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2017高三英语一轮复习学案:Test of Module 5-6(外研版必修1)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  总课时数 17-18 科目 英语 使用时间

  主备人 王玲燕 使用人

  课题名称 A Test of Module 5-6 of Book 1


  1 I have come to the ___________(结论) that he is not the right person for the job.

  2 Our school has been given some new _________(设备)。

  3 When you heat a metal, it ________(膨胀).

  4 It’s very important for man to keep the _________(平衡) of nature.

  5 As winter comes, the ________(温度) gets lower and lower.

  6 The students are asked to ________(集中) their attention on the experiment.

  7 It is said that the club ________(包括) of 1,000 members.

  8 As is known to all, the Internet has created thousands of _________(百万富翁).

  9 They built a bank as a _________(防御设施) against flooding.

  10 The teacher gave me _________(许可) t o go home early.


  1 put sth. in order 2 add sth. to sth.

  3 keep sth. out of sth.

  4 used to 5 go ahead 6 compared with

  7 agree with

  8 as well

  9 be known for

  10 come up with

  1 Is that the best excuse you can ___



  2 The country ___


  ____ its long history.

  3 He sent me a letter and some money ___


  4 We all ____

  _____ you.

  5 ____

  ____ our small apartment, our uncle抯 house seemed like a palace.

  6 She _____some sugar _____ the tea.

  7 All the things in the room were out of order, but she quickly ______them __


  8 If you think youe can solve the problem,____


  9 I ____


  go to the cinema a lot, but I never get the time now.

  10 You should ______ the dog ____


  the room.


  1 It is ___ to spend money on preventing illness by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people __ after they are ill.

  A good; good

  B well; better

  C better; better

  D better; good

  2 In my opinion, my life in the twenty-first century is much easier than___.

  A that used to be

  B it is used to

  C it was used to

  D it used to be

  3 Some of the heat near the earth抯 surface can ___electricity.

  A use to make

  B be used to making

  C use to making

  D be used to make

  4 --- Have you read this book?

  --- Yes. But that one is

  ___ worth reading. I suggest you read it if y ou have time.

  A bestB wellC betterD more

  5 The total cost of their trip to America ____ $8,000 .

  A added up to

  B added up

  C added to

  D was added up to

  6 ____, I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying in your beautiful country.

  A To conclude

  B To include

  C In the conclusion

  D As conclusion

  7 ---Can he lend me some money?

  ---I regret to tell you he is

  ___ you.

  A not rich as

  B no more richer than

  C no richer than

  D not richer as

  8 Our English teacher, as well as us students, ___ not ___Chinese in the English Corner.

  A is; allowed to speak

  B is; allowed speaking

  C are; allowed to speak

  D are; allowed speaking

  9 You抎 better eat more green vegetables ____ rich vitamins.

  A contained

  B containing

  C including

  D included

  10 _Weather___, we抣l go fishing this weekend.

  A permits

  B permitting

  C permitted



  11 ___ meeting held last night was ___ great success.


  A ; a

  B A;/

  C The; /


  The ; a

  12 ___ of the time

  __ used up.

  A Two-thirds; is

  B Two thirds

  ; has been

  C Two-thirds; is

  D Two thirds; have been


  1 It is ___ to spend money on preventing illness by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people __ after they are ill.

  A good; good

  B well; better

  C better; better

  D better; good

  2 In my opinion, my life in the twenty-first century is much easier than___.

  A that used to be

  B it is used to

  C it was used to

  D it used to be

  3 Some of the heat near the earth抯 surface can ___electricity.

  A use to make

  B be used to making

  C use to making

  D be used to make

  4 --- Have you read this book?

  --- Yes. But that one is

  ___ worth reading. I seuggest you read it if you have time.

  A best B wellC betterD more 

  5 The total cost of their trip to America ____ $8,000 .

  A added up to

  B added up

  C added to

  D was added up to

  6 ____, I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying in your beautiful country.

  A To conclude

  B To include

  C In the conclusion

  D As conclusion

  7 ---Can he lend me some money?

  ---I regret to tell you he is

  ___ you.

  A not rich as

  B no more richer than

  C no richer than

  D not richer as

  8 Our English teacher, as well as us students, ___ not ___Chinese in the English Corner.

  A is; allowed to speak

  B is; allowed speaking

  C are; allowed to speak

  D are; allowed speaking

  9 You抎 better eat more green vegetables ____ rich vitamins.

  A contained

  B containing

  C including

  D included

  10 Weather___, wee抣l go fishing this weekend.

  A permits

  B permitting

  C permitted



  11 ___ meeting held last night was ___ great success.


  A ; a

  B A;/

  C The; /


  The ; a

  12 ___ of the time

  __ used up.

  A Two-thirds; is

  B Two thirds; has been

  Ce Two-thirds; is

  D Two thirds; have been

  四 阅读理解

  My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather


  prep. 除了 Mediterranean

  n. 地中海


  adv. 不断地 complain

  v. 抱怨


  adv. 刺骨地


  n. 阳光

  retire v. 退休

  settle down


  no sooner... than... 一…… 就……

  Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words.(回答下列问题,组成一个段落,不要超过60个单词)

  1 Where had the writer’s friend, Harrison, spent many years? What did he want to do? What did he buy? ( but... so...)

  2 Was the summer that year very good, or was it very bad? What did he complain about?( and )

  3 Did Harrison sell the house in the end or not? Did he leave the country or not? ( Harrison not only... but also)


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