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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  时间:120分钟 满分:150分





  1.What does the man think of the dinner?


  2.What does the man plan to do this afternoon?

  A.Go to a movie.

  B.Buy a new pair of glasses.

  C.Attend his classes.

  3.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Husband and wife.

  B.Boss and secretary.

  C.Teacher and student.

  4.What does the man mean?

  A.He is Dr.Johnson.

  B.He doesn't know why she came here.

  C.The doctor will be with the man soon.

  5.How much will the man pay?

  A.25 pence.

  B.30 pence.

  C.60 pence.




  6.Who is supposed to attend the meeting?




  7.When will the meeting start?

  A.At 3∶30.

  B.At 3∶15.

  C.At 3∶00.


  8.Where did the teacher talk with Jack?

  A.At home.

  B.Outside school.

  C.In the classroom.

  9.What was Mrs.Smith going to do?

  A.To visit Jack's father.

  B.To call Jack's parents.

  C.To stop worrying about it.

  10.When did the teacher see Jack's parents?


  B.Half a year ago.

  C.The day before yesterday.


  11.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A.Future plans.

  B.Studying at university.

  C.Part­time jobs.

  12.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?



  C.Brother and sister.

  13.Which is not the man's suggestion?

  A.To study computer.

  B.To find a part­time job.

  C.To have time for fun.


  14.How long will it take the man to drive to Salt Lake City?

  A.Three days.

  B.Four days.

  C.Five days.

  15.Why won't the man bring sleeping bags?

  A.He will spend the nights in hotels.

  B.He has friends along the way.

  C.His brother has prepared some for him.

  16.Which will the man visit during his journey?


  B.Long Island.

  C.New York City.


  17.What can we know about St.Albans?

  A.It's where Cambridge is.

  B.It's at the seaside.

  C.It's not in France.

  18.Why did Herbert come home at that time?

  A.Because his holiday was over.

  B.Because he had no enough money.

  C.Because it was too hot and sticky.

  19.What can we know from the speaker?

  A.The police watched the house for the family.

  B.Herbert had done something bad.

  C.Herbert returned to the wrong house.

  20.Who was Frank?

  A.Herbert's neighbor.

  B.A policeman.

  C.A police officer.


  Text 1

  W:I enjoyed my dinner very much.How was yours?

  M:Better than expected.But for that price, it should have been good.

  Text 2

  W:I telephoned to see if you'd like to go to the movies this afternoon.

  M:I'd love to, but I just broke my glasses and I have to get another pair before the shop closes.

  Text 3

  M:Nancy! I have been waiting for you for two hours.

  W:Sorry, David.My boss asked me to work overtime.

  M:But you should have called me for that.

  Text 4

  W:Excuse me.I was told I could find Dr.Johnson here.

  M:And you have.

  Text 5

  W:Can I help you?

  M:Yes, I'd like two pounds of oranges, please.

  W:Do you want the ones at 20 pence, 25 pence or 30 pence?

  M:The ones at 30 pence, please.

  Text 6

  W:Do you know where Tom is, Sam?

  M:Sorry, I don't know.

  W:Oh, my God!

  M:What's the matter?

  W:He is supposed to be at the meeting a quarter later.But I can't find him anywhere.

  M:Oh, I remember something. John told me that Tom went out for lunch at about a quarter to 2 and would not come back until 3∶30.

  W:Then he will be late for the meeting.

  M:What's the time now?


  M:Don't worry.I'll call him.

  Text 7

  W:Have you handed in your exercise book, Jack?

  M:I'm sorry I haven't, Mrs.Smith.I've already finished the exercise, but I can't find my exercise book anywhere now.

  W:Really? I don't understand why you're always forgetting to hand in your exercise book.You're lying.

  M:Mrs.Smith, but it is true this time.

  W:I'm really angry with you.If you won't tell me the truth, I'll have to ring up your parents after class.

  M:I'm sorry my parents have gone to New York.They'll be back in half a year.

  W:I don't believe you.It was yesterday that I saw them in the supermarket.You are very clever, but you never spend your time doing your math exercises.Sit down, please.Let's get down to business.

  Text 8

  W:I can't decide whether to go to university or get a job.What do you think?

  M:Well, if I were you, Jane, I'd go on studying.

  W:But I don't even know what to study.

  M:If I had the chance again, I'd study computer.You're good at science subject.

  W:That's what my parents want me to do.

  M:You should take their advice.They know what's the best for you.

  W:But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun while I spend all my time studying.

