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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.struggle vt. & vi.4.expand vt. & vi.expansion n.扩大;增加

  5.circulate vt. & vi.circulation n.循环流通 8.equip vt. & vi.equipment n.设备(不可数) 9.export vt. & vi.import vt. & vi.输入;入口;进口 12.confuse vt.confusing adj.令人迷惑的→confused adj.感到迷惑的→confusion n.迷惑 13.regret vt. n.遗憾;懊悔→regretful adj.后悔的 16.reduce vt.reduction n.缩小;减少 1.struggle vt. n.斗争;挣扎 struggle with/against 与……搏斗/斗争 struggle for sth./to do sth. 努力/争取…… struggle through 奋力通过 struggle to one‘s feet 挣扎着站起来 struggle on/along (虽艰难仍)继续做某事 with a struggle 费劲地

  [即学即练1](1)They had to _________ ______ their lives ______ weather and wild animals. 为了生存他们必须与天气和野兽抗争。(2)They had to _________ ____________ all kinds of difficulties. 他们得和各样的困难作斗争。(3)She _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ her attacker.她挣扎着想摆脱那个袭击她的人。

  Struggle for againststruggle with / against//struggled to get away from

  (4)______ ______ ______ __________, the old woman gained control of her business.After a long struggle

  2.expand vt.&vi. expansion n. 扩张;膨胀;扩大;发展 expansive adj. 扩张性的;开展性的;广阔的 expand into/to 使扩大,expand on/upon 阐述,

  [即学即练2](1)Metals ________ when they are heated. 金属受热会膨胀。(2)We've __________ ______ __________ by opening two more stores. 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。(3)I repeated the question and waited for her to _________. 我把问题重复了一遍,。

  Expandexpanded the business//expand

  3. therefore adv.(=as a result of that)因此;所以

  [即学即练3]He was very tired and __________ he fell sound asleep.He was very tired. __________ he fell sound asleep. =He was very tired, ______ he fell sound asleep. 他累得很,。


  提示:therefore 是副词,不能引导从句,两个句子之间要用连词或者分号;而 so是连词,可接从句。

  4.equip vt.&vi. equipment n. [U]装备;设备 equip sb./sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/物 equip sb./sth. for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而准备 sb. be equipped to do sth. 某人有准备做某事 equip sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事 be equipped with sth. 装备有某物 a piece of equipment 一件设备

  [即学即练4](1)Our classroom ______ ________ ______ a TV set and a tape recorder. 我们的教室里配有一台电视和一台录音机。(2)A good education should ______ ______ ______ ______.良好的教育能使你受用终生。(3)Our school has been given ______ ______ __________. 我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。is equipped with//equip you for life//some new equipment

  5.regret v&n. 遗憾;后悔;惋惜 refuse with much regret (many regrets) 婉言拒绝 to one's regret 令人遗憾的是 feel regretful for....对……感到后悔 express regret for/at/over sth... 对……表示遗憾 regret+n./pron./doing/having done 后悔做某事 regret+that-clause 后悔,regret to say/tell/inform... 很抱歉地说/告诉/通知…… It's much to be regretted that... 令人遗憾的是……

  [即学即练5](1)He regretted _________ ______ careless. =He regretted ______ ______ ______ ______ careless. 他对于自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。(2)I regret ______ ______ you that we are unable to offer you employment. 我遗憾地通知你,。(3)______ ______ ______ ______, I must leave now.,。 (4)We heard ______ ______ that you were not successful in your plan. 听到你的计划不能顺利进行,。

  Having beenthat he had been//to inform//Much to my regret//withregret

  7.reduce vt. reduce one's expenditure 减少某人的开支 be reduced to despair 陷入绝望 reduce to... 降至…… reduce by... 减少了……

  [即学即练7](1)He persuaded them to ______ the price ______ $1 000. 他设法使他们的价格降到1 000美元。(2)Production costs have ______ ________ ______ one third. 生产成本下降了1/3。(3)The fire __________ the forest ______ a few trees. 大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树了。

  Reduce tobeen reduced by//reduced to

  8.comment vt. n.评论,意见,议论 ask for comment 征求意见 make comments on sth.评论某事 No comment. 无可奉告。Without comment. 不必多说。comment(v.)on/ upon sth.评论,comment(v.)that-clause评论……

  [即学即练8](1)Have you any ___________ ______ the proposals?你对这些建议有什么意见吗? (2)It created ______ ___________ in the press. 这引起报界广泛的评论。(3)He made some useful ___________ ______ my work. 他对我的作品作了一些实用的评论。 (4)He ____________ that it was an excellent film. 他评论这部电影很精彩。

