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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2011·全国)It is generally accepted that ________ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ________ man.

  A. a; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. a; /

  [解析]句意:人们普遍认为,男孩子就该学会站起来像男人一样去奋斗。boy 和 man 均为可数名词,在句中都表泛指,故前面应该用不定冠词,故答案为A项。


  2.(2011·全国)As he reached ________ front door, Jack saw ________ strange sight.

  A. the; /

  B. a; the

  C. /; a

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:杰克到前门时,他看到一个奇怪的景象。第一空处是特指前门,加定冠词;第二空处 sight 在此是单数可数名词,意为“景象,情景”,表泛指,应用不定冠词,故选D。


  3.(2011·山东)Take your time—it's just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.

  A. /; the

  B. a; the

  C. the; a

  D. /; a

  [解析]句意:别着急——从这里到餐馆只有很短的一段距离。第一空处用不定冠词 a,泛指一段距离;restaurant 此处是特指,所以第二空用定冠词。


  4.(2011·江西)—It's said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 ________ year.

  —Right, he will also get paid by ________ week.

  A. the; the

  B. a; the

  C. the; a

  D. a; a

  [解析]句意:——据说约翰将获得一个年薪超过六万美元的工作。——是的,他的工资将按周支付。year 为单数名词,与不定冠词连用意为:every year。而第二个空考查搭配“by+the+表单位的名词”,意为:论/按……,故答案为B项。


  5.(2011·陕西)As is known to all, ________ People's Republic of China is ________ biggest developing country in the world.

  A. the; /

  B. /; the

  C. the; the

  D. /; /

  [解析]句意:众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。People's Republic of China“中华人民共和国”是由普通名词构成的专有名词,前面通常用定冠词;第二空后是形容词的最高级形式,故用定冠词。所以选择C项。


  6.(2011·浙江)Experts think that ________ recently discovered painting may be ________ Picasso.

  A. the; /

  B. a; the

  C. a; /

  D. the; a



  7.(2011·重庆)In communication, a smile is usually ________ strong sign of a friendly and ________ open attitude.

  A. the; /

  B. a; an

  C. a; /

  D. the; an

  [解析]句意:在交流方面,微笑通常是友好坦诚态度的明显标志。第一空后的 sign 为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故用不定冠词;第二空前的并列连词 and 连接 friendly 和 open,修饰 attitude,friendly 前已经有了不定冠词,故第二空不需要再加冠词。综上所述,答案为C项。


  8.(2011·四川)Dr. Peter Spence, ________ headmaster of the school, told us, “________ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”

  A. /; A

  B. /; The

  C. the; The

  D. a; A

  [解析]句意:这所学校的校长 Peter Spence 博士告诉我们:“这里的学生五分之一都继续到牛津或者剑桥学习。”第一空后的名词 headmaster 是职务的称呼,其前不加冠词;第二空是分数的表达,用 a/one fifth 表示“五分之一”。


  9.(2010·山东)If we sit near ________ front of the bus, we'll have ________ better view.

  A. /; the

  B. /; a

  C. the; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:如果我们坐在公共汽车前部,视野就会更好些。the front of 表示某物体内部的前面;比较级前加不定冠词表示“更……”。所以选C。


  10.(2010·北京)First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ________ second chance to make ________ first impression.

  A. a; the

  B. the; the

  C. a; a

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:第一印象最持久。毕竟,你不会再有机会去留下第一印象。第一空后有 second,在此表示再一次机会,而不是表顺序,应用不定冠词;根据题意尤其是题干中的“First impressions”可知第二空后的 impression 在此处是可数名词,且在本句中表泛指。单数名词表泛指时,须与不定冠词连用,故答案为C项。


  11.(2010·江苏)The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that ________ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Jiangsu.

  A. /; a

  B. /; the

  C. the; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:来江苏的游客都对此印象颇深——为了一个崭新的江苏,来自各行各业的人都在努力工作着。people 为复数名词,此处为泛指,故第一空用零冠词;一般地名前不用冠词,但是如果前有形容词修饰时,表示类指,前面要用不定冠词。故答案为A项。


  12.(2010·福建)It's ________ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ________ pleasure.

