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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1.从考查的内容看, 除考查词汇外, 还考查功能语法,即侧重于考查英语词汇在篇章中的交际功能。从而要求考生具有一定的语言知识实际运用能力。具体地说,要求考生具备:




  2.从题型的形式看,只给出空缺,没有选项,要求学生根据语境和自身已有的语法与词汇知识来填空, 这对学生的语言知识的提取和运用提出了更高的要求。








  在做完形填空第二节的时候,学生不但应该通篇考虑,掌握文章的内容和主题, 而且还应该合理地运用已学的语法知识得出正确的结论。总的来说,解答策略有“四法”,即:




  指从句子结构的角度来确定填空思路。例如:Humans are responsible for causing changes in the environment ________ hurt animals and species. 分析句子结构可知该空引导定语从句修饰changes,且在从句中作主语,由此可推断此处填which或that。




  是从词语搭配的角度来决定答案。例如:More and more people have begun to realize the effect of global warm ________ the environment. 根据固定搭配“have an effect on sth”可判断该空填on。



  【典例1】 There once were a goat and a donkey…So the farmer killed ________ goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.

  【解析】 该空后的goat在文中第二次提到,特指上文提到的goat,故该空填定冠词the。

  【典例2】 But nothing changed until midterm, ________ Mary Anne, a student teacher, was appointed to our class.

  【解析】 该空填when引导定语从句,修饰midterm。

  【典例3】 In short, I believe that it is ________ great use to keep a diary in English…

  【解析】 根据惯用搭配“be of +抽象名词”可判断该空填of。

  【典例4】 One of the ________ gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, which made him very unhappy.

  【解析】 该空根据“which made him very unhappy”可推断此处应指不好的礼物,但不宜填bad,而应根据“I ever made”判断填其最高级worst。

  【典例5】 …animals and plants are disappearing many times faster ________ they have in the past 65 million years.

  【解析】 根据比较级的构成可知该空填than。



  ________ there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animal’s footprints that fight did take place.

  【解析】 根据前后句的让步转折关系,判断该空填Though/Although。

  【典例2】 We’re all born with exceptional qualities, ________ only a few really realize their true potentials and make efforts in life and the others just lead an average life.

  【解析】 根据前后句意的转折关系判断该空填but。


  语篇是指比单个句子长的语言单位(句群、段落、篇章等)。语篇间往往有标明内在联系的词,我们称这些词为“语篇标志词”。如表示结构层次的有first, second, third, finally等;表示逻辑关系的有thus,therefore,so等;表示转折关系或变换话题的有however, but, by the way等。“语篇标志词”对迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文关系很有帮助。

  【典例】 Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced daily and ________ is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.

  【解析】 根据句中and所表示的并列关系可知该空与success相对应,故该空填failure。


  【典例】 Later, I seemed to hear faraway voices saying that my right ________was broken. I almost burst into tears. How would I ever play the piano again?

  【解析】 根据下文“How would I ever play the piano again?”可判断我所受伤的部位是用来弹钢琴的,由此判断该空填hand。


  【典例】 After some time, my mother arrived at the hospital, her face as ________as a sheet, and gave me a hug. Only then did the doctor begin to stitch(缝合) my head wound.

  【解析】 根据后一句可知,我是因伤在医院需动手术;由生活常识可知,动手术前自然害怕,害怕的人自然会脸色苍白,而且生活中纸也常是白色的,由这些生活常识可判断该空填white。


  【典例】 After the flood Mr. Deng was as poor as a church________.

  【解析】 这句话的意思是“水灾后邓先生一贫如洗了”。as poor as a church mouse(一贫如洗),所以此处填mouse。


  ? 探究点一 实词型填空



  【典例1】 Well, it’s just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they cannot ________ on their study.

  【解析】 该空在句中作谓语,且置于情态动词之后,由此判断该空填动词原形。根据语境可推断该空填focus或concentrate。focus/concentrate on意为“集中”。

  【典例2】 When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some ________, which even the best guidebooks do not answer.

  【解析】 该空在句中作动词have的宾语且前面有形容词some的修饰,由此判断该空填名词的复数形式。根据空后的“do not answer”可推断该空填questions。

  【典例3】 China is ________ than Japan in size.