  Comments onwide comment//comments//on commented

  10.rid sb./oneself/sth. of sth. be/get rid of 去掉,remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 be free of... 摆脱……

  [即学即练10](1)One day we will manage to ______ ______ ______ ______ this terrible disease. 总有一天我们有办法使这种可怕的疾病在世界上绝迹。(2)You must ______ _________ ______ these old-fashioned ideas.你必须摒弃这些陈旧观念。(3)We‘ll have to ______ ______ ______ him. 我们必须摆脱他。(4)How can we ______ ______ ______ all the flies in the kitchen? 我们怎样才能把厨房内的苍蝇统统消灭掉?

  Rid the world of//rid yourself of//get rid of//get rid of

  12.lead to lead+n.+to sth. 引导……到…… lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事

  [即学即练12](1)The bank has offered a reward for any information ____________ the arrest of the men. 银行悬赏任何能将这些人绳之以法的情报。(2)What _____________________ acting as a career?是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的? leading to//led you to take up

  提示:(1)lead to中的 to为介词,后面跟代词、名词或动名词。类似的词组还有:devote to 致力于/pay attention to

  对……加以注意/object to 反对/stick to 坚持/look forward to 期望,等等。 (2)lead to 不用被动语态。 (3)lead to 是前因后果,而 lie in (=result from) 是前果后因。

  13.keep...free from/of (影响、伤害等) 使……不含(有害物) free from 没有……,,free of 无……的;免于……的,free sb./sth. from... 使某人/某物自由;解放;释放 for free=free of charge 免费地,be free to do sth. 自由地做某事 be free with sb. 对某人放肆 free as the air 自由自在 set sb. free 释放某人

  [即学即练13](1)______ the table ____________ dirt by putting a cover over it. 用个东西把桌子罩住,。(2)The lake ______________ pollution. 这湖没有污染。(3)The secretary _________________ all blame for the errors.这些失误完全不能怪秘书。(4)Try to __________________ all prejudices. 尽量消除一切偏见。

  Keep free fromis free of//was free from//free yourself from

  1.expand/extend/spread/stretch (1)expand“展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,。(2)extend “伸出,,,、,。(3)spread“伸开,,,(疾病),(信息)等。


  [1] (1)The cat _________ out in front of the fire.猫在火炉前伸开四肢。(2)The hot weather __________ to October.炎热的天气一直持续到十月份。(3)As children grow older they _________ their interests and become more confident. 随着年龄的增长,,。


  (4)The fire soon _________ to the nearby buildings. 火势不久就蔓延到邻近的建筑。


  3.perform vperformer n.表演者;演出者→performance n.执行;演出

  4.astonish vt.astonished adj.感到惊讶的→astonishing adj.令人感到惊讶的→astonishment n.惊讶

  7.entertain vt. & vi.entertaining adj.愉快的,entertainment n.娱乐 9.overcome vt. & vi.

  10.convince vt.convinced adj.坚信不移的→convincing adj.令人信服的 11.direct vt. & vi. &adj.direction n.指导→director n.导演→directly adv. & conj.直接地,16.slide vt. & vi.()滑动;(使)滑行 n.滑;滑动;幻灯片 18.react vi.reaction n.反应;回应

  2.astonish vt. astonishing adj. 令人十分惊异的 astonished adj. 感到十分惊讶的 astonishment n. 惊讶 to one‘s astonishment 使某人万分惊讶的是 in astonishment 惊讶地 be astonished at/by sth. 因某事而吃惊 be astonished to do sth. 因干某事而吃惊

  [即学即练2](1)We __________________ the news of her sudden death. 她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。(2)It ____________ us to hear that you did not receive our letter. 听说你还没收到我们的信,。(3)It was an ____________ story.这故事令人惊讶不已。

  were astonished atastonished//astonishing

  3.entertain vt.&vi. entertaining adj. 引人发笑的,有趣的,娱乐的 entertainment n. 招待,款待,娱乐 entertain sb. with sth. 用……使某人快乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用……招待/款待某人 give an entertainment to sb. 招待某人

  [即学即练3](1)He often __________ the children ______ funny expressions. 他经常用滑稽的表情逗孩子们玩儿。(2)I usually _________ my friends ______ dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。(3)It’s not a very serious film, but a good _______________. 这不是一部严肃的电影,而是一部很好的娱乐片。