  A. /; a

  B. a; /

  C. the; a

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:上海世博会给人们带来了快乐,欣赏世博会是一种美好的感受。有些不可数名词,如 knowledge,command,feeling 等,前面有“a/an+形容词”修饰时,表示一件具体的事情或一个……的人。pleasure 意为“愉快,快乐”,为不可数名词,故不加冠词。


  13.(2010·浙江)Many lifestyle patterns do such ________ great harm to health that they actually speed up ________ weakening of the human body.

  A. a; /

  B./; the

  C. a; the

  D./; /

  [解析]句意:很多生活方式对身体健康是很有害的,实际上它们能加快体质变弱。do harm to... 为固定短语,意为“对……有害”;第二空为特指的用法,即特指体质变弱,故用定冠词 the。


  14.(2010·辽宁)There are over 58,000 rocky objects in ________space, about 900 of which could fall down onto______ earth.

  A. the; the

  B. /; the

  C. the; /

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:太空中有58,000多颗星体,其中有900颗左右可能坠落到地球上。第一空 in space“在太空”,固定用法,类似用法还有 in nature,in society 等;第二空表示地球,独一无二的事物前须加定冠词the,如 the moon,the sun 等,所以选B。


  15.(2010·四川)In ________ most countries, a university degree can give you ________ flying start in life.

  A. the; a

  B. the; /

  C. /; /

  D. /; a

  [解析]句意:在大多数国家,一张大学文凭能够给予你人生中一个良好的开端。most countries 为泛指,前面不用冠词;start 此处是可数名词,也是泛指,前面需用不定冠词。


  16.(2010·重庆)Everything comes with ________ price; there is no such ________ thing as a free lunch in the world.

  A. a; a

  B. the; /

  C. the; a

  D. a; /

  [解析]句意:一切都是有代价的,因为天下没有“免费的午餐”。第二空用“no such+单数名词”,在此结构中,因no 本身含 not a(an)/any,故单数名词前需用零冠词,排除A、C两项;第一空后的 price 为单数名词,在本句中表泛指,故用不定冠词。


  17.(2009·安徽)We can never expect ________ bluer sky unless we create ________ less polluted world.

  A. a; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:如果我们不能创造一个污染越来越少的世界,就永远不要指望有一片更蓝的天空。世界上独一无二的名词甚至一些抽象名词之前如果有形容词修饰,也可加不定冠词。如:a red sun一轮红日,a wonderful world 一个美好的世界。


  18.(2009·辽宁)This area experienced ________ heaviest rainfall in ________ month of May.

  A. /; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:这个地区在五月份经历了最多的降雨量。形容词最高级前需用定冠词;the month of May=May五月,是特指,需用定冠词。


  19.(2009·浙江)I don't understand what the engineer means, but I've got ________ rough idea of ________ project plan.

  A. the; a

  B. /; the

  C. the; /

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:我不明白那个工程师的意思,但我已大致了解了这个项目的计划。have a rough idea of 是固定短语,“大致了解”,而 project plan 在本句中表特指,故用“the”。


  20.(2009·四川)In order to find ________ better job, he decided to study ________ second foreign language.

  A. the; a

  B. a; a

  C. the; the

  D. a; the



  21.(2009·江西)Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in ________ weather around the world.

  A. /; the

  B. the; /

  C. an; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:一些人害怕空气污染可能会引起世界气候变化。第一空后的 air pollution 为抽象名词,在本句中表泛指,故不用冠词;第二空后的不可数名词 weather 表特指,用定冠词,故选A。


  22.(2009·陕西)What ________ pity that you couldn't be there to receive ________ prize!

  A. a; a

  B. the; a

  C. a; the

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:你没能去那里领奖,真是遗憾!本题考查冠词。第一空中 a pity 为固定结构,“used to show that you are disappointed about sth.遗憾,可惜”;根据题意可知第二空后的 prize (奖品)是双方都知道的事物,表特指,故用定冠词。本题干为感叹句,但省略了主语、谓语,补全后为:What a pity it_is that...


  23.(2009·重庆)Washing machines made by China have won ______worldwide attention and Haier has become______ popular name.

