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2017《夺冠之路》高三一轮人教版英语(安徽专用):方法技巧难点1 精品课件

发布时间:2017-02-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  难点(一) “难解难分”的标题归纳题 标题归纳题中的各选项长度接近,实词首字母通常大写,特别是干扰项大都和文章意思相关,很难分辨。 What would be the best title for this text? A.Computers or Television B.Effects of Television on Children C.Studies on TV and College Education  D.Television and Children’s Learning Habits (2010·辽宁卷,C) Too much TV­watching can harm children’s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree,new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children. One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California third­graders.Those with TVs in their bedroom scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs. In the California study,children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest,while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest. While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores,it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldn’t have TVs in their bedrooms. [语篇解读] 这是一篇时文报道。两次最新研究的结果表明,青少年如果看电视过于频繁,可能会直接影响学生的学习能力。 1.According to the California study,the low­scoring group might________. A.have watched a lot of TV B.not be interested in math C.be unable to go to college D.have had computers in their bedrooms 解析: 推理判断题。第二段说,卧室里放置电视机的学生,其数学和语言艺术方面的考试成绩比卧室里不放电视机的学生的分数要低大约8分,由此判断,考试得低分的学生往往在自己的卧室里有电视机,他们看电视看得太多。 答案: A

  2.What is the researchers’ understanding of the New Zealand study results? A.Poorly motivated 26­year­olds watch more TV. B.Habits of TV watching reduce learning interest. C.TV watching leads to lower education levels of the 15­year­olds. D.The connection between TV and education levels is difficult to explain.

  解析: 推理判断题。第三段说,新西兰的那次研究发现,儿童时期看电视太多的人,在26岁时其受教育的水平更低,但这个结果并不能证明电视是罪魁祸首,并不能排除这一条:年轻人如果失去了动力,他们就会长时间地看电视。由此看,看电视与教育水平的联系不是一一对应的,其原因很复杂。 答案: D

  3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A.More time should be spent on computers. B.Children should be forbidden from watching TV. C.TV sets shouldn’t be allowed in children’s bedrooms. D.Further studies on high­achieving students should be done. 解析: 细节理解题。最后两段说,卧室里有电视机,家里没有电脑的孩子考试分数最低,而卧室里没有电视机,家里有电脑的学生的考试分数最高,由此判断,孩子的卧室里不应该放置电视机。 答案: C 4.What would be the best title for this text? A.Computers or Television B.Effects of Television on Children C.Studies on TV and College Education D.Television and Children’s Learning Habits 解析: 主旨大意题。全文介绍两次最新研究成果,说这些研究成果表明,如果在孩子的卧室放置电视机,这将极大地影响孩子的学习,因此“电视对孩子的影响”是本文的最佳标题。 答案: B

  [化难为易] 文章标题是文章的点睛之笔。标题归纳题在英语阅读理解题中属深层理解题,它要求考生在通读全文的基础上,准确把握文章大意及作者的写作意图。一般说来,标题应该具有概括性、针对性、简洁性三个突出特点。其中概括性,是指标题应最大程度地覆盖全文,囊括文章的主要内容,体现文章的主题;针对性,是指标题的含义要直接指向文章的主要特点;而简洁性,则是指标题应言简意赅,能吸引读者的注意力,并唤起读者对文章的阅读兴趣等。

  根据上述分析,解答标题归纳题时通常采用以下方法: 1.在阅读文章时,要注意文章中反复出现或强调的信息,寻找与文章主题相关的信息,找出概括全文的核心词汇。如解答本题时,联系文章首句“Too much TV­watching can harm children’s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree”信息可知本文主要讲解“电视对孩子的影响”,根据这个意思,可以概括最佳标题。

  2.确认选项内容是否切中文章的中心论题,也就是要看选项内容与作者的写作目的是否一致。从整篇文章出发归纳概括出文章的标题,要防止本末倒置、主次不分,如A项Computers or Television;避免以点代面,以偏概全,如C项Studies on TV and College Education和D项Television and Children’s Learning Habits,这样才能排除干扰项,选出正确答案。

  A second study,looking at nearly 1,000 grown­ups in New Zealand,found lower education levels among 26­year­olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood.But the results don’t prove that TV is the cause and don’t rule out that already poorly motivated youngsters (年轻人) may watch lots of TV.

  Their study measured the TV habits of 26­year­olds between ages 5 and 15.Those with college degrees had watched an average of less than two hours of TV per weeknight during childhood,compared with an average of more than 2

  hours for those who had no education beyond high school.

  【长难句】 Those with college degrees had watched an average of less than two hours of TV per weeknight during childhood,compared with an average of more than 2 hours for those who had no education beyond high school.获得大学学位的人在童年时期看电视的平均量是每个周日夜晚不到两个小时,而中学毕业后就没有继续接受教育的人,在童年时期看电视的平均量是每个星期的夜晚超过两个半小时。


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