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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Mr. and Mrs. king have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. They’re __1__ to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often __2__ the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So there’re many young men in their shop. Of course people __3__ them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and __4__ them. We can always hear their rooms are full of __5__ and quarrel.

  It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King were going to have a picnic on the island the next __6__. It was a little far from our town. So they had to __7__ earlier than usual to catch a six o’clock train. After __8__ a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some __9__ and drinks for the picnic. Mr. king and his wife had to stop __10__ them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the __11__ on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King were anxious (焦急) but they couldn’t tell the visitors about it. The woman thought for a few __12__ and had an idea. She said to her __13__, “Oh, it’s eleven o’clock! You’d better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to __14__!

  Mr. king heard this and stood up and said __15__ to the visitors and they left soon.

  1. A. had

  B. polite

  C. cold

  D. careful;

  2. A. help

  B. hurt

  C. hit

  D. watch

  3. A. know

  B. understand C. meet

  D. like

  4. A. play with

  B. fight with C. talk with

  D. catch up with

  5. A. cry

  B. shout

  C. noise

  D. laugh

  6. A. morning

  B. afternoon

  C. evening

  D. laugh

  7. A. go to work B. get up

  C. go to sleep

  D. open the shop

  8. A. breakfast

  B. lunch

  C. supper

  D. meal

  9. A. clothes

  B. bags

  C. books

  D. food

  10. A. receive

  B. to receive C. receiving

  D. to accept

  11. A. phone

  B. photo

  C. clock

  D. picture

  12. A. minutes

  B. days

  C. weeks

  D. months

  13. A. visitor

  B. husband C. brother

  D. father

  14. A. go home B. go to bed C. go shopping

  D. have a rest

  15. A. hello

  B. goodbye

  C. sorry

  D. nothing


  这是一则委婉地谢绝客人的故事, 这也是我们平时很容易遇到的事。


  1. B。have a lot of friends可以推断他们待人友好(friendly)。

  2. A。 D。根据上文得知,别人都很喜欢他们。

  4. C。talk with 表示聊天。

  5. D。他们的家里总是充满了欢笑。

  6. A。根据下文他们要赶早班车得知是早上。

  7. B。为了赶早班车他们不得不早起,故选get up。

  8. C。这是一个星期五的晚上,故是晚饭后。

  9. D。他们正在为第二天的野餐准备食物和饮料。

  10. B。停下(手中的事)来做某事,用stop to do sth.,另外receive sb. 表示接待某人。

  11. C。他聊得很尽兴,以致于忘了时间,也就是忘了看墙上的钟。

  12. A。这里指很短的时间。

  13. B。

  14. A。表示时间已经不早了,客人们肯定着急要回家了。

  15. C。丈夫向客人道歉,表示是自己忘了时间,这样客人就不会尴尬了。


  Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience(经历) as a twin: when we were small my mother dressed us __1_

  the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn’t like it. But we went on our first camping trip, it was even __2__. We were only ten years old, and while __3_

  went into their sleeping bags for the

  _4__, we were not happy to snuggle(偎依) inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us.

  At school our classmates __5__us Henfield One and Henfield Two, so people ___6__ even see our difference according to our initials

  because __7__ of us were M.O. It was only when I went to

  _8___ and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份).

  Before I went to college, during my secondary school __9__, I __10__ to a job on a building site. My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didn’t work. One day I asked my boss, “Can I have a week


  “Certainly,” he said, “but you won’t have the job when you

  12__ back.” I didn’t want to __13__ the job. So on Monday morning, Mike went there

  in my

  _14__, jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week __15___ of them knew the difference.