  A. a; the

  B. /; a

  C. /; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:中国制造的洗衣机赢得了世界的关注,海尔已经成为大众喜爱的一个品牌名称。attention 是不可数名词,此处表泛指,填零冠词;name 是可数名词,此处也表泛指,需用不定冠词修饰,故B项正确。


  24.(2009·北京)The biggest whale is ________ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ________ 9­story building.

  A. the; the

  B. a; a

  C. a; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:最大的鲸鱼是蓝鲸,它大约可长到29米长,即9层楼高。第一空用定冠词,表类指;a 9­story building 为泛指,故选D。


  25.(2009·全国)What I need is ________ book that contains ________ ABC of oil painting.

  A. a; /

  B. the; /

  C. the; an

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:我需要的是一本包含关于油画入门内容的书。根据句意,可知第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词;ABC,可数名词,意为:the basic facts about a particular subject (一门学科的最简单、最基本的要点;基础知识),在本句中表特指,故与定冠词连用。部分考生误以为 book 后有定语从句修饰,故断定 book 应表特指,这种概念是错误的,名词被定语从句修饰,未必一定表特指。又如:This is a_house where Lu Xun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子(之一)。


  26.(2008·山东)Students should be encouraged to use______ Internet as ________ resource.

  A. /; a

  B. /; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:应该鼓励学生把因特网作为一种资源来使用。本题第一空 the Internet 为固定搭配;第二空是不定冠词 a 加可数名词 resource,意为“一种资源”,所以选D。


  27.(2008·江苏)We went right round to the west coast by ________ sea instead of driving across ________ continent.

  A. the; the

  B. /; the

  C. the; /

  D. /; /

  [解析]句意:我们乘船绕道去西海岸,而没有开车(直接)穿过大陆去。by sea 坐船,等于 by ship,不需加冠词,类似的还有 by bus,by air。continent 这里是特指,为说话双方所知道,故其前加定冠词 the。


  28.(2008·江西)—I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.

  —It is not your fault. With ________ rush­hour traffic and ________ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.

  A. a; a

  B. the; the

  C. /; /

  D. /; a

  [解析]句意:——真的很抱歉,我开会迟到了。——这不是你的错。在这样的交通高峰期,又下着如此大的雨,你迟到也不足为奇。“交通高峰期”和“如此大的雨”都是特指的两件事,都须用定冠词 the,故选B。


  29.(2008·湖南)Have you heard ________ news? The price of ________ petrol is going up again!

  A. the; the

  B. /; the

  C. the; /

  D. /; /

  [解析]句意:你听说那条消息了吗?油价又上涨了!根据句意,油价上涨这个消息应是特指,所以 news 前应加上定冠词 the;而第二个空后的 petrol 为不可数名词(物质名词),在本句中表泛指,所以前面不用冠词。


  30.(2008·陕西)I ate ________ sandwich while I was waiting for ________ 20:08 train.

  A. the; a

  B. the; the

  C. a; the

  D. a; a

  [解析]句意:我在等20:08的火车时吃了一个三明治。sandwich 为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故用不定冠词 a;2008的火车,具有唯一性,所以前面要加定冠词 the。


  31.(2008·辽宁)My neighbour asked me to go for ________ walk, but I don't think I've got ________ energy.

  A. a; /

  B. the; the

  C. /; the

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:我的邻居请我去散步,但是我觉得我没有那份精力。go for a walk 固定搭配,意为“去散步”;energy 在此处表特指,指去散步的那份精力,故前加 the。


  32.(2007·山东)________ walk is expected to last all day, so bring ________ packed lunch.

  A. A; a

  B. The; /

  C. The; a

  D. A; /

  [解析]句意:这段路程预计要走一整天,所以带上一份盒饭。定冠词 the 用于 walk 前表示特指,指具体的一段路程。三餐前有形容词修饰时,与不定冠词 a(n)连用,表示泛指,意为“一顿……餐”,如:a business lunch;a working lunch;a late lunch。


  33.(2007·江苏)We have every reason to believe that______ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be ________ success.

