()(2008·重庆卷)All people, ______ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. A. even if
B. whether
C. no matter
D. however
B whether…or…无论/不管是……还是……, 引导让步状语从句。
Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing.(P6) 怎样写好说明文
写说明文应该目的明确、材料准确详实、语言简练。写作方法上,可以按事物的时间、空间、结构、逻辑顺序来写。也可以采取举例、比较、下定义等方法。 1.说明文写作注意事项 (1)限制要说明的事物和范围,比如写一篇题为“The Progress in English Study”的说明文,就必须引用一些实例来说明。由于题目要求写英语学习方面的进步,就不能列举其他学科的成绩。 (2)有足够多的、确切的例子阐述论证。如写“Our Head Teacher”的说明文时,必须选用一些具体的事例,如老师如何备课,课堂上怎样使学生在活跃的气氛中学习以及课后的辅导等。选例时不宜太多,否则会给人以堆砌例证、罗列现象之感,但也不要一篇文章只选一例,因为即使事例较典型,若只选一例其说服力也不够有力。 (3)用恰当的顺序摆出事实、观点,对选出的典型事例要进行合理的安排,主次分明。 (4)尽可能使说明的内容有趣、生动,选用典型、新颖的素材,吸引读者。 2.说明文的结构
说明文的写作结构应遵循引子、正文、结束语3部分的要求。引子部分点出主题,正文部分引证说明主题,结束语部分重申一下主题,以起到强调的效果。 二、写作模板 第一段:总体介绍(包括要说明事物的外貌、特点、性能等)。例如:Senior high school students are having a new course called General Technology. 第二段:具体说明,可列举一些典型事例。例如:All Senior Two students should learn such a course, by which students can achieve a lot. First, …Second, … 第三段:总结评价(包括喜爱、夸赞等情感)。例如:They enjoy it mainly because the course is closely related to everyday life. 三、典例分析 1.试题要求 从去年开始,高中学生有了一门新的课程——《通用技术》(General Technology)。请你给某英文报纸写一份不少于150词的通讯稿,介绍这一课程及其实施情况。内容要点如下: (1)对象:高二学生 (2)目的:培养基本技能,提高设计能力 (3)要求: ①能使用不同类型的常见工具,修理、设计和制作一些物品。 ②毕业前通过书面测试。 (4)同学们的反响、体会或评价。 2.内容分析
这篇书面表达要求考生写一则通讯稿,内容是介绍《通用技术》这一新课程及其实施情况。在体裁上它属于一篇说明文。题干已经清楚地说明了写作的基本要求,考生可以在阐述这些要点的同时适当地加以拓展,从而将《通用技术》这一新课程的开设对象、开设目的、开设要求及开设的效果得以明晰。 注意事项:①写作的内容应充实丰富;
②使用现在时态叙述; ③注意主动句、被动句,简单句和复杂句式的综合运用,以提高作文的档次。 3.佳作赏析
Senior high school students are having a new course called General Technology. The new course, with the purpose of developing their basic skills and improving their design ability, is taught for Senior Two students.
General Technology is expected to have students learn to use different kinds of common tools. Therefore, they are supposed to be able to repair, design and make some little things with the help of what they have learned. Meanwhile, they ought to pass the written test before graduation.
Most students are extremely interested in the knowledge and abilities they have acquired from the new course, since what are taught in the course are what they really want to obtain in reality. 4.满分揭秘:
该篇作文结构紧凑,开头一段说明《通用技术》这一新课程的开办目的和开办对象,第二段重点说明学生的学习要求,最后说明同学们对该课程的反响和体会。全文运用了大量的长句,这是其一大亮点,作者注意到主动句和被动句的综合运用,使语言极富变化,这些无疑都使该文成为一篇成功之作。 Part1 M7.Unit19 Unit19 Language Module7 1、get ahead 取得进步, 获得成功 Getting ahead at work is the most important thing to her at the moment.
目前, 对她来说在工作上取得成功是最重要的。
① ahead adv. 在前面 He kept his gaze fixed on the car ahead.
他一直注视着前面的那辆汽车。 ② ahead of sb./sth. 在……前面;将来;在……之前;超过 Tom pointed to a tree ahead of them.
汤姆指着他们前面的一棵树。 ③ ahead of time 提前 You should have warned me ahead of time.
你本该提前警告我的。 ④ well ahead of…比……领先得多;遥遥领先 完成句子。
1. 很快, 她就发现在影视业获得成功不容易。 She soon found that it wasn't easy to get ahead in the movie business.
2. 在诊所里, 有4个人排在我前面。 There were four people ahead of me at the doctor's.
3. 如果你要来, 能不能提前告诉我? Can you tell me ahead of time if you are coming? 4. 我们也许会提前完成这个项目。 We might finish the project ahead of time.
2、absence n. 缺乏, 缺少, 缺席 Please look after my house during absence.
我不在时, 请帮我看房子。
① in the absence of (由于)缺乏, 不存在 We are in the absence of experience.
我们缺乏经验。 ② absent adj. 缺席的; vt. 缺席 How many students are absent today? 今天有多少学生缺席?
完成句子。 1. 我不在时, 由格林先生负责。 Mr Green will be in charge during my absence.
2. 由于缺乏证据, 警方只好把迈克放了。 In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Mike go.
3. 我们必须为缺席编造一个借口。
We must invent an excuse for our absence.
4. 李教授不在,
Professor Li is absent, and I will take the lesson in the place of him.
5. 请告诉我你为什么缺席。 Please tell me the reason for your absence.
Please tell me the reason why you were absent.
Please tell me the reason for which you were absent.
3、surround vt. 包围, 围绕 ① be surrounded by 被……包围 The house was surrounded by high walls.
