(Language focus)
Learning aims:
1. Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentence patterns in the reading passage.
2. Finish some exercises related to the words, expressions and sentence patterns in the passage.
Important and difficult points:
Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentence patterns in the reading passage.
Methods: Working individually, in groups or team discussion
Learning procedures:
Step I: Revision
Retell the story that happened in the fog with the help of the words below:
It was at 4 p.m. on a ______ afternoon. Polly left work and wondered ___________________________. Later at her ______ bus stop, the conductor told her the fog was _________ to _______ to King Street, _______ Polly lived. So she took __________________ to Green Park, hoping that she could _____________. When she got to the station entrance, it was ________. The fog ________________________. Nobody was _________. In the Park Street, an old man ___________________________________________. At last, Polly was surprised to find that the old man _____________. He left in a hurry to help more people ___________.
Step II: Translation
Put the following phrases into English:
1. 笼罩在一片灰雾中
2. 踏进浓雾中
3. 其余的乘客
4. 匆匆看一眼
5. 空无一人的大街
6. 动身去
7. 伸出手(够……)
8. 当心台阶
9. 通过报纸跟我联系
10. 悄悄告诉我
Put the following into Chinese, paying much attention to the underlined parts:
1. If you want to catch that train we’d better set off for the station immediately. 2. Tear-gas bombs were set off to break up the crowds. 3. A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.
4. China covers 13 of the world’s 24 time zones.
5. The bird can cover a distance of 200 km in less than 3 hours.
6. He laughed to cover his embarrassment.
7. The man covered his wife from the falling-down brick of a building.
8. Their research covers a wide range.
9. A reporter was sent there to cover the accident.
10. $ 200 cannot cover the trip.
Put the following sentences into English:
1. 一到街上,Polly就匆匆向往常乘车的车站走。
。once 的词义还有
(一旦被制定出来), the plan must be carried out.
2. 现在情况是雾太大了,公交车开不了那么远。
The truth is that … 意思是
They carefully observed the behavior of deer.
I observed him stop at the gate.
He observed that he entered the bank with a gun.
This law must be strictly observed.
He observed that it was a lovely day.
Some people observe Christmas here.
4. 当其他的乘客下车时,她瞥了一眼身边的人。
vi.& n.______________
常见短语搭配:give/ take/ shoot/ throw a glance at 朝……匆匆看一下
glance at
glance around
glance off掠过;擦过
glance over/through浏览
at a glance看一眼便知道
at first glance乍一看;最初看到时
5. 那个高个子男人不见了。
nowhere to be found / seen
6. 那里已空无一人。
in sight 意思是
译: 火车仍在视线内。The train is still
the school buildings.
the sights of a place
lose one’s sight
in the sight of sb.
out of sight
at the sight of ________________
catch sight of ___________________
at first sight
know somebody by sight
7. 她能感到由于害怕自己的心在砰砰乱跳。
beat v. 跳动;击打;拍打;打败
n.心跳节拍 过去式
译:He’s still alive—I can feel his heart
Occasionally the master _______________ (敲着桌子) with his heavy ruler as he cried,“Silence, please silence!”
He ______________ (赢了我)at a chess.
Waves are_________________________(拍打着岩石).
The rain is __________________________(拍打着窗户).
Can’t you hear_________________(我的心跳) .
8. 刚才她还盼望着能有什么人朝她这里走来。现在她想到的是跑掉,但是因为恐惧,她一动也不能动。
和a minute before连用的时态是
,如果是a minute ago则和
wish for 意思是
It’s no use
vt. 使保持特定位置或状况 ________________( 抬起你的头来) for three minutes; it will help you relax. It took three nurses to ______________(把他按住) while they gave him the injection. The man ___________________(让门敞开) as he noticed an old woman came up behind him. 9. Polly发现自己身边站着一个男人, 他的手搭在她的胳膊上。
find oneself ... 发觉自己正在做某事或处于某状态, 常指没有预料到的事或状态。
Mary, who was usually shy, ____________________________
At last, he found himself ______________________________________________(正走在一条拥挤的街道上).
rest (sth.) on / upon / against (把……) 倚靠、搁放在……上; 使依靠/支撑;把……停留在;依赖……;依据;寄托(愿望等)
译:She was weeping, ________________________________(将头靠在他的肩上).
The bridge _____________(靠……支持) stone arches.
His eyes ______________(凝视着) the peaceful valley below.
We _______________________(将希望寄托在) the new project.
10. 20岁是个好年龄。我也曾经年轻过。
句型:主语+ be+ adj. + to do / be
Attention please, I’ll repeat the question once more.
It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that men should travel to the moon.
11. 这给了我一个机会,我可以回报在晴天里人们所给与我的帮助了。
pay back _______________
pay off _______________
pay for _________________
How can I ______ you _______ for all your kindness?
My husband cheated me but I’ll find some way to _______ him _______. After 10 years of hard work, the couple eventually _______________ the debts.
How much should I _____ you ______ the broken glasses?
You will _______________ your carelessness.
12. 像我这样的瞎子没人帮助是没有办法过街,除非是在这样的大雾里。
翻译下列句子中的get across
The explanation did not get across to the class. _______________
He didn’t get his explanation across to the class. _______________
I usually go to work by bike, _________________________/_____________________
We have nothing to do ______________________________________(除了偶尔对看一眼).
