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2017年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:必修4.5《Theme parks》(测)(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks



  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

  Last March my dad told us that there was a chance he would be deployed (部署,派遣)overseas. My brother and I didn't think anything of it and forgot his

  . Two weeks later, Dad didn't come home on time. We didn't think it was serious


  it wasn't the first time. We waited, and


  at midnight Dad came in. We asked where he'd been. He just


  , “I am leaving tomorrow for Afghanistan(阿富汗).”

  Hearing that, we were in

  , thinking that this could not be happening to us. But when he started


  his desert uniforms we knew it was for real.

  He sat us all down and my brothers and I had a discussion about


  we were going to do while he was away. And then we


  and helped him get ready. We


  his uniforms and talked more about what we needed to do. We didn't get to sleep


  4 a.m. Therefore, my dad called school to


  we were not going to be there that day.

  We took off for Madison


  he would check in and get ready to leave. When we got there the official told us that he


  leave until 5 p.m. We had our last


  together and then headed to the airport. We were told it was time to leave. We hugged him and said



  “ 16

  is going to happen to me, and I love you,” he said. Then he was


  . We left the airport not saying anything to each other.

  My dad is


  gone, and he won't be home for a while. He talks to us


  on the phone. I hope that my story makes you think about your own family now and what


  to you. 

  1. A. promise

  B. words

  C. birthday

  D. appointment

  2. A. when

  B. though

  C. that

  D. since

  3. A. finally

  B. gradually

  C. constantly

  D. actually

  4. A. whispered

  B. wept

  C. replied

  D. screamed

  5. A. excitement

  B. shock

  C. relief

  D. peace

  6. A. packing

  B. wearing

  C. searching

  D. mending

  7. A. how

  B. when

  C. whether

  D. what

  8. A. woke up

  B. cheered up

  C. stayed up

  D. turned up

  9. A. removed

  B. ironed

  C. sewed

  D. chose

  10. A. until

  B. over

  C. in

  D. after

  11. A. confirm

  B. announce

  C. deny

  D. explain

  12. A. when

  B. that

  C. where

  D. why

  13. A. couldn’t

  B. wouldn’t

  C. needn’t

  D. mustn’t

  14. A. meal

  B. weekend

  C. talk

  D. lesson

  15. A. apology

  B. hello

  C. thanks

  D. good-bye

  16. A. Anything

  B. Everything

  C. Nothing

  D. Something

  17. A. missing

  B. gone

  C. lost

  D. puzzled

  18. A. still

  B. even

  C. ever

  D. yet

  19. A. seriously

  B. frequently

  C. loudly

  D. occasionally

  20. A. belongs

  B. appeals

  C. counts

  D. happens

  2. D考查连词辨析A. when当。。时候;B. though虽然;C. that;D. since因为;根据下文可知,我们对父亲的晚归不以为然,因为这不是第一次了,故选D项。

  3. A考查副词辨析A. finally最后;B. gradually 逐渐地;C. constantly不断地;D. actually确实;从上文we waited可知,我们一直等,最后父亲终于回来,故选A项。

  4. C考查动词辨析A. whispered低语;B. wept 哭泣;C. replied重复;D. screamed尖叫;我们询问父亲去了哪里,父亲回答说他明天就要离开,故选C项。

  5. B考查名词辨析A. excitement兴奋;B. shock震惊;C. relief释放;D. peace和平;从下一句话可知,听到父亲要被派遣到阿富汗去工作的消息,我们很震惊,故选B项。

  6. A考查动词辨析A. packing打包;B. wearing穿;C. searching寻找;D. mending修补;父亲第二天就要离开了,所以他开始整理行李,故选A项。

  7. D考查宾语从句;A. how 如何;B. when什么时候;C. whether 是否;D. what什么;父亲让我们坐下来,并开始讨论父亲走后我们要做什么,what引导宾语从句,故选D项。

  8. C考查动词短语A. woke up醒来;B. cheered up振奋;C. stayed up 熬夜;D. turned up出现;此处指第二天父亲要走了,我们熬夜帮他整理东西,故选C项。

  9. B考查动词辨析A. removed去除;B. ironed熨;C. sewed缝;D. chose选择;我们把父亲的制服给熨了一遍,根据语境可知选B项。

  10. A考查连词辨析A. until直到;B. over 在。。上;C. in在。。里;D. after之后;我们直到凌晨四点才睡觉,not ..until..直到。。才,故选A项。

  11. D考查动词辨析A. confirm确认;B. announce宣布;C. deny否认;D. explain 解释;第二天,父亲要走,我们几个要送他到机场,所以父亲打电话给学校向老师解释我们当天不能去学校的原因,故选D项。

  12. C考查连词辨析A. when 什么时候;B. that;C. where 哪;D. why为什么;此处为定语从句,我们启程去麦迪逊,先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where.

