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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.My sister ,as well as her classmates who _____late for class,

  _____criticized by Mr. Hunt.

  A. were ;was

  B. was; were

  C. was; was

  D. were; were



  试题分析:考查主谓一致。第一空是考查定语从句,先行词是classmates, who指代先行词classmates在句中做主语,故使用复数形式。第二空与my sister保持一致,不要管as well as后面的部分。故使用单数形式。故A正确。

  2. After five hours’ drive, they reached _____they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. whichever

  D. whatever



  3.----- John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news?

  ------Yes, but I _____him after his birthday party.

  A. should have told

  B .must have told

  C. shouldn’t have told

  D. needn’t have told


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。Should have done sth本应该做某事实际上却未坐;must have done一定做了某事;shouldn’t have done本不应该做某事,实际上却做了。Needn’t have done本不需要做某事,实际上却做了。句意—John看上去有点难过。你把那个坏消息告诉他了?—是的。可我本应该是在生日聚会以后在告诉他的。根据句意说明A正确。

  4.The human body consists of organs, each ____a definite job to do.

  A. have

  B. to have

  C. has

  D. having


  【解析】考查独立主格结构。独立主格结构是由名词+其它成分构成,不是句子,但是作用相当于句子。本题两部分之间没有连词,说明后半部分不是句子,而是短语。排除AC。Each与have构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。each having a definite job to do=and each has a definite job to do.故D 正确。


  I soon learnt, he was English himself.

  A. What

  B. As

  C. Which

  D. That



  6.---I want someone to write the composition for me.

  --- No. As a student,

  you ____depend on yourself.

  A. must

  B. might

  C. will

  D. can



  7.-----Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

  ----- Yes. No one could perform _____, I think.

  A. well

  B. better

  C. best

  D. the best


  【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。形容词比较级与否定词连用,表达最高级。本题的no one could perform better意为:没有人能表现的更好了。指我国女运动员表现最好。句意:—在温哥华冬奥会上我国的女运动员取得了巨大成功。—是的。我认为没有人表现得比题目更好了。根据句意说明B正确。

  8.---Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you ?

  ---Why that early ? I _____then.

  A. have slept

  B. have been sleeping

  C. will sleep

  D. will be sleeping


  【解析】考查时态。本题的关键是then,本题的then指代的是six tomorrow morning明天早晨六点。这是一个将来的时间点,故本题是指在将来的一个时间点上所发生的事情,故使用将来进行时。句意:—明天早晨六点给我电话,好吗?—为什么那么早?那个时候我还在睡觉呢!故D正确。

  9.----- When does your plane take off?

  ----- At 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, I’ve just called the airport to ____it.

  A. argue

  B. confirm





  10.China won 100 medals in the Beijing Olympic Games, which is almost _____they won at the Sydney Olympic Games.

  A. twice as many as

  B. as many as twice

  C. as much as twice

  D. twice as much as


  【解析】考查倍数表达法。倍数表达有多种方法,本题考查了其中之一:倍数+as 形容词(原级)as+ …;句意:中国在北京奥运会上赢得了100枚奖牌,几乎是他们在悉尼奥运会上的两倍。A项twice放在as的前面many修饰可数名词复数medals.故A正确。

  11._____ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger and more prosperous economy.

  A. As

  B. That

  C. This

  D. It


  【解析】考查it作为形式主语。本题的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger and more prosperous economy.句意:我们认为医疗保健方面的改善会带来更强大更繁荣的经济。故D正确。

  12._____ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

  A. After

  B. Although

  C. As soon as

  D. Now that



  13.Reportedly yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Irap when a bomb was ______ .

  A. set out

  B. set about

  C. set off

  D. set up


  【解析】短语辨析。A动身,出发;B开始做…;C 开始,引爆;D设立,建立;句意:据报道,昨天一群美国士兵正在伊拉克巡逻,在这时一颗炸弹被引爆了。根据句意说明set off在本句中指引爆,故C正确。

  14.In order to find ____better job, he decided to study _____second foreign language.

  A. the; a

  B. a; a

  C. the ; the

  D. a; the



  15.Don’t handle the vase as if it ____ made of steel.

  A. is

  B. were

  C. has been

  D. had been


  As if(似乎)后面的句子如果是虚假的事情,则使用虚拟语气,用过去时表示与现在和将来相反;be动词用were的形式。用过去完成时表示与过去相反。句意:不要像那样处理那个花瓶,好像它是用铁做的一样。实际上花瓶是陶瓷做的,故这是与现在相反的虚拟语气,使用were.故B正确。

  16. Do you think this shirt is too tight ____ the shoulders?

  A. at

  B. on

  C. to

  D. across



  17. We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?

  A. should face

  B. might face

  C. could have faced D. must have faced


  ’t说明本句是对过去的虚拟,故使用:情态动词+have done的形式,排除AB。D项不与虚拟语气连用。Could have done本可以做某事。句意:我们本可以一起面对困难,但是你为什么不告诉我呢?

  18. ______ at the door before you enter my room, please.