  1. A. in

  B. for

  C. on

  D. with

  2. A. badder

  B. worse

  C. good

  D. better

  3. A. all boys

  B. another boy

  C. all the other boys

  D. all the boys

  4. A. day

  B. holiday

  C. night

  D. mid-night

  5. A. called

  B. knew

  C. told

  D. made

  6. A. didn’t

  B. needn’t

  C. mustn’t

  D. couldn’t

  7. A. very

  B. each

  C. both

  D. all

  8. A. middle school B. college

  C. high school D. school

  9. A. holidays

  B. week

  C. weekend

  D. holiday

  10. A. received

  B. got

  C. find

  D. made

  11. A. off

  B. free

  C. on

  D. back

  12. A. came

  B. will get

  C. got

  D. are

  13. A. miss

  B. lose

  C. lost

  D. losing

  14. A. coat

  B. shirt

  C. shoes

  D. trousers

  15. A. None

  B. Nobody

  C. All

  D. Each


  这是一则关于双胞胎的故事, 说明了作为双胞胎既有他们苦恼的一面, 也有乐趣的一面. 在做这则完型填空时, 只要抓住双胞胎非常相像这一特点, 就很容易理解其中发生的事情了。


  1. A。“给某人穿(衣服)”应为dress sb. in。

  2. B 根据下文可知野营中的情况比平时更糟糕.。

  3. C。the other加名词复数表示“剩余的所有的人”。

  4. C。睡袋应用于夜间。

  5. A。“称呼某人……”用call sb. …。

  6. D。

  7. C。根据后面的系动词were, 应用both表复数。

  8. B。根据上下文可知, 直到大学, 这种情况才有所改变。

  9. D。指中学生涯的最后一个假期。

  10. B。“找到一份工作”可用get/find a job, 但此处应用过去时。

  11. A。have a week off 休息一个星期。

  12. D。只有D项时态正确。

  13. B。

  14. D。

  15. A。没有一个人看出这时双胞胎交换了一下。B项不可带of。


  Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks,   1 

  give your money back? Of course, it   2 

  happens quite like that. The only language   3 

  to learn is the mother language. And think   4 

  practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language


  the literature(文学) of the country. Now most people want to   6 

  a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning



  How do they do it? Some people try at home


  books and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs.


  they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will   10 

  a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or   11 

  hours a day. It's much easier to learn the language in the country where it

   12  . But most people are   13  

  to do this, and many people don't have to do so. Machines and good books will be very   14 

  , but they can not do the students' work.   15 

  the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work. 1. A. so

  B. or

  C. and

  D. but 2. A. can't       

  B. impossible   C. never    

  D. often 3. A. easily       

  B. difficult       C. able         

  D. easy 4. A. how much    B. how long   C. how fast 

  D. how many 5. A. studied   

  B. to study   C. studying  

  D. study 6. A. talk    

  B. tell     

  C. speak    

  D. say 7. A. them     

  B. this  

  C. that 

  D. it 8. A. without     B. with            C. in           

  D. by 9. A. If           

  B. When          C. Since        

  D. Until 10. A. spend        

  B. use            C. take         

  D. cost 11. A. some         

  B. more         C. other        

  D. less 12. A. speaks       

  B. is speaking  C. spoke        

  D. is spoken 13. A. able         

  B. possible       C. unable       

  D. not possible 14. A. careful      

  B. forgetful     C. wonderful    

  D. helpful 15. A. either       

  B. whether      C. what       

  D. how







  A。用来修饰不可数名词,只有用how much,全句意为“母语好学,还需要那么多的练习。”何况外语呢?。


  C。说某种语言用speak,speak English,speak Chinese

  D。用it代指上文所说的a foreign language。




  B。后面省略了than 6 hours。意为6个小时或更多的时间。

  D。it 代指上文所指的foreign language,

  C。许多人不可能做到这一点。这里不可以用not possible,因为它的主语不可以用人。


  15. B。whether …or…固定短语。


  I have tried many ways to be


  . I don’t wear a sweater when I


  , and two days ago I walked in the


  without my shoes. But so far nothing


  . Debbie once told me about a boy in her class who liked


  school. He would rub(摩擦) the end of the thermometer (温度计) until it went


  to 39℃. Then he’d put it in his mouth and his mother would think he was



  This morning I tried doing that but it


  went above 35℃ and I rubbed it for ten


  . So I held the thermometer


  the light on my desk and it went up to 40℃. I thought I’d put it in my mouth and walk downstairs like that.


  my mother would take it out and she would be


  when she saw that I was rather ill.

