完成句子。 1. 人们认为他是镇里最好的牙医。
He was regarded as the best dentist in the town.
2. 他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。
He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter.
12、astonish vt. 使某人惊讶(宾语必须是人, 相当于surprise) ① astonishment n. 吃惊 ② astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的 ③ astonished adj. (感到)吃惊/惊讶的 用astonish的适当形式填空。 I find it absolutely
astonishing that you didn‘t like it. 2. She astonished us by saying she was leaving.
3. My parents looked astonished at my news.
13、convince vt. 使(人)确信;使(人)信服(宾语必须是人, 常用被动语态) ① convince sb. of sth./convince that 使某人相信 ② convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 完成句子。 1. 他们试图说服他买一辆更便宜的车。
They tried to convince him to buy a cheaper car.
2. 他终于相信他错了。
He is finally convinced that he is wrong.
14、starve ① vi. 挨饿 starve to death 饿死 starve sb./into (doing) sth.
starve sb./sth. of sth. 使某人(或事物)得不到所需要的
② starvation n. 饥饿;饿死
die of/from starvation死于饥饿 ③ be starving (for sth.) 饿得很; 渴望 完成句子。 1. 那个寂寞的学生渴望友谊。
The lonely student is starving for friendship.
2. 劳动者该得食, 不劳者该挨饿。
Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not work deserve to starve .
15、tough adj.
① 健壮的,结实的 A mountain climber must be tough.
登山运动员必须身体健壮。 ② 困难的,艰难的 a tough job一件困难的工作 ③ 坚硬的,不易破的 a tough pair of shoes 一双结实的鞋子 ④ 严厉的;强硬的;无情的(on/with sb./sth.) It's about time teachers started to get tough with bullies.
现在教师该对横行霸道的学生开始采取严厉措施了。 完成句子。
1. 那是个很难做的决定。 It was a tough decision to make.
2. 别对他要求过严,他只是想帮忙。
Don't be too tough on him-he was only trying to help.
3. 他干推销这一行缺少足够的韧劲。 He's not tough enough for a career in sales.
16、do sb. good 对某人有好处
在此good是名词, 表示“好处, 益处”。do sb. good也可说成“do good to sb.”或“be good for sb.”。反义词“对某人有害”为do harm to sb. 或do sb. harm。 ① for sb.'s good 为了某人好 I am telling you this for your good.
我告诉你这个是为你好。 ② good of the public 公众的利益 汉译英。 这药对你有好处。This medicine does you good.
17、But before I could catch any of the creatures, I felt a hundred needles stick into my hand.(P26)
before conj. 在……之前;还没来得及 …… 就;趁……(还没有) prep. 前面(=in front of), 在……以前(=earlier than);adv. 以前(=at an earlier time/in the past)
用于It + be + 时间段 + before…句型中,意思是“在……之后才……”。如果主句中用否定式,则表示“不多久……就”。强调的是时间的先后顺序;…not…until…句型则表示“……直到……才”, 强调与以前的情况相反。 完成句子。 1. 不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。
Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room. 2. 他们不久就会互相了解的。
It won't be long before they understand each other.
3. 他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。
They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up.
4. 凡事在成熟前,都是有苦味的。
There is nothing that has not been bitter before being ripe.
用before, until填空。 5. The noise of the street didn't stop until midnight.
6. It will be some time before we know the full results.
7. It was not until he told me that I knew it.
8. The children played on the playground until/till it was dark.
单项填空。 ()9. The American Civil War lasted four years ______ the North won in the end.
A. before
B. when C. that
D. until ()10. A dozen ideas were considered ______ the chief architect decided on the designs of the building.
B. before C. whether
D. unless ()11. He was told that it would be at least three more months ______ he could recover and return to work.
A. when
B. before C. since
D. that before long与long before ① before long是“很快,不久”的意思, 可以用于各种时态; ② long before是“很久以前”的意思,一般用在过去时或过去完成时的句子里。 用before long与long before的适当形式填空。 12. 我希望不久后再见到你。 I hope to see you before long.