  M:But if you go to university, you'll still have time for fun.

  W:Umm.What you say makes sense.But, you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money and I hate to do so at this age.

  M:If you try to find a part­time job, you will have some money, too.

  W:You're right.Thank you for the advice.

  Text 9

  W:Are you going somewhere for your vacation?

  M:Yes, I'm making plans for a tour.

  W:That'll be lovely.Where are you going?

  M:I start out from Long Island this Friday.I've planned a four­day drive to Salt Lake City, where I'll join my brother and my family for his fortieth birthday.

  W:Well, you got to prepare lots of food and enough sleeping bags then?

  M:Oh, no.I'll spend the nights in hotels and enjoy local food as I pass by.How does it sound?

  W:It sounds good.You can do a lot of sightseeing, too.

  M:Yes, I'll take my time.And I'll go to Disneyland.

  W:So, you're going to have a nice vacation.

  Text 10

  Herbert Marshal was a student at Cambridge, but his hometown was St.Albans.It was August and the family had gone to the seaside.Herbert went to France for his holiday, but he ran out of money, and came home a week earlier than he had expected to.

  His train didn't get into St.Albans until just before midnight.The last bus had gone, so he had to walk home.He let himself into the kitchen, and as he was feeling hot and sticky, he took off his shirt to have a wash.

  Suddenly he heard heavy steps running up the path.The back door burst open, and he found himself surrounded by policemen.They pushed him into the living room next door, made him sit down, and began asking him questions.

  “What's your name?”

  “Where do you live?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here,” said Herbert.“I've been on holiday.”But nobody listened to him.They just went on asking questions.Then suddenly one of the policemen said:“Watch him, Frank.We'll go and search the house.”

  [答案]1—5 CBAAC 6—10 CBCBA

  11—15 ABCBA 16—20 ACBAB




  21.If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please inform us ________.

  A.at present

  B.in the meanwhile

  C.at times

  D.in advance

  [解析]句意:如果会议时间有变动,请提前通知我们。at present 目前,现在;in the meanwhile 同时,在此期间;at times 有时候;in advance 提前。


  22.Would you please ________ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

  A.look around

  B.look into

  C.look up

  D.look through

  [解析]look around 环顾,向四周看;look into 调查;look up 向上看,查阅;look through 浏览,检查。句意:你能否为我检查一下论文看看是否有明显的错误?


  23.We have taken effective measures to ________ our natural resources.





  [解析]句意:我们已采取有效措施来保护我们的自然资源。observe 观察;serve 服务;reserve 保留,维持;preserve 保护。故B项符合句意。


  24.—They offered you a job,right?

  —Yes.But I prefer to be jobless ________ work in such poor conditions.

  A.instead of

  B.more than

  C.except for

  D.rather than

  [解析]prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.“宁愿做某事也不愿做某事”。第二句句意:我宁愿失业也不愿在这么恶劣的环境下工作。


  25.In spite of these unexpected difficulties, the Chinese scientists ________ to carry out their experiments on the lonely island.





  [解析]句意:虽有意想不到的困难,但中国科学家们还是设法完成了孤岛上的实验。manage to do sth.强调“设法成功做了某事”。


  26.—Oh,my God!So many students are coming out.How can you________your daughter?

  —That's easy.My daughter is wearing a red skirt today.

  A.get out

  B.find out

  C.take out

  D.pick out

  [解析]考查动词短语辨析。句意表示“你怎么能一眼就认出你的女儿呢?”。pick out 表示“挑选出;辨别出”。


  27.The fact is that writing can bring me absolute________,and I always feel the urge to write good reference books for students.





  [解析]考查名词辨析。语境表示写作能给我带来快乐,用enjoyment 表示“享受,快乐,乐趣”。occasion 场合;performance 表演;appreciation 感激。


  28.As a(n)________student of the school,Bradford finished high school with honours and was admitted into Harvard University.







  29.Though the family is on a tight________,the mother always manages to put aside some money each month for her son's college education.







  30.—Who is the young fellow sitting at the counter?I often see him here.

  —He's one of the________customers of our company.





  [解析]考查形容词辨析。语境表示他是我们公司的常客,用regular 表示“周期性的,有规律的,经常的”。A正常的;B普通的,寻常的;C通常的,惯常的。




  Night after night, as was often the case, she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the __31__, then kiss my forehead.

