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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Researchers have found clear and convincing evidence ________ happiness is

  the key to better health and longer lives.

  A. where B. whether

  C. how D. that


  【解析】考察同位语从句.同位语从句that happiness is the key to better health and longer lives解释名词evidence的内容。

  2.Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ______ alone.

  A. to see

  B. seeing

  C. is seen

  D. seen



  3.Jessica has always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ________ that she’s talking to.

  A. who is it

  B. who it is

  C. it is who D. it is whom


  【解析】考察强调句型。本题是强调句型的特殊疑问句转化的主语从句。It是形式主语,真正的主语是Who it is that she’s talking to。强调句型的it is that去掉句子仍然是成立的。结合句意可知B正确。

  4.According to the original design, the plant would be able to _______ at least 8,000 pianos a year.

  A. bring out

  B. take out

  C. put out D. work out



  5.Young children are often advised not to spoil their appetite by eating sweets ________ the three meals.

  A. among

  B. during

  C. between D. through


  【解析】考察介词。Between指两者之间。Between the three meals指在三餐的每两者之间。

  6.—Why, my new computer is rubbish! Five hours has passed and it still hasn’t finished the downloading.

  —Don’t worry. You know, sometimes the Internet ________ be very slow.

  A. can B. may

  C. should D. must



  7.The movie Transformers 3 brought in 1.2 billion dollars in 2011, which was ________ new height in ________ director’s career.

  A. a; a

  B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the


  【解析】考察冠词。第一空用a泛指一个新的高度。第二空用the特指那位导演的生涯。结合句意可知B正确.句意:在2011年Transformers 3获得了12亿美元的票房,是这位导演生涯中新的高度。

  8.________with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.




  D.To face

  【解析】考察形容词用法。Be faced with…面临着….这里是形容词短语对当时的情况进行补充说明,结合句意可知A正确。句意:面临着如此多的麻烦,我们没有能准时完成那个任务。9.When it was his turn to deliver his speech,________,he walked towards the microphone.

  A.nervously and embarrassingly

  B.nervous and embarrassedly

  C.nervously and embarrassing

  D.nervous and embarrassed

  【解析】考察形容词用法。形容词nervous and embarrassed是对he的情况进行补充说明的。

  10.In order to meet the demands they had to________production.

  A.fasten up 

  B.rise up

  C.speed up 

  D.go up

  【解析】考察固定词组。Speed up加速;fasten up扣上;rise up上升;go up上升;结合句意可知C正确。句意:为了满足需求,他们不得不加快生产。

  11.After he retired from office,Royers________painting for a while,but soon lost interest.

  A.took up 

  B. saved up

  C.kept up 

  D.drew up


  12.________China has successfully launched its Shenzhou Ⅵ with two astronauts in it has shocked the world.





  【解析】考察主语从句的连接词。That引导起主语从句,在句中不担当任何成分,也不能省略,只是起引导作用。本题的主语从句That China has successfully launched its Shenzhou Ⅵ with two astronauts in it的句中结构很完整,使用用that引导即可。故D正确。

  13.Come and see me whenever________.

  A.you are convenientB.you will be convenient

  C.it is convenient to youD.it will be convenient to you

  【解析】考察固定句型。It is convenient to sb对某人来说方便。结合句意可知C正确。句意:在你方便的任何时候来看我。

  14.Don’t always_______your own failure_______others.Sometimes you yourself________.

  A.blame;on;are to be blamed 

  B.blame;for;are to blame

  C.blame;on;are to blame 

  D.blame;for;are to be blamed

  【解析】考察blame用法。Blame sth on sb把某事归咎于某人;be to blame该受责备(主动表示被动)。结合句意可知C正确。句意:不要总是把自己的失败归咎于其他人。有时候你自己也应该受到责备。

  15.She knows nothing about her new neighbor________he moved into the building last Sunday.

  A.except that 


  C.apart from 



  16.—What’s the central idea of the passage,Bob?

  —Sorry,I can’t make________of it.It’s beyond my ability.




  【解析】考察固定词组。Make sense of搞清楚,弄明白。

  17.This is the first time we________a film in the cinema together as a family.


  B.had seen


  D.have seen

  【解析】考察特殊句型。This/it is the first/second time后面的句中应该使用现在完成时,故D正确。句意:这是第一次我们一家人子在一起看电影。

  18.Jane’s pale face suggested that she______ill,and her parents suggested that she________a medical examination.

  A.be;should have 


  C.should be;had 


  【解析】考察suggest用法。Suggest表示说明,暗示的时候,用陈述语气;表示建议的时候用虚拟语气should+ 动词原形。结合句意可知B正确。句意:Jane苍白的脸色说明她病了。她父母建议她去做一个检查。

  19.In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained________abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.



  C.to be stuckD.to have stuck

  【解析】考察系表结构。Remain是系动词,后面要接形容词构成系表结构。Stuck是stick的过去分词所转换的形容词,故B正确。Remain stuck滞留。

  20.“Things________never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.


  B.losingC.to lose 

  D.have lost


  21.Every one of us must know:________we live can we save the earth.

