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2017届高考英语外研版一轮复习课时作业:选修8 Module5《The Conquest of the Universe》(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业47 Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe



  accustom patience burst acknowledge consult assume depend abstract witness historic

  1.We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is ________.

  2.I think today is a ________ day.

  3.We consider him a person to be ________ on.

  4.We were ________ the most important scientific development of the century.

  5.He is not such a fool as you ________ him to be.

  6.Susan is very ________ with the children.

  7.He felt he would ________ with anger and shame.

  8.He never ________ that he has made mistakes.

  9.Mr. Bell said he had ________ his lawyer about the matter.

  10.I became ________ to looking after you.

  答案 1.abstract 2.historic 3.depended 4.witnessing 5.assumed 6.patient 7.burst 8.acknowledges 9.consulted 10.accustomed


  1.They are accustomed ________________(不交谈) at meals.

  答案 to not talking

  2.The driver sat there motionlessly, ________________(意识到) how serious the traffic accident was.

  答案 aware of

  3.Many young people ________________(对……狂热) pop music.

  答案 are enthusiastic about

  4.My bike ________________(与……相似) yours in color.

  答案 is similar to

  5.We are trying to ________________________________________________________________________(使这项计划开始启动).

  答案 set the plan in motion



  Visitor Code

  ●Arrive with nothing that can harm New Zealand

  If you are arriving from overseas, bring no food, animal or plant material into the country. If in doubt declare it to Customs.

  ●Protect plants and animals

  Never allow dogs or other pets to run freely in areas of nesting birds, other wildlife, or where signposted.

  ●Get rid of rubbish

  Always get rid of your rubbish properly and recycle waste (e.g.,glass, paper) where possible.

  ●Be considerate with other waste

  If using a portable toilet always throw away your toilet waste at a proper waste station. In the back country, bury your toilet waste in a shallow hole away from waterways.

  ●Keep New Zealand's water clean

  Because soaps and other wastes can harm waterways, be careful your washing water doesn't pollute the sea, lakes and rivers.

  ●Take care with fire

  Always observe district fire bans. Be careful if you smoke or have an outdoor fire or barbecue—make sure ashes are cold before leaving.

  ●Camp or picnic carefully

  When camping or picnicking, use facilities provided.

  ●Keep to the track

  Keep to the track, where one exists, so you lessen the chance of damaging fragile plants.

  ●Be considerate

  When driving, minimize noise and observe no smoking signs.

  语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,告知去新西兰的游客需要注意的事项。

  1.According to the Code, visitors should act ________.

  A. with care and respect

  B. with relief and pleasure

  C. with caution and calmness

  D. with attention and observation

  答案与解析 A 考查推理判断。根据文章的内容可知,游客去新西兰时,要当心,不要带入有可能对新西兰产生破坏的物品,也要尊重自然、保护环境,文中的各个小标题均是对该内容的体现,因此选择A。

  2.What are you encouraged to do when travelling in New Zealand?

  A. Take your own camping facilities.

  B. Bury glass far away from rivers.

  C. Follow the track for the sake of plants.

  D. Observe signs to approach nesting birds.

  答案与解析 C 考查细节理解。根据文中Keep to the track部分中的内容可知,游客要沿着路径行走,减小破坏脆弱的植物的几率,因此选择C。



  It was Easter 1990, and my family was on a once­in­a­lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sister's wedding.

  I was traveling with my husband, my four­year­old son and my daughter, who was nearly two. We'd been __1__ it was very hot in the Solomon Islands, so we'd __2__ lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer. The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight bus that __3__ at midnight for the airport so we could make our early morning __4__ to Honiara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were snuggling (使依偎) our children as best we could, trying to keep them __5__. The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, and we didn't take much __6__. The little ones were __7__, unable to sleep for the biting cold. Then at one stop, an older lady came forward from the back of the bus and paused by our seat. I sat forward to see what she wanted and she __8__ out a small knee rug (毛毯). My little girl reached __9__ for it and pulled it tight __10__ her. The lady said she'd made the rug herself and seeing that we were cold, she wanted us to use it. After she went back to her seat, our now­warm children __11__ off, and they slept snugly all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two __12__ we arrived, the rug lady made her way to the door to get off. I tried to __13__ the children to return her blanket, but she protested. “No,” she said, “__14__ it. I can always make another one!”

