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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2011·全国Ⅱ)It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is ________ another to play it well yourself.

  A. quite

  B. very

  C. rather

  D. much

  [解析]句意:喜欢听好的音乐是一回事,但要自己演奏好它又是另外一回事。quite 完全,强调在某方面十分突出,作此用法时,quite 常与名词连用。another 其实就是 another thing 的省略。very 非常,修饰形容词或副词;rather 修饰形容词、副词或带不定冠词的名词;much 修饰不可数名词,在此不符合题意。


  2.(2011·全国Ⅱ)Mr Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for a ________ boss.

  A. better

  B. good

  C. best

  D. still better

  [解析]句意:为史蒂文森先生工作感觉非常好——我真的再也找不到比他更好的老板了。从句中信息 couldn't 可以得知,此处是对 not...better... 的考查。英语中“否定词+形容词比较级”相当于形容词的最高级。


  3.(2011·天津)The young man couldn't afford a new car. ________, he bought a used one.

  A. Besides

  B. Otherwise

  C. Instead

  D. Still

  [解析]句意:那个年轻人买不起新车,便买了一辆二手车。instead 相反,取而代之;besides 此外;otherwise 否则;still 仍然。根据句意C项正确。


  4.(2011·江西)—The film is,I have to say, not a bit interesting.

  —Why? It's ________ than the films I have ever seen.

  A. far more interesting

  B. much less interesting

  C. no more interesting

  D. any less interesting

  [解析]句意:——我不得不说这部电影真的没有意思。——为什么?它比我以前看过的所有电影都有意思。根据第二句中 why?可以看出第二个人与第一个人的态度相反,也就是说他对这部电影持肯定态度,选项中的其他三项都是否定意义。故答案为A项。


  5.(2011·江西)The house was too expensive and too big. ________, I'd grown fond of our little rented house.

  A. Besides

  B. Therefore

  C. Somehow

  D. Otherwise

  [解析]句意:这个房子太大、太贵了,此外我已经越来越喜欢我们的小出租屋了。besides 此外;therefore 因此;somehow 不知怎么地;otherwise 否则。前句房子又大、又贵,和后句“我”对出租屋的感情越来越深,都是我们不买这个房子的原因。故答案为A。


  6.(2011·江西)She has already tried her best. Please don't be too ________ about her job.

  A. special

  B. responsible

  C. unusual

  D. particular

  [解析]句意:她已经尽最大努力了。请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。be particular about 为固定搭配,意为:对……很挑剔。special 特别的,特殊的,专门的,专用的;responsible 有责任的,负责的;unusual 不寻常的,罕见的。


  7.(2011·陕西)The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ________ the present one.

  A. as three times big as

  B. three times as big as

  C. as big as three times

  D. as big three times as

  [解析]句意:正在为下届亚运会而建设的新体育场将是目前这个体育场的三倍。比较常见的表达倍数的句型有:①...times+as+adj./adv.(原级)+as...;②...times+adj./adv.(比较级)+than...;③...times+the length/width/...+of...。故选择B项。


  8.(2011·福建)Nowadays, there is a ________ increase in children's creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.

  A. sharp

  B. slight

  C. natural

  D. modest

  [解析]句意:如今,儿童的创造力急剧增强,因为他们被大大鼓励去发展他们的才能。sharp 急剧的;slight 微小的;natural 自然的;modest 适度的。根据句意可知,正确答案为A项。


  9.(2011·浙江)The professor could tell by the ________ look in Maria's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture.

  A. cold

  B. blank

  C. innocent

  D. fresh

  [解析]句意:教授从玛丽亚眼中那茫然的神色可以看出她一点也不懂得他的演讲内容。cold look 冷淡的神色;blank look 茫然的神色;innocent look 天真的神色;fresh look 新的见解。


  10.(2011·浙江)I've been writing this report ________ for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.

  A. finally

  B. immediately

  C. occasionally

  D. certainly

  [解析]句意:我最近两星期偶尔在写这份报告,但是明天得交上去了。finally 最后;immediately 立刻,马上;occasionally 偶尔;certainly 当然。


  11.(2011·浙江)My schedule is very ________ right now, but I'll try to fit you in.

  A. tight

  B. short

  C. regular

  D. flexible

  [解析]句意:我现在的时间安排比较紧,但我会尽量把你安排进来。tight 紧密的,密集的,又如:a tight schedule 紧凑的日程安排;short 短缺的;regular 有规律的,定时的;flexible 灵活的。根据句意,此处前后两句为转折关系,故A项符合题意。


  12.(2011·江苏)In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are ________.

