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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. 摆脱抑郁,积极面对人生


  Have you been feeling tired, lazy, lonely and sad? Does staying in bed all day seem preferable to going out into the world? Do the things that once made you smile now just seem to annoy you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, and these symptoms have been occurring consistently for a few weeks, then you might be depressed. Depression is no laughing matter, so make sure you get the help you deserve by visiting your GP immediately.

  The good news about depression is that there are many options for treatment and all of them have good results. Depending on your circumstances, your doctor may recommend:

  A prescription for anti-depressant tablets to treat your symptoms.

  Counseling to treat any underlying issues.

  “Talk therapy” that can help you change the way you think and react to situations.

  More exercise and a better diet to give you a firm foundation for health.

  Depression is a serious condition that is on the rise among teenagers internationally. Sometimes teenagers are embarrassed about depression and avoid their feelings rather than seek the help that they deserve. If you think that you may be depressed, don't be afraid to confront your feelings head on so that you can get treatment and move on. Don't let depression run, or ruin, your life.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词就“摆脱抑郁,积极面对人生”的主题发表看法,内容包括:

  (1) 中学生活学习里造成心情压抑的原因;

  (2) 长期抑郁可能导致的后果;

  (3) 中学生如何摆脱抑郁,积极面对人生。


  1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

  2. 标题自定。

  3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




  (广东实验中学 黄卓琳)

  2. 获得成功的必备素质


  Greatness is all around us. It's easy to be great because great people will help you. It is exciting that all the great people are willing to help me, share their ideas, their methods and their techniques. I have seen the greatest salesmen open up and show young salesmen exactly how they did it. They don't hold back. I have also found it true in the world of sports.

  I'll never forget the time I was trying to break Dutch Warmer Dam's record. I was about a foot below his record, so I called him on the phone. I said, “Dutch, can you help me? I seem to have leveled off. I can't get any higher.”

  He said, “Sure, Bob, come on up to visit me and I'll give you all I got.”

  I spent three days with the master, the greatest pole vaulter in the world. Dutch gave me everything that he'd seen. There were things that I was doing wrong and he corrected them. To make a long story short, I went up eight inches. I've found that sports champions and heroes willingly do this just to help you become great too.

  Who are you learning from? Who are you helping? It is easy to be great when you get around great people!


  请以“It’s Not So Difficult to Be Great”为题,写一篇议论文,内容包括如下要点:

  1. 以约30个词对所读材料进行概括;

  2. 然后以约120个词说明你认为获得成功所必须具备的素质,内容包括:





  3. 今日事今日阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

  John, a heavy smoker, once felt bad-tempered. His hands started shaking and he coughed a lot, so he turned to his doctor for help. “Quit smoking.” the doctor advised. Finding the advice sensible from several points, such as money, health, and cleanliness, John decided to give up smoking. However, for several hours without a cigarette, John was nervous and had difficulty in concentrating, inability to sleep, which made him more hungry for a cigarette. He said to himself, “One more, and I will quit it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a suitable day for me to break away from the bad habit…” Then he picked up a cigarette which made him relaxed. Again and again John made up his mind to do it “tomorrow”. Today John is still addicted to smoking.

  Lots of people think that “tomorrow” is always the most convenient time to start breaking an old developed habit. But good intentions are there, and will-power is not. Consequently, these people will never achieve anything.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点2. 然后以约120个词就“Don’t leave Today’s Work for Tomorrow”这个主题发表你的看法并包括下面要点:

  1) 说明不能把今天的事情推到明天2)把今天的事情推到明天3)作为学生要如何对待这个问题。

  There are some matters happening to me that are very unpleasant and I shall not talk about it. I can only say I am disappointed in a person. It is quite unbelievable the kind of trust that people have and some people are just so sceptical about the things around them and are not willing to open their hearts and trust people and want to settle things on their own, believing themselves only and not others, even the ones closest to them. And some people keep thinking about themselves only and don’t think for the others. No one can believe it, the selfishness in some people is affecting me because of who he is and his role, which makes me disappointed.