  【解析】 该空在句中作is的表语且后有介词than,表两者之间的比较,由此判断该空填形容词的比较级。根据常识我们知道,中国在面积上比日本大,故该空填larger。

  【典例4】 And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I’ll stop and transplant________ to my wildflower garden.

  【解析】 该空在句中作动词transplant的宾语,应填名词或代词。如果填名词,根据语境则应填the blue flowers,但由于空中只能填一词,故用人称代词宾格them填空,代替the blue flowers。

  ? 探究点二 虚词型填空




  (1).表转折、对比关系的并列连词:but, while, whereas;表让步转折意义的副词:nevertheless, however, though,anyway,anyhow,yet。

  (2).表因果关系的并列连词:so, thus,for(因为);表示因果意义的副词:therefore。

  (3).表选择关系的并列连词:or(或者;否则), either…or;表选择意义的副词:otherwise。

  (4).表并列关系的并列连词:and, both…and, not only…but also, as well as, neither…nor。


  【典例1】 In some places women are expected to earn money ________ men work at home and raise their children.

  【解析】 句意为:在一些地方,人们期望妇女挣钱而男士在家操持家务和抚养子女。前后两句之间是对比关系,故填while。

  【典例2】 He found it increasingly difficult to read, ________ his eyesight was beginning to fail.

  【解析】 因为前后句是因果关系,故填for表“因为”。

  【典例3】 You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder,________you won’t pass the course.

  【解析】 根据语境“你已有两场考试不及格,你最好开始加倍努力,否则你通不过这门学科的。”判断填or。

  【典例4】 Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.

  【解析】 句意为:站在那儿,你能更好地看到这幅油画。根据句型“祈使句+and+简单句”可判断填and。

  【典例5】 I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel ________I heard the steps.

  【解析】 句意为:我刚走出浴室正忙于用浴巾擦干身子,就在这时我听到了脚步声。由此判断填when。

  【典例6】 There must be a better way to test a student’s true ability as________ as their knowledge.

  【解析】 此处as well as连接两个并列名词短语作test的宾语。

  2.如果该空位于“形容词+ 单数可数名词”之前,考虑用冠词(a/an/the)或形容词性物主代词。此外,也要掌握一些有关冠词的固定搭配。

  【典例1】 We must not only use our knowledge and abilities to manage the Earth, but to make the Earth________ safe and healthy place where all animals and plants—including humans ourselves—can live.

  【解析】 该空后形容词safe和healthy所修饰的place为单数可数名词,由此判断此空填冠词。由语境可知此处表泛指,故填a。

  【典例2】 The little girl pulled ________ left hand out of the pocket and took out some money.

  【解析】 空后为“形容词+单数名词”结构,考虑用冠词或形容词性物主代词。根据句意此处应指小女孩的左手,故用her填空。

  3.如果该空位于“限定词(冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格、数词)+形容词+ 名词”之前,或该空位于动词和名词或代词之间,则可考虑用介词。此外也要注意“系动词+形容词+介词+名词或代词”结构。

  【典例1】 Another simple way to protect your heart at your age is to quit smoking and avoid breathing ________ secondhand smoke.

  【解析】 该空位于动词和名词之间,可初步判断该空填介词。根据“quit smoking”和“avoid breathing ________ secondsmoke”的并列关系可判断,此处指“避免吸入二手烟”,故填in。

  【典例2】 She first painted only to please herself, and then began to sell her works ________a little money.

  【解析】 该空位于“a little money”之前,可初步判断填介词。根据语境可判断此处表示出售作品的目的是为了赚钱,故填for。

  4.如果该空引导的从句置于句首且整个从句在句中作主语,则考虑用主语从句的引导词;如果该空引导的从句置于系动词之后,则考虑用表语从句的引导词;如果该空引导的从句置于动词或介词之后,则考虑用宾语从句的引导词,其中考得较多的名词性从句的引导词是what, whatever, that, whether, where, why。


  ________ that team and that school must do is to admit that it lost.

  【解析】 该空引导的从句在句中作主语,即可判断它引导一个主语从句。根据该空在从句中作do的宾语,故填what。

  【典例2】 I don’t quite understand ________ they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.

