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人教版2017高考英语全套解析一轮复习课件:8-5 Meeting your ancestors

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ①If only Marx were here by my side! 要是马克思能在我身边就好了! ②If only you had worked with greater care! 你工作要是再仔细一些该多好啊! ③If only the whole family could be united during the Spring Festival! 今年春节全家能团圆就好了! 【即境活用14】 Look at the trouble I am in! If only I________your advice. A.followed

  B.would follow C.had followed

  D.should follow [解析]if only 用于虚拟语气,与过去相反,用过去完成时。 [答案]C 2.Abruptly she sat down,only to be scooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna. 她突然坐了下去,结果被她正又笑又嚷的妹妹鲁娜一把抱了起来。 【考点归纳】 only to…是动词不定式短语在句中作结果状语。不定式作结果状语时,经常和only连用,通常表示不太好的意外结果。 She reached the airport,only to be told the plane had already taken off. 她到达机场,结果被告知飞机已经起飞了。 【易错提示】 现在分词与不定式都可以充当结果状语,但是用法不同。如果强调在意料之中的结果时,通常用现在分词;如果强调在意料之外的结果时,多用动词不定式。

  I called on Mr Yang on Sunday,only finding that he was waiting for me. 星期日我去拜访杨先生,发现他在等我。 I called on Mr Yang on Sunday,only to find that he was not in. 星期日我去拜访杨先生,结果发现他不在家。 【即境活用15】 (2010·山东临沂模拟)He hurried to the booking office only________that all the tickets had been sold out. A.to tell

  B.to be told C.telling

  D.told [解析]only to be told 表示意外结果。 [答案]B

  完形填空技巧—— 再次阅读,检验答案 完形填空题的答题过程首先是一个阅读的过程。在整个答题的过程中,需要不断地阅读文章,有些句子和段落甚至需要阅读四至五遍,从各个不同的角度来进行推理,才能确保答案的正确。 初选答案之后,可能会留下一些空格拿不定主意没有填,还有一些虽然填了,但没有把握。因此,有必要再次阅读文章,从语义和逻辑的角度重新审视全文,检验答案,看其是否条理清晰,符合逻辑。与此同时,还应根据上下文对有疑问或把握不准的答案进行推敲,将未填的空格全部补齐。 最后,最好把答案代进文章中再通读一遍,甚至可以默默地将短文译为汉语,像说故事一样把文章讲给自己听一遍。如通顺流畅,则答案基本正确;如连自己都觉得讲不下去,则答案必有问题,要立刻进行修改,最终达到全文意思、语法、结构等各方面的一致和完美。 ④The way was blocked,so I went by an alternative road. 这条路被挡住了,因此我走了另一条。 【即境活用5】 You have the________of living in the city or living in the countryside. A.selection

  B.choice C.alternative

  D.option [解析]alternative 选择,二者择一,符合句意。selection挑选;choice选择;option选择。 [答案]C ①Embry was arrested for stealing cars. 恩布里因为偷车而被捕了。 ②He was placed under house arrest in 1995. 他在1995年被软禁。 ③The police expected to make an arrest soon. 警方很快就会进行拘捕。

  ④The beautiful sunset arrested our attention,and we stopped to watch it. 美丽的日落吸引了我们的注意力,我们停下来观看。 【即境活用6】 It is reported that the agent was________for carrying a false passport. A.arrested

  B.accused C.charged

  D.suspected [解析]arrest 逮捕,符合句意。accuse指责;charge控告;suspect怀疑。 [答案]A 7.significance n. 意义;意思;重大意义;重要性 (1)be of great significance 非常重要 (2)significant adj. 有意义的,意味深长的;重要的,重大的 (3)significantly adv. 有重大意义地;明显地;显著地;意味深长地 ①Few people realized the significance of the discovery. 很少有人意识到这一发现的重要性。 ②It is a matter of great significance. 这是一个非常重要的问题。 ③Their change of the plan is strange but I don't think it's significant. 他们改变了计划这十分奇怪,但我觉得没什么用意。