  Regarding the future, I can only say I have no choice but to depend on myself, to depend on some people I think I can just forget it...the tuition I am currently giving is going on smoothly and at least I prove to myself that I can earn money on my own using my own hands and my own methods, other than the allowance I received every month for college. Most of the stuff (other than phone bills, internet bills and other general things like electricity and water bills) during my college life I am paying for it and I am glad that I can be independent financially.

  Sometimes I need to work to stop thinking about the stupid things in my head. I hate to even think about it. I need things to concentrate on to distract me from those things.





  In 1883, John Roebling decided to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with Long Island, which bridge-building experts throughout the world thought not practical.

  But Roebling refused to listen to them. And he convinced his son Washington, a promising engineer himself that the bridge actually could be built.

  Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished. With great excitement, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.

  The project started well, but several months after it began, a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling, and made Washington too seriously injured to walk, talk or even move again. In spite of his handicap, Washington still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.

  As Washington lay in his hospital room, he slowly used a method, moving this finger and tapping it on his wife's arm to tell her what the engineers should do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger, until the bridge was finally completed. Today the Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory.



  1以约30个词短文的要点; 2. 以约120个词“永不放弃”话题,包括:



  Our educational system, in its entirety, does nothing to give us any kind of material ability. In other words, we don't learn how to cook, how to make clothes, how to build houses, how to make love, or to do any of the absolutely fundamental things of life. The whole education that we get for our children in school is entirely in terms of abstractions (不切实际的观念). It trains you to be an insurance salesman or a bureaucrat, or some kind of intelligent character.

  So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour. No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for these are countless do-it-yourself publications. Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds wonderfully embark on the task of decorating their own homes. Men, particularly, spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens; building garages and making furniture. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers. Such things provide an excellent outlet(出路)for pent up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen.





  A lot of people look at some of the accomplishments in the Guinness Book of World Records and think “I could never do that,” but a man named Ashrita Furman looks at them and says, “I think I could do that better.” That is why he holds the record for breaking the most records.

  Born in 1954, four days after the Guinness Book of World Records came into being, Ashrita says this is probably where his connection with Guinness records lies and the reason why he is so crazy about setting records one after another. Since 1979, Ashrita has set 87 official Guinness records in different categories. It seems to Ashrita that nothing is impossible. Therefore, he is called Mr Versatility (全能。

  However, Ashrita has also failed thousands of times. “But I learn from the failures and always try over and over again. That’s why I succeed in setting more and more records. Now I firmly believe that failures are the pillars of success.”“I never consider myself as a special person. I’m very grateful and happy that I’m blessed with the capacity to break those records and make people laugh and inspire them. It’s my firm belief that everyone can do better than they imagine,” Ashrita concludes.


  近来你(王华)和你的朋友对于自信极限问题有所探讨,今天你读了上面这篇文章就很好证明你的观点,于是你马上发e-mail给你的Tom进行讨论。请以“Mr. Versatility knows no limits”为主题写作开头与结尾已写好以约30个词概括短文内容要点。以120个词左右写出你对自我超越的理解,并包括以下要点:你对自信的理解;叙述你或你的朋友敢于迎接挑战,永不言败的一次真实或虚拟的经历;这次经历对你人生有何改变?

  Dear Tom,

  Today, I read a passage talking about the topic we are interested in. Let's share it. …

  Yours truly

  Wang Hua


  8. 需要合作精神


  There is a growing worldwide awareness that Rome was not built by one person. Nowadays With the fierce competition in sports, school, business, political stage and all other areas, the ability to cooperate well with others is more and more significant than that in the past. It's no easy job to furnish every reason why cooperation is so important today, but, on the whole, three factors stand out from other, including making people think more carefully, making complicated job completed easily and giving people encouragement.v{DL}!Z_r

  7ce*Wk        s.Uv1HTo begin with, on no account can one think over everything carefully. "Three soldiers thinks as a general" That is how one of the great writer Hugo remarked once. People usually feel confused to find a solution for a problem; however, if they learn to work with others, the problem will soon be solved. Through discussing, all possible solutions will be analyzed. Finally, those soldiers may solve a problem one general can't do.

