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2017届高考英语一轮总复习精选单元练习人教版必修4《Unit 5 Theme parks》

发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  人教版新课标必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks

  Part one :单选

  1. A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities,where there are lots of________,like convenient transportation,more opportunities and better environment.




  2.________by the

  beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.



  C.To be attracted 

  D.Having attracted

  3. At minus 130 ℃,a living cell can be________for a thousand years.




  4. ________is known to all,China will be an________and powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time.




  5. I’ve been told that our teacher has________the deadline for the composition by two days and we have to hand it in tomorrow morning.




  6 Most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isn’t much help when it________shopping and eating.

  A.refers to 

  B.speaks of

  C.focuses on 

  D.comes to

  7. In this university a medal with ten thousand dollars________gains success in science and technology every two years.

  A.is given to whoeverB.are given to anyone who

  C.is given to whomeverD.are given to everyone

  8. .________team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.

  A.No matter whatB.No matter which


  9. .—Lucy was Lily’s sister!

  —________she reminded me so much of Lily.

  A.No doubt 

  B.No wonder

  C.Of course 

  D.Above all

  10. .He hasn’t slept at all for three days.________he is tired out.

  A.There is no pointB.There is no need

  C.It is no wonder 

  D.It is no way

  11. —You must go and make an apology to her.

  —________.It was her fault.

  A.No wonderB.No doubt

  C.No way 

  D.No problem

  12. The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only________,but students became more interested in the lessons.

  A.saved was teachers’energy B.was teachers’energy saved

  C.teachers’energy was saved D.was saved teachers’energy

  13. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain.Can I go too,mom?

  —________Wait till you are old enough,dear.

  A.Will you?B.Why not?

  C.I hope so. 

  D.I’m afraid not.

  14. —Was he sorry for what he’d done?


  A.No wonderB.Well done

  C.Not reallyD.Go ahead

  15. —Is it all right if I keep this photo?


  A.No,you don’tB.No,it shouldn’t

  C.I’m afraid notD.Don’t keep it

  16. )—Honey,let’s go out for dinner.

  —________I don’t have to cook.

  A.Forget it!B.That’s great!


  D.Go ahead.

  17. —Do you enjoy your present job?

  —________.I just do it for a living.

  A.Of courseB.Not really

  C.Not likelyD.Not a little

  18.Our boss is an________person.He is willing to listen to,think about or accept different ideas.



  19. You must put your heart into your studies.Don’t be________in class.



  20. My brother is really________.He often works in his office far into the night.



  21. Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his________one.



  22. .Lily has three________in this city and they are all________.

  A.girls friend;women doctors 

  B.girl friends;woman doctors

  C.girl friends;women doctors

  D.girls friends;woman doctors

  23. Nowadays,people get news around them and about the world from________media,on TV,by radio,in the newspaper or on the Internet.




  24. Though many people are________by the________performances of cheerleaders,they don’t think highly of them.

  A.amused;amused B.amusing;amusing



  25. At minus 130℃,a living cell can be ________ for a thousand years.




  Part two :完形填空

  He met her at a party. She was outstanding while he was normal. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee. She was    26  but due to being polite, she    27   . Sitting in a nice coffee shop, he was too    28   to say anything.

  Suddenly he asked the    29   , "Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee." Everybody stared at him, so   30  ! His face turned red but still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him   31  , "Why you have this hobby?" He replied, "When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked the  32    of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee.    33   I have the salty coffee, I always   34    my childhood and my hometown. I miss my hometown and my parents."    35    saying that tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched. A man who can tell out his  homesickness  must  be  a  man  who  has    36    of home.

  That was a really beautiful    37   of their story. Then the story was just like every beautiful  love  story — the  princess    38   the  prince. And  every  time  she  made    39   for him, she put some salt in it, as she knew that's the  40    he liked it.

  After 40 years, he passed away, 41    her a letter which said, "My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole life's lie — the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time,  42  I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me  to      43  so I just went ahead. If I can live for the second time, I still want to have you for my whole life,   44    I have to drink the salty coffee again."

  Her tears made the letter totally wet. Someday, someone asked her, "What's  the  taste  of 45  coffee? " She replied, " It's sweet."

