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2017全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅡ Units 9 Saving the earth

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 ①(朗文P1743)Mike agreed to take responsibility for

  organizing the party.迈克同意负责组织这次聚会。 ②(朗文P1743)We all have a responsibility to

  protect the environment.我们都有责任保护环境。 ③(朗文P1743)Activities like these help kids develop a sense of responsibility. 像这样的活动有助于培养孩子们的责任感。 思维拓展 4.完成句子 据我所知,艾丽斯拒绝承担事故责任。 As far as I know,Alice ____________________ the accident. 答案:refused to accept/take responsibility for 5.defend 【教材原句】(P71)Make sure that you are ready to answer questions and defend your argument. 确保你准备好回答问题为你的理论辩解。 (1)防御,防护,保卫 ①They couldn’t prevent us defending our rights. 他们不能阻挠我们捍卫我们的权利。 (2)defend sb./sth.from/against...保护某人/某物免遭…… ②(牛津P523)All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. 我们所有的警察都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。 ③Their duty is to defend the country against its enemies. 他们的职责就是保卫国家抵御敌人。 (3)支持,为……辩护 ④The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一律师为他辩护。

  思维拓展 5.完成句子 (1)When the dog attacked me,I picked up a stick and ________________(自卫). 答案:defended myself (2)He put on the dark sunglasses to _____________ (使眼睛免受日光的强烈照射). 答案:protect his eyes from the strong sunlight 即境活用 6.affect vt. 影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 【教材原句】(P72)What we do is important because it affects the environment. 我们做什么非常重要,因为影响环境。 (1)影响 ①(牛津P32)His opinion will not affect my decision. 他的意见不会影响我的决定。 (2)affect=move/touch,意为“感动” ②We were deeply affected by what little Lin Hao did during the earthquake. 我们被小林浩在地震中所做的一切深深地打动了。 (3)(疾病)侵袭 ③About 50 children have been affected by this type of disease. 大约50个孩子已被这种疾病感染了。 affect,effect,effort (1)affect通常作及物动词,有影响、感动、感染等意思。 ④The noise on the road affected our work. 马路上的噪音影响了我们的工作。 (2)effect通常作名词,意思是:结果、效果、作用、影响等。常用词组:have an effect on/upon sb.对……有影响,take effect生效,实行。 比较网站 ⑤Watching TV too much may have a bad effect on

  children’s eyes.看电视太多对孩子视力有不好的影响。 (3)effort通常作名词,意思是:努力、尝试等。 常用词组: make an effort to do sth./make efforts to do sth.努力做某事

  make every effort 尽一切努力 spare no effort 不遗余力 ⑥I will spare no effort to help you when you are in trouble. 当你处境困难时我将不遗余力地帮助你。 6.The economic crisis which broke out in America seriously ________ China’s exports in 2008. A.affected

  B.influenced C.infected


  即境活用 解析:选A。考查动词辨析。affect表示“对……产生(不良)影响”;influence意为“影响”,通常指间接的、无形的力量,潜移默化的影响;infect意为“感染”;result意为“造成……的结果;导致”,但该词为不及物动词,通常与介词in搭配,构成“result in”,意为“导致,引起”。句意为:近来在美国发生的经济危机已经严重影响到了中国的出口。

  7.advise v. 建议;劝告;提供意见 【教材原句】(P72)I would advise people not to buy products that harm the environment. 我会建议人们不要买危害环境的产品。 思维拓展 ①(牛津P31)I would strongly advise against going out on your own. 我要极力奉劝你别单独外出。 ②(牛津P31)Police are advising people to stay at home. 警方告诫民众要留在家里。 ③(牛津P31)I’d advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. 要是想在8月份旅游,我建议及早购票。 ④English experts advised that children under three should see no television. 英国专家建议3岁以下的孩子不应该看电视。 思维拓展 ⑤If you take my advice, you’ll see a doctor. 如果你听我的话,就去看医生。 7.The doctor advised that I ________ a month or so before going back to work. A.relaxed