  The only trouble was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so


  , As soon as I put it into my mouth I burnt my tongue(舌头)! I spit (吐) the thermometer out. It fell


  the floor but it



  1. A . well

  B. fine

  C. ill

  D. bad

  2. A . could

  B. should

  C. must

  D. might

  3. A . water

  B. rain

  C. sun

  D. wind

  4. A . happens

  B. happened C. will happen D. has happened

  5. A . being away from

  B. leaving

  C. staying at

  D. being out of

  6. A . on

  B. down

  C. up

  D. off

  7. A . really

  B. real

  C. bad

  D. badly

  8. A . can’t

  B. not

  C. never

  D. didn’t

  9. A . seconds

  B. hours

  C. minutes

  D. moments

  10. A . near

  B. near to

  C. next

  D. next to

  11. A . When

  B. Then

  C. So

  D. If

  12. A . worried

  B. surprised

  C. happy

  D. frightened

  13. A . cold

  B. hot

  C. warm

  D. cool

  14. A . off

  B. down

  C. to

  D. on

  15. A . didn’t break B. didn’t broke C. wasn’t broken D. was broken




  2.B。这里应选择情态动词should, 表示在该穿毛衣的时候他不穿, 其实他就是想让自己冻出病来。


  4.D。so far常与动词的现在完成时连用,表示“到目前为止”。

  5.A。leave school表示“辍学、毕业离校”的动作,be away from school则表示“不上学、逃学”的状态。





  10.D。next to表示“临近、非常接近”。

  11.B。Then是副词,表时间上的“顺承”。 其他三选项均引导从句, 故不选。

  12.A。妈妈得知孩子生病, 首先感到担心。

  13.B。这里表示“烫”, 所以不能选warm。

  14.D。fall on为“掉到……上”, fall off 是指“从某处摔下”, fall down是“落下”。

  15.C。break为及物动词, 与主语构成动宾关系,所以用被动语态形式was broken。


  Do you know Eskimos (爱斯基摩人? Let me tell you something about their



  The Eskimos live near the North Pole (北极). There are only two


  there, winter and summer, There are no spring


  autumn there. The winter nights are


  . You can't


  the sun for more than two months, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never


  and there is no night.

  The Eskimos have


  clothes. They make their clothes from the skin of animals. From these skins they make coats, caps and



  Near the North Pole trees can't grow, for it is too


  there. The Eskimos


  make their houses from skins, snow or stones (石头). When they


  in storm and can't


  home, they make house of snow. They


  these snow houses when the storm is



  Life is


  for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.

  1. A. work

  B. life

  C. holiday

  D. families

  2. A. weather

  B. seasons

  C. months

  D. years

  3. A. not

  B. or

  C. and

  D. as

  4. A. short

  B. warm

  C. long

  D. cold

  5. A. see

  B. watch

  C. look

  D. look at

  6. A. rises

  B. goes up

  C. drops

  D. goes down

  7. A. beautiful

  B. metal

  C. warm

  D. cool

  8. A. goods

  B. drinks

  C. medicine D. shoes

  9. A. cold

  B. hot

  C. dry

  D. wet

  10. A. will

  B. should

  C. never

  D. have to

  11. A. go out

  B. go over

  C. keep on

  D. get on

  12. A. get back

  B. got off

  C. get on

  D. get in

  13. A. make

  B. leave

  C. stay

  D. break

  14. A. over

  B. coming

  C. going

  D. hard

  15. A. easy

  B. interesting

  C. hard

  D. lucky



  答案简析1. B。根据下文得知这里介绍的是的生活life)。

  2. B。根据winter和summer判断。

  3. Bno....or....表示两者否定。

  4. C冬夜很长,几乎看不到太阳,也就是没有白天,这正是北极的气候特征。

  5. A。seewatch和look都表示“看”的动作。

  6. D。夏天白昼长,几乎没有夜晚,太阳从不下山,所以选 go down。

  7. C。他们要穿上暖和的衣服才能抵御严寒。

  8. D。这里是指用动物皮来做衣服鞋帽。

  9. A。北极很冷。

  10. D。表示客观原因使他们不得不用特殊的材料来建房。

  11. A。表示在外面遇到风暴时。

  12. A。由于风暴而回不了家。

  13. B。遇到风暴回不了家14. A。be over表示结束。

  15. C这种恶劣的气候条件下,生活是很艰难困苦的,故选hard。


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