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发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  D. 动词不定式作宾语补足语   不定式可以在“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”句型中充当宾语补足语。在这一句型中,宾语是动词不定式的逻辑主语。

  1.在表示感觉的动词后作宾语补足语,并且不定式都不带to。这类动词有:see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。   I heard them sing yesterday. 昨天我听见他们唱歌了。   Did you see him go out 你看见他出去了吗?   I felt something crawl up my leg. 我感到有什么东西爬到我腿上了。   注意:转为被动语态时,原不带to的不定式要变成带to的不定式。notice和watch没有被动语态。   We saw the car stop.  The car was seen to stop. 我们看见这辆车停了下来。(  (   2.在使役动词后作宾语补足语,不定式不带to。   这类动词有:make, let, have等。转为被动语态时,其后通常都用带to的不定式(have没有被动语态)。   有些动词跟不定式作宾语补足语时省去了to,这些动词有:   一感二听三让四观看。   一感:feel   二听:hear, listen to  三让:let,have,make  四观看:observe,see,watch.,look at   What would you have me do 你要我做什么?   She made him give up smoking. 她让他戒了烟。   Let him do whatever he wishes to do. 他想干什么就让他干吧。   Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister.   虽然经常是他弄哭小妹妹,但今天他却被小妹妹弄哭了。

  3.在表示心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:consider, think, believe, discover, find, imagine, judge, suppose, prove等。这类动词后的不定式通常是“to be+形容词或名词”结构,think, consider, find后的to be常可省略。   We consider him (to be) a good teacher. 我们认为他是一个好老师。   He proved that theory (to be) very important.   他证明那个理论是很重要的。   I thought her (to be) nice and honest the first time I met her. 我第一次见到她的时候就认为她人很好,很诚实。

  4.在表示情感状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:love, like, prefer, hate, want, wish, expect等。   I'd prefer you to leave him alone. 我希望你不要打扰他。   I don't want there to be any trouble. 我不想有任何麻烦。

  5.动词advise, allow, ask, beg, command, tell, invite, force, oblige, get, help, encourage, persuade, permit, remind, request, order, warn, cause等后面,多接不定式短语作宾语补足语。   We don't allow such things to happen again.         我们不容许这种事情再发生。   Most of the parents agree to forbid their   children to smoke. 大多数父母都同意禁止自己的孩子抽烟。   She asked me to answer the phone in her absence. 她请我在她不在的时候接电话。   Please remind me to leave her this note. 请提醒我留给她这张纸条。   She requested him to go with her. 她邀请他一同去。   注意:hope, demand, suggest等动词后面不能接不定式作宾语补足语。   【误】I hope you to give me a hand.   【正】I hope you can give me a hand. 我希望你能帮我一把。   【正】I wish you to give me a hand. 我希望你能帮我一把。   【误】He demanded me to be present at the meeting.   【正】He demanded that we should be present at the meeting. 他要求我们出席会议。   【正】He required us to be present at the meeting. 他要求我们出席会议。   【误】Mr Li suggested her not to go there alone.    【正】 Mr Li suggested that she should not go there alone. 李先生建议她不要独自去那里。

  6.动词不定式也可作一些短语动词的宾语补足语。   I'm waiting for James to arrive. 我正等着詹姆斯的到来。   He's arranged for a car to pick them up at the station. 他已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。   The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire. 联合国号召交战双方遵守停火协定。   必背:   这些带介词的短语动词有:   call on 号召   arrange for  安排   ong for 盼望   wait for 等待   depend on  依靠   rely on  指望

  E. 动词不定式作定语   不定式作定语通常放在其修饰的名词或代词之后,和被修饰的名词或代词之间是主谓关系、动宾关系、同位关系和修饰关系。

  1.主谓关系   The future to greet us will be bright. 我们的未来会十分美好的。   He is always the first person to come and the last one to leave.  他总是第一个来最后一个离开。   The next train to arrive was from New York. 下一列到站的火车是从纽约开来的。

  2.动宾关系   On Sundays, he always has a lot of letters to write. 星期天,他总是有许多信要写   The teacher left us a lot of problems to solve. 老师给我们留了许多道题要解答。   He can find no one to make friends with. 他找不到可交朋友的人。   注意:由于动词不定式与其修饰的词之间往往有动宾关系,因此,如果该不定式是不及物动词,其后应有必要的介词。   She has a child to take care of. 她有一个孩子要照看。   There is nothing to worry about.   没什么可担心的。   He has no friend to depend on. 他没有可依靠的朋友。   I've got a lot of things to see to this morning.   今天上午我有许多事情要处理。

  3.同位关系   He broke his promise to write to his parents regularly. 他没有遵守诺言定期给他父母亲写信。   We students should have the courage to face any difficulty. 我们学生应该有勇气面对任何困难。   I have no wish to quarrel with you. 我不想和你吵架。

  4.修饰关系   Now it is time to begin our class. 现在是上课的时间了。   I need somewhere to take a nap. 我需要一个地方打个盹。   Is that the way to open the can 那就是打开罐头的方法吗?