  A. /; a

  B. the; /

  C. the; a

  D. a; a

  [解析]句意:我们有理由相信2008年北京奥运会将会取得成功。在由普通名词构成的专有名词前用定冠词 the;success 表“成功”的概念时为不可数名词,但作“成功的人”或“成功的事”讲时,是抽象名词具体化,前须加不定冠词“a”,故选C。


  34.(2007·全国)—Could you tell me the way to ________ Johnsons, please?

  —Sorry, we don't have ______ Johnson here in the village.

  A. the; the

  B. the; a

  C. /; the

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:——请问去约翰逊家怎么走啊?——对不起,我们村里没有叫约翰逊的。“the+姓氏复数”可以表示“某人一家”;“a+人名”可以表示“一个叫……的人”,如:There isn't a Mr Li in our office. 我们办公室没有姓李的先生。因此,正确答案为B。


  35.(2007·天津)I wanted to catch ________ early train, but couldn't get ________ ride to the station.

  A. an; the

  B. /; the

  C. an; /

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:我想赶上早班火车,但没能搭上去火车站的汽车。题干中的 early train 特指意念中想赶上的火车,所以第一空应用定冠词 the;get a ride“乘车,搭车”,为固定短语,因此选D。



  1.(2017·江西泰和中学期中考试)Tom is ________ younger of the two newcomers. To be honest, I have never seen ________ cleverer one.

  A./; /

  B.a; the

  C.the; a

  D./; a

  [解析]表示两个中较……的用 the;a+形容词比较级+one 表示“一个更……的”。


  2.(2017·海淀区期中)—Excuse me, what can I do for you?

  —Yes. I'd like to place ________ advertisement for ________ used car in your paper.

  A.the; a

  B.an; /

  C.an; a

  D./; the

  [解析]an advertisement 一则广告;a used car 一辆二手车。


  3.(2017·福州三中月考)________ successful launch of Tiangong­ on September 29th marked ________ significant step in our country's plan to build a space station.

  A.The; a

  B./; a

  C.A; the

  D./; the

  [解析]第一空为定指用 the;第二空为“数量一”,用 a。句意:天宫一号9月29号的成功发射标志着我国建立太空站计划的有重大意义的一步。


  4.(2017·江苏扬州中学段考)Each country, of course, in________ Copenhagen has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why ________ agreement is so difficult to reach.

  A.the; an

  B./; an

  C.a; the

  D./; the

  [解析]专有地名前不需冠词;第二空为“数量一”,用 an。


  5.(2017·安徽名校联考)Whether early in ________ morning or late at ________ night, he may be in his office.

  A.the; the

  B.the; /

  C./; the

  D./; /

  [解析]in the morning 早晨;at night 夜晚,二者均为固定搭配。


  6.(2017·安徽示范高中摸底考试)It's no such ________ long distance from here to ________ supermarket. We can walk there.

  A.a; the

  B.the; a

  C./; the

  D./; a

  [解析]no such+单数名词相当于not such a+单数名词,第二空为定指,用 the。


  7.(2017·黑龙江哈九中月考)In the job interview, a sincere and ________ positive attitude is ________ must.

  A.a; a

  B.a; /

  C./; a

  D./; the

  [解析]第一空不需冠词,因为 a sincere and positive 同时修饰 attitude, 意为一个真诚积极的态度;第二空 a must (一个必需品)。


  8.(2017·河南省南阳镇平高三月考)Chen Zhijiang is______ paper­cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on ________ Chinese Art.

  A.a; the

  B.an; /

  C.a; /

  D.an; the

  [解析]a paper­cutting expert 一名剪纸专家;第二空为专有名词,不需冠词。


  9.(2017·江苏南京市四校联考)The winning of hosting ________ 2017 Youth Olympic Games is ________ victory not only for Nanjing residents, but for ________ people of the whole Chinese nation.

  A.the; a; the

  B.a; the; a

  C.a; a; the

  D.the; the; a

  [解析]第一空为定指,用 the;第二空为“数量一”,用 a;第三空为定指,用 the。


  10.(2017·北京丰台区第一学期期末)She came in for ________ coffee and told me the noise of ________ traffic kept her awake last night.