  I don't remember when it first started __32__ me.But it did.Finally one night, I shouted out at her, “ Don't do that any more—your hands are too __33__!” She didn't say anything in reply.But never again did my mother __34__ my day with that familiar __35__ of her love.

  With the years passing, my thoughts __36__ to that night, when I missed my mother's hands, missed her goodnight __37__ on my forehead.Sometimes the incident seemed very __38__, while sometimes far away.But always it was hidden in the back of my __39__.Now Mom is in her seventies, and those hands that I __40__ thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my __41__.And now my own children are grown and gone.One thanksgiving Eve, __42__ I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a __43__ hand hesitantly run across my face to __44__ the hair from my forehead.Then a kiss, ever so __45__, touched my brow.

  In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night and my young voice __46__.“Don't do that any more—your hands are too rough!” __47__, I caught Mom's hand in hand, saying how __48__ I was for that night.I thought she'd remember, as I did.But Mom didn't know __49__ I was talking about.She had forgotten, and forgiven long ago.

  That night, I fell asleep with a new __50__ for my gentle mother and her caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.













  34.A.take up

  B.give up

  C.end up

  D.break up

















































  47.A.On time

  B.All at once

  C.Once again

  D.As usual














  31.B'主要考查名词。句意:她弯下腰,拨开(out of the way)我的头发,然后亲吻我的前额。


  33.D'主要考查形容词。由本空所在句子“Don't do that any more—your hands are too ________!”及第二段中 and those hands...thought to be so rough 可知答案:rough。句意:最后的一天晚上,我对母亲大嚷,“不要再那样做了——你的手太粗糙了!”

  34.C'主要考查短语动词。所给选项的意思分别如下:“开始从事(某职业)”;“占有”;“放弃”;“结束;死亡”;崩溃,分离,解散。由具体语境可知句子译文如下:母亲再也没有用那种熟悉的方式(expression)表达她的爱,伴我结束(end up)自己的一天。故答案为C。



  37.C'主要考查名词。结合文章第一段中“she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the __31__,then kiss my forehead.”可以选出答案为 kiss。句子译文参考上面第36题解释。

  38.A'主要考查形容词。根据文章中“Sometimes the incident seemed very __38__, while sometimes far away.”可以看出关键词是 while“然而”,进而可知此处需要选择与 far away 相对应的 close。



  41.C'主要考查名词。参考上面第40题的解释可以选出最佳答案是 family。


  43.D'主要考查形容词。结合所给选项的意思:“粗糙的”;“可靠的”;“瘦弱的”;“熟悉的”及上面第42题的解释,可以选出最佳答案是 familiar。

  44.C'主要考查动词。结合所给选项的意思及上面第42题的解释,可以选出最佳答案是 brush。

  45.A'主要考查副词。结合所给选项的意思:“温柔的,轻柔的”;“友好的”;“亲近的;近的”;“虚弱的”及上面第42题的解释可以选出最佳答案是 gently,这里主要是形容母亲的动作温柔。

  46.C'主要考查动词。此题可以参照上文第二段中“Finally one night,I shouted out at her,‘Don't do that any more—your hands are too __33__!'”尤其是此处的 shout out at her,说明小时候对母亲的这种行为感觉不满意,充满抱怨(complain)。根据语境可知句子译文如下:记忆中无数次,我想起那个晚上,我抱怨道:“不要在那样做了——你的手太粗糙了!”

  47.B'主要考查副词短语。根据所给选项的意思:“准时,按时”;“突然,一下子”;“再次”;“像通常一样”。再结合语境可知:作者应该是突然(all at once)抓住母亲的手,说明我为那晚的行为感到多么愧疚(sorry)。此处 all at once 相当于suddenly。

  48.C'主要考查形容词。参考上面第47题的解释可以选出最佳答案 sorry。

  49.C'主要考查连词。根据语境可知句子译文如下:我本来以为母亲记得那件事。但是母亲不知道我在谈论什么(what)。她已经忘记了,并且很早就原谅我了。分析句子:Mom didn't know __49__ I was talking about 的结构可知,此处需要选择引导宾语从句 I was talking about 同时还能够充当介词 about 宾语的引导词,只能选择 what。





  (2011·重庆高考)There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care.To water his flowers, he used two buckets.One was a shiny and new bucket.The other was a very old and dilapidated one, which had seen many years of service, but was now past its best.

  Every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets.Then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds.The new bucket was very proud of itself.It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出).The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked along the path.

  Sometimes the new bucket would say, “See how capable I am! How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! I don't know why he still bothers with you.What a waste of space you are!”