房子的四周有高墙。 ② surround+反身代词+with…喜欢结交(某类人);喜欢身边总有(某类东西)
Dole always likes to surround himself with young people. 多尔总喜欢结交些年轻人。 ③ surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 ④ surroundings n. 环境, 周围的事物 用surround的适当形式填空。 1. There is a high wall that surrounds our school.
2. She sat in an armchair, surrounded by 12 dogs.
3. The house is located in very pleasant surroundings.
4. We decided to explore the surrounding countryside.
4、adequate adj. 足够的, 充分的;胜任的 There is an adequate supply of hot water in the hotel.
宾馆里有充足的热水供应。 ① 该词可用作定语和表语。用作表语时, 常用结构为: be adequate to/for sth.; be adequate to do sth.
I hope you will prove adequate to the job.
我希望你能证明自己胜任这项工作。 ② 同义词:enough ③反义词:inadequate adj. 不够的,不充足的;不胜任的
The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.
食物供应还不足以应付饥民的需求。 汉译英。 1. 作为母亲, 我感到自己完全不合格。
I felt totally inadequate as a mother.
2. 他的工资足够养活3个人。 His wages are adequate to support three people.
3. 供应无法满足需求。 The supply is not adequate to/for the demand.
5、inform vt. 通知;告诉 ①接名词或代词 If you saw the accident, please inform the police.
如果你目睹了这场事故, 请告诉警察。 ②接从句
He informed me that he was going to Europe on business.
他告诉我他要去欧洲出差。 ③接of 或about引导的短语 inform oneself of/about sth. 了解, 熟悉某事
It is necessary for every member to inform himself of these rules.
每个会员都必须熟悉这些规则。 ④接“疑问词+不定式”结构 He will inform us where to go.
他将通知我们去哪里。 ⑤ inform against/on 告发,检举,举报
He went to the police and informed against/on the criminals.
他去了警察局控告那些罪犯。 ⑥ information n. 信息 完成句子。 1. 他被告知他通过了英语考试。 He was informed that he had passed the English exam.
2. 他把事情告诉你了吗? Did he inform you about it? 3. 请告诉我如何解这道数学题吧。 Please inform me how to solve this math problem.
4. 他尚未把他的度假计划告诉我。 He has not yet informed me of his plans for holidays.
6、effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试;努力的成果 Your success lies upon your effort.
①make an effort to do sth. 尽力做某事, 勉为其难做某事
The workers are making efforts to overfulfil this year's plan.
工人们正在努力超额完成今年的计划。 ②make every effort to do sth. 尽一切努力做某事
Every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raised at the last meeting.
正尽一切努力处理你上次在会议上提出的问题。 汉译英。 1. 他的一切努力都白费了。 All his efforts were fruitless/in vain.
2. 拯救队伍正在尽一切努力寻找那个失踪的男孩。 The rescue team are making every effort to find the missing boy.
3. 我知道你不喜欢她, 但你要尽量礼貌些。 I know you don't like her, but you could make an effort to be polite.
7、the key to/the answer to……的答案;(干……)的关键/秘诀 Do you know the key to the question? 你知道这个问题的答案吗? key adj. 主要的;关键的 He is a key witness in this case.
在这个案件中, 他是一个主要证人。 汉译英。
1. 勤奋工作是成功的秘诀。 Hard work is the key to success.
2. 把最有经验的选手放在关键位置上。 Put the most experienced players in the key positions.
3. 这是问题的关键。 This is the key to the problem.
单项填空。 ()4. — How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? — The key______ the problem is to meet the demand______ by the customers.
A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 8、help (sb.) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境 Is there anything I can do to help out? 我能帮上忙吗? ① help可表示“有助于;使(形势)改善,减轻”。 This medicine will probably help.
这个药很有可能有用。 ② help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助/协助某人做某事 ③ help (to) do sth. 有助于做某事, 帮忙做某事 ④ help sb. with sth. 帮助/协助某人做某事 ⑤ help oneself/sb. to sth. 为自己/某人取食品、饮料等 ⑥ can/could not help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 完成句子。 1. 我们有困难时, 他总是急人所难。 When we're in trouble, he's always willing to help us out.
2. 她毕生致力于帮助穷人和病人。 She devoted all her life to helping the poor and the sick.
3. 你能帮我解决这个问题吗? Can you help me (to) solve this problem? 4. 我再给你拿点甜品好吗? May I help you (to) get some more dessert? 5. 我们禁不住想着他还活着。 We can't help thinking that he is still alive.
6. 要是我有办法我就不会住那儿。 I wouldn't live there if I could help out.
9、embarrass vt. 使尴尬;使发窘
The reporter embarrassed the singer with a difficult question. 记者出了个难题, 使得这位歌手很尴尬。 ① embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的,感到难堪的;可作表语、定语和状语等。 ②embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的,使人难堪的;可作表语和定语。
I don't like making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing.
我不喜欢当众讲话, 那让人难为情。 ③ embarrassment n. 困难, 阻碍, 困窘 We met some financial embarrassment.
完成句子。 1. 一阵难堪的沉默之后, 经理不得不另起一个话题。 After an embarrassed silence, the manager had to move on to another topic.
2. 又羞又窘, 男孩跑出了房间。 Shy and embarrassed, the boy rushed out of the room.
3. 那是个让人窘迫的问题。 It's quite an embarrassing question.
4. 玛丽羞得脸红了。 Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment.
用embarrass的适当形式填空。 5. I can see an embarrassed look on his face.
6. That is an embarrassing situation for me.
7. His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
10、It is a language without words that consists of gestures, facial expressions and body movements that greatly add to — and sometimes even replace — spoken language.(P10)
这个句子有两个that, 第一个that引导定语从句修饰language;第二个that引导定语从句修饰gestures, facial expressions and body movements。
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