  Here is another story:u2i(N)NJ8q        ^|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE

  Handicapped as they are, two young adults help each other to step forward bravely, and their crutches(丁形拐杖)are left behind. Obviously, the two courageous men will not need their crutches any more and will keep walking.

  They help each other in order to lessen trouble and overcome difficulty and in the end they are successful.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容要点;

  2. 以约120个词就“合作精神”这个主题发表你的看法,内容包括:





  9. 知恩图报


  Once upon a time, there lived a young man. One day, when he was working on his farm, a white crane(仙鹤)fell to the farm. The man found it was injured and took good care of it. Soon, the crane became well and flew away.

  Later, one day, a beautiful young girl came to the young man’s house. “I will be your wife,”said the girl. The young man was surprised and happy. Then the two began a happy life.

  One day, the wife asked the young man to build her a weaving room. When it was finished, she said, “You must never look inside when I am working in it.” Then, she went into the room. The young man waited outside. After seven days, the wife came out of the room and gave him some beautiful cloth. “Sell it tomorrow, “she said. The next day, the young man sold it. He got money and was very happy.

  The wife went into the weaving room again. The young man wanted to see what she was doing, so he looked into the room. He found a crane was weaving! The crane then found he was looking and said, “You helped me many days ago. I wanted to do something for you. So I became your wife. But since you have known what I am, I can’t stay here any longer.” Then the crane flew away and never came back.



  1. 以约30个词短文的要点及寓意;






  Let’s face it – no one likes to be criticized. But no matter how competent or qualified you are, at some time or another you’re going to be the recipient of unpleasant feedback. And how gracefully and effectively you respond can have an impact on your ultimate success.

  Most teens think they know everything, and it is often very difficult for them to accept criticism. Although you may find this frustrating, it is developmentally appropriate for a child at this stage of development. One way you can help your child be successful at dealing with teachers and other authority figures is by teaching him or her how to accept criticism. Here is a guide for talking to your child about this subject.

  Being able to accept criticism shows maturity and prevents problems with people in authority. If you can control yourself and listen to what others have to say about how you can improve, you will have fewer problems. And the criticism may really help you!

  [写作内容]以约30个词概括短文的内容要点;以120个词就“What will criticism bring us?”主题发表你的看法,

  (1) 当被批评时人们通常会有什么反应?



  An ATM in Hull, England, drew long lines after customers noticed the machine paying out double the amount of money withdrawn from their accounts.

  Dozens of customers, with their family or friends they phoned, lined up in front of the automatic teller machine outside a Sainsbury's Local store from late afternoon until about 8 p.m., when the ATM ran out of money, The Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

  A Sainsbury's spokesman said the store was informed of the issue after the machine ran out of money Monday evening.

  We do not know how much the machine paid out at the moment but the matter is under investigation she said. Customers said the machine was paying twice what they asked for without taking the extra money out of their accounts.

  I joined the queue and when I finally got to the front I drew out ВЈ200 ($396) but it gave me ВЈ400 ($793), said a customer who asked not to be named. The statement said I only drew out ВЈ200. I don't know whether I will have to pay it back.


  作为一个英文报刊的忠实读者,你, 李华,看了一家英国报刊的以上资讯报道后很有感触,你准备给该报刊编辑写一封信,题目是“Honesty most needed in our society”,内容要点包括:

  1. 以约30个词概括该资讯报道的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的想法,内容包括:



  (3)中英两国对类似事件的看法,以及你对该事件的态度。Dear editor,

  I am a reader from China. I recently read a news story in your paper that …


  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  12. 同龄人之间的压力


  There goes the alarm again. I guess I should get up, but I am dreading(害怕) this day. I always hate going back to school after a holiday break. I am anxious to see my friends, I don’t have any overdue school assignments, but I still get that funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Has something changed? Do all my friends still feel the same way? What clothes should I wear today?

  My biggest conflict is in my head. Part of me says, “Be your own person!” Another part of me just wants to fit into the crowd. As much as my friends and I like to think we are above all the peer pressures and social “rules” of our school, we all know we are very much controlled by it. We wear our hair the same way, wear the same brand clothes, and even have to use the same perfume. We basically clone ourselves because we don’t want to be different. Yet, deep down we would like to shout, “Look at me! This is who I am!”