  A. a; the

  B. a; /

  C. the; the

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:她进来喝杯咖啡,告诉我,嘈杂的交通使她昨晚一夜没睡。coffee 为不可数名词,但有时前面加不定冠词 a,表示“一杯咖啡”;traffic 这里应是特指,故需用定冠词 the,所以A项正确。


  11.(2017·湖南新曲一中测试三)Cooking calls for ________ patience and time but it is ________ enjoyable experience.

  A.a; the

  B./; an

  C.the; an

  D.a; /

  [解析]第一空为抽象名词泛指,其前不需冠词;第二空为“数量一”。an enjoyable experience 一次令人愉快的经历。


  12.(2011·山东济宁高三一模)She removed ________ hat she was wearing and tried on ________ black silk one.

  A. a; a

  B. the; the

  C. the; a

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:她摘下她戴着的帽子,试了一顶黑色的丝帽。第一空 hat 为特指,特指“她正戴着的帽子”,第二空为泛指,泛指“一顶黑色的丝帽”,故C项正确。


  13.(2011·山东诸诚高三检测)I don't like talking on ________ telephone; I prefer writing by ________ letter.

  A. the; a

  B. /; a

  C. /; the

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:我不喜欢打电话交谈;我喜欢用书信交流。on the telephone“在电话里”;by letter“通过书信”,均为固定搭配,故D项正确。


  14.(2011·山东济宁第一轮复习质量验收)I was told that ________ 10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach ________ Fudan University.

  A. /; the

  B. the; a

  C. a; the

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:我被告知10:15分那趟航班会带我们去上海,及时到达复旦大学。第一空特指10:15分那趟航班,前面应加定冠词 the;而第二空为专有名词,表示大学的名词前面不加冠词,故D项正确。


  15.(2011·山东莱芜高三复习诊断)She is ________ newcomer to ________ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

  A. the; the

  B. the; /

  C. a; /

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:她刚涉足化学界,但已经有一些重要发现。a newcomer to“是……的新手,初涉……”;chemistry 为科目名称,前面不加冠词,故C项正确。


  16.(2011·江西临川一中)Yue Yue, ________ 2­year­old girl who was hit, began to slip into ________ worse state on Tuesday night.

  A.the; the

  B.a; a

  C.a; the

  D.the; a

  [解析]第一空为定指,用 the;第二空表示“数量一”,用 a。


  17.(2011·安徽名校联考)Huangshan is ________ most beautiful tourist site and I want to visit it ________ second time next month.

  A. the; the

  B. the; a

  C. a; a

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:黄山是一处非常优美的旅游景点,下个月我想再去一次。第一空 most 前加 a,表示“很”;若 most 前加 the 则表示“最”,试比较:This is the most interesting film I've ever seen.这是我看过的最有意思的电影。It is a most interesting film,but not better than Let the Bullets Fly.这是一部很有意思的电影,但不如《让子弹飞》好。序数词前面加不定冠词,表示“又,再”,故C项正确。


  18.(2011·宁波八校联考)—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?

  —If you make ________ most of the equipment, there will be ________ rise in production.

  A. /; /

  B. the; a

  C. /; a

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:—你介意给我提些怎样改善公司管理的建议吗?—如果你充分利用设备,产量将会增加。make the most of 为固定短语,意为“充分利用,尽量利用”;a rise in指“在某一方面的增长”,故B项正确。


  19.(2011·宝鸡一检)It is ________ great honour for China to develop ________ fastest computer in today's world.

  A. a; the

  B. an; the

  C. an; a

  D. a; a

  [解析]句意:在当今世界开发最快的电脑对中国来说是一项盛誉。honour 前加不定冠词,为抽象名词具体化,a great honour 指“一件光荣的事或一个值得赞美的人”;第二空 computer 前加了形容词最高级 fastest,故需加定冠词 the,因此A项正确。


  20.(2011·四川南充市月考)You'd better use another dictionary, because ________ page of the dictionary is torn, and ________ cover looks old.

  A.the; the

  B.a; a

  C.a; the

  D.the; a

  [解析]第一空为“数量一”,用 a;第二空为定指,用 the。


  21.(2011·三明三校联考)Jack is ________ honest and hard­working boy and he must be ________ useful man in the future.