  A. special

  B. regional

  C. optional

  D. original

  [解析]句意:在那所学校,对于所有学生来说英语是必修科目,但是法语和俄语是选修科目。compulsory 必修的,与其相对应的词是 optional (选修的),故选C项。special 特别的,专门的;regional 地方性的;original 最初的,原始的,均不符合题意。


  13.(2011·安徽)________, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.

  A. Hopefully

  B. Normally

  C. Thankfully

  D. Conveniently

  [解析]句意:谢天谢地,我终于打完比赛了,所有的辛苦最终都是值得的。hopefully 满怀希望地;normally 正常地;thankfully 感激地;conveniently 方便地。根据句意判断,答案为C项。


  14.(2011·湖北)The old engineer's eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was ________, though slow.

  A. shaky

  B. heavy

  C. casual

  D. steady

  [解析]句意:这位老工程师黝黑的脸上布满皱纹,但是他的目光依旧炯炯有神,他走过房间时,脚步虽然缓慢,但是每一步都迈得很稳。与后面的 slow 呼应,这里用 steady 表示“平稳的,不摇晃的,牢固的”。A“摇晃的”;B“沉重的”;C“随便的,漫不经心的,偶然的”,都不符合句意。


  15.(2011·湖北)An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person's character; however, they are not always ________.

  A. practical

  B. avoidable

  C. permanent

  D. beneficial



  16.(2011·湖北)The state­run company is required to make its accounts as ________ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.

  A. transparent

  B. reasonable

  C. secure

  D. formal



  17.(2011·四川)—How was your recent trip to Sichuan?

  —I've never had ________ one before.

  A. a pleasant

  B. a more pleasant

  C. a most pleasant

  D. the most pleasant

  [解析]句意:——你最近去四川的旅行怎么样?——这是我所有旅行中最愉快的一次。“否定形式+比较级”等同于最高级。根据语境可知此处用比较级与句中的 never 结合表示最高级。


  18.(2011·上海)When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with ________ money.

  A. so few

  B. such few

  C. so little

  D. such little

  [解析]句意:当母亲回顾他们刚结婚的那些日子时,她不知道他们是怎样设法用那么点钱过日子的。few 和 little (少)前面不用 such 修饰,排除B和D两项;money 是不可数名词,而 few 修饰可数名词,故排除A,选C。


  19.(2010·全国Ⅰ)I have seldom seen my mother ________ pleased with my progress as she is now.

  A. so

  B. very

  C. too

  D. rather

  [解析]句意:我很少见到我妈妈像现在这样对我的进步感到这么满意。本题考查形容词的平级比较。题干有 as she is now,结合句意和选项看,这里是形容词 pleased 的平级比较。否定句中用 not/never/seldom/...so/as...as 结构表示平级比较。本题看似考查副词辨析,实际上考查形容词的比较结构。因此A项正确。


  20.(2010·山东)Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have ________ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.

  A. heavy

  B. smooth

  C. flexible

  D. complex

  [解析]句意:在外上班的母亲的日程计划应具有弹性,这样可使照看孩子更加容易。heavy 重的,过度的;smooth 平滑的,平稳的;flexible 灵活的,可变动的;complex 复杂的。根据后文 to make it easier to care for their children 可知此题应选C项。


  21.(2010·天津)People have always been ________ about exactly how life on earth began.

  A. curious

  B. excited

  C. anxious

  D. careful

  [解析]句意:人们一直对世界上的生命起源非常好奇。形容词短语搭配be curious about 对……好奇;excited 兴奋的;anxious 焦虑的;careful 认真的。


  22.(2010·上海)In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled ________ the local market.

  A. longer than

  B. more than

  C. as much as

  D. as far as

  [解析]句意:在古代,人们很少进行长途旅行,大多数农民最远也就到当地的市场。题干中未含有比较的意思,所以排除A、B两项;空格处的词用来修饰动词 travel 旅行,又有后面的地点 the local market 提示,所以选D。


  23.(2010·陕西)Studies show that people are more ________ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.

  A. likely

  B. possible

  C. probable

  D. sure

  [解析]句意:研究表明如果总是长时间地坐在电脑屏幕前,人们的背部很有可能会出现毛病。本题考查表“可能性”的三个形容词 possible,probable,likely 在搭配上的区别:

  ①It is possible/probable/likely that 从句

  ②It is possible for sb. to do sth.

