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发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(十三) People



  1.He had ________(entire)lost faith in his own judgment.

  2.Wages ________(pay)to migrant workers accounted for 65.7 percent of the total income of rural households.

  3.________(disappoint)at failing in the math exam,John wouldn't like to talk about it to his parents.

  4.It took all his ________(concentrate)to stay awake.

  5.His ________(devote)to his wife and family is touching.

  6.Recognize your ________(strengthen),even if you have to list all of them down.

  7.If you go to the National Palace Museum,you'll find many Chinese treasures ________(exhibit)there.

  8.This allows them to respond more ________(appropriate)to the user.

  9.It's nearly eight o'clock.I must hang up and get down to work.My boss ________ be here at any moment.

  10.We ________(arrive)here on time but we were caught in a traffic jam.


  1.entirely 2.paid 3.Disappointed 4.concentration 5.devotion 6.strengths 7.exhibited 8.appropriately

  9.should 10.could have arrived


  1.He________________ people use his bike.


  2.________________ what he said just now is right.


  3.________________,the greater progress you will make.


  4.They ________________ last night so as to water the crops.


  5.Hearing the news,his wife ______________________.



  1.hates it when 2.There is no doubt that 3.The harder you work 4.had the water running 5.couldn't help crying



  (2016·甘肃省兰州市实战考试)Smartphones are really addictive and the more you use one,the worse it gets,a new study has revealed.Psychology lecturer,Dr Zaheer Hussain,who conducted the research,found that the more you use a smartphone,the higher your risk of becoming addicted.

  He explained that higher scores of narcissism—defined as excessive(过度的)interest or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance—are the most common and obvious sign of the addiction.

  An obsession(痴迷)with taking selfies and posting them on social media is one key indication.

  The study found that 13 percent of 256 participants were addicts.The average age of those who took part in the online survey was 29.

  As a result,the researchers say they believe it should be made compulsory that anyone selling smartphones should warn customers of their potentially addictive properties.

  Dr Hussain said,“The study informs us about smartphone overuse and the impact on psychological well­being.We now use smartphones on a daily basis and for various tasks,so being aware of the psychological effects is very important.There are various smartphone apps such as Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and Candy Crush,as well as Skype that make smartphone use psychologically more attractive and can lead to addiction.”

  The study also revealed the average user spent 3.6 hours per day on the device,and when the participants were asked if they used their phone in banned areas,35 percent answered yes.

  Social networking sites were the most popularly used apps—87 percent,followed by instant messaging apps —52 percent,and then news apps —51 percent.

  Relationships were also noted in the research as,despite 46.8 percent of participants speaking positively of improved social relations,nearly a quarter admitted their smartphones create communication issues within“real life”.

  Professor James Elander,Head of the Centre for Psychological Research at the University of Derby,said,“This study is a very timely one with many potential impacts,and the findings show that users should be more aware of how they are using their smartphones and of the potential risks of excessive use.”

  1.What does the underlined word“narcissism”in the second paragraph mean?





  2.What's the attitude of Professor James Elander towards the research according to the last paragraph?




  D.Ambiguous.3.What can we learn from this passage?

  A.People are easy to be addicted to smartphones and can't live a normal life.

  B.Smartphone manufacturers should be responsible for the smartphone addiction.

  C.The smartphone addiction has become a reality and people should take it seriously.

  D.Smartphones shouldn't be used to download and use smartphone apps.



  1.B 解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“defined as excessive(过度的)interest or admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance”可知,对它下的定义是:对自我或个人外表的过度爱慕,所以B项“自恋”符合语境。

  2.A 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中James Elander教授说的话“This study is a very timely one with many potential impacts”中的timely“及时的”的提示可推知,他对于这项研究持积极的态度。

  3.C 解析:推理判断题。根据文章中列举的研究中的数字尤其是倒数第二段中的“nearly a quarter admitted their smartphones create communication issues within‘real life’”可知,手机上瘾已成为社会生活中的一个现实;再结合第五段中的“it should be made compulsory that anyone selling smartphones should warn customers”和最后一段中的“should be more aware of how they are using their smartphones and of the potential risks of excessive use”可知,人们应该认真对待手机上瘾这件事。故选C项。


  (2015·西工大附中适应性训练)It is safe to say that George Bernard Shaw(1856­1950),the Irish­born writer,is more famous for being George Bernard Shaw than he is for his writings today.Few of Shaw's more than 60 plays,novels and essays are performed or read anymore.And yet Shaw genuinely helped make our modern world.Although you'd be lucky to get a chance to see one of his dramas today,in his time he turned the theater into a vehicle for the discussion of social issues,not only in Britain but on the stage of the world.In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.

  Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment,Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to the issues of their day.The plight(苦难)of the poor and the working class,the situation of women and the institutions of society,such as the education system—Shaw was among the most well­known figures making these topics central to public debate.His first play,Widowers' Houses(1892),deals with the question of slum(贫民窟)housing.His Mrs Warren's Profession(1893)brought a controversial topic to the stage.