  And all that the old bucket could say was, “I know I'm not very useful, but I can only do my best.I'm happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least.”

  One day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation.After watering the flowers as usual, he said, “You both have done your work very well.Now I am going to carry you back.I want you to look carefully along the path.”

  Then the two buckets did so.All along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare (光秃秃的) earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden.

  51.What does the underlined word “dilapidated” probably mean?





  52.What was the old bucket ashamed of?

  A.His past.

  B.His aging.

  C.His manner.

  D.His leaking.

  53.The new bucket made conversations with the old one mainly to ________.

  A.laugh at the old one

  B.take pity on the old one

  C.show off its beautiful looks

  D.praise the gardener's kindness

  54.Why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?

  A.Because it was used to keep a balance.

  B.Because it stayed in its best condition.

  C.Because it was taken as a treasure.

  D.Because it had its own function.



  51.C'词义猜测题。由第二段中最后一句可知“旧桶上有破洞”以及画线词和 old 并列可知C项 worn­out“破旧的,破损的”符合题意。


  53.A'推理判断题。分析第三段的内容可知 the new bucket 是在炫耀自己盛水的能力,是在嘲笑 the old bucket,而不是同情 the old bucket,也不是在炫耀它的外表美,更不是表扬它们主人的仁慈。



  (2011·四川高考)It's 5:00 in the morning when the alarm (闹钟)rings in my ears.I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom.I turn on the light and put on my glasses.The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully.Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose my favorite exercise DVD, Insanity.Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes.My heart races as I force my body to finish each movement.As I near the end of the exercise, I feel extremely tired,but a smile is on my face.It's not a smile because the DVD is over,but a smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.

  Some people enjoy shopping, smoking, food, work, or even chocolate.But I need exercise to get through each day.Some shake heads when they see me run through the town.Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmother's chocolate cake.They raise their eyebrows,surprised by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to have a salad.Over the years, I have learned it's okay to just say “no.” I shouldn't feel sorry for refusing food that I don't want to eat.

  So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5∶00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say no to ice cream? Commitment.A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases self­confidence and energy, extends life and above all improves my body shape.This is the point where a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit just right.It's through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.

  55.Why is there a smile on the author's face in the morning?

  A.Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully.

  B.Because she finishes her favorite exercise.

  C.Because she enjoys the interesting DVD.

  D.Because she feels a sense of achievement.

  56.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?

  A.She doesn't treat others politely.

  B.She likes to make others surprised.

  C.Others don't understand what she does.

  D.Others try to help her by offering her food.

  57.What does the underlined word “commitment” in the last paragraph mean?

  A.Good health.

  B.Firm belief.

  C.A strong power.

  D.A regular habit.

  58.What can we learn about the author from the text?

  A.She acts in a strange way.

  B.She wants to look different from others.

  C.She aims to develop a good body shape.

  D.She has difficulty getting along with others.



  55.D'细节理解题。第一段最后说,锻炼接近尾声,我很累,但是我在微笑,这是成功的微笑(a smile of success),而不是因为DVD播放完了。由此判断选D,作者感到快乐,因为她有了成就感,而不是因为她完成了她最喜欢的锻炼(B),更不是因为看见家人在熟睡(A)。文章说 Insanity 是她最喜欢的DVD,但在这里与她的快乐没有关系。


  57.B'猜测词义题。最后一段说这个 commitment 是要用一种生活方式改变我的生活,使我减少每天的忧虑,增加我的自信和精力,延长寿命,最重要的是改变我的形体。从语境看,这个 commitment 不是“身体健康(A)、坚强的意志(C)、有规律的生活习惯(D)”,而是“坚定的信念(B)”。



  (2017·潍坊三县联考)After moving to the United States, immigrant groups trying to fit in tend to choose high calorie fatty foods in an attempt to appear more American, a new study finds. That's one reason why immigrants

  approach US levels of obesity within 15 years of moving to America.

  The researchers also did an experiment that measured whether or not the threat

  of appearing un-American influenced respondents'

  food choices.

  After being

  questioned about their ability to speak English, 75 percent of Asian-Americans

  identified a typical American food as their favourite.

  Only 25 percent of

  Asian-Americans who had not been asked if they spoke English did the same.

  When their American identity was called into question during a follow-up study,

  Asian-American participants also tended to choose typical American dishes, such as

  hamburgers and cheese sandwiches. In that experiment, 55 Asian-Americans were asked

  to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant. Some participants were

  told that only Americans could participate in the study. Those who

  chose the more

  typical American fare ended up consuming an extra 182 calories, including 12 grams

  of fat and 7 grams of saturated fat (饱和脂肪).