  B.was relaxing C.would relax

  D.relax 解析:选D。advise 后接 that 从句,从句中的谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should 可省略。 即境活用 8.(2011年海口联考)We mustn’t take any action right now. I advise________ till proper time. A.to wait

  B.to be waiting C.waiting

  D.having waited 解析:选C。advise 后常接动名词作宾语,且wait 的动作还没有完成,不能选D。句意:我们现在禁止采取一切行动。我建议等到合适的时间(再采取行动)。 8.take action 采取行动 【教材原句】(P68)Conferences like the Earth Summit help people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time

  to take action.像地球峰会这样的会议帮助人们了解了有严重的问题存在着,并且还有时间采取行动。 ①(牛津P18)Firefighters took action immediately to stop the fire spreading. 消防队员立刻采取措施制止大火蔓延。 ②I felt that it was time for me to take action. 我感觉是我采取行动的时候了。 ③The government took no action to stop the pollution. 政府没有采取措施来制止污染。 思维拓展 ④The government promised to take immediate action/steps/measures on the present situation. 政府许诺对目前的局势立即采取行动。 9.After receiving the news,immediate ______had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A.speedB.behavior C.action

  D.measure 解析:选C。句意:得到消息以后,当地政府立即采取行动以阻止疾病的传播。take action 采取行动,是固定搭配。 即境活用 【教材原句】 (P68)And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated,there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars. 如果贫穷的问题有所改善,如果人们能受到更好的教育,我们身边的暴力和战争可能会更少。 句型巧析 【句法分析】 句子中的“there is a good chance...”是一个固定的句型结构,意思是“很可能……”,相当于“It’s likely that...”。 ①There is a good chance that you will catch up with your classmates.你很可能会赶上你的同班同学。 ②There is little chance that the sick child will get well. 那个生病的孩子几乎没有好转的可能。 思维拓展 (1)There is no point(in)doing sth.做某事没有作用/毫无意义。 (2)It is no use(in)doing sth.做某事没用。 (3)There is no sense(in)doing sth.做某事没有道理。 (4)There is no doubt that ...毫无疑问…… ③There is no doubt that you’ll succeed. 毫无疑问,你会成功的。 ④There is no sense in making her angry. 惹她生气是没有道理的。 10.________ is a good chance that the whole world will see a better future after the financial crisis. A.It

  B.There C.As

  D.That 解析:选B。句意:很可能整个世界在金融危机后会有更美好的未来。此题主要考查“There is a good chance...”这一固定句型,意思是“很可能……”。 即境活用 知 能 强 化 训 练 返回 Unit 9 Saving the earth 拯救地球

  重 点 难 点 研 析 知 能 强 化 训 练 Unit 9  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two ____________(可供选择的). 2.Emergency relief will be sent to the south of the country,which was worst ____________(影响的) by the drought. 3.Don’t worry,this famous lawyer will ____________(为……辩护)you in the court. 4.I don’t know whether there is an ____________ (通道)to that fort. 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.Susan was completely weighed down by the ____________(压力)of examinations. 6.The doctor____________(建议)my father to give up smoking. 7.We should take action to reduce pollution so that human beings may live in____________(和谐)with nature. 8.Don’t you believe in____________(平等)between men and women? 9.You are an adult now and you need to take ______________ for your actions.In my opinion,it is you rather than he that should be ____________ for the accident.(responsible) 10.No matter what happens,he will never use ____________,but he is ____________ when he gets drunk.(violent) 1.alternatives 2.affected 3.defend 4.access 5.stress 6.advised 7.harmony 8.equality 9.responsibility

  responsible 10.violence violent 高频短语 1.________________根据 2.________________

  有……的权利/机会 3.________________

  参加;参与(某事物) 4.________________

  采取行动 5.________________

  起作用;有影响 6.________________

  对……的更好的理解 7.________________

  与……协调 8.________________

  结束 9.________________

  消灭;擦洗……的内部;去除 10.________________

  劝某人(不)做某事 1.according to 2.have access to 3.take part in 4.take action 5.make a difference 6.a better understanding of