  ③Sb./Sth. is likely to do sth.



  24.(2010·江西)Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life ________ and more ________, have reduced the need for face­to­face communications.

  A. easily; efficient

  B. easier; efficient

  C. easy; efficiently

  D. easily; efficiently

  [解析]句意:尽管计算机和手机确实使我们的生活变得更方便更有效率了,但是却减少了面对面交流的需要。本题考查形容词的比较级。两个空格处都需要形容词来作 our life 的宾补;又根据 and more 知道第一空格需要用比较级,所以B项正确。


  25.(2010·福建)—Volunteering is becoming ________ popular in China.

  —Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.

  A. naturally

  B. successfully

  C. splendidly

  D. increasingly

  [解析]句意:——在中国,志愿者活动正越来越受到大家的欢迎。——是的,现在人们意识到了助人即助己。increasingly 逐渐地,渐增地;naturally 自然地,天生地;successfully 成功地;splendidly 壮丽地,极好地。


  26.(2010·浙江)I have been convinced that the print media are usually more ________ and more reliable than television.

  A. accurate

  B. ridiculous

  C. urgent

  D. shallow

  [解析]句意:我一直都确信纸质媒体比电视要更加准确,更加可靠。accurate 准确的,精确的;ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的;urgent 紧急的;shallow 浅的,肤浅的,根据句意可得知答案为A项。


  27.(2010·浙江)Do you think shopping online will ________ take the place of shopping in stores?

  A. especially

  B. frequently

  C. merely

  D. finally

  [解析]句意:你认为网上购物最终会取代商店购物吗?especially 尤其,特别;frequently 经常;merely 仅仅,只是;finally 最终,最后。根据句意可知答案为D项。


  28.(2010·浙江)Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn't it rather risky, ________?

  A. though

  B. also

  C. either

  D. too

  [解析]句意:在结冰的体育场上玩耍听起来很有趣。但难道不是很危险吗?分析语境可知两个句子之间是转折的关系,B、C和D三项都没有此用法;though 有此用法,但是表转折时要放在句尾,通常用逗号和前面的内容隔开。


  29.(2010·安徽)________, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.

  A. Shy and cautious

  B. Sensitive and thoughtful

  C. Honest and confident

  D. Light­hearted and optimistic

  [解析]句意:她无忧无虑、积极乐观,是那种用微笑给别人带来快乐的人。本题考查形容词作伴随状语。shy and cautious 害羞的、小心的;sensitive and thoughtful 敏感的、多思的;honest and confident 诚实的、自信的。


  30.(2010·辽宁)Jim went to answer the phone. ________, Harry started to prepare lunch.

  A. However

  B. Nevertheless

  C. Besides

  D. Meanwhile

  [解析]句意:Jim 去接电话了。与此同时,Harry 开始做午饭。A.然而;B.虽然如此;C.除此之外;D.与此同时。根据前后句逻辑关系,应选择表示并列关系的D。


  31.(2010·辽宁)We only had $100 and that was ________ to buy a new computer.

  A. nowhere near enough

  B. near enough nowhere

  C. enough near nowhere

  D. near nowhere enough

  [解析]句意:我们只有100美元,离买台新电脑的钱还差得远呢。not anywhere near 或 nowhere near:far from,not at all 远非,绝不是,为固定短语。


  32.(2010·湖北)In this lecture, I can only give you a purely ________ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future.

  A. private

  B. personal

  C. unique

  D. different

  [解析]句意:在本次讲座中,本人只能就我们如何才能让自己的日子过得充实些给你们提供一些个人的观点,并就未来的发展提供一些建议。从语境和四个选项的主要含义判断选B项。personal 个人的,私人的,又如:personal belongings 私人财产。另外三个选项的主要含义:private 私有的,私用的,私人的,秘密的,隐秘的,其反义词是 public;unique 唯一的,独一无二的,独特的;different 不同的。


  33.(2010·湖北)Mistakes don't just happen;they occur for a reason. Find out the reason,and then making the mistake becomes ________.