  ④He smiled significantly at his students. 他意味深长地对他的学生笑了。 【即境活用7】 This new discovery of oil is of great________to this area's economy. A.significance

  B.accuracy C.satisfaction

  D.direction [解析]significance 意义,符合句意。accuracy准确;satisfaction满意;direction方向,指导。 [答案]A 1.show sb. around 领某人到处转转 show...in 带或领某人进来 show...out

  带或领某人出去 show sb. around

  领某人参观某地 show off

  炫耀 show up

  出现;来到某处;揭露;显得好看 be on show

  在展出 ①Please show the lady out of the building. 请把这位太太送出去。 ②Our trained guides will show you around the museum. 我们这些训练有素的导游来带你们参观博物馆。 ③She was showing off her new husband at the party. 她在晚会上引起大家注意她的新郎。 ④Close inspection shows up the cracks in the stonework. 仔细观察就能发现这石雕中有裂缝。 ⑤We were hoping for a full team today but only five players showed up. 今天我们希望全体队员都到齐,但结果只到了五位。 ⑥All the new products were on show at the exhibition. 展览会上陈列着所有的新产品。 【即境活用8】 (2010·山东青岛二中模拟)Tom didn't ________ at the party as we expected. A.shown out

  B.showed up C.shown around

  D.shown off [解析]show up出现,符合句意。show out送出;show around带领某人参观;show off炫耀。 [答案]B 2.regardless of 不管;不顾 regardless of 为介词短语,后跟名词作宾语,表示“不管后果的;不管怎样,无论如何”的意思。比较:in spite of “尽管”;但是although “虽然”(后跟从句形式)。

  ①The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless of race,religion,or sex. 法律要求平等地对待每一个人,不管种族、宗教信仰和性别。 ②I'll take the job regardless of the pay. 不管报酬多少我都要这份工作。 ③They decorated the house regardless of cost. 他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。 【即境活用9】 (2010·湖南长沙质检)Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware________price. A.not to mention

  B.in addition to C.on account of

  D.regardless of [解析]regardless of 不管。in addition to除了……之外;on account of由于;not to mention更不用提。 [答案]D 3.look ahead 向前看;为将来打算 look around/round仔细查看;寻找 look after

  照料,照顾;关心;注意 look back

  回顾,回想 look down upon/on

  歧视,看不起 look forward to

  希望,盼望 look on sb. as

  把某人看做(或当做) look out

  当心;注意 look through

  浏览,仔细看 look up

  好转,有起色;向上看;查找 look up and down

  上下打量 ①Looking ahead,you all will have a brighter future. 向前看,你们都将有一个更加美好的未来。 ②I've looked through all my papers but I still can't find the contract. 我浏览了所有文件,但依然没有找到那份合同。 ③He looked ahead in order to find his mother. 为了找到他的妈妈,他向前看去。 【即境活用10】 (2010·广西南宁二中高三综合测试一)I have________all my papers,but I still can't find my notes. A.looked through

  B.looked for C.looked after

  D.looked out [解析]look through 浏览,符合句意。look for寻找;look after照看;look out当心。 [答案]A 4.cut up 切碎,割碎;使伤心/难受 cut into pieces 砍成碎片 cut in 插嘴 cut down 砍倒;缩减 cut...in half/two/into halves 将……切成两半 cut off 切断;割掉;截断(退路等) cut out 切去,剪去,删去,略去 ①Cut up the carrot before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。 ②The baby cannot eat the whole cake.You have to cut it up. 婴儿吃不了整块蛋糕,你得把它切成小块。 ③He was really cut up when all his friends refused to help him. 当所有的朋友都拒绝帮助他时,他极为难过。 ④You smoke too much—you should try to cut down. 你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。 ⑤They are going to cut the electricity off if you don't pay the bill. 如果你不交电费,他们就要断电了。 ⑥She kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们交谈中她不断插嘴。 【即境活用11】 As the fierce war broke out in the Gaza Strip,people there felt as if they were________from the outside of the world. A.cut out

