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发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Today, ultrasonic(超声的) waves are being put to work in laboratories and factories. If an ultrasound generator is placed in a liquid, the waves move the liquid back and forth hundreds of thousands of times each second. This causes materials to mix quickly or to dissolve(使分解,使溶解) in liquids. Paint manufacturers(制造商) use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors. The companies that make film for your camera find that mixing chemicals by the use of sound waves will produce a more sensitive film.

  The new lightweight(轻量的) type of washing machine uses ultrasonic waves to get clothes clean. Its special ultrasound generator is put into a pail of soapy water containing the soiled clothes. The sound waves drive the soapy water back and forth through the cloth so fast that everything is soon clean. There is also a new kind of dishwasher that works in much the same way.

  Ultrasonic waves can shake a liquid so fast that tiny holes form all through it. The liquid is actually torn apart by this action. Almost as soon as these holes are made, they fall together again. The result is a powerful pounding action. In the dairy industry this is used for the double purpose of making homogenized(使均匀,使匀质) milk and sterilizing(使无菌) it at the same time. If you look at some raw milk with a microscope, you find that it is made up of little drops of butter fat floating around in a watery liquid. In order to make milk easier to digest, these fat droplets(微粒) may be broken up by forcing the milk through very small openings. The result is called homogenized milk. When the ultrasonic method is used, the sound waves not only break up the droplets but also kill the germs in the milk by pounding them to pieces.

  1. Why does a paint manufacturer use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors?

  A. Because it is cheap to use ultrasound to blend colors.

  B. Because the waves move the liquid so quickly that it can make materials mix quickly or dissolve in liquids.

  C. Because they can mix chemicals by the use of sound waves.

  D. Because the waves can clean the paint.

  2. What properties does ultrasound wave have?

  A. Homogenizes and sterilizes the milk.

  B. Mix materials and break droplets.

  C. Kill germs and sterilize milk.

  D. Move liquids quickly.

  3. What exists in the raw milk?

  A. Little drops of butter fat.

  B. Small holes.

  C. Fat droplets and germs.

  D. Chemicals.

  4. Where is ultrasound wave not used?

  A. In the paint manufacture.

  B. In the shop mixing bread flour.

  C. In the film-making company.

  D. In the dairy industry.

  1. B 事实细节题。根据其上句 This causes materials to mix quickly or to dissolve(使分解,使溶解) in liquids 可知,答案选 B。

  2. D 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段的第 1 句 Ultrasonic waves can shake a liquid so fast that tiny holes form all through it可知,答案选 D。

  3. C 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段的内容,特别是最后一句 When the ultrasonic method is used, the sound waves not only break up the droplets but also kill the germs in the milk by pounding them to pieces 可知,答案选 C

  4. B 推理判断题。根据文章第 1 段最后提到的 Paint manufacturers(制造商)…以及The companies that make film… 两句排除选项 A、C,根据第 3 段第 5 句的 In the dairy industry this is used for… 排除选项 D,从而得出答案是 B。

  阅读理解2017·山东省济南市高三巩固性训练More men are finding their calling as nurses.

  A new study from the United States Census Bureau reports the number of male nurses has doubled since the 1970s.Back then,about 2.7 percent of registered nurses were men.The new study,which tracked data through 2011,finds that men now make up 9.6 percent of all employed nurses in the United States—about 330,000 men in total.Recent years of shortages have led to increased efforts,according to the report,which included recruiting men into the field.

  Men,in fact,had been largely kept out of nursing in past decades because nursing schools often refused to admit men.The Supreme Court ruled that practice unconstitutional in 1981 after a case involving a state nursing school.

  “The relatively high wages and expanding job opportunities make this


  attractive,offering stability even

  during recessions (经济衰退),” wrote the report’s author,Liana Christin Landivar of the US Census Bureau.“And because of high demand,nursing has low unemployment rates compared to other fields.”