  A. favourable

  B. precious

  C. essential

  D. worthwhile

  [解析]句意:错误不是偶然发生的;它们的发生都是有原因的。找出其中的原因,使犯的错误有价值。favourable 赞成的,同意的,倾向于支持某人/某事物的,令人高兴的,肯定的;precious 宝贵的,珍爱的,过于讲究的;essential 必要的,本质的,重要的;worthwhile 值得的,值得花时间、金钱或精力的。又如:Nursing is a very worthwhile career.护理工作是很值得干的职业。从句意判断,可知选D。


  34.(2009·天津)It was a nice house, but ________ too small for a family of five.

  A. rarely

  B. fairly

  C. rather

  D. pretty

  [解析]句意:那是一套很不错的房子,可是对一个五口之家来说太小了。四个选项中只有 rather 可以修饰 too,其他三个选项不能与 too 连用,故全被排除。


  35.(2009·天津)I'm not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a ________ imagination.

  A. clear

  B. cautious

  C. funny

  D. vivid

  [解析]句意:他成了作家我并不感到惊奇。孩提时,他的想象力就很丰富。vivid 生动的,逼真的,栩栩如生的;clear 清晰的,清楚的,明白的;cautious 小心的,谨慎的,慎重的;funny 滑稽的,诙谐的。只有 vivid 可用来形容想象力。


  36.(2009·福建)It seems that living green is ________ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

  A. exactly

  B. fortunately

  C. surprisingly

  D. hardly

  [解析]句意:似乎绿色生活方式出人意料的简单又廉价。这小小的一步就会(对自然资源的使用)有很大影响。surprisingly—unusually or unexpectedly 不寻常地,出乎意料地。exactly 精确地,确切地,准确地;fortunately 幸运地;hardly 几乎不。


  37.(2009·安徽)—Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

  —________, I do. I think it's a great idea.

  A. Really

  B. Obviously

  C. Actually

  D. Generally

  [解析]句意:——你认为和你的学生们交朋友是一个好主意吗?——其实我真的认为那是个很不错的主意。You use actually to emphasize that it is true.actually“实际上”,在句子中起加强语气的作用。really 真正地;obviously 明显地;generally 大体上。


  38.(2009·浙江)It took ________ building supplies to construct these energy­saving houses. It took brains, too.

  A. other than

  B. more than

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  [解析]句意:建造这些节能住宅不仅仅需要供给建筑材料,还需要才智。more than 意为“不仅仅”。other than 常用于否定句,相当于 but;rather than 而不是;less than 少于。


  39.(2009·浙江)John is very ________—if he promises to do something, he'll do it.

  A. independent

  B. confident

  C. reliable

  D. flexible



  40.(2009·辽宁)Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack's, but it cost ________ his.

  A. as much twice as

  B. twice as much as

  C. much as twice as

  D. as twice much as

  [解析]句意:彼得的夹克衫看起来与杰克的一样,但是却花费了他两倍的价钱。考查倍数句型“倍数+as+原级+as…”。注意表达倍数常用的三种句型:①倍数+as+原级+as...;②倍数+比较级+than...;③倍数+the size/length/width/depth/...of...



  1.(2017·黑龙江哈九中)Drug abusing may have some side effects on one's health; however, it is not always ________ if he stops it timely.





  [解析]permanent 永久的。句意:滥用毒品对健康有副作用;然而,如果及时停止副作用并非总是长久的。temporary 暂时的;avoidable 可避免的;beneficial 有益的。


  2.(2017·湖北黄冈期中考试)—Credit cards are ________ useful when travelling.

  —True. They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.





  [解析]particularly 尤其,特别地。句意:信用卡在旅行时尤其有用。


  3.(2017·安徽蚌埠中学期中)When we put the suggestion to him, he thought highly of it and was ________ about its immediate application.





  [解析]be enthusiastic about 对……热心。curious 好奇的;content 满足的;cautious 谨慎的。


  4.(2017·湖北黄石月考)The captain ordered his men to save only essential supplies before the ship sank, ________ the food, cooking equipment, candles, bedding and clothes.





  [解析]句意:船长命令手下人抢在船下沉前只去拯救必需品,尤其是食物,炊具,蜡烛,寝具和衣物。particularly 意为 特别地;specially 特殊地;exactly 的确,确切地;entirely 完全地。


  5.(2017·山东诸诚高三检测)Glasses are ________ and must be handled with great care.

  A. heavy

  B. smooth

  C. flexible

  D. fragile

  [解析]句意:玻璃是易碎品,要轻拿轻放。heavy 重的;smooth 熟练的;flexible 灵活的,可弯曲的;fragile 易碎的。由句意可知D项正确。


  6.(2017·湖北襄阳四中月考)The students in the international school are encouraged to voice whatever opinions they have and question authority, which helps to develop their______ thinking.