13. 她说她很久以前就读过这部小说。 She said she had read the novel long before. ( )1. (2010·上海卷) I had great difficulty______the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant. A. find
B. found
C. to find
D. finding D have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难。
Have you ever had_trouble_trying to spell a word?(P20) ()2. (2009·江苏卷)This special school accepts all disabled students, ______ educational level and background. A. according to
B. regardless of C. in addition to
D. in terms of
B according to 根据; regardless of 不管,不顾; in addition to 另外; in terms of 就……而言。句意:这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何。
He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences regardless_of their nationality or culture.(P24) (
)3. (2011·江西卷)Scientists are convinced______the positive effect of laughter______physical and mental health. A.of; at
B.by; in
C.of; on
D.on;at C be convinced of… “相信……”。
…Rowan was not convinced himself, until he met a group of talented people…(P25) Part1 M6.Unit17 Unit17 Laughter Module6 1、amuse vt. 娱乐, 使……高兴, 使……发笑 ① amuse sb. by/with sth. 用……取悦/逗乐
The teacher amused the children with a story.
老师讲故事取悦孩子们。 ② amuse oneself by/with doing sth. 靠……消遣, 取乐, 自娱, 解闷 ③ amusement n. 文娱活动,娱乐,消遣
Big cities have theatres, films, basketball matches and many other amusements. 大城市有戏剧、电影、篮球比赛以及许多其他的娱乐活动。 ④ do sth. for amusement 做某事以消遣 ⑤ amusement park 游乐园 ⑥ amusing adj. 有趣的 汉译英。 1. 小丑的滑稽表演逗得我们哈哈大笑。 We were all highly amused by the comedian's antics.
2. 体育运动不应纯粹看成是娱乐。 Sports should not be treated only as amusements.
3. 他通过阅读疑案故事来消遣。 He amused himself by reading mysteries.
4. 他的主要消遣是看小说。 His chief amusement is reading novels.
2、overlook vi. 俯瞰;忽视,不理会 He overlooked the spelling mistakes. 他忽视了拼写错误。 类似组合的词 overcome战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服
overload 超载
overhang 悬挂
overhead 在头顶上(的)
overoptimistic 过分乐观
overanxious 过于急切
overjoyed 十分高兴的
overproduction 生产过剩
overtime加班 汉译英。 1. 你不能小看那个问题。 You can't overlook that problem.
2. 山上的房屋俯视村庄。 The house on the hill overlooks the village. 3、delay ① vt. 拖延, 延误, 延迟, 耽搁 The heavy rain delayed our journey.
大雨耽搁了我们的行程。 delay doing sth. 推迟做某事 ② vi. 延缓 I have again delayed long in answering your letter.
我又迟迟没给你回信。 ③ n. [U] 延迟 There must be no delay in forwarding the goods.
without delay 毫不迟疑地, 马上 delay, postpone与put off ① delay强调因某种困难或障碍而延误, 动作主体是困难本身, 延迟的时间不确定。 ② postpone或put off:动作主体是人, 表示有意识地推迟、延迟,时间确定。 完成句子。 1.索赔从速,逾期利益可能受损。
Don't delay claiming or you may lose benefit.
2.得知母亲生病的消息, 她马上赶回家。
Knowing that her mother was ill, she went back home
without delay.
用delay, postpone, put off的适当形式填空。 3.My father fell ill all of a sudden, which delayed our trip.
4.Because of the heavy rain, we have decided to postponed/put off our sports meeting until next Monday.
4、messy adj. 乱七八糟的 a messy house一间乱七八糟的房子 mess n. 凌乱 ① (be) in a mess 处于凌乱的状态 His study is often in a mess.
他的书房常常乱糟糟的。 ② What a mess! 真是太乱了! 5、get rid of 摆脱;除掉 The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight.
这个胖男孩节制饮食以减掉过量的体重。 get sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事 get sth. done办成某事;使某事发生 get away离开
get back取回, 回来, 返回 get hold of…抓住……
get in进入, 收集 get into…进入, 陷入
get down写下,记下 get off从……下来;下车
get on上车 get out离开, 出去
get to (a place)到达(某地) get to know认识
get together相聚, 聚集 get up起床, 站起来
get through通过, 打通(电话) get close to靠近, 接近 get down to (doing) sth. 着手去做某事 get used to (doing) sth. 习惯/适应做某事 get on/along (well) with sb. 与某人相处(得很好) 用get的相关词组填空。 1. 昨天我收到我兄弟的来信。 I got a letter from my brother yesterday.
2. 我正准备去理发。 I'm going to get my hair cut.
3. 他到家时, 天已黑了。 It has got dark when he got home .
用get的相关词组填空。 1. 昨天我收到我兄弟的来信。
I got a letter from my brother yesterday.
2. 我正准备去理发。I'm going to get my hair cut.
3. 他到家时, 天已黑了。
It has got dark when he got home.
4. 情况正在好转。Things are getting better.
