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2017届山西省右玉一中高考英语外研版一轮复习练习:Book 8 Module 5-6(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高三英语第一轮复习Book 8 Module 5-6测标试题


  We often think of future. We often wonder 1. ________the world will be like in a hundred years' time.

  Think of space. Perhaps a permanent station 2. ________ the moon will have been3. _________ (set up). Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as 4_________(visit). Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, 5.________ (permit) long journeys through the solar system. When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting 6. ________ planets. Great progress will have been made in medicine, too. Perhaps a cure will have been discovered for the most terrible of all diseases-cancer. Pollution is a problem we must solve. In a hundred years' time it will have been controlled.

  All 7.________ world will have been developed-even Antarctica. There will be large cities in Antarctica. We already have supersonic (超音速的) flight, but in a hundred years' time we will have supersonic land travel as well. We will have used most of the earth's land build) our cities, so 9. ________ (float) cities will have been built. The Japanese have already plans of this kind. And there will be cities 10. ________ the sea. The first of these will have been completed.

  二. 短语运用(每空1分,共10分)

  in spite of,

  go hand in hand,

  hold on to,

  be addicted to,

  a series of,


  appeal to,

  set out (to do),

  correspond with,

  take hold of

  11. The journalist immediately ________________ obtain the important facts.

  12. ________________ the hot weather, they still run on the playground.

  13. This autumn, the BBC will be showing ______________ French films.

  14. The child _________________ the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.

  15. Economic development should ______________ with environmental protection.

  16. It is wise of you to persuade the children _____________ the online games to develop some other hobbies.

  17. Can you ___________________ the twin brothers?

  18. He tried to ________________ the reflection of the moon, but in vain.

  19. The beauty of the place ______________ whoever sees it.

  20. The written record of our conversation doesn’t __________________ what we actually say.


  Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives(高级管理人员) with banks, consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now  


    on their way to impressive careers. By society’s  

   22   , they seem to have it made.

  On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a    23    drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and     24


  out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine  


  a college year’s monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.

  The thing is, a number of them have  

  26    that despite their success, they aren’t happy. Some  

  27    of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they

  ___28___. Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and  


   . However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the    


     to which they have so quickly become    



  People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and  


  in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they




  or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion: it’s  


    . They have loans, bills, a mortgage(抵押贷款) to     35   , retirement to save for. They recognize there’s something  


   in their lives, but it’s  


  to step off the track.

  In a society that tends to  



  everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our  


  in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs  


  in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore---and the very ones we need to consider most.

  21. A. much

  B. never

  C. seldom

  D. well

  22. A. policies

  B. standards

  C. experiments

  D. regulations

  23. A. last

  B. least

  C. second

  D. best

  24. A. cycled

  B. moved

  C. slid

  D. looked

  25. A. shared

  B. paid

  C. equaled

  D. collected

  26. A. advertised

  B. witnessed

  C. admitted

  D. demanded

  27. A. complain

  B. dream

  C. hear

  D. approve

  28. A. distribute

  B. hate

  C. applaud

  D. neglect

  29. A. calm


  B. guilty

  C. warm

  D. empty

  30. A. family

  B. government

  C. lifestyle

  D. project

  31. A. accustomed

  B. appointed

  C. unique

  D. available

  32. A. yet

  B. also

  C. instead

  D. rather

  33. A. let out

  B. turn in

  C. give up

  D. believe in

  34. A. fundamental

  B. practical

  C. impossible

  D. unforgettable

  35. A. take off

  B. drop off

  C. put off

  D. pay off

  36. A. missing

  B. inspiring

  C. sinking

  D. shining

  37. A. harmful

  B. hard

  C. useful

  D. normal

  38. A. measure

  B. suffer

  C. digest

  D. deliver

  39. A. disasters

  B. motivations

  C. campaigns

  D. decisions

  40. A. assessed

  B. involved

  C. covered

  D. reduced



  From the very beginning of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and public humiliation. When children are little we make them read aloud, before the teacher and other children, so that we can be sure they “know” all the words they are reading. This means that when they don’t know a word, they are going to make a mistake, right in front of everyone. After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books, and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.