  【解析】 该空引导的从句置于动词understand之后且作understand的宾语,故可判断它引导一个宾语从句。根据后一句的意思可推断我很不明白他们为什么如此着迷于该幼稚的游戏,故填why。

  5.如果该空引导的从句置于名词之后,则可考虑两种情况,一是引导同位语从句,常见的名词有fact, hope, desire, thought, suggestion, idea, news, problem, possibility等,同位语从句补充说明这些名词的内容;考查引导同位语从句较多的引导词是that, whether,这两个引导词在从句中均不作成分。二是引导定语从句,此时定语从句修饰或限制它前面的名词,常考查的是关系代词that, which, who, whom, as和关系副词when, where, why。

  【典例1】 The news ________ we won the game is exciting.

  【解析】 该空引导的从句置于名词news之后且具体说明news的内容,可判断该空引导同位语从句。由句意可推断填that。

  【典例2】 As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination________ will decide his future of job.

  【解析】 该空引导的从句置于名词examination之后并修饰examination,由此推断它引导的是一个定语从句。根据其在从句中作主语,且先行词指物,故填which或that。

  6.如果该空引导的从句位于句首或位于句末,且前后句之间没有并列连词,此时可考虑用引导状语从句的引导词,常考的引导词有:because, as, when, before, after, though, although, while, where, if, since, so/such…that等。

  【典例1】 ________she had not lost her precious belongs, she could have lost something far more important—her life!

  【解析】 该空引导从句置于句末,且两句之间无并列连词,可判断该空引导状语从句。根据句意可判断填if引导虚拟条件句。

  【典例2】 Anna Mary Robertson, better known as “Grandma Moses”, turned to painting ________she was too old to work on her farm.

  【解析】 该空引导从句置于句末,再结合句意可判断它引导一个时间状语从句,故填when。



  (1).It is adj.+ to do sth.

  It is difficult to translate this article.


  (2).It is adj. + for/of sb.+ to do sth.

  It is important for us to learn English.


  It’s kind of you to help me.


  (3)It is up to sb. to do sth.“应由某人负责”或“……是某人的职责”。

  It’s up to you to decide whether to take the job or not. 接不接受这份工作由你自己定。

  (4)It is adj.+ that clause

  It is important that we should pay close attention to grain. 关注粮食对我们很重要。

  (5)It is (no) good/use/useless + doing sth.

  It is no use trying again = It is of no use to try again.


  (6)It is worthwhile + doing sth./to do sth.

  It is worthwhile spending/to spend much time on it.


  (7)It happens + that clause

  It happened that John was the only witness.


  (8)It occurs to/strikes sb.+thatclause 某人突然想到……

  It suddenly occurred to/struck me that I hadn’t seen Peter all day.


  (9)It is said/reported/announced/ (well) known…that…

  It is known to us all that he means well. 我们都知道他是好意的。

  (10)It takes sb. some time to do sth.

  It took us one month to complete this project.



  (1)主语+vt.(think/consider/feel/suppose/believe etc.)+ it + adj. + to do sth.

  I found it difficult to explain to him what happened.


  (2)主语+vt.+ it + useful/useless/no good/no use + doing sth.

  He thought it no use going over the subject again.


  (3)主语+vt.+ it+adj.+ thatclause

  He didn’t make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.


  (4)take it for granted that…想当然地认为……

  Sorry! I just took it for granted that you would want to come.


  (5)see to it that…务必使……,保证使……

  Will you see to it that the luggage is brought back?


  (6)表示喜欢,恨等心理方面的动词如like, love, hate, appreciate, dislike等后加上it作形式宾语,再加上that/if/wh从句作真正宾语。

  I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.


  专题训练 完形填空




  Parents are busy people.If they are working,they are usually not at home__1__ their children return from school.Sometimes it is necessary for a parent to write __2__ afterschool note for their children.They sometimes put the note on the kitchen table,the refrigerator,__3__ another place where their children are sure to find it.