  Men were found to be more likely to become nurse anesthetists (麻醉师),which is the highest paid nursing occupation,and were found least likely to become licensed practical or licensed vocational nurses,the lowest paid types of nursing.Nurse

  anesthetists are required to get graduate education,and are certified to give anesthetists and monitor patients recovering from anesthesia.Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses provide patients with care and may work under the supervision (监督) of a registered nurse.Registered nurses assess patients’ health problems and needs,develop and carry out nursing care plans,maintain medical records,and administer care.

  For all types of nursing,men earned,on average,$60,700 per year,while women earned $51,100 per year.“Even among men and women in the same nursing occupations,men outearn women,” wrote Landivar.

  1.Which of the following is true about nurses in the US in the 1970s?

  A.The number of male nurses doubled.

  B.About 2.7% of registered nurses were men.

  C.There were about 330,000 male nurses.

  D.About 9.6% of employed nurses were men.

  2.The underlined word “recruiting” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.

  A.helping people to get used to

  B.ordering people to learn

  C.asking people to join in

  D.inspiring people to devote

  3.Why are more men willing to become nurses in the US?

  A.The economy is in bad condition.

  B.More people are out of employment.

  C.It is promising to go to nursing schools.

  D.It’s easier to get employed and well paid.

  4.According to the text,male nurses are more likely to________.

  A.become licensed practical nurses

  B.devote themselves to work

  C.graduate from nursing schools

  D.get the highest paid nursing occupation

  5.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

  A.Men are more likely to be better nurses.

  B.As nurses,men earn more than women.

  C.Male nurses work harder than female ones.

  D.Male and female nurses do different jobs.

  语篇解读 本文为说明文,主要介绍了美国男护士的就业情况。

  1.解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Back then,about 2.7 percent of registered nurses were men.”可知B项正确。

  答案: B

  2.解析: 词义猜测题。根据画线词前面的“Recent years of shortages have led to increased efforts”和该词后面的“men into the field”可推知C项正确。

  答案: C

  3.解析: 细节理解题。由第四段第一句中的“The relatively high wages and expanding job opportunities make this field attractive”可知答案为D。

  答案: D

  4.解析: 细节理解题。由第五段第一句中的“Men were found to be more likely to become nurse anesthetists (麻醉师),which is the highest paid nursing occupation”可知答案为D。

  答案: D

  5.解析: 段落大意题。根据最后一段的信息“men earned,on average,$60,700 per year,while women earned $51,100 per year”和“men outearn women”可知B项正确。

  答案: B。

  (2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。体裁:说明文 话题:错误与成长 词数:352 时间:5′

  We live in a culture that sends out very mixed messages about mistakes: We're told we learn by making them, but we work hard to avoid them.So the result is most of us know that we are going to make mistakes, but deep down, we feel we shouldn't.

  Experiments with schoolchildren who did well on a given test show that those who were praised for being smart and then offered a more challenging or less challenging task afterward usually chose the easier one.On the other hand, children praised for trying hard—rather than being smart—far more often selected the more difficult task.

  If we try hard to avoid mistakes, we aren't open to getting the information we need in order to do better.In a writing study, experiments showed that those who are so scared to make mistakes perform worse in writing tasks than those who aren't as worried about being perfect.They fear receiving any kind of negative feedback, so they don't learn where they went wrong and how to get better.

  We don't just learn more when we're open to mistakes, we learn deeper.Research tells us that if we're only concerned about getting the right answer, we don't always learn the underlying concepts that help us truly understand whatever we're trying to figure out.Mistakes need to be seen not as a failure to learn, but as a guide to what still needs to be learned.As Thomas Edison said, “I am not discouraged, because every abandoned wrong attempt is another step forward.”

  Furthermore, we often make mistakes because we try new things—we wander away from accepted paths.Teflon, penicillin—these are examples of great discoveries made by mistake.Take a page from Albert Einstein, who said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

  【语篇解读】 本文讲述了错误对于我们成长的积极作用,并列举了相关实验和例子,以及我们应该用积极的态度对待错误。

  1.What will happen to students praised for being smart in face of

  choosing tasks compared to students praised for working hard?