5. 我是1980年认识他的。I got to know him in 1980.
6. 这种生活我已经习惯了。
I've got used to this kind of life.
6、from time to time 不时地
同义词:occasionally, often, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at times time短语 ① as time goes on 随着时间的流逝 ② save time 节省时间
③ at a time 同时(=at the same time);一次 ④ at any time 随时;在任何时候 ⑤ at one time 过去;曾经 ⑥ for the time being 当前, 暂时 ⑦ for a time 一时, 一度 ⑧ have a good time 过得很好, 玩得开心 ⑨ in no time 很快地 ⑩ all the time 一直, 始终, 老是 ⑪ at all times 随时,不论什么时候;总是, 始终 ⑫ at no time 从不, 从来没有 ⑬ in time 不太晚;及时;迟早 on time 准时;不早不晚 ⑭ kill time 消磨时间
⑮ in spare time 业余时间 ⑯ take your time 不要着急;慢慢地做 ⑰ time and time again 经常;一再 ⑲ Time is up. 时间到了。 用time的相关词组填空。 1. 她有时来看我。
She calls on me at times/from time to time.
2. 杨先生将暂时负责那项工作。
Mr. Yang will be in charge of that work for the time being.
3. 我希望你在中国逗留期间玩得愉快。
I hope you'll have a good time during your stay in China.
4. 尼克业余时间玩鼓。
Nick plays drums in his spare time.
5. 我们的老师一再强调英语学习的重要性。
Our teachers have stressed the importance of English learning time and time again.
6. 游泳不好学, 但你迟早会学会的。
Swimming is difficult but you'll learn it in time.
7、figure ① n. 数字;图形;人物(像)
Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.
② vt. 认为, 判断;描绘
They figured it was better to stay where they were.
figure out计算, 算出;理解, 明白
It didn't take the children long to figure out the correct answer.
汉译英。 1. 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。
I can't figure out why he is absent.
2. 我捉摸不透他为什么要辞掉工作。
I can't figure out why he quit his job.
3. 我们仍想不出怎样去做这件事。
We still haven't figured out how to do it. 8、resist vt. 反抗, 抵抗, 抵制;忍得住 He is in good health — he is able to resist diseases.
他身体健康, 能抵抗疾病。 ① resist invasion 抵抗侵略 ② resist temptation 抵制诱惑 ③ can't resist/help doing sth. 禁不住干某事 ④ resist doing sth. 抵制干某事 汉译英。 1. 巧克力太美味了, 我真是无法抵挡。
Chocolates are so tasty that I can't resist them.
2. 她只要是在商场, 就会忍不住买东西。
As long as she is in the store, she can't resist/help buying things.
9、forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt. 禁止, 不许 ① forbid sth.
Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point.由于时间不够, 现在不能深入讨论这个问题。
② forbid sb. to do sth/forbid sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 I forbid you to tell/from telling anyone.
我不许你告诉任何人。 ③ Forbidden City 紫禁城 汉译英。 1. 这里不许停车。 Parking is forbidden here.
2. 我的老师不准我上课睡觉。(一句多译) My teacher forbade me to sleep in class.
My teacher forbade me from sleeping in class.
My teacher forbade my sleeping in class.
10、run into (run,ran,run) 跑进;陷入;偶然遇见(=come across) We saw them run into a cinema.
我们看见他们跑进一家电影院。 I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test.
我被最后一道测验题难住了。 ① on the run 跑着, 逃跑
② run after 追赶 ③ run for 竞选
④ run away 逃跑 ⑤ run out of sth. 用完了某东西 ⑥ sth. run out 某东西用完了 汉译英。
1. 我曾经经营过一家书店。 I used to run a bookstore.
2. 有条狗正在追赶一只母鸡。 A dog is running after a hen.
3. 石油很快就会被用完。 The petrol will run out soon.
4. 如果你的钱用完了, 你就来找我吧。 If you've run out of money, just come to me.
If your money has run out, just come to me.
11、regardless of (介词词组)不顾, 不管 They decorated the house regardless of cost.
regard vt. 看作,认为;注视;重视 n. 问候;致意(常用复数形式) Her work is very highly regarded.
她的工作受到高度评价。 Please give my regards to your parents.
请代我问候你的父母。 ① regard sb./sth. as sth. 认为……是……, 把……看作…… I've been regarding you as my close friend.
我一直把你当密友。 ② in this/that regard在这方面;在这一点上
I have nothing further to say in this regard.
③ in/with regard to sb./sth.关于;至于
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