  Sigh, there goes the alarm again. What clothes should I wear today? I think I will call Clara and see what she is wearing.


  假设你叫李平,你在阅读了你的笔友(pen pal) Amy的感受后,写一封信给她交流一下你的想法和建议。以下是信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):


  2以约120个词表达你对peer pressure(同龄人之间的压力)的亲身感受和对Amy的建议。

  Dear Amy,

  I am writing this letter to share my feelings and thoughts on “peer pressure”.

  …I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Yours truly,

  Li Ping

  (广东实验中学 黄卓琳)

  13. 中学生不应离家出走


  I cannot take my life any more. I feel this itching, restless feeling that is just getting stronger everyday I “live”. I put the word in quotes because I don’t even feel like I’m living any more. I’m being pushed into school which I don’t want to go to, to a job that I do not want, and into a life I do not want to lead. I don’t want to live like this. There is no other option; I want to leave my town for good, and long-term.

  It seems these days that as our country gets stronger, so do the troubles that we face in our daily lives. We have so many pressures from our family, from our classmates, and from all the adults around us, that sometimes it seems like we cannot handle it. Although most of us manage to find a way to deal with it from day to day, some students have decided to run away from everything. They run away from home.

  We all can understand the reasons that some people want to run away from home. We face so much pressure these days, and some people have very unhappy lives at home. Even though we rely on our family for so much, we all sometimes wonder if things really would be better if we were to leave home. The important thing is to remember that we really wouldn't be better off.




  你对”离出走”看法阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150左右的英语短文。Usually somewhere along the way in our journey of life, we have come across someone who tells us that we’re not good at doing something. It could be writing, or singing, or dancing, or speaking. If we all listened to these negative people, some of the greatest life stories would have never happened. Take this for example: Many years ago a young man mustered enough courage to ask a young woman to dance. After he danced with her for a few minutes, the woman told him he was a lousy dancer. She complained that he danced like a truck driver.

  To be sure, this bad experience would be enough for most people to quit dancing for good. Watching television or sitting around being bored would be more appealing than dancing again. Yet this man developed a passion for dancing and continued to dance for many decades.

  In fact this man became known as one of the great dancers of modern times. By the early nineties, when he died, he had 500 dance schools named after him. At one time, he had been on television for eleven years straight, showing people from all walks of life - including truck drivers - how to dance.

  Who was this man? None other than Arthur Miller. Luckily he didn’t let that woman's comment stop him from doing what he loved.

  [写作内容]1. 以约30个词概括短文的主要内容;2. 以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你或你认识的人是如何对待别人的否定评价的一次经历,并包括以下要点:(1)叙述你或你认识的人听到别人否定评价的一次经历;(2)你或他/她当时的感受;(3)你或他/她采取的行动及之后的变化。A masked gunman opened fire at a trade school in western Finland on Tuesday, killing 10 people and burning some of their bodies before shooting himself.

  Witnesses say the gunman entered the School of Hospitality in Kauhajoki, and began firing in a classroom where students were taking an exam. Police say the gunman left two handwritten messages at the school dormitory saying he had planned the attack since 2002.

  Police had questioned the gunman just one day before Tuesday's attack, about YouTube postings in which he's apparently seen firing a handgun.

  The latest shooting was Finland's second school massacre in less than a year and the two attacks had eerie similarities.

  Both gunmen posted violent clips on YouTube prior to the massacres, and both were fascinated by the 1999 Columbine school shootings in Colorado.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词就“网络与青少年犯罪”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:




  16. 我梦想的户外生活

  阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。My daughter has a very special life. I say that because the facts show that children who play outdoors have happier lives, and we apply that truth to her lifestyle. Our daughter knows what the rain feels like on her face. She knows that trees have roots which go deep into the soil, and that lawns have thistles which can get stuck into little bare feet. She has watched birds in flight and has marveled at their joyous sounds. She plays with sticks and rocks, grass and sand, mud and worms.

  Kids who play outdoors as often as possible tend to be healthier. Common sense will tell you that healthier kids cost less to maintain. Outdoor kids also tend to use less electricity, and spend less time raiding the refrigerator. Research indicates that outdoor kids experience other physical and social advantages as well.