  “People who feel like they need to prove they belong to a culture will change

  their habits in an attempt to fit in.”said Sauna Cheryan, an author of the study

  and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Washington.“If

  immigrants and their children choose unhealthy American foods over healthier

  traditional foods across their lives, this process of fitting in could lead to poorer

  health.” Cheryan added.

  Social pressures, the study concluded, are at the heart of the problem. “In

  American society today, being American is associated with being white. Americans,

  who don't fit this image even if they were born here and speak English, feel that

  pressure to prove that they're American. ” said Cheryan.

  59.The author wants to show that ______.

  A.more and more Asians enjoy high-calorie snacks

  B.immigrants tend to eat American junk food to fit in

  C.most Americans are at the risk of heart disease

  D.all the American people have a bad eating habit

  60.According to the survey,______.

  A.Asian-Americans care less about their health

  B.25 percent of Americans like junk food

  C.choosing food is related to Asian-Americans' situation

  D.immigrants are forced to eat junk food

  61.The underlined word“fare”in Paragraph 4 most probably means“________”.

  A.food offered as a meal

  B.a person taking a taxi

  C.money spent on food

  D.an arranged thing to do

  62.According to Sauna Cheryan,________.

  A.what immigrants have done is ridiculous.

  B.American traditional foods are healthier

  C.immigrants risk their health in order to fit in

  D.American culture affects immigrants deeply



  59.B 作者意图题。本文是一篇研究报道,第一段是文章的中心段,根据本段第一句中的内容可知作者意在表明移民倾向于食用高能量食物以便融入美国社会。

  60.C 推理判断题。从第二段的研究可知,75%的被询问过英语能力的亚裔美国人将一种典型的美国食物看做他们的最爱,而只有25%的没有被询问是否说英语的亚裔美国人这样做,由此可推断选择食物与亚裔美国人的处境有关。

  61.A 猜测词义题:结合上文中的“In that experiment,55 Asian Americans were asked to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant.”以及画线词后面的内容可推知画线词表示的是提供的食物。

  62.C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段后半部分中的内容可推断此人认为移民不惜以健康为代价去融入美国社会。


  The global energy crisis is approaching.What can we do? Here are some steps you can take.

  Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and the power grid(电网).Just as a tune­up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune­up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort.Clean or replace filter monthly or as needed.

  For central air conditioning systems and room air conditioners, look for the ENERGY STAR, the federal government's symbol for energy efficiency.For central air, purchase the system with the highest possible Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratia.(SEER)

  Use energy­efficient ceiling fans either alone or with air conditioning.Ceiling fans do a great job of circulating air.When used with air conditioning, fans allow you to raise the thermostat(恒温器) and cut costs.Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms, so before you leave, turn off the ceiling fan.

  Let a programmable thermostat “remember for you” to automatically adjust the indoor climate with your daily and weekend patterns to reduce cooling bills by up to 10 percent.You can come home to a comfortable house without wasting energy and creating pollution all day while you are at work.

  Try to make your home airtight enough to increase your comfort, make your home quieter and cleaner and reduce your cooling costs up to 20 percent.

  Cut your air conditioning load, and reduce pollution by planting leafy trees around your home and fixing reflective bricks on your roof.

  Close blinds or shades on south­and west­facing windows during the day, or fix shading equipment to avoid heat build­up.

  Turn off everything not in use: lights, TVs, computers.And use fluorescent bulbs(荧光灯), which provide bright, warm light while using at least two­thirds less energy, producing 70 percent less heat and lasting up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs(白炽灯).

  Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible if you own more than one vehicle.If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percent of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than $65 per year.

  Carpool.The average U.S.commuter(乘车上班族) could save about $260 a year by sharing cars twice a week with two other people in a car that gets 20.1 mpg—assuming the three passengers share the cost of gas.

  63.According to the passage, the thermostat is used to __________.

  A.make rooms quieter

  B.control room temperature

  C.turn off the air conditioner

  D.reduce room air pollution

  64.We can conclude from the passage that the author probably discourages __________.

  A.planting leafy trees around your home

  B.turning off the ceiling fan before you leave your house

  C.keeping your south­facing windows open during the day

  D.using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs

  65.According to the passage,you can save fuel by __________.

  A.using energy­efficient ceiling fans



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