  A note is often a __4__ way to “talk” with a child than using the telephone.For one thing,parents have time to think about __5__ they want to say before they write. __6__ another,the note lists all the information in one place.It is easy to read again and again.People often forget all the details that __7__ hear in a telephone call.Finally,cell phones can be turned __8__ or telephone calls not answered.For these reasons,afterschool notes are very popular with parents.



  3. __________







  第一步:通读全文, 理解大意

  考生应该迅速地浏览全文, 以便了解全文主旨。首先, 应该特别注意文章的首尾句。通常文章会在首句给出一个提纲挈领或提供背景信息的句子, 在尾句表明自己的观点;

  其次,要注意一些关键词语或句子, 特别是涉及人物、时间、地点、原因、经过、结果的词句; 此外,还应该善于从文章的逻辑结构、上下文联系中挖掘作者的观点和态度。例如,根据文章首句“Parents are busy people.”和末句“For these reasons, afterschool notes are very popular with parents.”可推断全文主旨是:忙碌的父母给他们孩子留下“afterschool notes”的原因。

  第二步:尝试填空, 突破难点,各个击破


  1. when/after 该空引导时间状语从句。句意为:当他们的孩子们放学回来的时候/以后,他们经常不在家。

  2. an 根据空后的单数可数名词note及afterschool可判断填an。

  3. or 该空填并列连词or并列三个名词,即“the kitchen table, the refrigerator, another place”。

  4. better 由句意“便条是与孩子交流的更好方式”可判断填better。

  5. what 该空引导宾语从句且在从句中作say的宾语,故填what。

  6. For For another为固定搭配,意为“另一方面”。

  7. they 该空在句中作主语且指代前面的people,故填they。

  8. off turn off意为“关掉”,即:手机被关掉。


  第三步:再读检查, 修正错误

  填好各空后, 再将文章复读一遍, 把已经填好的答案放在整篇文章中来检查,看其语法是否正确(词形是否用对?拼写是否有错?),短文语意是否贯通。如果前后有矛盾或者句子不通顺, 证明有可能出现错误,




  One day when having lunch in a little café,I noticed an elderly couple having lunch at a table across the room. I must have looked over at them a few times __1__ my son asked me if I knew them. I replied that I didn’t,__2__ they reminded me of my own grandparents.

  When the waitress came over, I asked her if she knew them. She said she __3__. She said it was the elderly man’s birthday today. I wanted to do something for them so I told the waitress that I wanted to pay for __4__ lunch and gave her some money.

  Some time __5__, the elderly couple came over to thank us. They were so excited that someone had bought them lunch and wanted to meet my son and me. They said they were really cheered up by our gesture.

  My son was surprised that I had paid for this couple we didn’t know and asked me __6__ I did it. I replied that my grandparents used to go out for lunch to celebrate their birthdays in the same __7__ and it just felt like the right thing to do to make this couple smile, especially __8__ their birthday.









  1.because 前后是果因关系,故用because引导原因状语从句。

  2.but 前后是转折关系,故用but。

  3.did 此处用助动词did代替“knew them”。

  4.their 此处指老夫妻的中餐。

  5.later some time later 一些时间后。

  6.why 儿子问我为什么帮他们付款。

  7.way in the same way 以同样的方式。

  8.on on one’s birthday 在某人生日的那一天。


  Pleasant surprises always make me happy. It’s always nice to learn that someone was thinking of us and when they do something for us when we least expected, __1__ gives us happiness. When that __2__ to me,

  I try to do something for others.

  A couple of days ago, I was watching a movie with a few friends __3__ a thought came to my mind. One of my friends was moving house the next day and I decided to help him __4__ devoting some of my time to helping with the shifting. Then I had another thought, __5__ if he has a lot of stuff and it will be difficult for him to transport it?

  I shared this with a friend who was __6__ watching a movie. We decided to get a car and load everything in the car and give him __7__ surprise. We were excited and it all happened fantastically. The friend __8__ was moving was surprised with the gesture the next morning and was really happy.

  Let’s all continue to spread kindness!