  A. Knock

  B. Knocking

  C. Knocked

  D. To knock

  19. Our friendship _____ quickly over the weeks that followed.

  A. had developed

  B. was developing C. would develop

  D. developed



  20.—Have you heard about that fire in the market?

  — Yes, fortunately no one _____.

  A. hurt

  B. was hurt

  C. has hurt

  D. had been hurt



  21.Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _____.

  A. some

  B. less

  C. much

  D. more



  22._______ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.

  A. Use

  B. Using

  C. Used

  D. To use



  23.Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ______ he could have expressed it differently.

  A. why

  B. how

  C. that

  D. whether


  24.One learns a language by making mistakes and ______ them.

  A. corrects

  B. correct

  C.to correct

  D. correcting



  25.By the time you have finished this book, your meal ______ cold.

  A. gets

  B. has got

  C. will get

  D.is getting


  【解析】by the time 后接现在时,将来时。

  26.—Look at those clouds!

  —Don’t worry. ______ it rains, we’ll still have a great time.

  A. Even if

  B.As though

  C. In case

  D. If only


  从句连接词。even if 即便,as though似乎,in case 以防,if only要是…多好。

  27.-----I’m more than happy to go out this weekend.

  ----- ______. We’ve got so much work to do at that time.

  A. Don't worry

  B. Forget it

  C. Don't say so

  D. Don't mention it



  28.Food supplies in the flood-stricken area ______. We must act immediately

  before there’s nothing left.

  A. have run out

  B. are running out

  C. have been run out

  D. are being run out


  【解析】考查run out用法以及将来时用法。Run out用完,耗尽;该词组没有被动语态,排除CD。句意:在洪涝灾害袭击地区的食品供应即将耗尽,我们必须在食品用完之前立刻行动。根据句意说明现在还没有耗尽食品,是就要耗尽了。故B正确。

  29. It was foolish of you to take a taxi ______you could walk there in five minutes.

  A. where

  B. as

  C. How

  D. when



  30.We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold ______us a ride home.

  A. didn't offer

  B. wouldn't offer

  C. hasn't offered D. hadn't offered


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。本题是条件状语从句的虚拟语气,从句中用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反,主句用情态动词+have done.故D正确。

  31.His play was popular and every time ______about it, he owed his success to the support of his friends.

  A. talking

  B. talked

  C. to talk

  D. when talking


  【解析】考查分词做状语。Talk about it与he构成主动关系,故使用现在分词做状语。D项的when与every time重复。句意:他的戏剧非常受欢迎,每次谈论的时候,他都把成功归功于朋友的支持。

  32.I should very much like to have gone to the party, but ______.

  A. I'm not invited

  B. I won't be among the invited 

  C. they won't invite me

  D. they didn't invite me


  【解析】考查虚拟语气和时态。根据第一句should like to have gone 本应该做某事,实际上却未做,说明是与过去相反的虚拟语气,but后面使用陈述语气,根据前一句与过去相反,说明后面用过去时,故D正确。

  33.______, I believe, and you will find Tom is very outgoing.

  A. Having a talk with the student

  B. Given a talk with the student

  C. One talk with the student

  D. If you have a talk with the student


  【解析】考查特殊句式。本句式是由:祈使句+连词+陈述句;转化而来。转换成:名词短语+连词+陈述句、句意:和那个学生谈谈,你就会发现Tom非常外向。本句=If you have one talk with the student, you will find Tom is very outgoing.故C正确。

  34.Babies’ health is much more likely to be affected if______ parent smokes.

  A. both

  B. none

  C. neither

  D. either



  35.The continuous rain ______ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two months.

  A. set back

  B. set off

  C. set aside

  D. set out



  36.--Do you think you will give me a hand in time of trouble?

  --I’d like to do something for you ______ everything you’ve done for me.

  A. in exchange

  B. in turn

  C. in return for

  D. in terms of


  【解析】词义辨析。A项不全,应该有介词for; in turn依次,轮流;in return for作为…的回报;in terms of就…而言。句意:—在紧急情况下,你会帮助我嘛?—我会为你做的作为你位我们做的事情的回报。根据句意说明C正确。

  37.The bus hit against a tree in the fog and ______to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded.

  A. down did it roll

  B. down rolled it

  C. it down rolled

  D. down it rolled



  38.______in a science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $ 21, 000.

  A. To be judged the best

  B. Judged the bes

  C. Having judged the best 

  D. Judging the best


  【解析】考查分词做状语。Judge与the three students构成被动关系,故使用过去分词的形式在句中做状语。句意:在比赛中北认定为最好,这三个学生被授予奖学金共计2万1千美元。故B正确。

  39.-----Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?

  -----Yes, but I don't like ______ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. those

  D. it


  【解析】考查it的特殊用法。本题的it是一种特殊用法,有语法家称之为模糊it,就像make it成功;got it明白等词组中的it一样。没有具体指什么,但是又不能省略。句意:—Robert,你习惯中国的食物了吗?—是的!但是我不喜欢中国人一直让我吃我不喜欢的菜。故D正确。

  40.We all felt a sense of ______ when we saw so many overseas Chinese

  coming back safe and sound from Libya.

  A. security

  B. relief C. emergency

  D. achievement




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