  F. 动词不定式作状语   不定式作状语可以表示行为的目的、结果、原因、条件等。

  1.表示目的   I'm saving up to buy a computer. 我在存钱买电脑。   To save the child, he laid down his life. 为了救那个孩子,他献出了生命。   注意:有时为了强调或突出这种目的,也可以用in order (not) to do,和so as (not) to do结构(so as to do不可以置于句首)。   He shouted and waved in order to be noticed. 为了吸引注意,他又嚷嚷又挥手。   I'll write down his telephone number so as not to forget it. 我要把他的电话号码记下来,以防忘记。   2.表示结果   He got to the station only to find the train had gone. 他赶到车站,发现火车已经开走了。   What have I said to make you so angry 我说了什么话使你气成这样?   After the meeting, they parted, never to see each other again. 散会后,他们分手了,从此再也没有见面。   必背:不定式表示结果常见于下列句型。   1) so ... as to do   Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle 把你的自行车借给我好吗?   2) such ... as to do   We are not such fools as to believe him. 我们还没蠢到竟会相信他。   3) enough to do   He didn't run fast enough to catch the train.  他跑得不够快, 没赶上火车。   4) only to do   He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸自己的脚。   5) too ... to do   His eyesight is too poor to read such small letters. 她的视力太差了,不能看这么小的字。   注意:too...to...结构中的形容词如果是eager, pleased, happy, ready等,动词不定式不表示结果,也没有否定的意思。   The boy was too eager to get a geography book. 那个男孩非常急切地想要得到一本地理书。   He is too anxious to know the examination results. 他很急切地想知道考试结果。   3.表示原因   I was a fool not to listen to you at that time.  我当时不听你的话,真是傻瓜。   She wept to find him in such a difficult situation. 看到他处于这么困难的情形,她哭了。   4.表示条件   A man would be blind not to see that. 一个人如果看不到这点,那他就是瞎子。   How can you catch the train to start so late 这么晚才动身,你怎么能赶上火车?三、 动词不定式的几种常见结构

  A. 不定式的复合结构

  动词不定式的逻辑主语(即不定式动作的执行者)通常是句子的主语或宾语。如果不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,此时一般用“for + 名词(代词)+ 不定式”来构成不定式的复合结构,这种复合结构在句中可以做主语、宾语、表语、状语、定语。   This box is too heavy for the little boy to carry.  这个箱子让这个小男孩来搬太重了。   That's for you to decide. 那个由你来决定。   He stood aside for me to pass. 他站到一边让我通过。   I have some books for you to read. 我有几本书送给你读 。   B.be + 不定式结构   “be + 不定式”结构可以表示将来发生的动作,常有以下两种情况:   1.表示命令和指示   The room is to be locked. 这房间要上锁。   You are not to stand here. 你不能站在这里。   2.表示计划或安排   We are to begin the work next month. 我们安排下一个月开始这项工作。   What's to be done next 下一步该怎么办?

  C.疑问词 + 不定式结构   疑问词who, what, which, when, where, how, why后加动词不定式构成不定式短语,它在句中可作主语、宾语和表语。   I don't know whether to go to the meeting or not. 我不知道要不要去开会。   The problem was how to get rid of the waste thrown by the passengers. 问题是如何处理乘客们丢弃的垃圾。   When to visit the Palace Museum has not been decided yet. 何时参观故宫博物院还没有决定。D.with without + 名词 + 不定式结构   “with without + 名词 + 不定式”结构在句子中通常起状语的作用。   With so much work to do, I shall not be able to go to the cinema with you. 有这么多工作要做,我不能和你去看电影了。   With him to stay in the house, I feel quite safe. 有他住在家里,我感到十分安全。   Without anything to eat, he died of hunger. 由于没有东西吃,他饿死了。E.It is + 形容词 + for of sb + to do 结构   在“It is +形容词+ of sb +不定式”结构中,形容词往往表示人物的性格和特征,如kind, silly, good, unwise, clever, wrong, right, foolish, stupid, careless, rude, impolite, bold, thoughtful, honest, bad, sensible, naughty等。在“It is +形容词+for sb +不定式”结构中,形容词通常表示事物的性质,如important, possible, impossible, necessary, difficult, hard, reasonable等。   It's kind of you to think so much of us.  难为你这么为我们着想。(= You are kind to think so much of us.)   How careless it is of him to break such a valuable vase! 他真不小心,把如此贵重的花瓶打破了。   It is easy for me to see through his trick. 我很容易看穿他的鬼把戏。(=For me to see through his trick is easy.)   It is hard for him to get rid of his bad habits. 他很难改掉自己的坏习惯。   比较:   It is good lf you to help me with my English.  你真好,帮助我学英语。(强调you 的特征=You are good to help me.)   It is good for you to give up smoking.   戒烟对你有好处。(强调的是give up smoking 这一行为=Fof you to give up smoking is good.)


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