  1.__________ 2.__________  3.__________


  5.__________  6.__________



  1.it 此空指“they do something for us when we least expected”所表示的一件事。

  2.happens sth. happens to sb. 某事发生在某人身上。

  3.when when此处意为“就在此时”。

  4.by by doing sth. 意为“通过做某事”。

  5.what what if…?意为“如果……将会怎样?”

  6.also 他当时也在看电视。

  7.a give sb. a surprise 给某人惊喜。

  8.who 此空引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,而先行词又指人,故用who。


  You have possibly overheard a mom whisper to herself, “I wish my son was as good as his son in Math.” Or perhaps you heard your daughter’s best friend tell your daughter, “I wish my mom is as cool as your mom.”__1__ these things are no longer a surprise, it doesn’t mean that it is a healthy thing to do. __2__, it means that we should find out why we blurt(突然说出) these things out __3__ a regular basis.

  We compare our families to others because other families look __4__ on the outside than our own families, __5__ is why comparing is so easy to do. Most of the time, we feel uncomfortable admitting__6__ ourselves that our families have problems.

  Actually, comparing families will not solve any problem. But if you stop comparing, you will realize __7__ wonderful your family is and you will see__8__ unique qualities. Not only that, you will also realize that your family is not as bad as you think, allowing you to solve family problems much easier.

  1.__________  2.__________ 







  1.Although/Though 该空引导让步状语从句。

  2.Instead instead 相反。

  3.on on a regular basis 经常地,为固定搭配。

  4.better 别人的家庭从表面上看比自己的家庭更好。

  5.which 此空引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,又指代前面整句内容,故用which。

  6.to admit to sb. sth向某人承认某事。

  7.how 此处为感叹句式作宾语从句。

  8.its 此空指上文的“your family”,故用its。


  Exercises and quitting smoking are thought to be important steps for a long, healthy life, but a new study suggests __1__ potential tip for living a long life: making some friends.

  The results show people with strong social relationships increased their opportunities of survival over a certain time period __2__ 50 percent, the researchers say. That’s nearly twice as beneficial as physical activity in terms of decreasing your possibilities of dying early.

  The findings show __3__ important friendships are to our health, the researchers say.

  “I think that social relationships should also be taken quite__4__ in terms of reducing risk of death,” said the researcher Julianne HoltLunstad, __5__ psychologist at Brigham Young University in Utah. “Our relationships can influence our health __6__ a variety of ways, for instance, they can help us deal with stress.”

  “Our friendships can also encourage healthy behaviors__7__ have a direct impact on wellbeing. For example, our friends might encourage __8__ to eat better, exercise, get more sleep or visit the doctor.” HoltL unstad added.









  1.another 交友为长寿的另一个建议。

  2.by by此处意为“按……的比例”。

  3.how 友谊对我们的健康多么重要。

  4.seriously 应该认真对待社会关系。take sth. seriously 认真对待某事。

  5.a 修饰单数可数名词psychologist且又表泛指,故用不定冠词。

  6.in in a variety of ways 以各种各样的方法/方式。

  7.that/which 该空引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,而先行词又指物,故用that/which。

  8.us 我们的朋友鼓励我们。故此处用宾格。



  Having Fun “Growing” and “Stealing”?

  Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion __1__ young office workers and students. People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow”, “sell” __2__ even “steal” “vegetables”, “flowers”, and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn some emoney and buy more “seeds”, “pets” and even “houses”.

  Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are __3__ opinions.

  Harold: I don’t quite understand __4__ they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident __5__ to face the real world.

  Allan: I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends’ gardens and we’ve become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.

  Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure; besides, it gives me the__6__ of being a “thief”.

  Ivy: Well, it’s just a __7__ of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not __8__ on their study.

  1.__________  2.__________ 







  1.among 在年轻的上班族和学生当中是一种时尚。

  2.or 此处表选择关系,故用or表示“或者”。

  3.their 此处指代上文的“some young people”。

  4.why 我不明白他们为什么着迷这种幼稚的游戏。

  5.enough 因为他们不能自信地面对这个世界。

  6.excitement/pleasure/fun 给我一种当小偷的兴奋感或喜悦感。

  7.waste 玩这种游戏是浪费时间。

  8.focus/concentrate focus/concentrate on集中。


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