  Over the years, that little blanket became a __15__ to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers. I told the story to the children over and over and hung the rug on the end of my daughter's bed so we would see it often. That rug was handmade with the colours carefully chosen. Yet its maker __16__ with it to keep my family warm for a night. If ever people were bad or __17__, it served as a __18__ that there is goodness in the world.

  I am forever __19__, not just for the warmth that night, but for the lifelong reminder of the __20__ of people. That blanket has warmed my life.

  1.A. confirmed

  B. told

  C. advised

  D. persuaded

  2.A. offered

  B. piled

  C. packed

  D. discovered

  3.A. left

  B. went

  C. pulled

  D. drove

  4.A. train

  B. trip

  C. ride

  D. flight

  5.A. comfortable

  B. warm

  C. calm

  D. quiet

  6.A. care

  B. notice

  C. action

  D. attention

  7.A. naughty

  B. noisy

  C. restless

  D. energetic

  8.A. showed

  B. made

  C. put

  D. held

  9.A. silently

  B. eagerly

  C. patiently

  D. bravely

  10.A. around

  B. on

  C. over

  D. towards

  11.A. slept

  B. went

  C. nodded

  D. shook

  12.A. after

  B. until

  C. as

  D. before

  13.A. unload

  B. unwrap

  C. unfold

  D. unpack

  14.A. keep

  B. possess

  C. return

  D. bring

  15.A. sign

  B. mark

  C. symbol

  D. decoration

  16.A. remained

  B. parted

  C. deserted

  D. handed

  17.A. cruel

  B. sensitive

  C. cautious

  D. ugly

  18.A. story

  B. gift

  C. reminder

  D. reward

  19.A. delighted

  B. pitiful

  C. excited

  D. grateful

  20.A. goodness

  B. warmth

  C. welcome

  D. help


  语篇解读 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者一家出门参加婚礼,由于准备工作做得不够,使得孩子们在班车上冻得睡不着,一个素不相识的老太太递过来的毛毯让作者一家感受到了温暖。

  1.B 本空后面的宾语从句不是劝说、建议类的信息,而是在叙述一个客观事实:所罗门群岛很热,因此用tell表示“告诉,告知”。若选A项,则应用主动语态。

  2.C 因为被告知那里很热,所以作者就装了很多夏天穿的衣服。pack表示“收拾(行李),装(箱)”,符合语境。

  3.A 本空与后面的for相呼应,因此选left。leave for表示“前往”。

  4.D 既然是坐去机场的班车,那么我们就是去赶飞机的,因此选D项。

  5.B 语境说车上很冷,所以我们和孩子们依偎在一起,这样是为了让他们感到温暖,因此选B项。

  6.B 车上不断有乘客上下车,我们也没有太注意他们。take notice表示“注意”。

  7.C 语境说太冷了,孩子们睡不着,因此选C,表示“没有真正休息的”。

  8.D 这个老太太拿出一条护膝毛毯。hold out表示“拿出,递出”,符合语境。

  9.B 孩子们很冷,此时有人拿给他们毛毯,他们自然是很急切地接了过去,因此选B。

  10.A 这里用介词around“围绕,在……周围”,描述的是孩子把毯子披在身上的动作。

  11.C 有了这条毯子,孩子们暖和多了,于是他们开始打盹。nod off表示“打瞌睡”,符合语境。

  12.D 语境说“我”要把毛毯还给这个老太太,因此她应该比我们先下车,故选before引导时间状语从句,表示“在……之前”。

  13.B 前面说孩子们裹着毛毯睡着了,而“我”要把毛毯打开还给老太太,因此这里用unwrap表示“打开,解开”。

  14.A 老太太让“我”留着毛毯,因此用keep,表示“保留”。

  15.C 根据语境可知,这里应用symbol表示“象征,标志”。这条毛毯成为陌生人传递友爱的象征。

  16.B 这条毛毯是手工制作的,颜色也是精心挑选的,凝聚了主人的心血,可是主人却把它留给了我们,这里用part with sth. 表示“舍弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西)”。

  17.A 空处与后面的“there is goodness”对应,与前面的“bad”呼应,故应选A,表示“残忍的”。

  18.C 这条毛毯却在提醒“我”,这个世界上还有善良存在。这里用reminder表示“提醒物”。第20空前的reminder是线索提示。

  19.D 从后文可知,这里表示作者一直心存感激。故选grateful“感激的”。

  20.A 这条毛毯让孩子们免受寒冷,也让“我”见证了人们的善良。因此选A项。


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