  I myself didn't need scientific reports to figure out that time outside of the house is good for kids. I certainly can guess that children playing outdoors must use a lot less electricity than kids playing on game consoles and personal computers. We try to give our daughter outdoor playtime every day to keep her active and to broaden her horizons. Besides, I've always enjoyed playing in the sandbox myself, and using my daughter as cover is a great way for me to get away with that!


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词梦想的户外生活My dream---outdoor Life)”的主题发表看法,内容包括:

  (1) 你对现在生活的感受;

  (2) 户外生活的好处;

  (3) 你梦想的户外生活 。


  1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




  Leiden has a rich student life, where students can become a member of numerous student associations. In these associations, students have the opportunity to develop their organizational, communicative and social skills to complement their academic curriculum. Although Leiden University provides financial support and facilities for the student associations, they are independent and are run by students.

  With almost 1600 members, Augustinus is one of the largest student associations. In many ways, Augustinus is a unique student association. Augustinus has a very diverse weekly programme. On Thursday nights, non-members are welcome, without the need to be introduced by a member. On this evening, the cultural committee (AOD) presents a cultural programme to interested students. The programme varies from debating to films, from cabaret to poetry. Tickets for non-members usually cost € 3.00.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词就“学生社团”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:



  Is there real friendship between boys and girls? Michellita from Brazil: “Well… That's a good question. You know, when I was younger I had a friend. His name is Leonardo. We were very, very close, and we felt comfortable to talk about anything with each other. Our friendship was very strong, and we were together all the time but unfortunately he got confused and started to love me not only as a friend but also as a woman. He wanted to date me but I didn't think it was the right thing to do, I saw him as a brother that I didn't have. He felt really disappointed and we parted. Of course I suffered a little bit, he was my best friend! But I couldn't go on a relationship like that! Some time later we talked and we decided to keep on being good friends but many things have changed from that time on. I really thought we could be just friends, but I was wrong.”

  Paul from Pakistan: “I believe that there is a friendship between boys and girls. It's very healthy for boys to grow up having girls as friends and for girls to grow up having boys as friends. To be psychologically healthy, girls have to play with boys and boys have to play with girls. It's very correct to let them have relationships as friends. Friendship is a present. Once it's given to you, you should never lose it. And keep it till the day you die.”


  最近英语网络论坛上就“Is there real friendship between boys and girls?”这一话题在网友间展开讨论。

  1. 以约30个词概括两位网友观点的要点;

  2. 然后以约120个词就“男女生之间是否存在真正的友谊”的主题发表你自己的看法,内容包括:



  (广东实验中学 黄卓琳)

  19. 男性是否比女性更聪明


  Men have always believed that they are smarter than women. Now, a study has found that while this is certainly true, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.

  In the study, scientists measured the IQ of 2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent, but also in the bottom two percent.

  The study's participants were tested on science, math, English and mechanical abilities.

  Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group, there were also twice as many men among the dolts.

  The aggregate scores of men and women were similar.

  The research tallies with(与……相符) past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds.

  It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics.

  Women have always found to be steadier in their learning.

  A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds, while men are continuing to receive more thirds.

  The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的主要内容;





  Recently we talked about how some American schools have made changes in the traditional school year. Their goal is to improve student learning.

  Some have extended the school year, or reorganized it to avoid a long summer break. Another choice is to extend the school day.

  By 2006, almost one-third of all secondary schools had some form of block scheduling (延长时间的教学计划). The idea is to provide longer periods in the school day to teach basic subjects.

  More class time should mean better results. This is the thinking, at least. Yet a 2006 study found that secondary schools with traditional schedules had higher test scores by comparison. Schools with block scheduling did have higher scores in science, though.

  So how useful is a longer school day? Not surprisingly, the policy experts at Indiana say it is what educators do with the extra time that has the largest effect on student learning. Teachers must be trained to use the added time effectively. The report notes that simply adding time to a program that is not very good or very interesting will not increase student learning.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的主要内容;

  2. 以约120个词就“补课的利与弊”发表看法,并包括如下要点:





  • 年级
  • 类别
  • 版本
  • 上下册