  A.He will ask his teachers for advice.

  B.He will choose a less challenging task.

  C.He will work harder to avoid mistakes.

  D.He will hide his mistakes from his teachers.

  答案 B 

  2.If a person is always scared of making mistakes, he will ________.

  A.lose confidence in everything

  B.discourage himself from improving

  C.suffer from great pressure of success

  D.focus on getting positive information

  答案 B 

  .Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable according to the passage?

  A.Being open to mistakes help you understand the truth.

  B.Mistakes can be used as a positive factor for success.

  C.The more mistakes we make, the more we learn.

  D.A step forward may come from mistakes you've made.

  答案 C 

  .What does the last paragraph want to tell us?

  A.One must follow a correct path to avoid mistakes.

  B.To become an Einstein, you should make mistakes.

  C.You can't make mistakes unless you try new things.

  D.Making mistakes is not a disadvantage in a way.

  答案 D 

  .What's the main idea of the passage?

  A.Mistakes should be treated with a correct attitude.

  B.Success can't be achieved without making mistakes.

  C.Try every means to avoid mistakes in our daily life.

  D.We can never avoid making mistakes when we work.

  答案 A 





  Form Teacher:G.Baker Pupil's Name:Simon Watkins

  Term:Summer 2015 Form:Ⅳ B

  Subject Exam Class work Comments

  English 59 61 Simon has reached a satisfactory standard but now needs to apply himself with more determination.

  Mathematics 77 85 Sound work and progress throughout the year.Well done!

  History 46 53 A disappointing exam result.He is unable to give attention to this subject for long.

  Chemistry 78 85 His obvious ability in the subject was not fully reflected in his exam work, but I have high hopes for him nevertheless.

  Physics 86 94 An excellent term's performance.He goes from strength to strength.A born scientist, I feel.

  Biology 57 60 This time next year he will be taking the “0” exam.He needs to concentrate on the work, not on class conversation.

  French 41 46 Clearly he didn't bother to revise.His general attitude is far too casual.


  Education / 31 Weak.It's time he exercised his body more and his voice less.He should try to work with a team.



  Basically satisfactory

  work and progress though he will now

  have realized.

  I hope

  that in certain subject areas

  he needs to make speedy improvement. I shall be keeping an eye on his progress in his weaker subjects

  though his success in the sciences is

  most pleasing.

  1.According to the comments of the Physical Education teacher, Simon ________.

  A.is too talkative in the class

  B.likes to work with his classmates

  C.doesn't exercise his body at the right time

  D.becomes weak because he doesn't exercise at all

  2.Which of Simon's subjects will attract the headmaster's attention in future?

  A.Biology and Maths.

  B.History and French.

  C.English and Chemistry.

  D.Physics and Physical Education.

  3.Which of the following statements best describes Simon?

  A.He has made great progress in language classes.

  B.His potential has been fully reflected in science classes.

  C.His grade in maths makes him a born scientist.

  D.He needs to improve his attitude on certain subjects.

  4.Based on the school report, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.Simon didn't bother his teacher to revise French.

  B.Basically, Simon did a good job in science.

  C.Simon is a determined learner in English.

  D.Simon is able to pay attention to history for long.

  1.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Physical Education老师评语中的“It's time he exercised his body more and his voice less.” 可知Simon上课时身体动的少,爱说话。故选A。解析:选B 细节理解题。根据HEADMASTER评语中的“keeping an eye on his progress in his weaker subjects”可知老师希望Simon Watkins关注弱科的进步,并且根据成绩看History和French的分数最低,故选B。解析:选D 推理判断题。根据从历史、生物、体育老师的评语可知Simon需要改进学习态度。故选D。解析:选B 推理判断题。根据各科成绩及老师的评语可知,Mathematics和Physics的成绩和老师的评价都不错。故选B。


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