  Shaw was an important mover and shaker in new political movements too.He was an early member of the Fabian Society,which argued for the socialist cause in the UK.Shaw was also the founder(in 1895)of one of the now most famous colleges in the world,the London School of Economics.

  If few of his works have really stood the test of time,many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language.“Youth is wasted on the young,”he wrote.He also knew how to sum up a political philosophy(哲学)in a few memorable words.For instance:“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”

  4.Shaw's influence on the modern world comes mainly from ________.

  A.the changes he brought to the British culture

  B.his philosophies on the role of government

  C.his awareness of social problems of his day

  D.the support for the London School of Economics

  5.Widowers' Houses is a play that mainly focuses on ________.

  A.the failure of the UK education system

  B.the housing problems of poor people

  C.robbery incidents in slum areas

  D.socialist movements in the UK

  6.By describing Shaw's quotations as“part of the furniture of the English language”,the author means that Shaw's words ________.

  A.have become the best part of English

  B.have greatly developed the English language

  C.have made the English language philosophical

  D.have become an inseparable part of the English language

  7.Which of the following about George Bernard Shaw's works is TRUE?

  A.They should be adapted for modern readers.

  B.They are mostly about the lives of working class.

  C.They deal with important social issues of their day.

  D.Most of them are still performed on the stage of the world today.


  解题导语:本文是一篇人物传记,主要介绍英国著名的作家George Bernard Shaw以及他的作品对英国文化的影响。

  4.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture of Britain.”可知,他对现代的影响主要源于他对英国现代文化的影响。

  5.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话“His first play,Widowers' Houses (1892),deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing.”可知,这本书反映了穷人的住房问题。

  6.D 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“If few of his works ... ‘Youth is wasted on the young,’ he wrote. ”可知,即使他的作品没能真正经得住时间的挑战,但是许多引用他的作品的话已经成为英语的一部分了。由此可推断他对英国文化的影响较大。

  7.C 解析:判断正误题。根据第二段第一句可知,他的作品通常教育人们要关注所在年代的一些重大事件,也就是关注他那个年代的重要的社会问题。



















  I was walking to school this morning when I caught sight of an old woman with a walking stick lying on the ground. I quickly ran over to help her up and asked her what was wrong with her. She told me she slipped and fell due to heart trouble. I was worried and decided to take her to a hospital. And then I went to a department store near the hospital and contacted her family. Soon her son and daughter came to the hospital. They thanked and praised me for my kindness by writing me a thank­you letter. Although I was late for school today,I felt very proud of what I had done.





  (2015·郑州第三次质量预测)Do you ever pull your phone out of your pocket,thinking it is vibrating(振动),only to find that it isn't?

  This phenomenon,which scientists call “phantom(幻觉的)phone vibration”,is very common.Around 80% of people surveyed say they have imagined their phones vibrating when they were actually still.

  So,what leads to this universal behavior? According to the BBC,the explanation lies in your brain's ability to discover signals from the outside world.

  When your phone is in your pocket,there are two possible states:it is either vibrating or not.Meanwhile,you also have two possible states of mind:the judgment that the phone is vibrating,or that it isn't.

  Ideally,you match the four states correctly.However,sometimes your brain decides that the consequences of missing a call are more serious than a “false alarm”.Therefore,you become more sensitive to vibrations so that you don't miss anything.

  This is just like the fire alarm in your home—it can be annoying when it goes off in response to just a tiny bit of smoke.But that's a small price to pay compared to a fire really breaking out because the alarm fails to alert you.

  Now,you might still ask:why can't our brains just make every judgment correctly without being too sensitive to false signals?

  The answer is that your brain bears a heavy burden every day.“You get a large amount of sensory information that's coming from your eyes,ears and skin,and you can't deal with all that information all the time,” Michael Rothberg,a researcher at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield,US,told Live Science.

  For example,the rustling(沙沙声)of clothing or the growling(咕咕声)of your stomach may both lead your brain to believe that they come from the vibration of your phone—it is like trying to hear your name being called in a noisy room.

  So,perhaps you should just check your phone whenever you think it's vibrating.It's not too much trouble to do that,is it?

  1.According to this passage,phantom phone vibration________.

  A.is common among people with mental problems

  B.can measure people's ability to collect information

  C.happens when our brains react sensitively to false signals

  D.helps our brains to make quick and accurate decisions

  2.According to Michael Rothberg,which is mainly responsible for phantom phone vibration?

  A.A noisy background.

  B.A lack of much attention.

  C.A heavy burden every day.

  D.An overflow of sensory information.

  3.Why is the fire alarm used as an example in this passage?

  A.To help us understand the cause of phantom phone vibration better.

  B.To show us the fire alarm is as sensitive as the phone vibration.

  C.To tell us the phone vibration usually happens when a fire breaks out.