  A. a; a

  B. an; an

  C. an; a

  D. a; an

  [解析]句意:杰克是一个诚实刻苦的男孩,他将来一定是个有用的人。第一空后 honest 的第一个音素为元音音素,前需加不定冠词 an;而第二空后 useful 的第一个音素为辅音音素,前需加不定冠词 a,故C项正确。


  22.(2011·福州期末质检)As is known to all, ________ opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games held on November 12th in Guangzhou was ________ great success.

  A. /; a

  B. the; a

  C. the; /

  D. a; /

  [解析]句意:众所周知,11月12日在广州举行的第16届亚运会开幕式取得了巨大的成功。第一空特指“11月12日在广州举行的第16届亚运会的开幕式”,前需加定冠词 the;第二空为抽象名词具体化,a success 指“一件成功的事”,success 前需加不定冠词 a,故B项正确。


  23.(2011·抚顺六校联考)I was surprised to know that ______ two top students were caught stealing in the supermarket. Worse still, ________ third one was found fighting with others.

  A. the; a

  B. the; the

  C. /; a

  D. /; the

  [解析]句意:听说两个好学生在超市偷东西被抓我很吃惊;更糟的是,又一个被发现跟别人打架。第一空泛指“两个好学生”,前面不加冠词;而第二空表示“又一个”,需在序数词的前面加不定冠词 a,故C项正确。


  24.(2011·海口六校三联)Let us suppose that you are in ________ position of ________ parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?

  A. a; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:让我们假设你处在父亲或母亲的位置上,你会允许你的孩子做这样的事吗?position 为特指,指“父母的位置”;而 parent 为单数可数名词,指“父亲或者母亲”,故C项正确。


  25.(2011·杭州一检)—Can you wait for ________ second? I'm going to collect ________ car.


  A. the; a

  B. the; the

  C. a; the

  D. /; a

  [解析]句意:—你能等一会儿吗?我去取车。—当然可以。second 此处为可数名词,意为“一会儿,片刻”,前面需加不定冠词 a;而后面的 car 特指双方都知道的车,前需加定冠词 the,故C项正确。


  26.(2011·合肥一检)It's ________ wise choice to use a four wheel drive car on ________ snowy day.

  A. a; a

  B. the; /

  C. /; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:在下雪天用四轮跑车是明智的选择。choice 为可数名词,此处为泛指,a... choice 指“一个……的选择”;第二空亦为泛指,指“某个下雪天”,故A项正确。


  27.(2011·豫南九校四联)—How did I do on ________ test?

  —Well, actually you didn't do very well. I wonder if you had had ________ good review of your lessons.

  A. a; a

  B. the; the

  C. a; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:—我考试考得怎么样?—事实上你考得不是很好。我想知道你是不是好好复习功课了。第一空为特指,特指双方都知道的考试;review“复习,检查”,a review of“对……的复习/回顾”,故D项正确。


  28.(2011·盐城一调)Everybody has ________ responsibility to save water, if future generations are to enjoy ________ similar standard of living to the one we enjoy now.

  A. the; /

  B. a; a

  C. /; the

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:如果未来几代人要想跟我们今天享有的生活标准一样的话,每个人都有责任节约用水。have a responsibility to do sth.“做某事的责任”;第二空泛指“跟我们今天类似的生活标准”,要加不定冠词 a,故B项正确。


  29.(2011·宁波期末)The driver was at ______ loss when ______ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

  A. a; /

  B. /; /

  C. the; the

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:当消息传来他因超速而被禁驾时,这位司机慌神了。at a loss 为固定短语,意为“不知所措”;word came that... 亦为固定句式,意为“消息传来……”,word 作“消息”讲,为不可数名词,前面不加冠词,后常接 that 引导的同位语从句,说明 word 的具体内容,故A项正确。


  30.(2011·徐州一检)It is reported that China is developing ________ emergency plan to solve ________ traffic jam crisis in Beijing.

  A. the; the

  B. an; /

  C. an; the

  D. /; the

  [解析]句意:据报道,中国正制订紧急计划来解决北京交通拥挤问题。第一空 plan 为单数可数名词,此处为泛指,需用不定冠词,且 emergency 以元音音素开始,故用 an 修饰;第二空特指“交通拥挤的危机”,故需加定冠词,因此C项正确。


  31.(2011·温州十校期末联考)Winter vacation is ________ time for leisure. But making good use of ________ time is not an easy task for most people.