  13. B考查情态动词辨析A. couldn’t不可能;B. wouldn’t 将要不;C. needn’t不必;D. mustn’t禁止;机场的工作人员告诉我们父亲直到傍晚五点才会离开,故选B项。

  14. A考查名词辨析A. meal饭;B. weekend周末;C. talk交谈;D. lesson功课;出发时间是傍晚五点,所以我们和父亲吃了最后一顿饭,故选A项。

  15. D考查名词辨析A. apology道歉;B. hello 问好;C. thanks 感谢; D. good-bye再见;在父亲登记离开时,我们互相拥抱道别,根据语境可知选D项。

  16. C考查代词辨析A. Anything任何;B. Everything 一切;C. Nothing 什么也没有;D. Something 一些;离别时,父亲安慰我们几个说他不会有事的,故选C项。

  17. B考查形容词辨析A. missing错过;B. gone去;C. lost 失去;D. puzzled困惑的;之后父亲就走了,消失在人海中,故选B项。

  18. A考查副词辨析A. still仍然有;B. even甚至;C. ever曾经;D. yet然而;从下一句话he won’t be home for a while 可知,父亲现在仍然没有回来,故选A项。

  考点 ;人生百味类短文。

  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  The dark chocolate is one of the favorite food choices by many people because it has a lot of benefits. When it comes to your health, here are the effects of dark chocolates



  First of all, it contains different kinds of antioxidants(抗氧化剂) which


  (be) good for heart. Besides, the dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol (胆固醇), lowering the risks of stroke and taking away the risk of blood vessels which may


  (hard) for too much cholesterol in them.

  Lastly, do you know the feeling of being overjoyed after


  (jog)? This feeling is like extreme happiness. The dark chocolate will give you the feeling of


  (please) and happiness. If you are feeling that the world has turned against you, then a dark chocolate can be


  mood lifter.

  It can benefit you especially if


  (take) with the right amount.


  (approximate), 100 grams of chocolate


  less a day is enough according to studies. If you have taken too much, try to lessen your other meals for the day. It is all about nutrition and taking the right amount of food in order to get the health benefit that it can provide
















  固定搭配:provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物,故填for。


  II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



  One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds dashing and dancing in the exciting atmosphere above the earth. As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check.

  Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the controlling string and the clumsy tail kept them in tow(牵引), facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They flew beautifully even as they fought the forced restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”

  Yet freedom from control simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic gentle wind. It flew ungracefully to the ground and landed in a twisted mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”. Free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to settle down lifeless against the first roadblock.

  How much like kites we sometimes are. There always exist misfortunes and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength. Prohibition is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition. Some of us pulled at the rules so hard that we never fly fast to reach the heights we might have obtained. If we keep all the commandment(戒律), we will never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

  Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the prohibitions are actually the steady force that helps us climb and achieve.

  ()31. In the passage the writer watched _______.

  A. many young people enjoying the sunny day

  B. many birds dashing and dancing in the sky

  C. many young people flying multicolored kites

  D. the strong winds blowing against the sky

  ()2. What enables a kite fly gracefully in the sky according to the story?

  A. The kite itself and strange shapes.

  B. A long string and blowing wind.

  C. A windy spring day and blue sky.

  D. The size and a long string.

  ()3. What didn’t happen to the freed kite?

  A. It kept flying freely in the air.

  B. It lay powerless in the dirt.

  C. It was trapped in a dead bush.

  D. It was blown helplessly around.

  ()4. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

  A. To give up tips on how to fly kites effectively.

  B. To warn us that freedom is actually powerless.

  C. To explain that restrictions are really unnecessary.

  D. To teach us a lesson that rules are important in life.

  ()35. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. Fly with Restrictions

  B. Where to Fly

  C. Why to Fly Kites

  D. Fly to Freedom


  1. C32. B33. A34. D35. A

  31. 细节理解题。根据文章前一段可知在春日有风的日子我观看年轻人放多彩的风筝。答案为C。

  . 细节理解题。根据文章的 一、二段可知强风和结实的线是风筝在空中优雅的飞舞。答案为B。

  . 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,包括B、C、D三项信息,风筝一旦失去线的束缚,就不能在空中自由飞舞。答案为A。

  . 推理判断题。根据全文可知,通过风筝的故事告诫我们人生就像风筝一样,我们也需要遵守一些固有的规章制度,只有这样我们才能行得稳、飞得高。答案为D。

  . 最佳标题。通过阅读全文可知,要有限制的飞行,只有这样我们才能行得稳、飞得高。选A。



  Our most commonly held code for success is broken. Conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard we will be more successful, and if we are more successful, then we’ll be happy. If we can just find that great job, win that next promotion, lose those five pounds, happiness will follow. But recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that this code is actually backward: Happiness fuels success, not the other way around. When we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, and productive at work. This discovery has been repeatedly borne out by rigid research in psychology and neuroscience(神经学), management studies, and the bottom lines of organizations around the globe.