  D.To convince us it's important to check our phones like checking a fire alarm.

  4.What does the author suggest we do about phantom phone vibration?

  A.We should always fully believe our own sense of listening.

  B.We should just check our phones whenever we think they're vibrating.

  C.We should ignore the vibration bothering when our phones are actually still.

  D.We should think of the vibration carefully before we make correct judgments.



  1.C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,A项错误;根据第五段和倒数第三段可知,由于担心错过要紧事,加上大脑每天要处理许多信息,使得我们变得对手机震动很敏感而常常宁愿信其有而不愿信其无,从而产生了“手机震动幻觉”。故C项。

  2.D 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中Michael Rothberg说话的内容可知,每天大脑要处理许多感官信息,负荷很重,所以才会出现判断不准的情况。故D项正确。

  3.A 解析:推理判断题。根据第六段可知,举警报器例子的目的是为了更形象地说明为什么会产生手机震动幻觉的原因。故A项正确。

  4.B 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为,如果感觉手机震动就查看一下,毕竟这不是什么麻烦的事。故B项正确。


  (2016·沈阳高三模拟)As we know,there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture.We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used.Let's look at the words about animals and plants.Most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,“a homeless dog”,“a mad dog”,“a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”,have negative meanings.But in western countries,dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans.In English,people use the dog to describe positive actions.For example,“you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person.And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes.To describe a person's serious illness,they say “sick as a dog”.The word “dog­tired” means very tired.However,Chinese love cats very much.But in western culture,“cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel.There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well.

  The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries.People think the rose stands for love,peace,courage and friendship.And the rose is the national flower of England,America and many other countries.

  The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures.We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.

  5.“Every dog has its day” means “________”.

  A.Everybody in the world is lucky

  B.Each person lives his own way of life

  C.Everybody has a time in life to be lucky

  D.If one works hard,he's sure to succeed

  6.Western people usually use “cat” to refer to “________”.

  A.an unkind woman 

  B.a brave man

  C.a homeless person  

  D.a tired person

  7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.

  B.Words show differences in culture.

  C.Western people think cats to be good friends.

  D.Rose is the national flower of all western countries.

  8.What's the best title for the passage?

  A.Negative and Positive Words

  B.What Dog and Cat Mean in English and Chinese

  C.Rose Means the Same in Chinese and English

  D.Different Countries Have Different Culture



  5.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第八句“And‘every dog has its day’means each person has good luck sometimes.”可知,“Every dog has its day”的意思是每个人都有运气好的时候,C项符合题意。故C项正确。

  6.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句可知,在西方文化中,“猫”经常被用来描述一个残忍的女人。故A项正确。

  7.B 解析:判断正误题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,通过比较一些词汇的使用方式,我们可以了解许多文化方面的不同,即词汇可以反映文化上的差异。故B项正确。

  8.D 解析:标题概括题。根据第一段第一句可知,不同的国家有不同的文化,这是文章的主题,下文又以用词为例阐述这一主题,因此“Different Countries Have Different Culture”可作为文章的最佳标题。故D项正确。



  Tips for Learning a Foreign Language Fast

    Learning a foreign language doesn't have to be difficult.There are many ways to get absorbed in the language and learn faster.__1__.Don't give up.There are some easy tips that will promote any learner to achieve success in no time!

  1.Be committed

  Commitment is the most important aspect of learning any language.Make it a daily routine to study.__2__.This is a great way to improve your vocabulary.Also,make it a habit to review what you know.A good time to do this is in the morning.

  2.Make notes

  Sticky pad notes are great for studying a foreign language.Go around the house and put up notes with the foreign words for objects you see every day.Stick notes on windows,cupboards,mirrors and anything else you see.__3__.Leave each set of vocabulary up for a week to get the words rooted in your mind.


  Find a friend who speaks the language you are learning.This might take some work if no one in your area is of that country.Try online for email pals;Facebook and Badoo are good choices to meet someone.The best way to learn a language is by getting interested,so finding someone you can speak with will give you a huge advantage over someone studying strictly from a book.

  4.Watch,listen and learn

  Movies and TV shows are excellent ways to learn a language.Find popular TV shows in the language you are learning and watch as much as you can.Watching TV shows and movies speeds up the learning process rapidly.You will hear words you recognize and learn words you haven't studied yet.

  5.Use a translator

  It works like magic to improve your understanding of sentence structure and increase your vocabulary.With the help of a translator,try translating sentences you want to know and making notes.Try translating in reverse and typing in what you already know to see if you are correct.__5__.In this case,a good translator can help you solve the problems you come across.

  A.Get involved

  B.Get interested

  C.It's a great way to study alone

  D.Finally,use a translator to learn sentences that you want to know 

  E.Try finding a site online that will send new words to your email daily

  F.The most essential thing needed to learn a new language is a good attitude

  G.It's also a good idea to make a list of sentences you want to learn and post them there


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