  [解析]critical 批判的。cautious 谨慎的;casual 随便的;careful 小心的。


  7.(2011·山东第三次诊断性测试)What was considered impolite years ago has become ________ now.

  A. accessible

  B. adjustable

  C. unbelievable

  D. acceptable

  [解析]句意:多年前认为不礼貌的事情现在已经可以接受了。accessible 可进入的,可接近的;adjustable 可调整的;unbelievable 不可思议的;acceptable 可接受的。由句意可知D项正确。


  8.(2011·安徽六校检测)—What do you think of the concert?

  —There was nothing special; it was only ________.

  A. average

  B. usual

  C. normal

  D. common

  [解析]句意:—你认为演唱会怎么样?—没什么特别之处,一般。average (智力、表现等)一般的;平均的;usual 通常的;normal 正常的;common 常见的,普通的,共有的。由句意可知A项正确。


  9.(2011·安徽名校联考)Actually, there are lots of jobs ________ in the western part of China.

  A. available

  B. accessible

  C. adorable

  D. admirable

  [解析]句意:事实上,中国西部有许多工作机会。available 可获得的,可得到的;accessible 可进入的,可到达的;adorable 值得爱慕的,可爱的;admirable 令人敬佩的;极其出色的。由句意可知A项正确。


  10.(2011·巢湖一检)Your letter will get ________ attention! They know you're expecting the answer.

  A. careful

  B. common

  C. instant

  D. general

  [解析]句意:你的来信会马上得到关注!他们知道你在盼着回复。careful 小心的,认真的;common 常见的,共有的;instant 立刻的,马上的;general 大体的,一般的。由句意可知C项正确。


  11.(2011·杭州一检)When the weather is fine, watching TV all day is not a ________ way to spend your time.

  A. worth

  B. sensitive

  C. worthwhile

  D. convenient

  [解析]worth 值得的,只作表语;sensitive 敏感的,过敏的;worthwhile 值得的,作定语或表语;convenient 方便的。由句意和句中所缺成分可以知道C项正确。


  12.(2011·济南质检)Just like fingerprints, each person's DNA is ________ unless he has a twin.

  A. unusual

  B. normal

  C. various

  D. unique

  [解析]句意:就像指纹一样,除非有孪生兄弟姐妹,要不然一个人的DNA也是独一无二的。unusual 不同寻常的;normal 正常的;various 各种各样的;unique 独特的,独一无二的。由句意可知D项正确。


  13.(2011·济宁质检)His knowledge of French was ________ for the job, although he was not fluent in the language.

  A. adequate

  B. abstract

  C. available

  D. appropriate

  [解析]句意:他的法语知识对这份工作来说足够了,虽然他法语讲得不流利。adequate 足够的,可胜任的;abstract 抽象的;available 可达到的,可获得的;appropriate 合适的,恰当的。由句意可知A项正确。


  14.(2011·临沂抽检)The problem is how ________ the drug abuse remains in America.

  A. regular

  B. practical

  C. severe

  D. obvious

  [解析]句意:问题是在美国滥用毒品是多么严重。regular 惯常的,有规律的;practical 实用的;severe 严重的;obvious 明显的。由句意可知C项正确。


  15.(2011·宁波期末)Many students find ________ jobs during their summer holidays to obtain some working experience.

  A. permanent

  B. comfortable

  C. temporary

  D. stable

  [解析]句意:许多学生在暑假期间找临时工作以获得一些工作经验。permanent 永久的;comfortable 舒服的;temporary 临时的,暂时的;stable 稳固的。由句意知C项正确。


  16.(2011·徐州一检)The zoo worker told the visitors that in the case of a highly ________ animal, performance training is easy and not so painstaking.

  A. intelligent

  B. interactive

  C. internal

  D. initial

  [解析]句意:动物园工作人员告诉游客,在碰到高智商动物的情况时,训练表演很容易,不那么费劲。intelligent 聪明的;interactive 相互作用的,相互影响的;internal 内部的,里面的;initial 开始的,最初的。由句意可知A项正确。


  17.(2011·盐城一调)—What do you think of investing in today's stock market?

  —There are many risks, but also many ________ gains.