  26. A. surprised            B. pleased      C. satisfied            D. excited   

  27. A. answered         B. promised         C. provided             D. refused   

  28. A. curious              B. jealous      C. nervous              D. cautious

  29. A. waiter               B. girl         C. partner              D. customer  

  30. A. outstanding         B. bitter        C. delicious            D. strange   

  31. A. constantly       B. curiously        C. suddenly            D. seriously   

  32. A. color            B. character        C. quality              D. taste   

  33. A. Every time       B. Next time    C. The first time       D. By the time  

  34. A. think out            B. think over   C. think of             D. think up   

  35. A. Since                B. Though       C. While                D. Because   

  36. A. responsibility       B. concept      C. consideration        D. control   

  37. A. scene                B. beginning        C. comedy           D. result   

  38. A. dated                B. admired          C. devoted          D. married  

  39. A. tea                  B. water            C. coffee               D. milk 

  40. A. way              B. method           C. means                D. route   

  41. A. left                 B. leaving          C. writing          D. wrote  

  42. A. fortunately          B. actually         C. happily          D. possibly  

  43. A. change               B. remind           C. overcome         D. remove  

  44. A. as though            B. now that         C. even though      D. so that   

  45. A. sugared              B. old              C. instant          D. salty   

  Part three :阅读理解


  The easy way out isn't always easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, my husband of one month, to a special meal. I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu which included homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time, I started on it as soon as Doug left for work. As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, two dozen would be better, so I doubled everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with ugly yellowish marks . Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the meal and, when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed. Twice he got up and went outside, saying he thought he heard a noise. The third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. Looking out, I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container. When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in our rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enough for me to see. I felt cold. But I stepped closer and looked harder. Without doubt it was my work. The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母) made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing . I had to admit what the "living thing" was and why it was there. I don't know who was more embarrassed by the whole thing--- Doug or me.


  46. The writer's purpose in writing this story is ________.

     A. to tell an interesting experience

     B. to show the easiest way out of a difficulty

     C. to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman

     D. to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books

  47. Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?

  A. The canned orange had gone bad.              B. She didn't use the right kind of flour.

  C. The cookbook was hard to understand.      D. She did not follow the directions closely.

  48. Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?

    A. She didn't see the use of keeping it        

    B. She meant to joke with her husband.

    C. She didn't want her husband to see it.      

    D. She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.

  49. What made the dough in the bin look frightening?

    A. The rising and falling movement.          B. The strange-looking marks.

    C. Its shape.                                          D. Its size.

  50. When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window because she was_____.

    A. surprised at his being interested in the bin  

  B. afraid that he would discover her secret

    C. unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal      

  D. curious to know what disturbed him

  B 篇

  When Rikke Dausen in Denmark goes to get some milk from the fridge, she has trouble getting past the refrigerator door. But it’s not because of any physical obstruction. It’s usually because the PC monitor in her refrigerator’s door has informed her that a new email message has arrived.

         Rikke and her husband are taking part in a six-month trial sponsored by a Danish firm and two Swedish partners. They hope to show that computers can be put to much more practical daily use than most people think. Fifty families and singles were provided with a free model known as the “Screenfridge” for the duration of trial.

         “It’s really very clever”, says Rikke. She can call up email, news reports, sales items at the supermarket or addressed out of the endless ocean Internet possibilities. “I’m not the type who wants to sit in front of the computer and wait 10 minutes for the modem to connect,” she says.

         The creators of the Screenfridge aim at this type of buyer. They think the machine should attract people who have limited time to solve technical problems or surf online.

         The PC that is built into the door is very small. It is only two centimeters wide, and completely silent.

         “Everything moves quickly”, as Rikke admits. “Well, the whole thing is really just an amusement”, she says. “But when the thing is gone after the test, it will be pain to have to go down in the basement again to download my email”.

         The Screenfridge is due to hit the market sometime next year.


  51. The writer gives a description of Rikke using the Screenfridge in order to _____.

  A. report Rikke’s daily life                  B. prove the value of PC

  C. describe modern life                        D. introduce the new product

  52.For what purpose is the Screenfridge made?

  A. To improve the email service.

  B. To make refrigerators more useful.

  C. To help those who cannot use computers.

  D. To make it easier to use computers.

  53. How long has Rikke probably been using the Screenfridge?

  A. Several months.           B. More than a year.      C. Several years.   D. Several hours.

  54. It can be learned from what Rikke says at the end of the passage that _____.

  A. she is not satisfied with the Screenfridge

  B. she wishes she could continue to use the Screenfridge

  C. she is sorry she has to download her email in the basement

  D. she doubts whether she can really depend on the Screenfridge

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  26 – 45  ABCAD    BDACC      ABDCA    BBACD46-54 ADCAD



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