  A.by changing the way only

  B.only by changing the way

  C.by only changing the way

  D.by changing only the way


  22.—Can those________at the back of the classroom hear me?

  —No problem.





  【解析】考察形容词。形容词短语seated at the back of the classroom作为定语修饰名词those. ABD三项都是动词的形式。结合句意可知C正确。句意:坐在教室后面的那些人能听见我说话吗?

  23.Attracting _____ senior citizens, Florida is _____ home to the largest population of elder Americans.

  A.不填; 不填

  B. the; the

  C. the; 不填

  D.不填; a

  【解析】考察冠词。第一空考察的是一类事物的表达法,复数形式senior citizens表示老年人。第二空是固定用法be home to…是…的所在地;结合句意可知A正确。佛罗里达作为很多老年人的所在地,正吸引着老年人。

  24.—Bob feels really sorry, Jean.

  — ______ I wouldn’t accept his excuses unless he takes back what he said.

  A. What for? B. So what? C. No doubt. D. No wonder.



  25.These reference books donated by a non-profitable organization are available for ____ wants to have it.

  A. anyone

  B. someone

  C. who

  D. whoever


  【解析】考察宾语从句。Whoever引导宾语从句whoever wants to have it并在句中作主语。结合句意可知D正确。由这个非盈利组织捐献的参考书是给那些想拥有它的人的。

  26.---Haven’t seen you for ages! Do you still work in Guangzhou?

  ---______. It’s two years since I worked there.

  A. Yes, I have

  B. Yes, I do

  C. No, I haven’t

  D. No, I don’t


  【解析】考察否定句的回答。回答否定句的时候,yes翻译为:不;no翻译为:是的。根据It’s two years since I worked there:我不在那儿工作已经两年了。可知D正确。意为:是的,我不在那儿工作了。

  27.There was a tree in front of the house, ___ owner was seen sitting under it, enjoying the shade.

  A. whose B. where C. which D. that



  28.Studies show that daydreaming contributes significantly to concentration powers and the ability _____ with others.

  A. communicating

  B. to be communicated

  C. to communicate

  D.to communicating


  【解析】考察不定式用法。当名词是ability,way这些抽象名词时,使用不定式做定语修饰。The ability to communicate with others与其他人交流的能力。

  29.______ send officials abroad for training, I think it is better for the government to directly admit people who have studied and worked overseas.

  A. Other than

  B. Rather than

  C. Less than D. More than



  30. The maker of the popular game Angry Birds announced on Tuesday that it would open its first overseas operation in Shanghai, _____ a clear step to further enter the booming Chinese market.

  A. to mark

  B. marking

  C. marked

  D. having marked


  【解析】考察分词作状语用法。现在分词作结果状语表示意料之中的结果。句意:疯狂的小鸟的游戏商宣布将在上海建立第一家海外机构,标志着 其进一步进入中国市场。

  31.—Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week.

  —Sorry, sir, but I was ____ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.

  A. held up

  B. put up

  C. taken up

  D. given up



  32.—How was Robert's cooking?

  —Oh, pretty good. I was quite _____.

  A. admired

  B. interested

  C. impressed

  D. inspired



  33.Reportedly, yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was _______, three of whom were killed.

  A. set off

  B. set out

  C. set up

  D. set about



  34.Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made _____ almost an overcoat for her.

  A. them B. her C. itself D. herself



  35.I lost my way in complete darkness and ________ it began to rain.

  A. to make matters worse was that

  B. what made matters worse was that

  C. making matters worse,

  D. made matters worse


  【解析】考察名词性从句。what made matters worse是主语从句,that it began to rain是表语从句。结合句意可知B正确。句意:在黑暗中我迷路了。让情况更糟糕的是又开始下雨了。

  36. All the students in our class are working hard every day, and the result _____ to be good in the coming examination.

  A. promises

  B. expects

  C. supposes

  D. thinks


  【解析】动词辨析。Promise预示着…;expect期待suppose认为;think 认为;结合句意可知A正确。句意:所有的学生都很努力,在接下来的考试中结果一定会比较好。

  37.— The terrible accident is under investigation.

  — Actually, quicker action _________ those workers trapped in the mine.

  A. may have saved

  B. must have saved

  C. should have saved

  D. could have saved



  38. I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always ______ you ______ a careful driver.

  A. think; are B. am thinking; are

  C. thought; were

  D. think; were



  39.When we think of communication , we _________ think of using words---- talking face to face, writing messages, and so on .

  A. shortly

  B. probably

  C. practicallly

  D. normally



  40.The first prize winner _______, John was so disappointed that he felt unwilling to know the rest of the results.

  A. announcing

  B. announced

  C. having announced

  D. had been announced


  【解析】考察的独立主格结构。独立主格结构不是句子,但是它的作用相当于一个句子。本题的The first prize winner announced正是一个独立主格结构=After The first prize winner was announced.结合句意可知B正确。句意:第一名被宣布以后,John如此的失望以至于他都不愿意去听其他的结果。


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