  7.in harmony with 8.put an end to 9.wipe out 10.advise sb.(not) to do sth. 1.If we ________ develop the world successfully,we must ________ everyone is able to take part in the new world we create. 如果我们要成功地开发世界,就必须确保人人都能够参与我们创造的新世界。 2.Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries and must do ______________ to help others. 富国对于穷国负有责任,他们必须尽可能地帮助其他国家。 重点句式 3.________we know more ________improve the situation. 我们只有了解更多,才能去改善环境。 4.And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated,______________ we will see less violence and fewer wars. 如果贫穷的问题有所改善,如果人们能受到更好的教育,我们身边的暴力和战争可能会更少。 5.A better understanding of the environment is necessary,________________ to act. 更好地了解环境情况是必要的,愿意行动也是必要的。 1.are to;make sure that 2.whatever they can 3.Not until;will we be able to 4.there is a good chance that

  5.as is the willingness 重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1.content 【教材原句】(P67)Without reading the text,try to predict its content.不读课文,尽力预测它的内容。 (1)n.内容;目录;容量;满足 ①She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor. 她把皮包掉在了地上,里面的东西散落在地板上。 (2)adj.满足;满意;愿意 ③That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country. 那位富人厌倦了城市生活,因而他愿意生活在乡下。 (3)vt.使满足 content oneself with sth.满足于……;对……感到满意 ④(朗文P433)I was no longer satisfied with the life that had once contented me. 我已经不再满足于曾经使我满足的生活了。 【高效记忆】 1.完成句子 (1)那些满足于现状的人不会取得更大的进步。 Those who are _______________________________ will surely make no more advances in life. 答案:content with their present situations 即境活用 (2)根据一项新调查,美国人对医疗体制最不满意。 Americans ________________________ their health care system,according to a new research. 答案:are the least content with 2.stress  【教材原句】(P68)Among the speakers was China’s then Premier Zhu Rongji,who stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world. 在发言者中有中国当时的总理朱镕基,他强调了世界需要平等和公平。 (1)vt.着重,强调 stress the importance/necessity of... 强调……的重要性/必要性 ①(牛津P1997)He stressed the importance of a good education. 他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。 ②President Obama stressed the US should create new partnership with China. 奥巴马总统强调说美国应同中国建立新的伙伴关系。 (2)n.强调;紧张,压力;重音,重读

  ③(牛津P1997)Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 人在压力之下,办事情就容易出错。 ④I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. 我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。 2.In the future,more stress should be placed________the education of the young. A.onB.to C.for

  D.with 解析:选A。place stress on是固定搭配,意为 “强调……”。 即境活用 3.access n. [U]接近;进入;接近(或进入)的方法;到达(或进入、使用、走访)的权利(或机会);通道;入口 【教材原句】(P68)20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water. 世界上20%的人喝不到干净的饮用水。 ①(牛津P10)You need a password to get access to the computer system.使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 ②(牛津P10)Many divorced fathers only have access to

  their children at weekends. 很多离婚父亲只有在周末才有权见到自己的孩子。 ③All students have free access to

  the library. 所有学生都可自由进入图书馆。 accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;易到手的 be accessible to sb.

  对某人而言……是易接近的 注意:上述短语中的to均为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。 思维拓展 ④Love exists when it is put into practice,and as long as I remember this,love is accessible to

  me. 爱存在于行动中,只要我记得这点,就会得到爱。 3.The people working in the company have free ________ to the gym to take exercise. A.access B.entrance C.time

  D.charge 解析:选A。句意:公司的人可自由使用体育馆锻炼身体,have free access to 自由使用……。 即境活用 4.responsibility n. 责任,职责,任务 【教材原句】(P68)Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries and must do whatever they can to help others.富国对穷国有责任,并且要尽可能地帮助其他国家。 返回


  my job,my home,and my family.


  ④(朗文P1744)I would feel responsible if anything happened to the kids.



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