  B.cut off C.cut up

  D.cut through [解析]cut off 切断,符合句意。cut out删去;cut up切碎;cut through剪断。 [答案]B 5.date back to 追溯到;上溯到 date back to=date from 因追溯是从现在算起指向过去,所以这个短语常用一般现在时,也没有被动语态。 ①This custom dates back to the 16th century. 这风俗起源于16世纪。 ②This town dates back to Roman times. 这个城镇可追溯到罗马时代。 ③The unearthed sword dates back to the Han Dynasty. 这把出土的宝剑属于汉代。 【即境活用12】 The traditional friendship between our two peoples________ancient times. A.is dated back to

  B.dated from C.dates back to

  D.is dated from [解析]date back to 起始于,无被动语态,常用于一般现在时。 [答案]C 6.be fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦 He was fed up with so much homework. 他已厌烦了那么多的作业。 put up with容忍;忍受 come up with

  想出 keep up with

  跟上 catch up with

  赶上 【即境活用13】 I am really________with your complaints. A.feed up

  B.fed up C.tired

  D.satisfied [解析]be fed up with 厌烦。 [答案]B

  1.If_only it could be just like last year! 要是能跟去年那样有多好呀! 【考点归纳】 “if only+句子”是一个固定句型,表示一种愿望“要是……就好了/但愿……!” (1)if only...could/would+do...表示对将来事情的愿望(不用should)。 (2)if only...did...表示对与目前或现在事实相反的愿望。 (3)if only...had done... 表示对与过去事实相反的愿望。


  Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors

  1.If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! 要是她今年能为将来作更好的打算该多好啊! 2.It seems to have been made of bone. 这似乎是用骨头做的。

  [考题回放·2008浙江卷] 人们完成工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以“Working Individually or Working in a Team”为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:

  1.独立完成:自行安排、自己解决问题; 2.合作完成:一起讨论、相互学习; 3.我喜欢的方式和理由。 注意:词数100~120,文章的题目和开头已给出(不计入总词数)。 Working Individually or Working in a Team There are basically two ways to get work done. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [优秀范文] Working Individually or Working in a Team There are basically two ways to get work done.They are working individually and working in a team.Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, working individually can give the individuals a convenience to arrange and solve the problems.It can offer them the space to think by themselves.Only in this way can they develop

  their creative ability.On the other hand,working in a team provides the individuals with the chance to discuss and study together.During the progress,they help each other,which can improve their communication and co­operative ability. To some degree,choosing which way to work partly depends on the individual's characters. I think working in a team is suitable for me,because I believe “Two heads are better than one.” which leads to our work more efficient.

  1.________n.可能的选择 adj.供选择的;其他的 2.________n.挨饿;饿死 3.________vt. & vi.打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 4.________vt.假定;设想 5.________adv.不管;不顾 6.________vi. & vt.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰 7.________adj.原始的;远古的;简陋的 8.________n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义 9.________adv.以……方式;不知怎么地 10.________n.幼儿园 11.________n.分割;划分;分配;分界线 12.________vi. & vt.鼓掌欢迎;赞赏 13.________vi. & vt.加速;促进 14.________n.锤子;铁锤 15.________adj.晕眩的;昏乱的;使人发晕或困惑的 16.________n.分析 17.________vt.删除 18.________n.学院;学会;院校 19.________n. & vt.抓;擦伤 20.________adj.有技巧的;熟练的 [答案]1.alternative 2.starvation 3.interrupt 4.assume 5.regardless 6.sharpen 7.primitive 8.significance 9.somehow 10.kindergarten 11.division 12.applaud 13.accelerate 14.hammer 15.dizzy 16.analysis 17.delete 18.academy 19.scratch 20.skilful