  A. potential

  B. confidential

  C. influential

  D. preferential

  [解析]句意:—你认为投资现今的股票市场怎么样?—有许多风险之处,但也有潜在的获利机会。potential 潜在的;有潜能的;confidential 机密的;机要的;influential 易受影响的;preferential 优先的,优待的,优惠的。由句意可知A项正确。


  18.(2011·三明三校联考)________, the boys were shouting and singing.

  A. Happy and excited

  B. Happily and excited

  C. Happily and excitedly

  D. Happy and excitedly

  [解析]句意:既高兴又兴奋,男孩子们又喊又唱的。分析结构可知,此处用形容词作状语,表示主语 the boys 的状态,故A项正确。


  19.(2011·九江七校联考)After climbing up the top of the mountains, the three of them sat there, ________.

  A. hungry and tiredly

  B. hungrily and tiredly

  C. hungry and tired

  D. hungrily and tired

  [解析]句意:爬到山顶之后,他们三个坐在那,又累又饿。由语境可知,此处是形容词作状语,表示主语 the three of them 所处的状态,故C项正确。


  20.(2011·温州十校期末联考)After the long journey, the Smiths returned home, ________.

  A. safely but tired

  B. safe but tired

  C. safe and tiring

  D. safely and tiring

  [解析]句意:长途旅行过后,史密斯一家回来了,安全但很疲惫。由语境可知,此处应用形容词作状语,表示主语 the Smiths 的状态,故选B项。C项 tiring 不能修饰人。


  21.(2011·杭高第三次月考)His first book is of great use for our course. But his latest one is ________ worth reading.

  A. better

  B. more

  C. much

  D. very

  [解析]句意:他的第一本书对我们很有用。但他最近的这一本更值得一读。be well worth doing 很值得做某事,well 的比较级为 better,故A项正确。


  22.(2011·福州八中毕业班第五次质检)The Chinese women's volleyball team was the champion in the 16th Asian Olympic Games but the Korean women's volleyball team was only ________ beaten.

  A. nearly

  B. narrowly

  C. hardly

  D. slightly

  [解析]句意:中国女子排球队是第16届亚运会的冠军,但韩国女子排球队险些胜利。nearly 接近;narrowly 险些,差点儿;hardly 几乎不;slightly 稍微,略微。be narrowly beaten“勉强被打败”,言外之意是“差点赢了”。


  23.(2011·安微蚌埠一中月考)—What time do we have to be at the gate of the museum?

  —________ the visitors begin to check in.





  [解析]immediately 引出时间状语从句,意为一……就……。


  24.(2011·湖北鄂州市月考)It's likely that she will be______ from punishment, as our teacher has been convinced by her excuse.





  [解析]be absent from 逃脱……。


  25.(2011·山东潍坊阶段性教学质检)On snowy days, you have to drive very ________ to avoid traffic accidents.

  A. cautiously

  B. neatly

  C. smoothly

  D. properly

  [解析]句意:在下雪天,你得小心翼翼开车以避免交通事故。cautiously 小心谨慎地;neatly 整洁地;smoothly 顺利地,平稳地;properly 合适地,恰当地。由句意可知A项正确。


  26.(2011·泰安期末考试)She not only entered the competition—she ________ won it!

  A. hopefully

  B. especially

  C. actually

  D. exactly

  [解析]hopefully 有希望地;especially 特别,尤其;actually 事实上,竟然;exactly 确切地;由句意“她不但进了比赛,还竟然赢了”可知,此处表示意想不到的结果,用 actually表示“竟然”。


  27.(2011·湖北襄阳四中期中考试)When Helen saw her tutor nod ________ to her, she calmed down and went on with her performance.





  [解析]encouragingly 鼓励地。句意:当海伦看到导师鼓励地向她点头,她平静下来继续演出。


  28.(2011·湖北黄冈中学期中考试)With everything destroyed in the flood, he felt ________ hopeless and killed himself.





  [解析]totally hopeless 完全绝望了。


  29.(2011·淮安联考)—I'm not feeling very well, Barton. To tell you the truth, I'm tired of the present life.

  —I suggest you do some ________ exercise to keep fit.





  [解析]regular 有规律的,符合句意。general 一般的;common 常见的,共同的;normal 正常的。


  30.(2011·湖北四校期中联考)Teachers' Day is a festival based more on the ________ aspect than the material level, and the stress on gifts has caused it to lose its original meaning.