Step III: Finish the following exercises:
1. As soon as I entered the room, I _____ that I was not welcome.
A. sensed
B. seemed
C. smelt
D. touched
2. No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn’t _____ to me.
A. understand
B. make out
C. turn out
D. make sense
3. He decided not to attend her birthday party, _____ he had been invited to.
A. even if
B. because
C. so if
D. as though
4. The speaker _____ from his seat and _____ his voice, looking excited.
A. raised; raised
B. rose; raised
C. rose; rose
D. raised; rose
5. He _____ to get some train tickets, but he failed.
A. advised
B. tried
C. managed
D. succeeded
6. The secretary worked late into the night, _____ a long speech for the president.
A. to prepare
B. preparing
C. prepared
D. was preparing
7. She set out soon after dark _____ home an hour later.
A. arriving
B. to arrive
C. having arrived
D. and arrived
8. He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his, ________, will last forever.
A. once gained
B. to be gained
C. after gained
D. while gained
9.—Your dog is having a bath again!
---Well, we don’t care if our dog smells_____, but we really don’t want him to smell____.
A. bad; bad
B. badly, bad
C. bad, badly
D. badly, badly
10. _______, I watched an ______ horse race yesterday. That’s why I was absent from work.
A. Telling you the truth, excited
B. Telling you the truth, exciting
C. To tell you the truth, excited
D. To tell you the truth, exciting
11. In my opinion, what he told us just now about the matter doesn’t make any_______.
A. meaning
B. idea
C. sense
D. point
12. The murderer was brought in, with his hands______ behind his back.
A. be tied
having tied
C. to be tied
D. tied
13. Nowhere else in the world______ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.
A. a tourist can find
B. can a tourist find
C. a tourist will find
D. a tourist has found
14. If you go for a long ride in a friend’s car, it’s the custom to offer to ____ some of the expenses.
A. pay
B. pay off
C. pay for
D. pay back
15. In hilly, dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops, it makes very
good ________ to keep sheep or goats.
A. sense
B senses
C reason
D reasons
16. The bus didn’t arrive on time. Timmy waited anxiously and _______his watch from
time to time.
A. stared at
B. glared at
C. glanced at
D. sneered at
17. Chuck _____to land on a ________island where there were no people and made friends
with a volleyball called Wilson.
A. tried; deserting
B. managed; deserted
C. succeeded; deserted
D. managed; desert
18. For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree _____.
A. in sight
B. on earth
C. at a distance D. in place
19. He got to the station early, _____ missing his train.
A. in search of
B. instead of
C. for fear of
D. in case
20. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _____ in two days?
A. the rest
B. the other
C. another
D. the others
21. If you wish _____ peace, be prepared _____ war.
A. at; with
B. for; at
C. for; for
D. with ; at
22. She _____ at the person shyly out of the corners of her eyes.
A. stared
B. glared
C. glanced
D. watched
23. I was about to say it _____ you interrupted me.
A. as
B. while
C. until
D. when
24. Your football team _____ ours last Sunday, but we _____ the game yesterday.
A. beat; beat
B. beat; won
C. won; won
D. won; beat
25. The suit fitted him well _____ the color was a little brighter.
A. except for
B. except that
C. except when D. besides
26. ---_____ Smith, John also went to visit Lushan with me.
--- Did you see all the attractions?
---_____ a few that are too far away.
A. Besides; beside
B. Except; besides C. Besides; except D. Except; except
Period 3 unit 1 module 3 答案
Step I
foggy; if the bus would still be running; usual; too thick; run; where; a subway train, take/ get a taxi; deserted; lay like a thick, grey cloud; in sight; took her hand and helped her find the way; was blind; in need
Step II.
Put the following phrases into English:
1. be covered in a grey mist
2. step out into the fog
3. the rest passengers
4. glance at 5. a deserted street
6. set off towards / for
7. reach out (for)
8. watch out for the step
9. contact me through the newspaper
10. have a word in one’s ear
Put the following into Chinese:
1. 如果你想赶上那班火车,我们最好立即出发去车站。 2. 为驱散人群施放了催泪弹。
3. 一封家信勾起了一阵乡思。
4. 中国地跨世界24个时区的13个。
5. 这种鸟3个小时内能飞200公里。
6. 他以笑声来掩饰自己的尴尬。
7. 那位男士护住妻子以免她被楼上掉下的砖头砸着。
8. 他们的研究涵盖了广泛的领域。
9. 一位记者被派到那里去报道那场事故。
10. ¥200不够这次旅行的花费。
Put the following sentences into English:
1. once worked out
2. The truth is that it makes sense to build that / this high a tower here.
4. He glanced nervously at his watch.
She gave the boy a quick glance as he walked into the room.
5. The money is nowhere to be found.
Nowhere can the money be found.
6. 看得到;在视力范围之内
in sight, came in sight of, 一个地方的名胜, 失明, 在某人看来, 看不见, 一看见,, 看见乍一看;初见, 面熟,
7. 原因,shake with cold, beating, beat the desk beat the desk, beat me beat me, beating against the rocks, beating against the window, the beat of my heart, the beat of my heart beating against the window beating against the window
8. wishing for the impossible
Hold your head up, hold him down; held the door open
9. found herself talking to a stranger; walking in a crowded street;
resting her head on his shoulder; rests on ; rested on ; rested our hope on ;rest the ladder against the wall;
the conclusion rested / based on reliable data
10. The water is fit to drink.
She is easy to get along with. 一次;曾经
11. pay back; pay back; pay off; pay for, pay for
12. 被……理解;把……讲清楚;except that it snows / except on snowy days; except glance at each other from time to time
Step III: Finish the following exercises:
1-------5 ADABB 6-----10 BDABD 11-----15
21-----26 CCD BBC
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