates can’t study efficiently.句中用宾语从句;Some can’t help falling asleep in class, because they often study too late into the night.原因状语从句在句中体现;Others seldom have sports, which surely does harm to their health. which引导非限制性定语从句;As we know, enough sleep is of great importance for us senior 3 students.as引导非限制性定语从句;so we should try to make wise use of our time, striking a balance between work and leisure.并列句和现在分词做结果装句在句中完美结合;doing proper exercise every day can benefit us a lot, keeping fit, reducing stress and so on.动名词短语作主语,做伴随状语;And only in this way can we keep a good mood and study well.部分倒装堪称经典。



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