  1.________of 不管;不顾 2.at________ 至多;最多 3.cut________ 切碎 4.fed up________ 受够了;饱受;厌烦 5.look________ 向前看;为将来打算 6.date________to 追溯到…… 7.concentrate________ 集中 8.search________ 寻找 9.take________to do sth. 轮流干某事 10.can't/couldn't________doing 禁不住干某事 [答案]1.regardless 2.most 3.up 4.with 5.ahead 6.back 7.on 8.for 9.turns 10.help

  1.interrupt vt. 打断……讲话;打岔 vt. 暂时中断或中止 interrupt (sb./sth.)(with sth.) 打断(某人)讲话;打岔 interrupt one's view 阻碍某人的视线 ①Don't interrupt/disturb me while I am working. 我工作时别打扰我。 ②He interrupted his work to have lunch. 他中止工作去吃午餐。 ③These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野。 ④We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash. 我们中断节目,报告资讯快讯。 【巧学助记】 【易混辨析】 interrupt,disturb,annoy,trouble,bother 一试身手 指点迷津 (1)His speech was constantly interrupted by applause. (2)He comes bothering me day after day. (3)Don't trouble/bother

  yourself with such a matter. (4)I heard you talking and I didn't like to disturb you,so I went away. (5)The baby annoys her by pulling her hair. interrupt:侧重指打断某人的话,插话。bother:指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。 disturb:指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。 trouble:指给人在行动上带来不便和麻烦或在身心上造成痛苦。 annoy:强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。 【即境活用1】 (2010·天津南开中学质检)Production at the factory was ________for two hours because there was no electricity. A.interrupted

  B.disturbed C.missed

  D.lost [解析]interrupt 中断。disturb干扰;miss错过;lose丢失。 [答案]A 2.assume vt. 假定;设想 assume sb./sth. to be 假定某人/事为 It is assumed that...

  被认为 ①We cannot assume anything in this case. 在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测。 ②We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty. 尚未证实他有罪,就得假定他是清白的。 ③We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late. 我们大家可以一起走——假定其他人不耽搁的话。

  ④He assumes his new responsibilities next month. 他下月承担新任务。 【即境活用2】 (2010·山东济南模拟)________that you are chosen to be a volunteer at Shanghai Asian,what will you do? A.Assumed

  B.To assume C.Assuming

  D.To be assumed [解析]assuming that...假设……。 [答案]C 3.preserve vt. 保持;保存;保藏 n. 禁猎地 preserve one's eyesight保护视力 preserve the peace

  维护和平 preserve order

  维持秩序 preserve the lives of the passengers

  保护乘客生命 ①She managed to preserve her sense of humour despite everything. 她不管遇到什么都竭力保持幽默感。 ②The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved. 此段河流严禁外人捕鱼。 【即境活用3】 A society was set up to________the old customs from dying out in this area. A.reserve

  B.preserve C.observe

  D.deserve [解析]preserve 保护,符合句意。reserve预订;observe观察;deserve值得。 [答案]B 4.identify v. 确认;证明;鉴别出;认为某人或某物等同于…… identify sb./sth.as sb./sth. 确认(鉴别出)某人(某物)…… identify sth.with sth. 认为某人或某物等同于

  ①Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能在这些伞中认出你的那一把吗? ②She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的那个人。 ③One cannot identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。 【即境活用4】 (2010·湖南长沙模拟)He was so far away that I________him as my former student. A.identified

  B.proved C.supposed

  D.suggested [解析]identify 辨别出,符合句意。prove证实;suppose认为;suggest建议。 [答案]A ①I offered the alternative suggestions of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the sea. 我提议这次假期不是到山上就是到海边去。 ②Do you have an alternative solution to the problem? 你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题? ③The soldiers had no alternative but to fight till the victory. 战士们没有选择的余地,只能战斗到胜利。

  5.alternative adj. 供选择的;其他的 n. 可能的选择;选择对象

  (1)alternative energy 替代能源

  6.arrest n. 逮捕;拘留 vt. 逮捕;吸引


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