  A. the; the

  B. /; a

  C. the; a

  D. a; the

  [解析]句意:寒假是休闲的时间,但对大部分人来说利用好这段时间不是一件容易的事。第一空 time 表泛指,指“一段时间”,前需加不定冠词a;第二空则特指“寒假这段时间”,故D项正确。


  32.(2011·沈阳二中期中考试)My friend Mary is ________ 11­year­old beautiful girl and ________ girl everyone likes to work with.

  A.a; a

  B.a; the

  C.an; a

  D.an; the

  [解析]两个空均表示“数量一”,均用不定冠词;第一空以元音音素开头的名词前用 an;第二空辅音音素开头的名词前用 a。


  33.(2011·南京一模)—Hi, Wang Xin! What attracts you so much in today's Jinling Evening News?

  —I'm quite impressed by ________ latest news that ________ senior citizens can enjoy free fares.

  A. a; the

  B. /; the

  C. the; /

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:—嗨,王鑫!今天的《金陵晚报》上什么内容这么吸引你?—看到最新的消息说老年市民免车费,我被打动了。第一空 the latest news 特指后面提到的最新的消息,latest“最新的,最近的”;第二空为名词复数表类别,指“老年市民”,故C项正确。


  34.(2011·锦州期末)There is ________ small temple on the island, which can only be reached by ________ water.

  A. a; /

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; /

  [解析]句意:岛上有个小庙宇,只能坐船过去。第一空泛指“一个小寺庙”,需用不定冠词 a;第二空 by water 为固定搭配,指“由水路”,故A项正确。


  35.(2011·九江七校联考)Fireworks exploded during______ opening ceremony of ________ 2011 Asian Cup Football Tournament at Khalifa Stadium in Doha, capital of Qatar, Jan. 7, 2011.

  A. the; a

  B. the; the

  C. a; a

  D. a; the

  [解析]由语境分析,第一空特指2011年亚洲杯足球锦标赛的开幕式,需加定冠词 the;第二空也为特指,特指2011年亚洲杯足球锦标赛,故B项正确。


  36.(2011·吉安期末质评)Japan's refusal to release ________ Chinese fishing boat captain had caused ________ serious damage to Sino­Japanese bilateral contacts (双边交往).

  A. a; /

  B. a; a

  C. the; /

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:日本拒绝释放中国渔船船长给中日双边交往带来了很大的危害。第一空特指“中国渔船船长”,需加定冠词 the;而第二空则修饰抽象名词 damage,不加冠词,故C项正确。


  37.(2011·四川威远中学月考)—Look! Our teacher has ________ tense expression on her face.

  —So she does. It seems that ________ news is true.

  A.a; /

  B.a; the

  C.the; /

  D.the; a

  [解析]第一空为“数量一”,用 a;第二空为定指用 the。


  38.(2011·济南质检)Jenny found in music ________ peace which was missing in ________ world full of challenges.

  A. /; the

  B. /; a

  C. a; the

  D. the; a

  [解析]句意:珍妮在音乐中找到了在这个充满挑战的世界里失去的那份宁静。第一空特指“在充满挑战的世界里失去的那份宁静”,前需加定冠词 the;第二空泛指“一个充满挑战的世界”,前面需加不定冠词 a,故D项正确。


  39.(2011·许昌期末)He wrote ________ song, which turned out to be rather popular with ________ young.

  A. a; the

  B. a; a

  C. the; a

  D. the; the

  [解析]句意:他写了一首歌,结果很受年轻人的欢迎。第一空泛指“某一首歌”,前需加不定冠词;第二空“the +adj.”表示一类人,the young“年轻人”,故A项正确。


  40.(2011·福州八中第五次质检)People believe that ________ prices of vegetables will not rise by more than another four percent under ________ control of the government.

  A. the; the

  B. the; /

  C. /; the

  D. /; /

  [解析]句意:人们相信在政府的控制下,蔬菜价格不会上涨超过4%。第一空 prices 为特指,特指“蔬菜的价格”;under the control of“在……的控制下”,为固定搭配,故A项正确。



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