  One day soon after school had started, I said to them, “Now I’m going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before. I would like you to read a lot of books this year, but I want you to read them only for pleasure. I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you understand the books or not. If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and want to go on reading it, that’s enough for me. And I’m not going to ask you what words mean.”

  The children sat stunned and silent. Was this a teacher talking? One girl, who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time, looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished. Then, still looking at me, she said slowly and seriously, “Mr. Holt, do you really mean that?” I said just as seriously, “I mean every word of it.”

  During the spring she really astonished me. One day, she was reading at her desk. From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was. I said to myself, “It can’t be,” and went to take a closer look. Sure enough, she was reading Moby Dick, in the edition with woodcuts. I said, “Don’t you find parts of it rather heavy going?” She answered, “Oh, sure, but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part.”

  This is exactly what reading should be and in school so seldom is --- an exciting, joyous adventure. Find something, dive into it, take the good parts, skip the bad parts, get what you can out of it, go on to something else. How different is our mean-spirited, picky insistence that every child get every last little scrap of “understanding” that can be dug out of a book.

  41. According to the passage, children’s fear and dislike of books may result from __________.

  A. reading little and think little.

  B. reading often and adventurously

  C. being made to read too much

  D. being made to read aloud before others

  42.The teacher told his students to read __________.

  A. for enjoyment

  B. for knowledge

  C. for a larger vocabulary

  D. for higher scores in exams

  43. Upon hearing the teacher’s talk, the children probably felt that __________.

  A. it sounded stupid

  B. it was not surprising at all

  C. it sounded too good to be true

  D. it was no different from other teachers’ talk

  44. Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. She skipped over those easy parts while reading.

  B. She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.

  C. She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.

  D. She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.

  45. From the teacher’s point of view, __________.

  A. children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while reading

  B. children should be left to decide what to read and how to read

  C. reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in school

  D. reading involves understanding every little piece of information


  46. The poor man _________ (accuse)of murder but in fact he did not do it.

  47. The day before yesterday my granny went to see her doctor and ________ (consult) him about her illness.

  48.You have got to have much_________(patient)in dealing with the naughty kids.

  4. People were no more_________(enthusiasm) about a space travel programme.

  50. I am very interested in _________ he has improved his pronunciation in such a short time.

  51. They ________(admit) that they had been defeated.

  52. Many people hold the belief ________one good turn deserves another.


  . After reading a joke, Tom burst ________ laughter.

  54. The system runs_________(stable) and the control result is satisfying.

  55. The news will come as a great _________ (relieve) to the French authorities.

  高三英语第一轮复习Book 8

  Module5-6 书面表达



  假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自于美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。





  1. 次数不少于100;

  2. 可当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;

  3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总数。


  海河 the Haihe River

  Dear Mr. Smith

  I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School. ___________



  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua
















  Dear Abby,

  How are you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They can’t imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me study in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living with them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?

  Book 8 Module 5-6

  1. what 2.on

  3. set up 4. visitors5. permitting6. other 7.the

  8. to build9.floating

  10. under

  11. set out to

  12.In spite of

  13 a series of

  14. held on to

  15 go hand in hand

  16 addicted to

  17.tell apart

  18 take hold of 19 appeals to

  20 correspond with


  26-30 CABDC

  31-35 AADCD

  36-40 ABADB(15浙江)

  41-44 DACCB(15浙江)

  46. was accused

  47. consulted/consult

  48. patience

  49. enthusiastic

  50. how

  51. admitted

  52. that

  53. into

  54. stably

  55. relief

  Best wishes


  高三英语第一轮复习Book 8 Module5-6 书面表达

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High. We are very glad to know you’ll come to our school on June 26th, and now it’s my pleasure to introduce our schedule to you. In the morning, you’ll have a talk with the students of our school. The topic includes school life, the differences between Chinese culture and American culture. Next, we’ll have lunch together at noon and you will eat special food, such as jiaozi, noodles, etc. After that, together with us students, you’ll have a trip to the Haihe River in the afternoon. That’s the plan for your visit. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

  Best wishes to you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  1. 去掉a

  2. have 后加been

  3. exams/ exam前加a或the

  4. was---were

  5. strong---strongly

  6. too---so

  7. 去掉of

  8. live---living

  9. study 前加to

  10. fact后加 that


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