  [解析]spiritual 精神的。句意:教师节是一个更多以精神而不是以物质为基础的节日,并且礼物的压力已使它丧失了最初的意义。


  31.(2011·合肥一中第一次月考)As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two­edged weapon which can be used______ for good or evil.

  A. similarly

  B. properly

  C. equally

  D. widely

  [解析]similarly 相似地,类似地;properly 合适地,恰当地;equally 相等地,等同地;widely 广泛地。句意:正如经常指出的那样:知识是一把双刃剑,它既可以用于善,又可以用于恶。由句意可知C项正确,指“它用于善、恶的几率是等同的”。


  32.(2011·安徽高三一模)At the meeting, they sat very ________ and had a ________ talk, but I didn't know what they were talking about.

  A. close; close

  B. closely; close

  C. close; closely

  D. closely; closely

  [解析]close 用作形容词,指“近的;亲密的”,用作副词意为“靠近地”,指具体的“近”;而 closely 只用作副词,意为“紧密地”。由句意“在会上他们紧挨着坐着,在亲密地交谈;但我不知道他们在谈论什么”可知选A项,第一空 close 为副词,而第二空 close 为形容词,指“亲密的,密切的”。


  33.(2011·安徽六校检测)In the future, the US policy is likely to be strongly determined by internal developments in a number of key states, ________ China and Russia.

  A. particularly

  B. namely

  C. absolutely

  D. eventually

  [解析]particularly 特别,尤其;namely 也就是说,即;absolutely 绝对地;eventually 最后,终于。由句意可知A项正确。


  34.(2011·厦门期末质检)—You all like your English teacher?

  —Yeah, she devotes herself ________ to teaching and it earns her a good reputation.

  A. originally

  B. extremely

  C. obviously

  D. entirely

  [解析]句意:—你们都喜欢你们的英语老师吗?—是的,她把全部的精力都投入到了教学中,这使她赢得了好名声。originally 原始地,最初地;extremely 极端地;obviously 明显地,显而易见地;entirely 完全地。由句意可知D项正确。


  35.(2011·福州期末质检)Foreign teachers would like students to ________ ask questions, submit theories, or to debate any required reading materials.

  A. hopefully

  B. gradually

  C. truly

  D. eagerly

  [解析]hopefully 有希望地;gradually 逐渐地;truly 真正地;eagerly 急切地。句意:外国老师想让学生们急切地提问题,提出理论或是辩论任何要求的阅读材料。由语境可知,此处表示“学生内心渴望提问题”,故 eagerly 正确。


  36.(2011·杭州一检)—I played basketball for a whole morning yesterday and felt pretty good.

  —You will be healthier if you exercise more ________.

  A. regularly

  B. extremely

  C. fluently

  D. annually

  [解析]regularly 定期地,有规律地;extremely 极端地;fluently 流利地;annually 年度地。句意:—我昨天打了一上午篮球,感觉相当不错。—如果你定期地进行锻炼,你会更健康。由句意可知A项正确。


  37.(2011·合肥一检)China is no longer ________ a production base; it is also one of the most important consumer markets.

  A. partly

  B. merely

  C. shortly

  D. totally

  [解析]partly 部分地,在一定程度上;merely 仅仅,只不过;shortly 不久,很快,立刻;to tally 完全,整个地。由句意“中国不再只是个生产基地,它还是最重要的消费市场之一”可知B项正确。


  38.(2011·东北高三第二次摸底)—What do you think of the film 2017?

  —Well, it's good. At least it's ________ the one I saw last time with Jean.

  A. as bad as

  B. not as good as

  C. no worse than

  D. not better than

  [解析]句意:—你认为电影《2017》怎么样?—嗯,不错。至少不比我上次跟 Jean 去看的那部差。as bad as=not as good as“跟……一样不好”;no worse than“不比……差”;not better than“不如……好”。由句意可知C项正确。


  39.(2011·许昌期末)—Are you used to your new job?

  —Well, yes. It's not as good as I expected, ________.

  A. though

  B. but

  C. too

  D. either

  [解析]句意:—你适应了新工作了吗?—是的,但不如我预想的好。though 用作副词意为“然而,可是,不过”,放于句末,往往用逗号与原句隔开,符合句意。


  40.(2011·吉安期末质评)His parents, ________, did not look after him very well: the elbows of his jacket and his boots were badly worn.

  A. generally

  B. gradually

  C. actively

  D. apparently




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