  Entertains with//entertain to//entertainment

  4.overcome v. be overcome by sth.……使某人垮掉,be overcome with emotion/excitement/horror/grief 因情感/兴奋/恐怖/悲伤而不能自持

  [即学即练4](1)In the final game Sweden easily ____________ France.在决赛中,。(2)Her parents __________________ grief at the funeral. 在葬礼上她的父母悲痛欲绝。(3)The dead woman had __________________ smoke. 这个女人是被烟呛死的。

  Overcame//were overcome with//been

  overcome by

  5.convince vt.convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的 convinced adj.确信的;深信的;坚信的 convince sb. of sth. 说服某人相信某事 convince sb. that... 使某人信服(相信) be convinced of... 确信…… be/feel firmly convinced that... 确信;笃信;坚信……

  [即学即练5] (1)We finally ____________ them ______ our adventure. =We finally ___________ them ____________ our adventure. 我们最终令他们信服了我们的冒险经历。(2)Her smile ___________ him ______ she was happy. 她的微笑使他确信她快乐。(3)They __________________ the result of the experiment finally.他们最终相信了实验结果。(4)I __________________ his guilt.________he is guilty. 我确信他有罪。

  Convinced ofconvinced to believe//convinced that//were convinced of//am convinced ofthat

  (5)There is now ____________ evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现有令人信服的证据说吸烟能导致肺癌。convincing

  6.direct vt.&vi. adj. 径直的;直接的;直率的 adv. 直接地 direct sth. to/towards sth./sb. direct sth. at/against sth./sb.把……对准 (某方向或某人) direct sb. to sp. 给某人指路,direct sb. to do sth. 指示/命令某人做某事 that 从句(用虚拟语气) the direct road/train 直通道路/直达列车

  be in direct contact with sb. 与某人有直接的联系 go direct to sp. 直接去某地

  [即学即练6](1)She prefers to ______ rather than ______. 她宁愿当演员,。(2)The police officers had __________________ search the building.

  警察奉命搜查这栋大楼。(3)The judge _________ that the mother be given custody of the child. 法官判决这孩子由母亲照管。

  Act directbeen directed to//directed

  8.whisper v&n.低语,耳语,私语;私下说,低声地说 in a whisper (=in whispers) 低声地 whisper about sth. 密谈某事 It is whispered that... 有人私下说…… whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语

  [即学即练8](1)They debated it ____________. 他们低声辩论。(2)The two girls were ______________ in the library. 这两个女孩在图书馆里低声说话。(3)After a few minutes, he ___________ the answer ______ the creature’s ear. 过了几分钟,。(4)__________________ that he was heavily in debt.据说他负债累累。

  in whisperswhispering//whispered in//It was whispered

  提示:whisper 后接双宾语时,间接宾语无论在前还是在后,其前都要带介词 to, 即whisper sth. to sb.= whisper to sb. sth.。类似结构还有: announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布…… explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释…… introduce sth. to sb. 向某人介绍…… suggest sth. to sb. 向某人提议 report sth. to sb. 向某人报告

  9.react vi.&vt. react to sth. 对……作出反应 react on (upon) 对……起作用,,react against


  [即学即练9](1)How did he ____________ the news? 他对这消息有何反应? (2)Will the people ever ____________ this dictator? 有朝一日人民会起来反抗这位独裁者吗? (3)Applause _______________ a speaker. 鼓掌对讲演者有影响。

  react toreact against//reacts on/upon

  11.pick out pick on 选择(某人或某物)作受罚(挨骂、)的对象 pick up 拾起,,pick off 摘下,(或有选择地)瞄准射中

  [即学即练11](1)Let me ____________ some good ones for you.让我来替你挑几个好的。(2)It's easy to __________________ in a crowd because he is very tall. 很容易从人群中辨认出他,。(3)The bus ____________ passengers outside the airport. 公共汽车在机场外接乘客。

  pick outpick him out//picks up

  12.cut off (常跟 from),中断 cut across 抄近路穿过;对直穿过 cut away 切掉,,cut down 砍倒;(疾病等)夺去生命;削减,,cut in 插嘴;突然插入 cut into halves/pieces 切成两半/切碎 cut out 切掉;删掉 cut up


  [即学即练12](1)I had my hair ____________ and sold it. 我把头发剪掉卖了。(2)Just when she had reached the most important point we ______________. 她刚刚讲到最要紧的地方,。(3)We were completely ______________ the outside world.我们和外界完全隔绝了。cut off//were cut off//cut off from


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