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2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第1期 A版答案(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I. 1. disappeared

  2. description

  3. encouragement

  4. embarrassed

  5. enthusiastic

  6. previous

  7. behavior

  8. disappointing

  9. instructions

  10. amazing

  II. 1-5 BCGFA

  III. 1. take an active part in; have fun

  2. strongly impressed with/by

  3. nothing like

  4. far from

  5. make himself look

  IV. 1. John was dismissed last week because of his casual attitude towards his job.

  2. The sports meeting will be held at the end of this month.

  3. He will go to attend the meeting, and so will his sister.

  4. I don’t suppose he cares, does he?

  5. They say that you need to be a bit mad to be an inventor.


  1-5 CAAAC

  6-10 BDDDB

  11-15 ACDAD

  16-20 BGDAC

  21-25 DBABA

  26-30 CACBD

  31-35 DBABA

  36-40 BACDD

  41. left

  42. teaching

  43. to listen

  44. at

  45. which

  46. have been

  47. silently

  48. death

  49. hadn’t visited/had not visited

  50. a





  It was Saturday that I went skiing with my friends. Because it was my very first time to try this interesting sport, I couldn’t wait to stand on the snowboards, hoping I could do it successfully.

  Just at this moment, the snowboards began to move quickly. I cried out aloud. But they ran down the hill so fast that I couldn’t keep up with them and I fell down suddenly. My friends hurried to help me but they also laughed at me at the same time.

  How embarrassed I was! This unexpected experience taught me an important lesson that haste makes waste. Next time when I do something unfamiliar, I will practice first.


  I. 1. Similarly

  2. nervous

  3. admit 4. respect

  5. energetic

  6. impressions 7. revise

  8. waved

  9. summary

  10. immediately

  II. 1. that

  2. could

  3. To work 4. chosen

  5. including

  6. were measured 7. a

  8. more

  9. because

  10. naturally

  III. 1. make sure

  2. never relaxed with

  3. have problems with

  4. as a result

  5. telling jokes

  IV. 1. I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.

  2. The food in the supermarket is good and the same is true of the service.

  3. It’s up to her to decide whether or not to go on the course.

  4. Don’t call me unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  5. He soon fell asleep with the light still burning.

  本期Practice 听说训练 参考答案

  Part B:Role Play


  Q1:What are you doing tomorrow?

  A1: It is reported that it will be sunny tomorrow, so I am going fishing with my father. But my dad is always so busy. Well, can you go fishing with me tomorrow?

  Q2: Why is your father always so busy?

  A2: You know he is a leader. His patients and partners always need him. Besides, he has to finish some papers. Therefore, he has little time to get together with me.

  Q3: Do you remember when you went fishing with your father last time?

  A3: I remember exactly. It was on my birthday, June 2nd, two years ago. We didn’t catch anything. And I fell out of the boat. We had some good times together.


  Q1: Does Robbie go to today’s baseball game?

  A1: No, he doesn’t.

  Q2: What does Robbie’s grandfather ask Robbie to teach him?

  A2: To teach him how to work on a computer.

  Q3: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  A3: It will be sunny.

  Q4: What does Robbie’s father do?

  A4: He is a doctor.

  Q5: What’s the date of Robbie’s birthday?

  A5: June 2nd.

  Part C:Story Retelling

  My aunt Edith was a single mother. Seven years ago, she got a very serious heart disease when she was 50. But she didn’t give up. She found a well-known heart surgeon in a magazine. He could save the life of someone with the same disease. However, his fees were so high that my aunt couldn’t afford them. Therefore, she wanted to write to him to let him tell her of someone whose fees she could pay. She listed some reasons for wanting to be alive. There wasn’t a word of self-pity. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer. A few days later, she told me excitedly that the surgeon would help and cure her and the fees of the hospital or the operation were free. Since then, Aunt Edith has been around the world. Her three children have been happily married.


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