  In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, who spent over a decade living, researching, and lecturing at Harvard University, draws on his own research—including one of the largest studies of happiness and potential at Harvard and others at companies like UBS to fix this broken code. Using stories and case studies from his work with CEOs of Fortune 500 in 42 countries, Achor explains how we can reprogram our brains to become more positive in order to gain a competitive ability at work.

  Based on seven practical, actionable principles that have been tried and tested everywhere from classrooms to boardrooms, stretching from Argentina to Zimbabwe, he shows us how we can capitalize on the Happiness Advantage to improve our performance and maximize our potential.

  A must-read for everyone trying to stand out in a world of increasing workloads and stress, The Happiness Advantage isn’t only about how to become happier at work. It’s about how to acquire the benefits of a happier and more positive mode of thinking to achieve the extraordinary in our work and in our lives.

  ()36. Which of the following is the traditional code for success?

  A. Hard word→success→happiness.

  B. Success→happiness→hard word.

  C. Happiness→hard word→success.

  D. Hard work→ happiness→success.

  (). What do we know about the new discovery in paragraph 1?

  A. Conventional code for success is totally useless.

  B. The more we are successful, the happier we are.

  C. Positive psychology is really backward.

  D. Happiness contributes greatly to success.

  (). Why did the writer write the book The Happiness Advantages?

  A. To reprogram one’s brain to be healthier.

  B. To make people more positive and competitive.

  C. To study stories and cases of CEOs.

  D. To make a lecture at Harvard University.

  (). The underlined phrase “capitalize on” in paragraph 3 is closes in meaning to ____

  A. provide fund for

  B. make full use of

  C. write big letters for

  D. stand out in

  (). What is the purpose of the writer in writing the passage?

  A. To help people stand out in the world.

  B. To arouse people’s sense of happiness.

  C. To help people decrease the work stress.

  D. To strongly recommend the book.


  . A37. D 38. B39. B.40. D

  37. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段Happiness fuels success内容可知,快乐会促进成功。答案为D。

  . 推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容可知,作者在书中解释了我们如何调整大脑使我们更积极的面对有竞争力的工作。答案为B。

  .猜测词义题。根据本段最后maximize our potential可知,作者展示给我们如何充分利用这本书,是我们提高表现最大限度开发潜力。答案为B。

  . 推理判断题。理解整个故事可知,介绍了一本刚刚出版的书,名字叫做“幸福的优势”,其核心观点是:幸福感促使人们获得成功,为此文章作者大力推荐这本书。选D。


  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  How to overcome challenges in your life

  We all face tough and difficult challenges in life. To overcome challenges you need to have that “never quit” attitude in life. If you develop it, you’ll overcome quite a bit.

  Motivate yourself. Say “YES, I CAN.” The challenge should bring out the best of you in this situation. Slow it down, and think that process through.  41  If you develop that mindset (心态), you’ll get it done.

     Remain calm when you’re facing serious troubles and problems in life. You have to recollect yourself, and calm down. You can’t solve problems when you’re panicking. Take a deep breath, relax, and slow it down. Think things through calmly.

  Let failure and fear fuel you in a positive way. Everyone fails at times. If you fail the first, second, or third time, don’t give up.  43

  Learn what made you fail at overcoming these challenges.

  Simplify the challenge you’re facing. Make the challenge easier than it is.  44  As you get through each step, you develop more confidence and you believe you can get it done, and then you will.

  Stay positive and confident.  45  You have to find out all the ways you can use to overcome it, and put them to full use with all your effort. It’s our own mental stability that’s the difficult part. When you do it mentally, you’ll actually be able to do it.

  A. Stay calm and cool headed.

  B. Think the best, not the worst.

  C. Start by breaking it down into steps.

  D. To overcome a challenge, you have to believe you can really do it.

  E. Most people will avoid any challenge, because they’re scared of failing.

  F. Develop that confidence in saying there’s no way you’re going to fail at this.

  G. Pick yourself up, and learn from why you’ve failed, and move on in a positive direction.



  III 写作 (满分25分)










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